Marvel: A New God’s Reign

Chapter 4: The City Truly Made for Gods


"Just keep swimming."

— Dory,  (Finding Nemo)


<(Atem  POV)> 

"Am I free to rule Nornheim like before, now that I can no longer betray you?" Karnilla asked after the short magical ritual was completed.

She as an experienced sorceress herself knew what the ritual exactly did and how it worked. She knew that she was practically more or less bound to me and there was no way she could betray me now. The ritual that was used by Morgana although a simple one was still one of the highest-order mystical arts that used pure cosmic energy and the power of the Master Order of this world to force the target to be loyal to his/her predetermined master which in this case was me.

"Yeah sure, knock yourself out. The para-sentinels already have a lot of inbuilt instructions in them to explore and search for any resources they find in this dimension as well as meticulously execute the expansion phase of our plans. They won't have to depend on you to order them around for that. They can even build more of themselves if they find enough resources although it will probably take quite a bit of time." I revealed, wondering when my team of geniuses would be able to crack nanotechnology and do away with limitations like these.

"Yeah, you can just go back to sleeping you lazy old hag. Maybe if you sleep hard and deep enough, your beta prince crush Balder will come to wake you up by giving you a true love's kiss." Morgana began to laugh like an evil sorceress at Karnilla who couldn't do anything but clench her fists in anger at the blatant insult of her love life.

However, I did feel bad for the lonely Goddess of Mysticism as I knew from the comics that she had a massive crush on Balder, a crush that the prince did not return at all. Instead, he was a hard simp for Karnilla's student, Amorra also known as the Enchantress, someone who only used him for her own toxic gains, the very definition of a hardcore venomous gold-digger.

"Stop it, Morgana. Don't tease the Queen of Mystics. I am sure we have embarrassed her enough for one day... But still Karnilla, I do have to thank you for giving me Hela's address. I will use it wisely in the future, right Zoya?" I asked the mother box floating beside me.

"Of course Master Atem. I have already saved the dimensional coordinates in my data storage. I can take you to Helheim any time you wish. However, I can feel some sort of artificial barrier and interference obstructing entry to the dimension but with enough energy, I can pierce it." Zoya informed in her usual emotionless voice.

"Good box, good box." I patted the floating cube trying to praise her while Karnilla after seeing this just sighed and finally seemed to accept her fate and new life.

As soon as the Queen sighed, a bunch of notifications crowded in front of my vision informing me of the mission I just managed to complete.

[Surprise System Quest: Conquer Nornheim.

Quest Description: Nornheim is a secret dimension currently being ruled by Karnilla, the queen of magic. Conquer the dimension with your army without lifting a single finger yourself like a true king. Decimitate its forces and prove to the Queen that you as the only true great conqueror she needs to fear.

Quest Reward: Alteran City-Ship]

[Congratulations! Quest completed.]

['Alteran City-Ship' item card has been deposited into your inventory]

[Alteran City-Ship: A Death Star-sized starship made by Alterans as both a secure home and a mode of transport. Besides its extremely high durability and high-tech weaponry, it is also famous for the numerous stargates it has, the only few ones still operational in the universe.]

At last, I thought the quest would never end. Even though I already have a spaceship of my own which I stole from Apocalypse a decade ago, this one will also be quite useful, especially for all-out wars. Now, all I have to do is just take it out of my inventory and summon it to the real world.

"You know on second thought the Nornkeep doesn't really look that great. It's too small and... old. I think it's time to upgrade to a better model." I joked as both sorcerers looked at me with question marks on their faces, not understanding where that suddenly came from.

"You mean you want to rebuild the castle into something different?" Morgana asked as she began to lull over the matter.

"No. You know what, there's no need for me to continue explaining it to you when I can just show it to you." I smiled and snapped my fingers at which a golden-red portal slowly opened up behind me.

It was a gateway to my storage space or my inventory. I could access everything I had in there through portals like these and even use them for offensive attacks, Gilgamesh style.

As the red portal slowly became bigger and wider, a unique and strange ship began to emerge out of it. Normally I can't make my own portals longer or wider than the size of an ordinary car but the system seemed to realize the problem of taking the gigantous reward out from it and thus allowed such a big portal to form.

"What is that?" Karnilla marveled at the sight of the immense spaceship. She had seen some fabulous pieces of art before in her life as the queen of an entire mini realm but this, this was something completely different. This was something on the likes of Asgard

It wasn't just a ship, it was a behemoth of breathtaking beauty that defied all senses. It was much more amazing than what was shown in the Stargate show. In fact, the floating city ships in the show due to low budget and limited VFX can only be said to be a pale imitation of what this breathtaking behemoth was.

