Marvel: My Vampire System

4: Family

After Returning to his room, Stephan closed the window before transforming back into his human form and falling asleep on the bed.

he slept soundly, perhaps this was the best he had ever slept, Stephan was completely unworried about his situation, perhaps he thought he would wake up and everything would be normal again.

yes, maybe this was all just a huge dream.


The next morning.

Stephan woke up to the sound of his alarm ringing, after turning it off he sat up and stared at the wall blankly for a few seconds.

"I'm still here" Stephan sighed before getting up, with the help of his memories he could easily integrate himself with the people around him to avoid suspicion from anyone that knew the old "Stephan".


it was at this moment that a soft voice was heard from outside of his room.

"yes, Mom" Stephan unconsciously replied, it felt like an instinct to him.

"Are you awake, can I come in?" The feminine voice was heard once again.

"yes I'm awake, you can come in," Stephan said while his eyes wandered around the room, luckily he didn't sleep naked and didn't have to scurry around to find clothes. 

The door was slowly opened and a blonde woman peeked her head through, she was dressed in a professional uniform and looked beautiful considering her age.

Holding her handbag, she looked at Stephan before saying.

"Summer just started so I won't be too hard on you guys, you can hang out outside if you want, but don't forget to study, after all, you will be going to college after this summer," she said with a smile while walking in.

this lady was fairly tall, around 172 cm in height, a lot shorter than Stephan though.

she carried a warm smile and looked like a very respectable businesswoman. 

"yes Mom, I get it, you don't have to worry about me" Stephan replied while scratching his head, he was a little nervous but he calmed down after a few seconds. 

"Good, wake up your sister, this little girl stayed at her friend's sleepover all day and only came back late yesterday," His mom said with a forced sigh as she turned to leave.

"I gotcha" Stephan replied, he knew he had a little sister already, so he wasn't too surprised at these words. 

"Alright, I'm off to work now, don't mess up the house while I'm gone, breakfast is on the living room table, warm it up yourself," She said as she flashed Stephan a smile before leaving, closing the door behind her. 

Stephan watched her leave before forcing a smile.

"Maybe I was thinking too much," Stephan thought, his "mom" didn't seem to notice any difference to him and they had a regular interaction like always, which was a good thing.

Stephan was also reminded that he had just graduated from high school, surprisingly he had applied to many colleges and had been accepted to a certain university in New York.

"why did it have to be New York, why couldn't I go to California or something?" Stephan subconsciously placed a palm on his forehead before stretching. 

Since their family was particularly well off after Stephan got his license, his mother had gotten him a car as a gift on his 18th birthday, meaning Stephan could pretty much drive around if he wanted to, he didn't have to be at home all day.

Stephan decided to go to the gym today, he wanted to see just how strong he was compared to the regular bodybuilders who would be lifting in the gym.

So, Stephan proceeded to the bathroom, took a shower, and did his morning routine before wearing some casual clothes and heading downstairs to the breakfast which his mother had prepared on the table. 

Stephan warmed his food and enjoyed the pancakes, bacon, and eggs breakfast before filling up a water ball and heading upstairs to his sister's room. 



"Jasmine, wake up" Stephan knocked on the door before calling out, yet no matter how much he knocked he got no reply.

he could sense that someone was definitely in the room though.

Stephan shook his head before opening the door, and as he expected, she was still asleep.

According to his memories, Stephan and his little sister had a good relationship, except this little girl was very arrogant and would sometimes play a lot of pranks, other than that she was a loveable sibling. 

Jasmine had blonde hair, similar to their mother's hair, she had light blue eyes and was what one would call a "pretty girl" 

"wake up" Stephan shook her a few times, as much as he felt like throwing cold water onto her face, he held back.

" ugh, let me sleep for a little while," Jasmine said as she moved around in her bed, pushing Stephan's hand away.

" no, Mom told me to wake you up," Stephan was speechless for a second before rolling his eyes, this little girl knew how to sleep her whole morning away whenever they didn't have school. 

"Are you serious, Summer just started, jeez" Jasmine looked at Stephan with a look of disdain before sitting up and yawning. 

Stephan didn't care and flicked her forehead before saying.

"Mom left for work and your food is on the table, I'm going to the gym in a bit, I'll be back in an hour so call me if you need anything from the store or something" After saying this, Stephan walked towards the door. 

"ahh, can you buy me some snacks?" Jasmine yelled as she saw Stephan leaving her room.

"I'll think about it" Stephan replied calmly and made his way downstairs once again.

"hmph," Jasmine frowned and pouted for a second before she headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day. 

Stephan changed into some sportswear before grabbing his keys and heading out towards the car after locking the door behind him. 

His family lived in a small neighborhood in the suburbs, full of green and a lot of freedom around as the houses weren't too close to each other.

Stephan preferred such an environment compared to city life. 

---- for +5 Advanced chapters 


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