Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man

Chapter 43: Attack on Hero Part 10

-Peter the following day-

(September, 11am)

The streets were bustling with activity as Peter walked through with a warm cup of coffee in hand. 

Peter was heading to meet up with Miles today. After yesterday's incident was sorted out, Peter, Miles and Felicia came to an agreement of sorts. 

The deals he offered them were simple, for Miles; he offered to heal his uncle and protect his mum. He also offered to help his gang rise up the ranks; all he had to do was join Babylon. Either that or Peter would force them to join via sin shard or kill them all to keep his secrets.

Miles answer to that was predictable, he said yes but he had to talk it out with his uncle first, that was the reason for today's meeting. 

As for Felicia, Peter offered to free her dad from prison, give him a whole new identity and wipe his previous one from every virtual database on earth, her identity too if the need ever arises and protect them both from whatever means to harm them. Her alternative was the same as the one he offered Miles. She asked for some time to think about it and he agreed but her answer was already a give because of the alternatives.

They were both skeptical of course, neither seemed to really believe his proposition at face value at first but he promised to prove it to them once they accepted and when the alternative was death or servitude against your will, the alternative was far better. 

Just to be sure, he infected them both with a dormant sin shard; something similar to the one that was in Aunt May but more volatile. He did the same for Miles men, their shards were dormant and they only insured that they would not betray him in any way. They were unaware of the shard within them unlike Miles and Felicia.

He couldn't take the risk of letting them go since they already knew him, his name and his face.

 However there was one thing he forgot to mention about dormant shards, that if they had the shard in them when they were near death it would activate to itself to protect the host body granting them variant abilities similar to his Bloodborne persona. An added bonus was that he could track their locations in real time.

He promised to remove the shards when their deal was complete, after a brief discussion he left them to their thoughts and made his way home. Neither of them attempted to follow him this time around. 

With the shard in them there was no where they could run where he couldn't chase them. If they did, he was amusingly contemplating if he should send Garfield after them or not. Actually, he couldn't wait to introduce the two to Garfield in particular, he wondered how they would react to a talking cat that fed on humans. It would be hilarious, with the way Garfield was attempting to replicate human speech by mimicking human vocal muscles and organs it always came of as creepily unsettling when the cat spoke because it couldn't seem to get it right. 

Sometimes it would be a deep male voice, other times a meek female voice or a child's, most times thought when he spoke it came of as numerous people of all ages speaking in unison. 

Peter informed Miles and Felicia to meet him at the location they were at which was coincidently the roof of his hideout in a week so that they could meet the other members of Babylon. Fisk would be up by then and Yuriko would be released from the hospital. 

He found it funny, how convenient this was for him, here he was looking for new member's and two of them decided to pop right up and attack him in some random alley. Granted they had their reasons, but a win was a win.

 Now he had four members already, maybe his Parker luck was finally looking up. 

A sudden chill ran down Peter's spine with that thought, he blinked rapidly as he paused and glanced around him on high alert. There was nothing out of the ordinary, oddly enough the chill vanished the instant he took notice, his instincts told him nothing too. 

'No, no, nope, I take it back, let's not jinx this yet,' Peter thought to himself with a resigned breath. 

He made his way to the bus stand to wait for the next bus. It was one of the few mundane things he enjoyed doing. If he wanted to he could get to Miles in a matter of seconds if he needed wanted to but he didn't, he just wanted to ride the bus there. 

He mind drifted off to Gwen momentarily, if that old witch lady was right she should be back already or sometime time soon. Either way, he would drop by her address to see her about that after this.

A light sniffle accompanied by light childlike giggles interrupted his musings.

"Yak, hahaha, sniff, that smells terrible, how can you drink that? That so weird." 

