Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man

Chapter 11: Enter: Abomination

-Peter on a bus somewhere in New York-

Peter took a sit at the furthest left sit at the back of the bus, Tonight was a rather eventful night for Peter.

Pulling his hood further over his face to hide his bruises, he let out a long calming breath. He felt some light pain and muscle aches from the simple act of sitting but chose to ignore it.

He glanced out the window of the bus at the passing cars and people.

Today was it, the final step of his preparations was done, over the last few weeks, he had been training himself physically and did some digging into some of the gangs and criminals in New York.

He had enough to have a general understanding of their workings, though he didn't have enough to know who was connected to Fisk but he was fairly confident that when he finally went active on the streets he would find out.

Aside from the physical workout, lessons at Colleen's dojo, and the usual trips to the hospital and his therapist, he spent more time on research, online classes, and the library to have a better grasp on computers and technology in general.

He also did some research on guns and explosives, at least as much as he could with what he had. He would have to look into some way to get some experience

He figured he'd need to be well-versed in that department to tap into police feeds and hack computers for useful information. Maybe even troll people who pissed him off, just for the heck of it.

He was content now though, after weeks of fighting in the underground arenas, he finally had enough reward money for his next project. His hero cave, his hideout, his base of operation.

He already purchased all the tech on the dark web over the last month, he'd pick it up after their delivery in a week, and now he had enough cash to purchase that abandoned warehouse near his block next to the cancel, he bought it under a false name through the false id which also wasn't hard to purchase online.

The wonders of the internet were amazing, he couldn't believe how easy it was, sure it took him a couple of failed tries and a fuck tone of wasted cash but a win is a win.

He'd use the warehouse as his base of operation, he would have to come up with a good name too. His inner geek demanded it. (A/N: have any suggestions, feel free to comment)

It was also connected to the sewer and had a good underground storage room, it was spacious too. He could convert it into his base of operations by filling it with all that tech, maybe some workout equipment, and whatever else he could get his hands on.

Wouldn't be difficult to seal it off and build a hidden entrance into the room and break the walls to expand it into the sewer and use the top as a storage unit for the sake of keeping up appearances.

He also had to prepare for school, given his current situation there were some things he was required to do before school started, documents to fill out, and people to meet.

'Can't believe school's starting soon, other teenagers are probably thinking about it, and here I am planning operations. Damn when did I change so much.' he thought to himself, wincing slightly in discomfort in his seat.


Peter closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat and tried to relax.

His thoughts wandered back to the development of his abilities. His body was tougher than the average person athlete's and healed faster too. He was getting stronger by the day, more skilled in fighting the more he exerted himself physically.

The underground fighting arenas were a big help to his growth. He would grow stronger still, he could feel it. He also had this instinctual knowledge of some type of fighting style, he was improving it every day.

Colleens wasn't the only Dojo wasn't the only one he joined. He joined others, well more like challenged their master once he found out that could be done. From that, he found out that most masters around didn't come close to meeting his requirements since a number of them lost, and he was able to replicate their fighting styles to almost perfection, after a few rounds and lessons with them.

Colleen was one of the few that lasted longer than two weeks.

'Well now not anymore.'

Seeing as how he beat her at her best and now had an almost perfect replication of her fighting style to boot.

'The watchdog man fighting style was just too strong anyway.' That was the name that came to mind whenever he thought about the style he used. It just felt right for some weird reason.

He also discovered a way to utilize his Ajin.

For some reason, he couldn't figure out a way to manifest it in full form yet, he tried a lot of times, but he could only manifest some type of bandage, an incredibly durable bandage, which he used to do some amazing shit.

Turns out that not only could it become visible and invisible on command, but also thanks to its psychic nature, he could use it to lift large and heavy objects, which he can't normally do physically.

And wrapping it around himself gave him extra protection and a boost in strength and speed.

It can also be extended endlessly, but the longer it gets the harder it is to control. he could also manifest multiple bandages and do various things with them as if they were extra limbs.

It seems to automatically wrap around him like armor without him even needing to try.

But using it for more than armor and movement was straining and it tires him out faster than it would normally when he used it for heavy lifting. That thought brought him to his most pressing problem.

