Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man

Chapter 58: Changing Tides Part 3

- Xavier's School for the Gifted-

(Mid-November 9am)

A few days after his meeting with Gwen Peter found himself standing in front of his new school. He wore a casual hoody with jeans and sneakers.

The large looming gates held up a metal sign that read ' Xavier's School for the Gifted'. The school itself was located deep in a large natural forest overlooking a lake that flowed into the ocean. The place looks more like a large castle than a school. He didn't have to wait long before Jean and Kat walked up to the gate with a tall African woman who had bleach-blond hair, it was almost white.

Upon seeing him Kat was the first to run through the gate with open arms. "PETE! You're here!" She tried to grab him in a hug which Peter effortlessly dodged.

Kat huffed at him folding her arms. "Rude, you know, when a girl throws themselves at you, you're supposed to catch them."

"Riiiiight," Peter smiled with a soft shrug. " I'm more of a 'dodge and weave' kind of guy. Keeps things interesting."

"Challenge accepted mister dodge and weave, no one dodges a welcome home hug from the Shadow Cat. "Kat declared with a chuckle." So, you here to check out the school."

 "Yep, I haven't decided yet so don't get your hopes up."

" Regardless of your choice, it's nice of you to stop by." The blond-haired woman said as she walked up to Peter. She extended an arm before introducing herself. " Ororo Monroe, I'm a tutor here. You've already met Jean and Kat."

"Oh, yeah we met, Peter Parker, nice to meet you." Peter shook her hand and smiled at Jean. " Hi, Jean"

Peter paused for a moment as his gaze went to Jean. Something in his mind flickered, he was aware when a change occurred within him but this was different, smaller almost nonexistent but it was still there, like a spark was ignited but burned out as soon as it came into being. Suddenly and almost involuntarily, all his attention shifted to Jean Grey and a thought forced itself into the forefront of his mind.

Mine. Oddly enough the voice in his head sounded more feminine or was he just confused but what came after was in his usual inside voice. His thoughts sung in a voice that was his but not his. I see you little caged firebird.

 Okay…where the hell did that come from. Come on Pete, you're not that desperate…am I? The thought shocked Peter and it was only thanks to his fool's mask that his outward appearance remained the same. Peter was unsure whether it was his or the entity within him- this was happening more and more these days. I really need to do something about that and since when did my thoughts start getting voiceovers.

"Peter." Jean nodded in kind before giving him a soft glare. She paused for a moment before her glare hardened "Nice of you to finally stop by."

Oh. It suddenly dawned on him that he had been ignoring her messages and voicemails for the past few days before showing up randomly unannounced at their front gate. Peter pulled his hand back, scratching the back of his neck out of habit. " I was gonna come by sooner."

"I'm sure, you could have called ahead to let us know you were coming." She pressed on; her glare lessened slightly. She pressed on taking a step closer. "That's what phones are for, communication."

 "Yeah…sorry about that, it's been a pretty hectic week. Aliens falling from the sky and all." Peter admitted.

" I know, I was there," Jean remarked.

"Oh, you were? must have missed you guys in all the chaos." Peter took a step forward too." But hey, I'm here now, I figured I'd give you guys a chance. Nothing lost nothing gained right."

"Great, I guess I could show you around. Professor X has a class right now so it's gonna be a while before you can speak to him."

" Sure, why not? I've got all day."

A cough broke their staring contest and just like that his attention was back on everything else like it should be. Jean cleared her throat and took a tentative step back after realizing how close they were." Cool, let, uhm, let's get on with the tour then."

She looked away from him, finding the trees by the gate oddly interesting.


He noticed Kat sporting an odd grin, her eyes shifting between the two with a leery glint like she just unearthed some unknown conspiracy, or she found the recipe for chaos. One of the two seemed plausible.

Ororo clapped her hands together getting all their attention.

"Best not to wait then. Let's go."

Kat all but pulled Peter's arms through the front gate.

"Well, come on, let the grand tour begin. I gotta introduce you to Anna and Kurt, they're gonna freak out when they meet you. Now that I think about it, everyone will freak out when they meet you. Oh, this is gonna be fun!" Her voice quickly went from upbeat and chirpy to a diabolical schemer in less than a breath.


 As they walked up the steps and into the grand foyer of the mansion, Peter noted the sight of the high ceilings, sweeping staircase, and large paintings of a wide range of sceneries, all of them looked like real pictures.