Peter turned to the person speaking and found it was a little girl, no older then twelve. A very strange little girl: she was dressed in a full body bunny suit that was bright blue in color complete with an adorable bunny bag and her hood pulled up as the two large fluffy bunny ears bounced with her every movement. She wore an array of colorful bunny hair pins holding back bright blue hair and her eyes mismatched, one side was green and the other amber brown. She smiled mischievously at him.

"Well that just rude, I'll have you know it's an acquired taste. At least I'm not the one dressed like a weirdo, ever heard of a mirror." Peter replied with a smile of his own. 

"Ah! Rude! Meanie! I was just asking a question, hmm! And I'll have you know I look absolutely, wonderfully adorable, maybe your stinky human eyes can't tell but I'm a goddess. Now apologies you, you ugly weirdo, filthy human, mortal scum, apologize to your better," The girl replied huffing at him with folded arms, the child glared up at him expectantly. 

"A goddess, you don't say, well forgive me your godliness but I refuse, maybe you should apologize first, you are the one that spoiled my drink first." Peter kept his smile up as he watched the girl tilt her head up, lifting her nose high in an act of superiority as she hummed to herself.

"Hmm, hmm, hmmm, foolish human, a goddess doesn't cower before mere mortals. I am above the, thou must kneel before me and apologize or suffer my wraith." The girl demanded in what she deemed an authoritative voice, it came at as anything but intimidating, with her head held high as she continued to glare at Peter.

"I see, I see, very reasonable and does this goddess have a human name?" Peter asked her, he was doing his best serious face but thanks to fool's mask pretending was breeze.

"But of course it is Kelly McGrath…" she answered with another huff only to blink rapidly after realizing her mistake.

"wait, wait, wait, wait. No! it's Sekhmet, my name is Sekhmet. Hey? H-hey, w-what are you doing?" The girl tried to correct herself but Peter was already dialing a number on his phone with his free end.

"Hello police, I'd like to report a lost child here, her name…yes its…" Peter began speaking into the phone after dialing the number.

"Ghaaa! Stop it! Hey! Cut that out. Hey? Stop ignoring meeeee!…." The girl, Kelly started to panic, pulling on Peter's leg as he continued to speak into the phone. 


-Seven minutes later-

Peter sat next to Kelly on the bench as they both waited for the next bus in silence. Kelly sniffing slightly as she chewed on gummy bears Peter got her as a peace offering. Peter could hear her cursing him under her breath. She sent a teary-eyed glare at Peter every now and then but would quickly look away when he turned. 

Turns out she was heading to the hospital too. She ran away for the day, but she had to go back before the cops and her doctor found out she was missing, she'd be in big trouble if that happened. Peter agreed to take her back to the hospital with him if she behaved. 

Which was what led them here. 

She cleared her throat repeatedly to get his attention. 

"Umm, whats your na-" she stopped short. Blinking sharply as if remembering something than after clearing her through again and sitting up straighter she spoke in a haughty tone.

 " I-I mean, isn't it customary for humans to introduce themselves before asking for another person's name."

Peter turned to the girl and answered. "It's Peter, Peter Parker."

The girl's eyes widened a fraction, her mouth dropped open strangle, as she stared at him with an odd mix star struck and fascination. 

"Eeeeeeehhhh! Are you really?!" she squealed in delight, her eyes lighting up with wonder like she was a kid seeing their hero for the first time.

Peter left eyebrow quirked up in question as the girl quickly calmed herself down. 

"I mean sure, whatever, it's a nice name." Though she said it with her usually haughty tone, she still had a large smile on her face.

"Where do you go to school? Human, Peter Parker," she asked after a while.

"Hmm, Midtown High." Peter answered her. 

"Is that close by?"

"No, it's pretty far from here."

"How old are you."

"I'm seventeen, how old are you?"

"It's rude to ask a woman about her age you know."

"Oh, my apologies then godly one."

"Oh, oh, I see you finally see the errors of your ways human. Good, good, now you shall serve me and do my bidding. This goddess demand's satisfaction, as such I would require more gummy bears."