"That is Nornheim's newest center of power, Zenith. Our counter to Asgard. And you will be in charge of it Karnilla... for now." Karnilla could only respond with a nod, still lost at the sight of the magnificent structure, the allure that she would be a queen ruling from a city as beautiful as this.

After all, not just Asgard, even Omnipotence City would struggle to compete with its beauty and elegance.

Although I like the design of the citadel from Mass Effect better than such floating cities, the Stargates in it could be extremely useful. So, I guess you win some, you lose some.

"Even though I really want to sightsee the inside of the city, I'll have to get going now. But I am sure you two can set your centuries-old argument aside to become the first ones to explore Zenith, won't you? Zoya, accompany them to the city and take control of it entirely. You will be the new central AI of the city from now on. Congratulations on the promotion by the way. Also, keep an eye on them and make sure they don't fight and kill each other or at least not destroy my new city while doing so." Atem said as he gave a threatening look to the two.

"As you command God Emperor Atem" Zoya replied at which I had a visible chill from the absolute cringe. They would never let me forget my earlier days, would they?

As I opened a Boom tube using the connection to my mother box Zoya, I decided to take a look at my status. I hadn't been keeping track of all the skills and stuff, especially after the UI upgrade of the system. So, I needed to see if there was any major change there.



||Name: Atem||

||Titles: 'First of his Kind', 'New God Progenitor', 'A God of Culture', 'A Budding God Emperor', 'A King in Manking', 'Secret Pervert', 'Harem Lover'||

||Race: New God (Alpha)||

||Gender: Male||

||Divinity: Domination, [locked], [locked]||

||Faith points: locked||



||New God physique: The user's physical abilities are superior over other beings in their universe because their capabilities are far beyond natural levels, making them immensely stronger, faster, and more durable than regular beings can achieve by seemingly any method of training||

||Alpha physiology: The user is vastly superior to any member of their species, learning and achieving quickly and effortlessly what takes years of hard work for others and growing substantially stronger and better with each challenge||

||Incomprehensible mind: The user is immune to memory manipulation, and any/all mental intrusion including psychic or empathic powers, mental hallucination, hypnosis, deception, etc. Mind readers will only hear static while mind controllers will have extreme difficulty in controlling those with the perk. However, you can let people sense your thoughts, and feelings or let them see your memories if you choose it yourself||

||Anchored soul: The user is immune to all soul-based powers, meaning their souls cannot be manipulated in any way, including being observed, absorbed, destroyed, trapped/sealed, or converted into another type of soul||

||Allspeak: With the help of this perk user can communicate in all of the languages of the Ten Realms, Earth's dialects, and various other alien languages||

||Golden Rule of the Stars: The user has the skill Golden Rule, being fated to a life that is filled with riches. It does not measure the percentage of gold in one's body, but the chance of attracting riches in one's life. The amount of riches provided by the perk will make the user incredibly wealthy to the point where money trouble will be unknown.

The user has the highest rank of Charisma with the influence to build a grand empire on a global scale. He is often praised as the greatest king or emperor, so his ability to command and lead great armies or organizations is excellent. Being such a rare talent, the perk makes it no longer a matter of popularity or skill for the user to influence people, but closer to something like sorcery.

It also acts as the "perk" to collect high-quality goods—a "luck" that draws rare & valuable items into the possession of the user.||

||Low Cosmic awareness: The user is able to sense any big changes happening in the world on a lower scale. It can act both passively warning the user like a sixth sense or actively where the user can sense everything happening around him||

||Astral Manipulation: The user can create, shape, and manipulate astral energy, allowing them to project their astral form on the physical plane and to the astral plane and interact there, see spirits, making spirits visible to others, astral trapping and potentially harming the dead.||

||Immortality: The New Gods are functionally and virtually immortal; they cease aging physically at their peak age. Unless they fall in battle, they are immune to the ravages of time, and diseases and could easily live for billions upon billions of years.||

||Divine healing: The power to heal using the user's own divine energy. It can heal the wounds of humans, animals, and other 'alive' natural or supernatural beings. Due to its divine nature, it can influence life itself. Its healing powers even extend to resurrection, regeneration, and immortality bestowal at the expense of the user's divine energy. Divine energy consumed may vary on the targets themselves.||

||Divine Energy Manipulation: The user can manipulate divine energy, which is especially harmful to non-divine entities. The user can absorb divine energy from other beings (not divinity itself) to enhance himself temporarily. The user can change divine energy into different forms and objects of varying detail according to the user's imagination.||

||Ruler: The user is a Ruler, a person who holds sovereignty over a specific dominion (no matter how large or small) and their people, making political or non-political decisions to maintain, advance, and aid their lands and people as their ruler. Whatever means they have been supernatural, mundane, or otherwise, they use it to aid in their sovereignty for themselves and/or their people it fundamentally depends on intentions, motives, and character be it ruling fair and just or cruel and immoral both having their own set of consequences depending on the choices they make do to the responsibilities for them, their lands and their people.