Peter paused for a moment next to one of the paintings. It was of a bunch of kids in a park, laughing and having fun. Peter was rather amazed at the level of micro details in the painting. From Cypher's analysis of the painting, it seemed that no camera, screen, or printer could hope to match it in detail. It was a perfect recreation of something seen with the human eye on a piece of paper, every minuet detail was a work of art. The resolution matched what could be seen through a human eye.

It's light. Peter realized. The painting wasn't painted using any known tool. The painting was made using microscopic refractions of light. Cypher was already scheming through the practical applications of such a thing using all the known schematics he had taken from Stark and Shield.

"You like them," Ororo commented as he caught Peter staring at one of the paintings. She was walking beside him while Jean and Kat followed closely behind.

" Elara, one of our students painted it. She's a mutant with the ability to transfer her memories onto any surface using light as a medium. What you are seeing isn't a real painting but just refractions of light grafted onto the surface area of an empty canvas." She explained.

That explains it." That's pretty amazing"

Kat didn't seem pleased with his answer as she grumbled to who was next to her.

" I take him to a state-of-the-art training facility made for mutants he says cool. I show him the Olympic-sized swimming pool he says cool. I tell him I walk through walls; he says cool. Ororo can control the weather, he says cool. I tell him I have a pet dragon and he says cool. Jean can literally mind read and move things with her mind and what does he say." Kat turned to Jean.

"Uhm…cool?" Jean added.

"Exactly! But he sees one painting made of light and he says amazing," Kat animatedly gestured towards the light painting as if it was her greatest enemy." His amazed with a light painting Red. A freaking light painting. Jesus, He's a nerd, isn't he? Why does it always have to be the nerds with me?" Kat stressed grabbing her hair in defeat.

Peter's lips twitched lightly at her comment, it wasn't her fault. Nothing about what she showed him was particularly interesting is all.

Jean giggled and placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her friend. " I don't know Kat. Boys will be boys I guess."

Kat groaned as if what she said just added to her pain. Ororo simply took their antics with a stride.

"So far, we've been to the library, science wing, gym, and poolside. The boarding halls are too far since we're running out of time, so we'll leave that out. This is the foyer," Ororo explained, gesturing to the spacious area. "A lot of students come and go from here. But it's more than just a school. Our students are both humans and mutants, here they make friends, learn about their powers, and we'll be here to act as a guide."

"Our rooms are upstairs," Kat added, phasing her hand through the banister as they passed.

"I can show you how to get there, or… y'know, you can use doors like normal people do." She winked.

" You know your powers won't work on me right." Peter reminded her.

Kat took a moment to think about it before she realized he was right. " ah, anti-mutant, right. I forgot about that for a moment. It's all normal with you huh…tsk…. Well, I could show you the normal way too."

They made their way through the corridors, passing by classrooms filled with students learning everything from calculus to control over their mutant abilities. The sounds of laughter and chatter filtered through the walls, Peter found it funny how a school of super-powered teenagers was far less chaotic than a school filled with regular teenagers.

Ororo led them to the open backyard, where the training grounds and lush gardens spread out before them. "Here's where we practice. You'll get your own sessions once we understand your abilities better, if you choose to attend that is," she said, her voice filled with encouragement. "I understand your reluctance. Everyone's powers are different, and that's something to be proud of."

Jean exchanged a glance with Ororo and smiled. "I doubt he'll need much help in the power department." Jean joked.

" From what we saw I'd say it's more of a control issue."

That was a surprisingly insightful deduction. Peter chose to say nothing regarding her statement. Screw reading minds, her observational skills are unsettlingly spot on.

"True and that reminds me." Kat said with a playful grin, "We saw you in New York Pete. Can't hide it forever. You were holding out on us, weren't you? What exactly are your powers cause it sure as hell isn't just some anti-mutant shtick. Is it some weird magic mambo jumbo like Wanda or something?"

Peter's lips twitched. "Or something" he answered.

" You know you can trust us right," Kat uttered softly. " We don't care about your powers or if you think it's dangerous and even if it's dangerous, everyone here has weird and out-of-this-world abilities, so you'll be happy to know that you're not the only freak in this town. We...we only wanna help, honest."

Peter was surprised at how earnest she sounded. It almost made him wanna believe her. " I know and I'm sorry if I came off like that. I'm just adjusting to the change. It's gonna take a little while before I trust you guys. "

Jean spoke up moving beside him. " Take all the time you need. It was hard my first time too; my first time here was in a word crazy. It took me weeks to adjust, and I had my friends and Professor Xavier to thank for that. You don't have to decide right away. Whenever you're ready to decide, we'll be here waiting."

"Thanks, I guess. Did you rehearse that speech?" Peter smiled and Jean waved her hands up lightly in a show of surrender.