"Where are you putting that? I just got you a whole packet."

"Silence human! I want more gummies! Gimme! More! Candy! Or ice-cream, Actually I think I want ice-cream now! Human scum fetch me my sustenance."

"Hello, police."

"WAAAAIIIT! I'm sorry, please forgive me."

They both left a few minutes later when the bus arrived.


-At the hospital-

Peter dropped Kelly off shortly after their arrival, her doctor and nurses were there to greet her, and she got bombarded with questions and disappointing looks from them after they thanked Peter for bringing her back.

It was when they left that she called out after him. He turned and waved as she shouted. "Peter, I forgot to tell you, This Goddess is a huge fan of yours. Those useless writers ruined the later issues with their bullshit but your still my favorite. I can't wait for you to meet my big brother. It'll be a blast, I'll find you later kay?." She waved at him from down the corridor as she quickly reprimanded for her use of language by the adults around her immediately after.

Their actions made her curse even louder.

'What a weird kid.' he thought.

Peter shook his head in bemusement as he waved her goodbye and went on his way.


Somewhere in the hospital miles sat next to his uncle who was in a wheelchair as they waited for Peter to arrive. Their expressions were solemn as Miles explained the events of the previous night to his uncle. 


Outside New York Felicia drove past the gates of a heavily guarded prison on her bike. Many armed guards could be seen manning the walls as she made her way in. She was here to visit her dad.


In a VIP hospital suite, Wilson Fisk's monitor blinked with renewed activity getting the attention of one James Wesley as he hastily called the doctors to come check on him.


Somewhere in New York one Yuriko Watanabe was seconds away from punching her therapist as she sat on a couch comfortably listening to her diagnosis. 


For beyond the known universe, at the edges of the boundary a single crack could be found, a fissure in reality from outside no bigger than a centimeter and thinner than the space that folded within it. Eldritch energy forced the fissure open and held it in place, but it grew no bigger.

It was an error on the world of Marvel and the world was struggling to correct itself. 

On the other side of the wall that separated worlds within the space between countless dimensions a strange being chuckled slightly.

"Huh, what are the odds of that?" it spoke in a voice that was sounded like many different people were speaking at the same time. It blinked in surprise after the fissure he created snapped back shut. 

The shockwave displaced the space around the wall. 

 It cursed soon after as the fissure healed due to his momentary distraction. But then again who wouldn't be distracted after what it just discovered. 

It's not every day one gets to meet Peter Parker, Spiderman himself in the flesh. It's fan-gasm aside it had to hurry, that damn fragment was already making moves. Peter Parker didn't know what it was yet, but it was already acting up to ensure its host would be sufficiently strong enough to face it. 

Beyonder_Zenith+ fragments sure were freakishly powerful, combined with the fact that it was an Origin class elevated it to a whole new level of power. It needed to invoke the Law of unity and ensure its right to claim before the host got any stronger. It could handle the restrictions placed by the Admin and the Guardian as it was. 

As longs as the fragment's integration compatibility level in the lower percentile it would win. It was sure the Peter's integration level was on the lower side, not every being could bond with an origin and take it up to two digits. Its own fragment integration was within the two digits limit.

It was accepted that any creature above the two-digit percentile with an origin class Beyonder_Zenith+ fragment would be impossibility in an of itself. There were no origin class Fragments holders out there with that level of compatibility, it would be unprecedented if one were to be born.

 It was confident it could win a confrontation with this fragments host- it was just sad it had to be Peter freaking Parker of all people.


It had to break through this damn wall before their fusion rate reached high levels and consume the Origin while he still had the higher fusion level. It was his only edge against the origin fragment. 

It was the only way it could go home, To bad Spider-Man had to die for it to accomplish its goal.


On earth deep within Peter's psyche, IT twitched slightly. 

Host detail

Name: Peter Benjamin Parker


Fable Fusion_Phase_3_Integration_37%


-Chapter End-


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