His newfound hunger for blood. He found out that the itching feeling in his throat was a hunger for blood when he visited his Aunt at the hospital.

Blood smelt so appetizing to him that his senses that smelt like Aunt May's spaghetti, his favorite food. Tasted like it too, and hamburgers and hotdogs from the stall he liked.

If it wasn't for his self-control, he might have lost it in there and attacked someone, but oddly enough, coffee was what stopped him.

The smell of the doctor who walked by him was also equally appetizing and snapped him out of his blood-lust trance. A quick stop by the nearest cafe did wonders.

Now he had a caffeine addiction.

He knew he would have to do something about his hunger soon, but coffee seemed to be the only thing that tasted remotely normal, everything else tasted rather dull.

He had this feeling that something else would happen if he decided to drink blood now, like something was sleeping in him just waiting for him to have a taste of blood.

He was so lost in his internal musing that he didn't notice the shadow looming over the bus until it was too late.


Time slowed as Peter was flung from his slamming into the room of the overturned bus and then some more. Broken shards of glass are thrown everywhere.

'What the-.' He could even finish that thought before he was painfully slammed about in the spinning bus, bashing and crashing into everything

He felt a couple of bones break.

Something large and metallic rammed into the bus, a taxi flying into it at incredible speed, flipping the bus on its side, and sending it sliding across the road, sparks lit up from under it as it grinding against the road.

Everything went black for Peter.


Peter woke to the sound of giggling; a familiar melodious voice filled his ear.

'What the shit hit me? Where am I?'

Blinking himself awake he felt that he was on something soft.

After sitting up and taking a look around he realized he was in his in his room again.

Before he could move something hugged him from behind.

That same giggling again filled his ears and had him freeze up like a statue. Not only did it sound really familiar, but now the sound came from directly next to his right ear, so much so that he could feel a light breath on his ear.

Something rested on his shoulder, he turned to meet two bright glowing yellow eyes, with a face shrouded by black miasma, hair, and bandages.

"Hello you... so soon...My..." a sweet voice whispered to him, only to fade slowly along with everything else when the world around faded into white.


Peter shot up with a startle, the sound of panicked people screaming, car horns blaring, police sirens, firetruck sirens, gunshots, and the smell of burning tires assaulted his senses.

Whatever that was he just experienced fading from his mind.

He slowly stood up, his body twisting, muscles reconnecting, bones creaking back into place. Faint black particles of black miasma oozed out of every bleeding cut on his body as it sealed itself up, his blood also evaporating into the same mist-like substance his mind slowly clearing as his body healed.

A shadow took form and it seemed to struggle to manifest behind him for a moment but dispersed into the same mist-like substance when Peter was fully healed.

"What the hell is happening?" He questioned after regaining his bearings.

"No..." He whispered.

All around the bus littered a few bodies, broken, torn, and twisted. Blood painted the inside of the bus, with body parts hanging from everywhere.

The bus was on its side, he could see the bus driver's body hanging from the front.

A bonnet of a car, a taxi sticking through the bus door.

Just the waist down, the top was missing, a piece of his torn spin poking out from what was left of his waist.



A loud animalistic roar shook the bus, accompanied by a burst of deep laughter. More crashing and gunshots could be heard. The panicked screams of people were still there, only now getting more heretic.

A car could be hard scrapping to a stop.


A loud explosion followed as the constant sounds increased in frequency.

Blurg!...Peter let out the contents of his stomach, unable to hold it in after this sight. His ability was not yet strong enough to help him through this.

"Arrg" He let out a growl soon after, he's eyes narrowing into bright yellow slits, he realized that all this was caused by whatever let out that roar, and it also killed him just now.

That car didn't just toss itself into the bus.

Peter jumped through the side window of the tilted bus and stood on its side. Bandages manifested around him; some covered his face to hide his identity after losing his mask.

Others flowed protectively around him.



Another explosion got his attention.

"What is that?" he wondered.

There in the distance among the flaming, and overturned cars, among the screaming and fleeing people stood a large monster.

It almost reminded Peter of his lizard form only more natural with a human face. It had spines coming out of its spines, large muscles everywhere on its body, and the outline of bones protruding from its elbows, and ribs could be seen from its chest.

Its legs were more akin to the hind legs of animals than they did of a humans.