" You caught me" She giggled. " I'm always stuck on the welcoming party with Bobby and Kat. I'm on damage prevention duty more or less. My powers help calm them down and make them feel less stressed out. Having a speech written out beforehand is a must-have. Sometimes knowing what to say in certain situations helps more than not knowing. It's surprisingly handy when you're showing the new super-powered kid around the block."

"I can see that, it's super effective. I almost fell for that."

Jean shrugged with a nonchalant smile. "Almost."

" Wait…does that make me the new super-powered kid on the block?" Peter asked.

Jean only smiled and retreated into step with Kat. "I don't know Peter. Are you? That's for you to decide."

Jean found herself under the scrutinizing gaze of her friend Kat when she fell into step with her.

"What?" Jean asked. " Is there something on my face?"

"Nope," Kat answered with a cheeky grin before turning to Peter. "Say, Peter, you haven't

met Scott, have you. Scott Summers, Our resident laser eyes?"

Jean quickly turned to glare at Kat their eyes met, and a silent conversation took place even

without the need for Jean's telepathy.

Kat no. Jean's eyes told her, and her glare intensified.

Kat yes. Kat's eyes replied her mischievous grin morphed into the stuff of a nightmare.

"No, I can't say I have. I think I'd remember meeting someone with laser eyes." Peter answered from the front, blissfully unaware of Kat's schemes.

" Oh, you have met this guy, Pete, you guys will get along like fire and gasoline. I can tell alright. In fact, there he is right now and what do you know, the Prof's with him too. Talk about luck."

Kat threw an arm around Peter's shoulder waving animatedly at another teen with red-tinted glasses pushing a well-dressed bald man in a wheelchair. She waved to get the man in the wheelchair's attention before releasing Peter with a chuckle. "You'll fit right in, trust me and that guy over there" Kat pointed at Scott. " His name is Scott Summer and he'll be your new best friend my poor unfortunate nerd. Now if you'll excuse eh Mua, I gotta lunch date with a dragon to attend to and now that Scot's here Jean can handle the rest isn't that right Ororo."

" What I don't recall-Hey, what are you-" She didn't Ororo the chance to answer as she grabbed her and phased right through the floor beneath their feet.

"We'll meet you guys later." She spoke, her grin plastered across her face.

Leaving Jean and Peter staring at the floor and then back at each other awkwardly as Scott and the man in the wheelchair arrived.


I'm sooo gonna get you for this Kat. Jean did what was the telepathic equivalent of a growl at her friend Kat.

I know, I know. BUT IT'S GONNA BE SO WORTH IT! HAHAHAHAAA- oW hey no mental attacks red. That shit hurts, now where did I put that popcorn bucket.

 The annoyed Jean cut off the link and glanced at Peter who looked relatively calm, now that she thought about it, Peter was always calm, not once since she met him had he ever displayed any intense emotions or discomfort. The most intense feeling she got from him was amusement and that wasn't much.

It was not often she met a mutant that went through what he went through and was so…cold? Mature? Composed. Yes, it was rare to meet someone so composed and self-assured as Peter was given what he went through.

It was refreshing in a weird way. 

"So, I guess it's just you and me now, huh." She heard Peter say.

"Yep," She strained a smile. It was still there, that burning sensation in her gut. The feeling of warmth spread like a blanket across her mind, and it all stemmed from Peter, or rather being near Peter. " Come on let's go meet the Professor. He's been wanting to meet you."

As she walked with Peter to meet the Professor, she gave him an aside glance and that thought came up again. Like the last time it seared through her mind, pushing forth but it didn't hurt or cause her any discomfort. She heard it in that voice again, one that sounded like hers but wasn't hers yet this time it sounded like it was her. She couldn't be sure. It started grumbling like a fleeting whisper that she wasn't sure she heard.

Mine. It spoke, confusing her greatly. The implications of that claim weren't lost to her but even that was pushing it a bit much. What the hell brought that thought on? I barely even knew the guy let alone considering other…options. Yeah, nope, no. Not happening. I'm not that desperate…am I?

She banished the thought entirely. God this is weirder than when I met Scott. At least raging teenage hormones, I can understand but this. This, This is….

Jean glanced at Peter who was observing Elara's various light paintings on the wall. There was nothing particular about him, his build was average, his face slightly above average, his personality; freakishly calm. So, what was it?

Peter must have felt her gaze because he turned to her with a quirked eyebrow. "Something on your mind?" he asked.