It will help the user in doing all the above activities and enable the user to take all diplomatic, economic, and political decisions more efficiently while also increasing the chances of those decisions being successful.

The perk will increase the user's power while in his dominion while also increasing the loyalty of the residents to the holder of this perk. This specific perk may complement other perks and skills that the user might possess. It also increases the rate of overall growth of the nation as well as increasing talents being born in the country.||

||Divine psionics: The user is a divine being that possesses divine powers that grant them immense amounts of psychic power, tapping into absolute, divine psionic might, achieving an unimaginable power, capabilities, and precision beyond mundane by an outstanding margin namely Astral Projection, Omega level Telekinesis, Omega level Telepathy, and Prayer Tracking

1) Omega-level Telepathy

2) Omega-level Telekinesis

3) Prayer Tracking||

||Nirvana Flame: Users can create, shape, and manipulate blue supernatural flames, which are hotter and stronger than ordinary orange flames. The color is due to the exceedingly high temperatures and the result of complete combustion, burning at least 1,525°C (2,777°F). It can not only burn away physical materials but even affect supernatural creatures or entities like gods and spirits. It can also burn impurities.||

||Perfected Rinnegan: (Optical Abilities, Deva Path, Asura Path, Human Path, Animal Path, Preta Path, Naraka Path, Outer Path, Devour & Release, Susanoo)||

||Pantheon Creation: The user can assemble a pantheon, by creating their own sets of unique gods and goddesses from normal mortals. Created gods and goddesses will have similar powers and abilities to their creator but on a smaller scale and their own conscience. Core divinity may vary according to the individual mortal converted. All created deities once converted to godhood cannot betray or harm the user in any way possible.||

||Witcher verse spell-code (complete): The user gets access to the entire magical system of the witcher world and can analyze, modify, or create spells using the framework of its magic system. The user gets access to all signs, spells, potions, alchemy, and runes of the witcher verse magic system. Any magic from any other magic system can be converted into the magic of Witcherverse. The user can use any available sources of mystical energy as fuel for their magic or use Outerverse chaos, although using Outerverse chaos can lead to the user getting mentally tired after heavy usage. This magic system can be shared with others by users and taken back whenever they want.||



||Dancing||,  ||Seduction Arts||,  ||Massaging||,  ||Teaching||,  ...


[{(Divinity Perks)}]

||Divine Authority: The user now has limited authority over a divine concept. As long as that concept (Domination) exists, the user will be able to derive and recharge his divine energies through it. Cosmic, Universal, and Dimensional energies are no longer required by the user to recharge his powers. The more the concept exists around the user, the stronger the user becomes.||

||Divine Domain: The user has command over a certain domain, a sphere of influence. Within this domain, the user's powers and level of existence are enhanced by fifty percent of what it was before while all enemies' powers and levels of existence will be decreased by fifty percent.||

||Divine Boost: It doubles the user's powers every 10 seconds until the user reaches his limit, letting him rival beings of a much higher power, holding the potential to kill even elder gods if mastered. It also gives the ability to Transfer the multiplied power into a person or item, even parts like the user's eyes for enhanced vision.||

||Divine presence: Aura of Domination: The user can surround themselves in a divine aura, which can cause others to submit to them. Weak-willed enemies will lose their will to fight just being in the presence of the user's aura.||

||Absolute Dominance: It is the power to physically dominate any target. It can give the highest and most addicting of pleasures or the most twisted of pain with just a single touch. With this, the user can dominate all, be it in bed or the battlefield, nobody is safe from the user's hands and other equally dangerous body parts.||


Okay, that's a lot of changes to the UI and why are half the skills and stuff in there so lewd? I mean I don't think I am even half as perverted as the skills, abilities, and titles make me out to be. I don't even remember seeing them there the last time I looked at my status a couple of months ago.

Anyway, I shouldn't sweat so much about changes to the system. They are merely there to assist me, not to drive my life or growth. The system getting changed in how it looks doesn't at all influence how powerful I am.

You know what, I'll think about all this later. For now, let's go back to Earth. It's supposed to be the start of the MCU, so I wanna see if the timeline is still going in that direction even with the huge changes I have been doing to the muta..., metahuman community for the last decade.

'I am a Goddamn Activist, after all, a quite dangerous and active one at that too.' I mentally snickered at my joke as I walked through the red boom tube in front of me.


(A/N: By the way, if you are annoyed at the huge status list, don't worry. This will be the first and last time I'll be posting it in a chapter. After this, I'll only post new skills, abilities, and perks along with their descriptions in future chapters)

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