Chapter 179: 00178. Grounded?
It was a couple days later when Theo appeared in his training room to start his nightly routine for the day when Tao noticed him and asked, "What happened to your face?"
"It's just a visual genjutsu." Theo said as he moved to start his workout.
"Why did you place a visual genjutsu on your face?" Agatha asked as she tried to get a better look at his face.
Theo turned to them so they could fully see his face and what looked like two nasty black eyes as he sighed and said, "I got into a fight at school."
Tao raised an eyebrow as she said, "Really? You let some school kid provoke you and got into a fight?"
Theo crossed his arms over his chest as he said, "No… It was some older kids and they made Milly cry, so I beat them up."
"And gave yourself two black eyes in the process?"
"If I beat their ass without at least getting hit I thought it would look weird, so I let them hit me a few times. But they didn't hit hard enough and I heal to fast, so I was forced to make a genjutsu and fake it." Theo said with a shrug.
Tao pointed at her tea pot and said, "Make me some more tea and then I want to hear about this fight."
Agatha nodded in agreement as she said, "And bring us some snacks too."
Theo let out a sigh as he said, "Yes, master."
A few hours ago at Theo's school.
Theo didn't go to school everyday, but he at least went a couple times a week. While school couldn't teach him much currently, he liked to interact with Milly, Peter. Issac and Teresa while at school. As for the other kids? They were kids and acted like it, so Theo didn't really make friends with most of them.
Sure he talked to Jean and MJ and would even play with some of the other kids during recess. But as far as 'real' friends go, Theo didn't really make any. The day started out like any other and it was a pretty normal school day for Theo up until lunch time when his sister approached him crying.
Theo instantly frowned and gently placed his hand on Milly's shoulder as he asked, "What happened?"
Milly tried to talk as she hiccuped and said, "They took 'hic'. Bun'hic'bun. And 'hic'. Won't 'hic'. Give him 'hic' back."
Theo glanced towards where Milly pointed and saw a few older boys with her favorite stuffed bunny. She only brought it because they had a show and tell today and she wanted to show Bunbun off to the class. Theo handed the book he was reading to Milly as he said, "Hold this while I go get Bunbun back for you."
Milly took the book in her hands while she nodded her head before Theo walked towards the boys. It didn't take long before Theo reached the three boys and said, "That's not yours, give it back."
The boy who had Bunbun in his hands glanced at Theo as he said, "What are you talking about? This is mine."
The other two boys nodded in agreement as Theo said, "You're lying, that's my little sister's bunny and if you don't give it back, I'll go tell the teacher."
The boy who was almost a head taller than Theo mocked him as he said, "Oh the little baby is gonna get the teacher, I'm so scared."
Theo shrugged as he said, "You can say whatever you want, you'll still get in trouble so I don't care."
The boy frowned as Theo glanced around for the closest teacher on duty during the lunch recess. Before Theo found a teacher, the boy said, "Fine, have it back."
Instead of handing it back directly the boy gripped Bunbun with both hands and went to pull it in half. Theo's eyes caught the movement with his active sharingan and kicked the kid in the nuts. The boy's hands went limp and dropped Bunbun which Theo caught as the boy collapsed to the ground as he screamed out in pain. His two friends were caught off guard but quickly went to attack Theo as their friend rolled on the ground and screamed bloody murder.
Theo didn't want to drop Bunbun in case it became damaged, so he placed it in his left hand which he hid behind himself and brought up his right hand to defend himself. The first boy swung at him and instead of dodging, Theo moved into the punch which connected with his right eye.
Theo barely flinched from the punch and returned one of his own to the boy's kidney. The boy let out a grunt as he stumbled back slightly. The other boy threw a punch of his own as a teacher's whistle blew loudly as they rushed over.
Theo moved into the new punch and took it in the left eye this time. Right as it landed he shifted his weight and punched the boy in his armpit. The second boy hissed in pain and his arm dropped down to hang at his side. Another whistle blew as a different teacher yelled out, "Stop fighting!"
The first boy didn't listen and attacked Theo again with another punch which Theo took the punch to the right eye again. As the punch landed Theo punched out himself and caught the boy in the kidney again which dropped him to the ground as he groaned in pain.
A moment later a male teacher reached them and said, "I told you to stop!"
Theo glanced at the man as he said, "I just defended myself."
The teacher glanced at the other three boys, one with a limp arm and the other two on the ground. He looked at Theo and said, "Head to the office and wait for me there."
Theo nodded as a still crying Milly, Peter and a few other kids ran up to him. Peter glanced around and asked, "What happened?"
"He's in trouble, so don't talk to him." The teacher said as he went to check on the other boys.
Theo handed Bunbun back to Milly as he said, " Here's Bunbun, you can stop crying now."
