Chapter 49: Battle of New York Part 4
-Central Park-
A couple minutes into the fight between the Executioner and team X-Men. Their fight still raged on amidst the chaos- the team managed to lead the Asgardian warrior away from the streets and towards the edges of Central Park.
"JEAN!" Kathrine 'Kitty/Katt' Pryde shouted in worry; her nimble body was already moving towards her red-headed friend before the words left her mouth. She managed to tackle Jean aside as the Executioner's blade phased through their bodies.
The Executioner's battle axe sliced through Jean's telekinetic shield like a hot knife through butter - absorbing the ambient psionic properties of the construct to further boost his strength.
Cyclops optic beam followed suit blasting the muscle-bound Asgardian back a few feet, the beam increased in intensity and size by a millisecond.
Iceman skied his way into the fray on his icy constructs launching concentrated streams of frozen beams to freeze the Executioner in place.
The Norse warrior defended against both attackers with ease. He tanked Cyclops's beams before absorbing the energy into his battle axe; with speed questionable for a man of his size he sliced the space between him and Iceman's beam of frost.
A portal came from his attack and another opened directly behind Cyclops who was luckily pulled aside telekinetically by Jean.
"Shit!" Bobby cursed, redirecting the beam aside, freezing half the streets in a sizable glacier in the process.
'Watch it!' Jean told Iceman through their shared telepathic link.
'Sorry,' the Iceman replied.
The Executioner tried to take the chance to make a hasty attack on the Iceman but was forced to defend himself once more from a barrage of lightning from the hovering Storm.
The African mutant amplified the effects of the storm she conjured to form a mini tornado around the Executioner. With a little extra effort on her part that took a chunk out of her stamina, the tornado was modified into an isolated lighting storm that slammed into the Asgardian whose battle axe could do little to defend against the omnidirectional streaks of lighting.
He was sent hurtling back, tumbling through the destroyed road trailed by crackling lightning, charred whips of smoke, and the Iceman.
This gave the rest of the team a small moment of reprieve for a short breather.
'This isn't working,' Storm commented telepathically as she prepared herself for another attack. She occasionally commanded lightning strikes on any Chitahuri horde foolish enough to venture close to the fight.
'I can see that,' Cyclops reset the dial on his optic visor accordingly as he replied in thought. This guy could take the blunt of his attacks so there was no need for him to keep holding back. He made his way forward to link up with the Iceman for another attack. It was then that his acute vision took notice of the large Reservoir within Central Park.
'At least we got him far away from the civilians, any ideas on how to deal with him.' Kat chimed in.
'Storm, Jean, you OK for a big one?', Cyclops asked.
'I'm OK,' Jean and Storm answered in unison.
'So, what's the plan?' Jean asked as she began to charge up her psionic energy for whatever scheme Scott had in mind.
Without the need for a verbal discussion, Scott telepathically conveyed his plan to the rest of the
team prompting all the members of the X-man into action.
'You got that Iceman?' Scott asked telepathically as he took his position a few meters from the battle between the icy mutant and the Asgardian.
'Yep, about damn time too, this Viking reject's really pissing me off.' Booby whined, the frosty teen was in maneuvering on the ice around the Norse warrior who was chucking powerful bolts of lightning and concussive psionic energy at him.
Iceman was holding his own quite well against the Executioner. That wasn't surprising given his estimated mutant level. If anything, his only weakness was his own fears, self-imposed limitations, restraint, and lack of experience.
Even so, Iceman or Bobby as he preferred being called did what he could to both hold off and distract the Executioner until his team got into position.
'Ready?' Scott asked everyone.
'Jean on my signal…' Scott said. The play he had in mind was simple in execution and could be bottled down to three easy steps. The first part was to distract and disarm the Asgardian. In the second part, take him up high then blast him to the reservoir, and finally bring him back down, electrify, and freeze in the reservoir.
Jean closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, her hands bawled into fists, she could feel the familiar pulse of psionic energy build up within her core, only now it was accompanied by a strange feeling of warmth that permeated every fiber of her being. It was invigorating, she felt like at this moment she could do anything. She sent out a small psychic wave to identify everything with hostile intent within the area. She wasn't as pinpoint accurate as the Professor but she could identify and pinpoint friend form foe easily enough.
Jean let out her breath, her eyes light with a fire glow as she spread her arms wide. A powerful telekinetic pulse burst from her violently throwing every Chitahuri back with enough force to severely injure them.
Taking that as his cue, Iceman slid down to a stop tanking a blast full force from the Asgardian before his body erupted into white mist that froze everything within a five-meter radius with him and the Executioner in the epicenter.
Before the Executioner could retaliate Jean brought down the weight of a cargo ship upon him. Her hands shook and a small dibble of blood came poring from her nose. The telekinetic pressure she put on the Asgardian brought him to his knees forming a large crater on the land. The warrior could only use his battle axe for support to remain standing.
But there, he ran into another surprise, small feminine hands shot up from below the crater he formed with his body and gripped the axe tightly. Katt Pryde used the Iceman's mist as cover to get close enough to the warrior to touch his weapon. A touch was all she needed, the weapon phased through his fingers and the crater as if it were moving through air.
