Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

00148. A new training regiment.

With project Revival out of the way, Theo trained and focused on the phone launch event with Tony and Pepper. Everything was basically completed at this point, but they were just finalizing the guess list and other little issues.

As far as the people who were invited were concerned, it was just a lavish party Tony was putting on. Or at least that was what the invitations were going to say. A lot of celebrities were placed on the guest list, along with company CEO's, sports stars and other important people. Theo also had a list of people he planned to invite.

They were all semi famous Vibe users. Most of them were from the video platform, but he invited people from the streaming and photography platform as well. Theo also invited Magneto, with his current hero status and being the king of Genosha. Theo knew it would help draw more attention to the launch event.

Theo also planned to stream the whole thing in hopes to attract a large audience and get more people interested in the phones. He had two popular bands from Vibe booked to play at the event which included Dazzler and her band who would be the main act. After they finished performing is when Tony would come out and show off the phone. While everyone who attended would be gifted a top of the line model for coming to the party. At least that was what Theo and Tony planned for the night, things could change slightly in the coming weeks that led up to the event.

Besides that Theo had to inform everyone on the council that Kang disappeared and they weren't able to collect any information from him. They didn't tell the whole truth about the incident and Fury was still skeptical of what happened even after he watched the video. Even though Tao and Agatha shared the same story as Ezekiel and what the video showed happened. One minute Kang was there and the next moment he disappeared without a trace.

While Fury and the others were concerned with what happened, there was not much anyone could do about it. And while the loss of potential information was unfortunate. They still had his ship, so they planned to disassemble it and try to reverse engineer some of the technology inside it.

As for other things around the base, Janet integrated easily into the operation of the base without any issue. She joined Hank and his team of Darren, Bill, Erik and her daughter Hope who also joined the team. Hope was like Erik and worked with them to get experience towards her college degree in engineering and chemistry.

With Janet being back, the group was now tasked with exploring the rest of the quantum realm. Theo hoped to find useful resources and technology there, while possibly finding some people to join the group he created. Since it never hurts to have more help.

While it was still new, the vampire and paranormal group Theo created with Blade turned into one of the busiest. It also gained more members that wanted to help out. So far the group had taken out three large vampire nests, six small nests, a pack of rabid werewolves, a demon cult along with the minor demon running it and a handful of ghosts. That was all done within the span of just two months.

The group was only going to become busier as time went on though. Theo secretly created a backdoor into all the popular search engines currently on the internet. If certain keywords were found it would get flagged by a system Theo set in place and would be checked by his server. If it turned out to be a random search or something else it would switch back to the normal search engine. If it was something related to paranormal activity then it would point whoever made the search to a special website Theo made.

The site was designed as a forum board where people could ask questions or post information about real paranormal events or activity. While it was still new, it was how Blades group found the demon cult and eliminated them. Once more people were online with the help of having a cell phone, Theo was certain the site would become a great asset to the group.

Would people be able to find the website normally? Not really because the way it was designed it basically acted as if it didn’t exist until someone found it through the search engine. Once they found it they would have access to the site until Blade and his group took care of the issue. Then someone would be sent to remove the memory of the site and anything to do with it and what the person was searching for from their mind. 

Not much else happened with the group during that time, since its main focus was gaining strength and gathering information on Hydra. Speaking of which, a couple of the widows took on a long term mission to infiltrate Hydra and were currently placed in Shield as they waited for recruitment. Theo made sure he created decent backgrounds for each of them and had them do their psychological evaluations with Hydra agents so they would be flagged for recruitment.

As for reliable information on Hydra, Theo was still waiting for them to make use of the encryption software he programmed for Shield phones. They definitely had it, but so far they didn’t take the bait he left them or attempted to use it themselves. He even checked with some of the agents they knew about and none of them had an extra phone they used. They did have extra computers he hacked into, but most of them didn’t provide much information they didn’t already have. As for finding more members of Hydra from those computers it was useless, Hydra acted like a terrorist group with small cells of people and each group didn’t know about the others.

At this point Theo wasn’t completely sure if anyone even had a master list of who was a member of Hydra or not. While he found a small list of people when he searched through Alexander Pierce’s computer and house. It wasn’t much compared to how many people Theo knew were hidden in Shield. Theo also had issues finding the other leaders of Hydra who seemed to be ghosts. Again it all came down to most people not being connected to the internet, which is why he pushed the cell phone plan forward.

Theo’s also started to train his eyes during this time. While he basically kept his eyes active all day long, he had yet to train them properly. He mostly wanted to get used to them first, since everything seemed to be in slow motion when they were active. He could also see things he never noticed before, like micro twitches of muscles when someone talked with him.

The only bad thing about the new training was he asked Tao to spar with him. He attempted to spar with other people like Steve or Bucky, but with his eyes active, he could easily read every move they made. So he was forced to ask Tao for help. Tao agreed a little too quickly for Theo’s taste, but she was the only one who could give him a proper challenge at this point. She used magic that hid her movements slightly and increased her speed past what Theo could handle properly. Which led to Theo getting his ass kicked every day for the past few weeks.

As for home life for Theo and his family, everything was great. His mom took the job as Vibe’s lawyer and their home life didn’t change much at all. She would spend a day or two a week at home when she needed to work on a project, but otherwise nothing else really changed. Theo was actually surprised with how good his mom was at her job. He would send her over a contract or other set of documents that needed to be worked on and she would normally have them done within a day or two. The other lawyers he used before he hired his mom always took weeks, then again they charged by the hour so maybe that was the reason.

Theo’s school life was also doing well even though he sent shadow clones most of the time. He still went a few times a week because he enjoyed hanging out with Peter and Milly. While the class itself was boring, Theo spent his time in class doing his homework. He tried to get Milly and Peter into the habit of doing that also, so they had more time after school to do other things like race go-karts, help out at the shop, play games or work on programs. So far it seemed to be working, well for Peter at least. Milly needed to be bribed with sweets.

Milly also picked up a new hobby. She wanted to learn how to cook and begged Jacob to teach her. It didn’t take long for him to agree, so now each day Milly helped Jacob make dinner. When Theo questioned Milly on why she was interested in learning how to cook, her answer wasn’t a surprise. She said, “If I learn how to cook, I can make cake anytime I want.”

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