Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – Negotiate

Time seemed to stand still.

After a long time, Coulson didn’t feel the expected pain, and the sense of restraint on his body also disappeared, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

The silver-white puppet’s sharp blade-like hands were retracted at some point, and she stood quietly one meter away from him, and beside her stood a man in a black robe.

“Hey, May, are you okay?” Coulson touched Melinda calmly.

“Huh—” After taking a deep breath, Melinda responded, “Kolson, I’m fine.”

But after saying this, she saw the extremely dangerous silver doll and a man who suddenly appeared beside the doll.

“You… who are you?” Melinda raised her gun in an instant, looking at the man nervously, and asked aloud.

“Who am I?” The man sneered, sat down on the chair beside the desk unhurriedly, frowned and said, “I still want to ask who are you?”

“Do you know that trespassing on a private house is not something normal people would do?”

Just as he was talking, Patch’s eyes suddenly became sharp, staring at Coulson and Melinda, with an extremely unkind expression on his face.

“Master, I don’t know when these two strangers broke in, and they rashly opened the magic pot for healing my heart.” At this moment, the silver doll walked a few steps, picked up the thing that Melinda had just found. The black jar, said to Patch.

“Oh? They actually found your magic jar.” Patch yelled in surprise, looked at Melinda and Coulson again, and said meaningfully: “It seems that you shouldn’t It will be ordinary people!”

“Tell me, why did you suddenly break into my house while I was away?”

“Also, can this lady put down your gun? I don’t like people pointing things at my head, and this toy in your hand doesn’t pose any threat to me.”

Suddenly, Patch added another sentence, and glanced at Melinda with displeasure.

Patch’s gaze was like lightning, causing Melinda’s body to freeze suddenly, and the hand holding the gun dropped down in a strange way.

Coulson, who noticed Melinda’s movements, frowned imperceptibly, then walked up to Patch a few steps, and said with a smile.

“Hello, Mr. Patch Meiwes, we have no intention of infringing on your privacy. It’s just that some of your recent special behaviors have attracted the attention of my department, so I came here to investigate your specific situation.”

Although he had just escaped from the feeling of death, because of the characteristics of an agent, Coulson quickly calmed down, and recognized who the man in front of him was, and said these words slowly.

“Special behavior? Investigate me?”

Patch frowned slightly, looked carefully at Coulson and Melinda, and couldn’t help asking: “Are you from the FBI?”

Coulson shook his head.


Coulson shook his head again.

“Then which department do you belong to?”

“I’m Agent Phil Coulson of the Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistics Support Agency.” Coulson took out a certificate, then pointed to Melinda and said, “And this is Agent Melinda May. “

“What land strategy… what bureau? Can you say it again?” This was Patch’s first reaction when he heard the name. Even though he was already familiar with English, the name of more than 30 words still made him My brain is a little overwhelmed.

“Uh… the name is indeed a bit of a tongue-twisting, of course, you can also call us S.H.I.E.L.D.” Coulson said with a slightly awkward smile.


When Coulson said the name, Patch’s pupils shrank suddenly, and his gaze gradually turned cold.

“Hiding for so long, I didn’t expect to be targeted by them.”

The full name of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency that Coulson mentioned just now. The initial prototype of this organization was born in ancient Egypt at the same time as the famous Hydra.

But the real creation time was during World War II. It was formed by Howard Stark, the founder of Stark Industries, Peggy Carter, the old lover of Captain America, and several other people. The SHIELD during World War II was just a simple Born to fight against the German Nazis and Hydra.

It’s just that now, the definition of S.H.I.E.L.D. has become broader. According to their internal understanding, it should be a bridge connecting the known and unknown worlds, and an organization that prevents and protects the safety of the whole world.

Four years ago, when Patch knew that he came to the high-risk world of Marvel, he listed countless people or organizations that could pose a serious threat to him.

And S.H.I.E.L.D. is without a doubt one of them.

Even now, four years later, when he has grown from a scumbag to a powerful wizard, Patch has never taken S.H.I.E.L.D. lightly, because the ghost knows what cards are hidden behind it.

Patch didn’t want to make fun of his own life.

In fact, when he became the street hero Caped Man, Patch had already expected that SHIELD would come to his door, but he didn’t expect it to come so soon.

Patch tried hard to recall what he had done during this period. In his impression, it seemed that those few big actions did not leave any obvious traces. How did S.H.I.E.L.D. notice him?

“Could it be that the men in suits I burned to death were found?”

“Could it be that my transaction that day was photographed by satellite?”

“Or is it…”

For a while, Patch had countless conjectures in his mind.

Although extremely surprised, Patch’s expression remained the same as before, and UU Read Book spread his hands and asked: “So, Mr. Agent, what do you want to do with me? I am a very law-abiding federal citizen , and I don’t seem to have done anything to disturb the law and order?”

“Our S.H.I.E.L.D. is an organization based on protecting the security of the world. Based on this purpose, in order to prevent the panic of the people of the world, we did not inform the public of certain things. It can be said that S.H.I.E.L.D. is an organization that runs across the known world. A defense against the eerie unknown. And you…”

“Mr. Meiwes, don’t you think that you yourself are a very weird existence? At least in the cognition of us ordinary people…”

As Coulson spoke, he stared at Patch with serious eyes.

Patch pretended to be puzzled and said, “I’m weird myself? What are you kidding?”

“We’re not kidding you.”

At this time, Melinda, who had been standing aside for a long time, walked up to Patch a few steps, handed him a mobile phone, and said with a cold face: “Mr. Patch Meiwes, please explain to us what is going on What’s the matter?”

Patch took the phone and looked at it. It was the video of him punishing a gangster one night, and searching for all the dollars in the gangster’s body.

After watching the video twice, Patch couldn’t help but frowned. He clearly remembered that he had clearly destroyed all the cameras on the street that night, so how was this video recorded?

Without thinking about this question, Patch handed the phone back to Melinda, pretending to be nonchalant and said: “It’s really cool, the ability of the cloaked man in the video seems to be quite mysterious, but…”

Patch looked up at Melinda and Coulson.

“What does that have to do with me?”

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