Milly took Bunbun and nodded as Theo headed towards the office to wait for the teacher. Before Theo went to the front office he stopped by the bathroom and placed a genjutsu over his eyes to make it look like he was getting a black eye. Within a day or so he would have two nasty looking purple colored blackeyes. It took half an hour before the teacher showed up and said, "Stay there for now. I need to make some phone calls and then I'll take you to the nurse."
The teacher disappeared for about fifteen minutes before he came back and said, "Follow me."
They quickly walked towards the nurses office where he was checked over and given an ice pack. Once that was done the teacher led him to a conference room and said, "Just wait here for a little while."
Within twenty minutes the door to the conference room opened and Daniel walked in followed by Jacob. Daniel frowned as she saw Theo holding an ice pack to his face and asked, "Why did we get a call that you were fighting?"
Theo gave a helpless shrug as he smiled a little bit and said, "Because I was fighting."
"Why?" Daniel came around the table to get a better look at Theo's face.
"Because some older kids stole Bunbun from Milly and made her cry."
Daniel pulled the ice pack away from Theo's face for a moment as she said, "You should have gone to the teachers instead of fighting with them."
"Did you win?" Jacob asked as he glanced at Theo's two black eyes that were starting to form.
Daniel shot Jacob a look as Theo said, "I dropped two of them and would have dropped the third if the teacher didn't step in."
"It doesn't matter if you won, you shouldn't have fought in the first place." Daniel said with a frown as Jacob smiled and gave Theo a thumbs up behind her back.
As Daniel checked over Theo, Jacob pulled out his phone and snapped a couple of pictures. After a few minutes the door opened and the school principal walked in with some paperwork as she said, "Sorry about calling you in for this, but since Theo was the aggressor and injured other students we had to call you."
Daniel turned around to look at the principal as she asked, "Theo was the aggressor?"
The principal nodded as she placed some paperwork on the table and said, "The three injured students said he attacked first."
Daniel glanced at Theo as she asked, "Is that true?"
"I only attacked when he tried to rip Bunbun's head off."
"Bunbun?" The principal asked in confusion.
"It's my little sister's stuffed rabbit those boys stole." Theo said.
"And where is it now?"
"I gave it to my sister before I came to the office because I wanted her to stop crying." Theo said as he placed the ice pack back over his face.
The principal frowned and glanced at the three papers on the table for a moment. Daniel glanced at them herself before she asked, "Did you not ask Theo about what happened?"
"No, because the three boys had pretty much the same story." The principal said as she shook her head.
Daniel frowned as she said, "You should have done that right after the fight."
The principal let out a little sigh before she asked for Theo's side of the story. Once it was finished she said, "Give me a few minutes, I need to confirm some things."
After the principal left the room Daniel said, "I can believe they didn't even ask you about what happened."
Theo shrugged as he said, "It's not a big deal, I saved Bunbun, that's all that really matters."
Daniel shook her head as she said, "You should have just grabbed a teacher first, you didn't need to confront them yourself."
Daniel scolded Theo for about fifteen minutes before the door opened and Milly walked in with red eyes. When she saw Daniel she rushed towards her as she said, "Mommy! Bunbun is hurt!"
Milly showed Bunbun to Daniel where part of the stitching around its neck was ripped apart and stuffing was coming out. Daniel pulled Milly into a hug as she said, "Don't worry, I'll help you fix Bunbun when we get home."
The principal cleared her throat before she said, "While I have confirmed Theo's story, he is still going to be suspended for a week along with the other boys."
Daniel glanced at Theo for a moment before she said, "Okay… Is there anything else?"
"No, you're free to take Theo and Emily home now since the school day is almost over."
Tao chuckled when Theo finished his story before she asked, "So you're grounded for the next couple weeks?"
Theo shrugged as he said, "Technically but does it really matter?"
Tao nodded in agreement before she took on a feral grin and said, "Since your mom can't really punish you properly, I'll do it in her place."
Theo started sweating as he asked, "And how exactly are you going to do that?"
Tao stood up and started to stretch as she said, "I think two weeks of intense combat training should do the trick."
"Umm, I think I'll be fine without that… Actually, I think I heard my mom calling, I should go see what she wants." Theo said as he started to back away from Tao.
Tao appeared in front of him with a body flicker and attempted to punch him in the stomach which he parried. A moment later their after images slowly disappeared as Tao chased after Theo. A moment later a thud was heard before Theo flipped through the air and slammed into the wall.
Tao appeared in the middle of the training area as she said, "We'll do this five hours a night and then another five hours of spell training afterwards for the next two weeks."
Theo slowly stood up as he said, "Yes, master."
"Good, now come attack me."