Marvel: I can summon heroes from League of Legends

Chapter 33. Summon

"Welcome back, Noah."

"Yes, I'm back, Lissandra," Noah nodded, opening the mission panel and pressing the mission completion button.

[Mission complete. Calculating results… 2500 essence obtained (2000 base + 500 for destroying drones)]

"500 essence for destroying drones? Not bad."

Noah glanced at the system notification. Those 500 essence were equivalent to five C-level missions, and now he had enough essence for ten summons again.

"Let's check the essence points—already at 7300."

Looking at his inventory, Noah realized he had enough essence for ten summons.

First, he took a shower and then washed his face, thinking it might help bring him luck—some kind of mysticism, perhaps.

After leaving the bathroom, Noah used magic to evaporate the remaining water from his hair and skin. Since gaining magic, he realized how incredibly useful it was: it could be used for attacks, defense, as an energy source, and even as telekinesis. Using magic, he pulled a glass of water from across the room and, taking a sip, looked at the magical energy swirling in his hand.

Although in real life there were no limits to magical energy like in games, Noah noticed that after summoning several heroes, his magical reserves had significantly increased, and the quality of his magic had improved. Where previously he needed two units of magic for a certain action, now one was enough, and the effect was even better.

Retracting the magic, Noah was confident that with each new hero summoned, he would grow stronger at an incredible speed. Moreover, after summoning three heroes, he felt the power of the Resolve Rune growing stronger. Initially, the system limited the rune's power to prevent him from being overwhelmed by its might, but as he grew, the restrictions gradually lifted.

"Well then, time to test my luck," Noah opened the system panel and pressed the button to summon ten heroes.

Swirling effects appeared, followed by ten glowing orbs and a chest. Already used to the process, Noah quickly opened all the orbs. This time, no light shot toward him, meaning he hadn't received a hero, which left him somewhat disappointed.

"Let's see what I got this time."

Nevertheless, Noah didn't lose heart. He knew that there were no guarantees with summons, and he had encountered this before in various games. He stayed calm, hoping for pleasant surprises from the items that dropped.

[Cloak of Agility] [Long Sword] [Chain Vest] [Corrupting Potion] [Stealth Ward] [Stopwatch] [Cloth Armor] [Fragment: Jhin, the Virtuoso] [Fragment: Ekko, the Boy Who Shattered Time] [Health Potion x2]

"Is today a gear day? So much equipment, plus two hero fragments—not bad."

Looking at the summoned items, Noah was satisfied—five pieces of gear and two hero fragments.

He picked up the two hero fragments and started pondering their usefulness. Ekko was a hero-scientist who could build machines before he could walk. Later, he used hextech crystals to create the Z-Drive, which allowed him to manipulate time.

As for Jhin, though in some stories he had bested Zed and Akali, he was still just a human. However, Noah saw potential in him thanks to his skins. Jhin had skins from the Dark Star and Shan Hai Scrolls series. In his Dark Cosmic Jhin form, he wielded galactic-level powers, and in the Shan Hai Scrolls form, he was tied to the multiverse, implying at least planetary-level strength.

Reflecting on the potential of these heroes and their skins, Noah began absorbing the power of the two fragments.

After some time, he shook his head to clear away the headache. Absorbing the memories of two heroes, even incomplete ones, was a challenging task.

The Jhin fragment gave him combat skills, while the Ekko fragment granted him talent and experience in inventions. Noah felt his intelligence had noticeably increased, and things that had been unclear in recent days now became obvious. He realized that although he didn't summon a new hero, the results of the summon were quite rewarding.

"There's still the chest left."

[2000 essence obtained] [Skin fragment: BroLaf]

"Another skin fragment."

Noah glanced at the chest's contents and found a small surprise.

After dealing with the new items, he looked at the recently acquired gear. He didn't remember all the synthesis formulas, but he felt that from these items, he could craft a complete piece of gear.

"Let's see what I can make."

Noah laid out all the items in front of him and began recalling the game's recipes.

"With two Long Swords and a Dagger—I can craft Noonquiver," he combined the three items, and they glowed, emitting the sound of a blacksmith at work.

When the light faded, the three items had merged into one—a yellow metallic quiver.

"And now..." Noah rubbed his chin, wondering what to do next. Suddenly, his eyes fell on an orange bolt of lightning, and an idea flashed in his mind.

"Of course, Statikk Shiv!"

Noah recalled the recipe for crafting the item upon seeing the Kirchayn Shard. He combined the Cloak of Agility, the Kirchayn Shard, and Noonquiver, and once again, the three items glowed—this time, the light was blindingly bright, accompanied by the sounds of a smith's hammer. When the light faded, a white metal sword emerged, crackling with electricity.

The sword was entirely made of metal, white with a metallic sheen, and its hilt was made of several circular electric circuits. Examining the weapon, Noah muttered, "Huh? Is this the old version of Statikk Shiv?"

He remembered that in his past, the item had been reworked and reintroduced into the game with a new design. Holding the blade, he pondered over it.


As soon as Noah grabbed the blade, yellow lightning began crackling along its edge, tearing through the air. He felt this and began channeling magic into the sword.

"Zzz~ Boom!"

Lightning shot from the blade and struck the opposite wall, leaving a black mark on the white surface.

"I barely put any magic into it, and it's already shooting lightning. What happens if I put in more?" He pondered, beginning to channel more magic.

"Noah, please don't do that in the living room," Lissandra's voice suddenly interrupted, as she stared intently at him.

"Ahem, I got carried away, hehe," Noah felt a little awkward, realizing he'd gotten too caught up and started damaging the house.

Gripping the sword's hilt firmly, Noah discovered a new function of Statikk Shiv. By channeling magic into it, he saw the blade enveloped in a sphere of lightning. When the lightning dissipated, the blade had changed into a new form.

The electric blade from the older version of the item had transformed into an updated form of lightning.

"This looks like a weapon of Zeus," Noah thought.

He held the lightning bolt by its golden hilt, while both ends of the bolt sparked, demonstrating its power.

Noah stepped outside and threw the lightning bolt into the sky. It whistled through the air and quickly flew away, but he could feel that he could control its trajectory. Following his mental commands, the bolt maneuvered through the sky and returned to his hand.

"If I use magic, the power will grow even stronger," Noah said, pouring magic into the lightning bolt and throwing it again. This time, he felt a special connection with Statikk Shiv, allowing him to transmit magic remotely. Lightning flashed around the blade as it flew through the air.

When Noah retrieved the blade, he was pleased with the result. The weapon was not only impressive in appearance but also possessed powerful offensive capabilities.


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