Great, and the heat is back. Jean blinked and let out a frustrated sigh. " Oh nothing, just finding your fascination and amazement with light painting inside a school full of mutants who can do even crazier stuff…fascinating is all. " Yep, something was definitely wrong here.

" I like what I like, Somethings I just find more interesting than other things," Peter replied with a shrug, Jean noticed he had a habit of shrugging, a nervous tick maybe?

" You're telling me that you find the grafting of photon particles more interesting than altering density, atmospheric manipulation, and telepathy? How are you the smartest kid in mid-town high again?" Jean looked at Peter with a half-hearted accusatory glare.

" Maybe I'm not the smartest. Maybe everybody there was just dumb."

Jean giggled. " Ah, that explains it, that almost sounds like something the smartest person in a room would say."

"Almost," Peter replied.

"Nerd." Jean suddenly teased.

"Dork." Peter retorted on reflex alone. He blinked in surprise at his actions before turning to her incredulously. Like he was shocked by his own words.

" I guess it takes one to know one," Jean added as she giggled lightly, finding it oddly funny that all it took to break his unusually calm composure was to call him a nerd. 

Peter chuckled lightly, the small crack in his composure was gone as soon as it came, instantly returning to the aloof and polite teen she met on the bus. " If you're a nerd then I must be Mutant Jesus. Trust me, nerds may come in different packages but none of them look like you." 

She paused and glared at Peter. " Are you calling me ugly, Parker?"

"It's the other way around actually. People value looks more than anything else so there's no such thing as an attractive nerd. That only exists in fiction. So basically, you're too pretty to be one of us." Peter spoke with such a matter-of-fact tone and with such a straight face that it made Jean pause in her step. If Peter had worded that any differently Jean would have mistaken it for outright flirting.

But then she felt his emotions and she was comically surprised. From what she could tell, it seemed like Peter was genuinely repulsed by the idea of her being a nerd because he genuinely believed that she was too 'pretty' to be categorized as one.

 When this realization struck her, she couldn't help but burst out laughing leaving a confused Peter to stare at her blankly.

"I don't hahhah… know whe-whether to take that... hahaha… as a compliment or an insult." She wheezed through her laughing fit as she glanced at his blank expression. Oh, his of those guys. I can see why Kat's crushing on him now. Intelligent in all things but the matters of the heart, complete with dry humor, sarcasm and polite mannerism. A genuine clueless idiot. Oh, You poor Kat, I think I'll take some of your popcorn with you… but you know what Kat? From his angle, he's actually kinda cu- NOPE!. too soon, way too soon.

She cut herself and faced palmed when she realized where her train of thought was going. Only to be reminded that the fire and heat in the edges of his mindscape were still there, small but still present. I call bullshit. Whatever this is? I gotta figure this out. What are you doing to me Peter? What the hell even are you?

"Are you always this bipolar?" Peter asked still as calm as ever with that deadpan expression of his. Somehow that pissed her off even more.

" You really are rude." She sighed. she tried calming her mind with a thought through the help of her powers. " Nope. I'm not usually like this. I'm just a little stressed is all. This is kind of like an off day for me."

" I see. Good to know." So said the reason for her stress.

Their conversation abruptly ended when Peter turned sharply to look ahead.

Jean's senses suddenly became overwhelmed with the feeling of anger and jealousy, it was so intense that it distracted her from the feeling of fire in her gut and the warmth in her mind, in fact, it retreated into the recesses of her mind until it was extinguished. It all came from one Scott Summers who radiated it in waves. And just like that she was reminded of the prank Kat just pulled on her and her anger came back with a vengeance. Oh, you're so gonna pay for this Kat. But on the bright side, the heat is gone.

She could also feel Professor Xavier's looming presence even though he wasn't actively using his abilities. To a telepath, Professor Xavier was like a lighthouse in the dark. You won't notice him until you do and that's only if he wants you to, but once you do, you won't be able to stop noticing him.

 It just wasn't possible for a fellow telepath to not notice him after meeting him once. 

She turned to Peter only to realize where all of Scott's jealousy and anger might have stemmed from. She was standing too close to Peter, so much so that their hands were inches apart, way too close for someone who was showing the other person around school much less giving them a tour and Scott could see that. Shit. I am so going to murder Kat for this.

Somewhere between the short stroll it took to reach Scot and the Professor- she and Peter without paying any mind to it began to walk too close to each other. With much effort, she pretended like nothing happened, forced a smile, walked up to the professor, and waved nonchalantly.

" Hi Professor, Scott, this is Peter Parker, he's the one Ororo told you about.-"

-Chapter End-.


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