Marvel: Reincarnated As Tsunade With A System

Chapter 11: The System

USA, New York, SHIELD Trident Base.

Nick Fury was sitting in a large conference room, but strangely, he was the only one physically present. Besides him, there were holographic projections of every member representing their country in the World Security Council.

"Director Fury," one of the members began, calling Fury without any sign of respect, as if speaking to a subordinate. He said, "We have read the initial report you sent about the mutant who has just awakened her powers, Emma Müller."

"What's impressive is her ability to heal a severely injured man, and you mentioned that she isn't dangerous. But I hope you understand we are talking about a mutant. Are you sure she is an asset and not a potential threat?"

Fury nodded, thinking, 'At least the start isn't bad. Hopefully, there won't be any motherf*cker giving me problems.'

He cleared his throat and said, "First of all, Ms. Müller is a patriotic woman who has been serving in the United States Army for four years."

He emphasized this point to make the representatives of smaller countries abandon any bad ideas they had and to encourage the U.S. representative to support him.

Sure enough, after he said this, the U.S. representative nodded without speaking, as if silently saying, 'She is an American citizen, don't even think about it.'

Fury continued, "As you've seen in the report, just after awakening, she is already physically stronger than most mutants whose powers enhance their physique, while her abilities are more inclined toward energy manipulation."

"When one of our agents was injured, an injury that should have left him disabled for life, she used her newly awakened ability to heal him to the point that he only needs to rest for a short time to recover."

Although they had read this in the report, hearing it directly from Fury made it more impactful. Suddenly, Fury's voice seemed much sweeter to them.

At this level, all the people who had become representatives of their countries on the World Security Council had fought their way here over many years, meaning they were very old.

They all had physical problems, more or less. In order to extend their lives, who among the people here, including Fury, didn't have a secret mutant experimentation base to pursue the key to immortality?

Unfortunately, this woman was born in the United States, making it almost impossible for them to get their hands on her, unless the U.S. forced her to flee, like Germany did to Magneto, one of the strongest mutants today.

The Russian representative spoke up, "It's precisely because of her potential that I think we need to be more careful. What if she becomes one of those mutant extremists like Magneto? I think we should extinguish the fire while it's still small."

The moment he finished speaking, the U.S. representative opposed him. "Impossible. Don't even think about it."

"She is an American citizen. She has fought for this land bravely for four years. When I was appointed as the U.S. representative, I swore to protect the rights of every citizen I represent. What you're suggesting is arresting a U.S. citizen who hasn't done anything."

Fury nodded. He had to admit that when it came to shamelessness, he wasn't as skilled as these politicians. He still had something to learn.

At this point, the Japanese representative suddenly spoke, "I think you're missing the more serious issue. It's not about whether we capture her or whether she's a potential threat. What truly matters is, what are her feelings toward humanity? Is she willing to help humanity and be the SHIELD guarding us against the mutant threat?"

"Because, if we follow your reasoning that she has the potential to become a threat at Magneto's level, then if an operation to capture her fails, you'll have truly created a new Magneto."

Some people nodded in agreement. Another reason pushing them toward this opinion was that if she became a mutant criminal, they could say goodbye to her healing them. Two outcomes would result.

One, she escapes. After being hunted, she no longer trusts any government, let alone heals them. Two, she is captured, but only by the powerful countries like the U.S., Russia, China, etc.

Once one of these big countries captures her, she will no longer be available to others. Their only hope was for her to side with humanity, in which case she would naturally have no reason to refuse to help them, since they would be controlling her, right?

After that, they began arguing over different opinions, but in truth, it didn't matter because Fury felt as though everything had already been decided. Now, they were just trying to get as many benefits as possible.

His analysis was confirmed when, after their debate, he received a new mission: "Based on what you've said about her and the analyses done by SHIELD, it has been decided to trust you and continue granting you the authority to manage Ms. Emma Müller within the U.S. military. Your mission is to make her a superhero like or even more than Captain America."

"Just like hearing his name strikes fear into Hydra. You will make her reach the level where every mutant who hears her name will be afraid, all while ensuring she remains loyal to humanity. Can you guarantee this, Director Fury?"

Fury nodded, showing his confidence. He said, "SHIELD will continue monitoring her. While we ensure she works for our cause, we will also develop tactics in case she decides to betray humanity."

Emma, who was at her home, had no idea that at this moment, a high-level discussion was taking place with her at the center of the subject. No, she was simply there, planning her future after opening the system's gift package.


Chapter 14 already on my Patreon, the link is below, also, it seems that I'm receiving less power stones

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