Marvel: A New God’s Reign

Chapter 7: Political Agendas


"If your life can change once, your life can change again"

– Sanae Furukawa, (Clannad)


<(Atem POV)>

"Gosh, it was so tiring tonight. Most of the elites who attended the party were too sleazy for their own good. I can't believe some even had the gall to ask me for sexual favors in return for joining our organization. We were the ones doing them a favor by letting them join our secret society but no, they had to act like greedy pieces of shit." Emma huffed showing her annoyance as the three of them exited a boom tube and reached their mansion in New Genosha, the island that resulted from the joining of the original Genosha island and the mutant island of Krkoa.

"Huh, really? What did you do?" I asked wondering if I would get to read about the news of different members of the elite committing suicide in tomorrow's newspapers.

"Nothing much. I just followed Jean's example of what she did with Scott after he got a little too obsessed with her and used my telepathy to make most of them desire to see their wives getting banged by other men while putting tiny mental blocks in their minds to make sure that they would never be able to 'get it up' again.

"You know, times like these are when I truly feel proud of you," Selene said with a smile on her face as she sat on my bed.

"How many new prospective members did we get anyway for the Club?" I asked as I looked at the two women who were supposed to be two new leaders of the club, the White and Black Queens.

I had actually taken over the club about a decade ago after I killed Faust. At that time I had just absorbed the entire organization within the League and closed it down making sure to get every single resource that the club possessed. But it was a mistake since I lost the evergrowing bouquet of connections and influence that came with the notoriously well-known secret society.

That's why I made the decision to restart the society again, this time to make sure that not only a lot of high-level people from the country and maybe even one day the world would join in but also so that I can slowly but surely leverage all these connections and the collective influence of the members especially in that of the upper-middle and grass level of the social structure.

"I got about a couple of dozen industrialists. They seemed crooked, so they would definitely have some deep connections and influence." Emma said as she flicked her blonde hair in pride.

"Well, I went mostly after politicians and high-tiered government officials especially the military officers since they were the ones who had mainly attended the part as the biggest customers of Stark Industries. It was quite unfortunate that there weren't any military generals or secret service agents there, otherwise, we could have made this a much bigger haul." Selene spoke up as she began to transfer her memories into a small stone in her hand after noticing that Emma began to do the same with a separate stone of her own.

They were memory crystals developed by a combination of Morgana and Selene, built to transfer memories and information directly from one mind to another. They were quite useful since they basically meant that paperwork of any kind was no longer necessary. As long as Zoya got the required memories filled with the required information, she would be able to take care of all administrative tasks.

"Is there any reason that we are actually increasing our power and influence like this instead of going all out by just using the Cerebro or even the upgraded Cerebra that can be used by my daughters to just mind control everyone on Earth to accept us as their absolute ruler?" Frost asked as she remembered about her five teenage clones genetically engineered by Sublime that she had adopted after Rudeus obliterated the bacteria.

"Because one that's boring and two, it's not possible. There are a lot of races on Earth that have powers beyond that of metahumans or civilizations that have technology advanced enough to block large-scale telepathic abilities, like Wakanda for example. So I do not want to force this and turn it into a big issue that will force all non-metahumans to unite against us. At least not so soon after ordinary humans have just started to believe that metahumans are equal to them. No, I would much rather wait a couple of years and do this entire process slowly but steadily. No need to rush stuff like this." I said as I went down to lie on the bed.

"But why do you think that we will lose against other races? Even if other races do exist, we should still be able to win. We have people like Jean, Selene, me, Ororo, and Lorna with us. I think we can take control of the planet before..." Emma tried to speak. In this timeline, she though immensely cunning still wasn't that experienced in using strategies and quick wits since she had been under my protection for too many years. Well, at least she was nowhere near Selene's level. 

"We won't be able to win, at least not if we depend on our army of sentinels or our loyal metahumans. Earth is a lot more mysterious and strange than you think especially the human race on it and its many MANY branches. If we ever decide to strong-arm our... acquisition of the planet, there will be at least a dozen races that will rise up to stop us, races just as strong as metahumans if not stronger.

Then there are other problems too. Like do you think all Metahumans will support us? There will always be mutants like Professor X who would much rather commit suicide than even think about waging war against powerless humans. Hell, even the countless secret organizations and factions around the world alone make it a mystery if metahumans will ever win in case of war because they are definitely one of the most powerful races on the planet but still not the absolute strongest." I clarified to her.

"But that won't even be the beginning of our worries. Our biggest challenge would be the other pantheon gods who think they have the power or right to decide what happens on Earth and humanity. They always try to do their best to make sure that whatever happens, they never lose their free loyal servants and source of souls that provide them with the faith they need. Us just going on mind-controlling everyone on Earth including their devotees will tick them off the wrong way." Selene participated in the conversation as she was done using the memory crystal as well.

Plus I don't like mind control. It's nasty. I mean I would have done it if I had no other choice but I do have a choice. And I would much rather prefer members of my Hellfire Club use their own free minds and figure out how to make society better and bigger. All we are doing currently to make them join is just planting a tiny seed of subtle desire to be a part of the organization. With time, that seed will slowly take hold of the receiver's mind and they will join in thinking that entering the organization was their own dream. This way we will gain smart subordinates who can think for themselves and figure out solutions to their problems so that we won't have to do it for them.

"That's actually pretty smart. But, may I ask you what this has to do with the meta-human bill we have been secretly lobbying for the past ten years? I mean the amount of political power we possess, the bill should have been passed at least a dozen times in a dozen countries including the USA. So why are we delaying it ourselves?" Emma asked curiously.

"That's a good question, Emma. You see the meta-hero initiative is supposed to be a... final stroke in my short history of financial, political, and social achievements, a success that would establish metahumans as 'safe' and me as 'a force of good' just like I truly am a force of pure sugary goodness. But more than that, the bill would bring forward a new set of challenges, challenges that would be even more complex and unique than what the metahuman rights bill is going to create.

That's why we will be focusing on increasing our influence on the world first while we introduce the metahuman rights bill in the USA. We are already behind schedule anyway. We were supposed to pass the rights bill much earlier but thanks to those Hydra cockroaches, we had to face even more opposition than we thought despite having to resort to mind-controlling the upper echelons of almost an entire political party. Most other developed countries had already approved their own metahuman rights bill after the emergence of Genosha and the rumor of my(Atem's) fight with Magneto when I had to destroy a black hole the magnetic bastard created as a suicide attack on the cusp of defeat but I guess the USA just wanted to feel special by being one of the last countries to give equal rights to metahumans and let go of such amazing research materials." I snort in annoyance.

"That is actually brilliant considering what the bill really is. Once in motion, it could in theory end all the discrimination we face every day. Hell, this could even potentially give us the perfect chance to take over the planet..." She started.

"There she goes again." Selene chuckled forgetting that she wasn't any better than her in being obsessed with ruling.

"Calm down my chess queens. All in due time. And in fact, don't you know it's more fun enjoying the journey than reaching the destination."

'Although, there is even more fun in just scaring and shocking the hell out of people.' I inwardly thought.

I began to laugh in an insidious manner as I imagined all the fun I could have by messing around with people... until I get road-killed by a random celestial that is. But still, that would not stop me from enjoying myself once in a while.

Soon. Very very soon, I would be passing the metahuman rights bill probably even before the events of Ironman 2. As for the meta-hero initiative, I actually had a pretty good idea in my mind about the best time to bring this bill to motion.

I would probably be giving Nick Fury the biggest mother fucking surprise he would ever get in his life if the bill really does get approved during that.


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