Marvel recasts the prehistoric

Chapter 553 Sentinel Legion

The streets of Latvinia exploded after a moment of sudden silence.

Anyone who has watched TV news can remember Nolin's conspicuous appearance.

What's more, the man who destroyed the earth and guided the planet devourer to destroy the earth is also extremely powerful.

Therefore, no one of the citizens present dared to step forward to stop him. They did not want to be like Logan, lying on a stretcher covered in blood.

People with super powers also have super self-healing abilities and can temporarily save their lives. But if ordinary people like them step forward, they will soon go to hell to look for the human coalition.

Nolin turned his head and looked around from time to time, paying no attention to the reactions of the people around him.

Ever since he had some broken memories in his mind, he has been full of interest in exploring human life.

This kind of scene, which is different from the starry sky in the universe, seems to be able to trigger the memory in his heart and connect all the small fragments together.

Looking nostalgically at the woman running away with her child in her arms, Nolin vaguely remembered that he once had a wife who was enough to affect his heart.

It's just that the memory was too vague, and he couldn't recall the woman's face, let alone every bit of the past.

Taking a rare deep breath, Nolin slowly closed his eyes, and the memories hidden in his mind gradually emerged.

At the temporary command center ten kilometers away from Nolin, Doom was pointing angrily at the big screen in front of him and yelling angrily: "Sentinel, is this the result you want?

He is now openly appearing on the streets of Latvinia. Should I order the army to attack, or contact the Avengers for help!

Do you want me to snatch the surfboard in front of the whole world? "

The sentry machine's eyes analyzed the data in front of it, and said nonchalantly: "The weapon has been tested, and you can issue the order to attack immediately."


Doom slammed the table angrily and said: "Now that the eyes of the whole world are watching here, do you think we still have a chance to snatch the surfboard?

And even if we grab it, it will definitely be taken away by other forces.

Don’t forget that Su Jing once said publicly that surfboards are the beacons that guide Galactus to come. You want us to become the public enemy of the world! "

The sentry was minding his own business and said calmly: "I can guarantee that the battle will be resolved within 3 minutes. In such a short time, no one, including Su Jing, can arrive in time."

Doom suddenly took a step forward, stared at the sentry and said, "Didn't you hear what I said? I'm telling you it's too late now!

When Nolin was exposed to the world, we lost the chance to grab the surfboard!

This is not a question of whether Su Jing can arrive, but even if we grab the surfboard, we will be forced to hand it over.

Latvinia cannot afford the evil reputation that leads to the destruction of the earth, and you and I cannot afford it! "

The sentry ignored the angry Doom, handed him a small control panel, and said coldly: "The one who came to rob was a robot without any markings. As long as Latvinia does not admit it, no one can find evidence to prove the relationship between you." ."

With that said, the sentry pointed at Nolin, who was still deep in thought on the screen, and said seductively: "The decision is now in your hands.

As long as you press this button, the robot ambushing nearby will be dispatched.

In 3 minutes, you can have your dream surfboard.

Even if someone doubts you then, you will have enough strength to resist. "


Doom let out a long breath, grabbed the control panel, looked at Nolin on the screen, thought for a moment, and pressed the start button hard.

Staring at the sentry, he said fiercely: "Sentinel, you'd better not let me down.

Except for Latvinia, no country will provide you with asylum despite the pressure brought by Su Jing. "

The sentry felt the inquiry coming from the depths of his consciousness, secretly issued an action order, and said with an abrupt smile: "I know, so I will do my best to maintain the current situation.

Anyone who wants to change Latvinia is my enemy. "...

"Everyone, run, the military is attacking!"

"Damn, this bastard is going to kill us all!"

Nolin, who was immersed in happy memories, suddenly felt a palpitating sense of crisis in his heart.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked up, only to see dozens of missiles looming on the horizon in the distance, trailing hot tail flames and shooting directly towards them.

Hastily activating the connection with the surfboard, Nolin immediately flew high into the sky and planned to escape quickly.

But the helpless and panic-stricken crowd below him suddenly touched the kindness of humanity buried deep in his heart.

Nolin frowned imperceptibly, and rushed toward the missile on his surfboard without looking back.


A thin transparent curtain suddenly formed in front of Nolin. The missile that was coming at high speed was like hitting a sponge. In just a short moment, it was stopped by the thin transparent curtain and slowly moved into the surfboard.

"He saved us?!"

"Doesn't he want to destroy the world?!"

Listening to the chatter in his ears, Nolin looked down at the stunned crowd below him expressionlessly, turned around and left while driving the surfboard.

But just after flying less than a kilometer, dozens of huge mechanical figures suddenly rose in front of him.

The domineering figure of the carrier of the Sentinel Legion appeared in this world for the first time.

The ferocious figure's contemptuous eyes made even the citizens who had no time to escape feel a chill in their hearts.

Nolin stared at the Sentinels warily, then suddenly drove the surfboard towards one of the robots.

With powerful cosmic energy, he didn't think there was anyone in this world who could stop him except Su Jing.



A harsh sound suddenly sounded, and the aggressive Nolin suddenly screamed and stopped suddenly.

Glancing at the slowly approaching Sentinel robot with a pained look on his face, Nolin stretched out his hands to cover his ears and quickly retreated behind him with all his remaining will.


Seeing Nolin trying to escape, Doom, who was in the temporary command center, gritted his teeth and increased the sonic attack.

A faint ripple was seen coming from the chest of the sentry robot, and it quickly ran straight towards Nolin.


Continuous explosions sounded.

Wherever the sound wave passed, the glass of all objects was shattered, and the people inside were bleeding and fell to the ground unconscious.

All the cars at the scene suddenly exploded under the shock caused by the sonic attack, and the fire swallowed up the citizens inside in an instant.

The steel fragments caused by the explosion instantly took away the remaining surviving humans.


Looking at the smoky and dusty streets below him, which looked like purgatory on earth, Nolin used all his strength to mobilize his last energy and wrap up towards the citizens who were struggling to survive.

But without the protection of cosmic energy, how could he resist powerful sonic attacks.

The moment the cosmic energy was activated to protect the remaining humans, Nolin felt his eyes go dark, and his mercury-like body fell weakly toward the ground.

"Be right back with the surfboard!"

Doom stared at the surfboard suspended in the air, with bursts of madness in his eyes.

The pressure he was about to face at this time had been forgotten, and the only thing in his mind was the silver surfboard that could bring him great strength.

The sentry smiled silently when he saw this, clenched his fists, turned around and walked towards the command room.

Doom accomplished his goal, and he also accomplished the purpose of his experiment.

Facing the temptation of great strength, Doom will never care about human life, even his own citizens.

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