It was a sickly yellowish green in color.


It looked human, but it didn't seem human, not anymore.

It treated people like toys, throwing them and crushing them whenever it could, especially the cops and military units. It tossed cars into buildings like footballs, laughing hysterically in awe at his strength.

Bullets seemed to bounce off him like rubber pellets, it seemed to revel in gunfire.

Looking at everything in disdain, like everything was beneath it like it was the superior being.

Peter's body shook, he was unsure whether it was fear or excitement. He clenched his fist and glanced back at the car.

It looked strong and powerful, but that didn't matter, it wasn't human.

Not anymore. Not... 'Pain, It HURTSS! Stop it, RUUUn.'

Flashes flooded his mind, his heart skipped a beat, and memories from his first death, his fight against Spider-woman, and moments from the incident played back.

He was having a panic attack. 

"Fuck...huff... huff... I thought I was over this already...huff'" Peter grabbed his head, this fucking thing must have triggered him.

He fell to his knees, one hand still holding his head, the other down on the bus to support himself.

His eyes shut tightly.

'It hurts stop it! this isn't me! why won't you stop.'

White gloved fists...

Bones breaking, flesh tearing, everything hurting...

His breath hitched, and he started to hyperventilate, sweat pouring from his temple. what if Spider-women comes back, what if this thing hurts him worse if he loses? what was he even trying to do? this killed him just now?

What the fuck was he thinking?

He should run. He should leave here while he could.

What if he was captured? what if someone saw his face?

What if he...died...

{Incarnation of Garou: Active;}




Why the fuck is he panicking again.

This fucking this was making him panic, this weak-ass monster.

This brain-dead muscled brute fuck.


His thoughts of panic morphed into ones of wrath and rage.It bubbled out of his being. A palpable aura of battle frenzy surrounded him.

He wanted to fight that beast.

' I want to kill it'.

The thought was so unlike him and yet it felt so like him. So painfully familiar. I mean he hunted worse, or were those heroes.

' What was i talking about again, right... that weak ass monster'.

He looked up at the cause of his current state, his fist balled again, this time shaking for an entirely different reason. His eyes narrowed into slits, his lips slowly twisting into a bloodthirsty grin.

This thing was dying today, he would rip its arms off, tear its head off.

The monster picked up a military car and tossed it at the lice of cop cars.


"Looks like this is my debut, but this works, the scarier the better I guess." Besides, he needed to test himself to see how strong he had gotten over the month.

What better way than against a monster?

Peter jumped at the flying car, and the bus shook, sliding back a few meters as a dent formed where he propelled himself, a couple of bandages manifested and flew forward wrapping themselves around the thrown car.

He pulled himself towards the car, then used it midair to propel himself at the monster kicking the car higher into the air, spinning in the air as more bandages manifested and wrapped around a nearby lamp post.

With a slight tug, Peter sent the car flying back at the surprised monster.

"Hey fugly, I think you dropped this!" he taunted, the crazed smile and expression still plastered on his face.

-Chapter End-

ho, Cliffhanger-san strikes again.

Won't be posting for a while, school's starting so got some school stuff to do.

But here's a pole for Peter's next ability. He has the next slot coming up, and I couldn't really make up my mind so I decided I would try to put up a pole and let you readers decide, note that the abilities might be altered but have the same effect to some degree.

Slot 6- Choose one of the following: (Choose wisely)

1. ShyGuy (SCP-096)

2. I-Boy (iBoy 2017)

3. Canon Ball (Minimum holder)

4. Overactive Imagination (RWBY)

5. Charkra (Naruto)


1. Shyguy-

Name: Self-Keeping Secret (some physical boosts with a lil something extra, fear the one who knows when you discover his secret)

2. Iboy

Name: Living iPhone (technopathy with a twist, all tech shall kneel before the walking iPhone)

3. Canon Ball (Sonic Minimum holder)

Name: soundwave rider (makes him faster with a snap of a finger and then some)

4. Overactive Imagination (RWBY)

Name: Imagin Manifest (illusion generation type ability, only it ain't just illusions)

5. Charkra- upgraded (Naruto)

Name: Life energy Manipulation (it's similar but somewhat upgraded into something else, cause of death and all...)

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