'I got it Bobby, go wild', Iceman heard Kat's thoughts before sending a mental thankyou.
The Asgardian warrior could only look up in surprise as Bobby the Iceman walked up to him out of the mist. He struggled to stand but the pressures placed on his body only increased tenfold. Bobby gave the warrior a conniving smile before placing both hands on the Earth, he sent a mental message to Jean to let the man go.
"Fasten your seatbelts, Big guy— you're about to sour through the skies like true Norsemen. Far Vel!"
As soon as the pressure lifted an gigantic sharp pillar of ice as hard as steel shot from beneath the earth and into the sky taking the Asgardian with it. Iceman launched himself after the Asgardian with a little help from Jean.
Once the Asgardian was high enough a crimson beam stronger than anything Scott ever shot before lit up the skies. The optic beam was comparable to a train in both size and shape, it hit the Asgardian dead on sending him like a burned ragdoll across Central Park directly above Central Park reservoir with a storm hovering directly above him.
*Crackle! BOOM! *
Magnificent concentrated streaks of lightning descended from the skies on the helpless and burning Executioner. Blasting him from the skies into the electrically charged water below.
Iceman followed closely behind, adding his own icy blast to take the mix freezing the water into a weird electric blue before frozen arks of lighting above the water.
A chilling silence followed, everyone taking in deep bated breaths anxious to know if their plan finally succeeded. The crackling sounds of the rest of the reservoir freezing overfilled the Park.
'Did we get him', Katt asked, the oversized axe she held in her hands looked just as large as her. She was joined with Scott who looked ready to pass out at any moment and an oddly rejuvenated Jean who was carrying them both telekinetically. The trio hovered down next to Bobby standing on one of his ice pillars overlooking the reservoir. Storm hovered further away from them alertly observing the frozen reservoir for any signs.
'I think …we …did…OH COME ON!!!' Bobby commented both aloud and in thought as the frozen reservoir began to shake with renewed electric energy before exploding outward.
"Oh shit" Katt cursed as the battle axe in her arm vanished into glittery green mist.
"You've got to be kidding me," Scott whispered in disbelief.
Standing on the ice below them with a hard glare was none other than Executioner, he huffed and heaved as he pulled himself onto his feet. His armor burned and charred with a small fist-sized hole in the center of his chest plate bleeding from Iceman's attack. His right arm was a mangled-looking thing, if he felt any pain, he didn't let any of it show as he gripped his axe in his hands. Aside from the burn skin the Asgardian was relatively fine against all odds and seemed ready to go another round.
The warrior raised his axe, pointing it directly at his foes as he spoke in a booming voice. "For
Prince Thor, For King Loki, For Mine Dorttinn Amora, Forgive me Allfather, I shall not fail on this day."
The lone Asgardian looked at them with a heated gaze, ready to kill the young mutants or die trying.
His actions made the young mutants pause for a moment, only a moment because of the palpable bloodlust oozing off of the Executioner.
But then, there was a sudden pause, the executioner's eyes widened in panic. His hands gripped his battle axe tightly and with a grunt, he sliced the space in front of him making a rather large portal before vanishing into it.
The X-men were left staring confusingly at each other and back at the portal.
Not a moment later the portal violently shook, the sound of glass shattering fool filled the air and a shockwave shook the park, further destroying the frozen reservoir. The Executioner came flying out of the portal with a bleeding blond woman held tightly to his chest.
Another person came tumbling out after him; a regally handsome man with blond hair with his red cape flowing behind him, he was wielding a strange hammer crackling with electricity.
Three others exited the portal before it dissipated into nothing.
The first two held onto each other in a violent brawl across the ice. One was a green hulking mass of muscles and rage and the other was dressed in all black covered in bandages.
The last one to exit was dressed in a simple grey hoodie, cargo pants, and sneakers and he had on his face a red glowing pulsating mask that resembled an Oni-mask but it seemed a little too alive to be just a mask much like the four strange pulsating flaming wings behind him.
There was a brief pause before the one in the mask vanished. Another shock wave disrupted the flow of air, thunder boomed and lightning rained down from above on the frozen reservoir as the enchanted hammer met clenched fist.
Iron met Flesh.
Fist met Fist.
And more chaos ensued.
'KINDRED~, Outsider~ THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!' Something whispered-sang in the back of their minds... No, this was her, she thought that. Their? who? What was she thinking about again?
An unsettling feeling stirred within Jean, it was that warmth again, but it was no longer tame, it was more of a burning sensation in the pit of her stomach, or was it the back of her mind? She found it increasingly difficult to breathe, it was like something was coming alive in her psyche and she didn't know what it was yet she knew what it was, a memory she couldn't remember but the feeling of knowing it was there, something she should know but didn't.
What it was she didn't know as she breathed out the words. "Holy shit, that's Peter Parker"
"Say What!? HELL YEAH!! The cavalry has arrived." Katt joyfully exclaimed. The others simply chose to observe in silence.
"Jean? You ok" Scott asked Jean in worry.
Jean raised a curious eyebrow at him. "What's wrong?"
"Jean, You're glowing."
-Chapter End-
Peter side of the story will come be in the next chapter. hope you enjoyed this one.
Late update i know, couldn't update sooner cause this is week and last week were exam week.