Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 98 – Too far from the canon!

'Well this is interesting, I wasn't expecting to meet Helen Parr or in this time, only Helen this early on. What an interesting way fate works.' Leo thought to himself, while watching the future famous hero Elastic Girl become a blushing mess thanks to him.

'It wasn't long when I made love with Elsa and here I am, charming another woman.' Leo sighed in defeat, it seems like it is inevitable.


Ignoring Genesis's click of tongue, Leo continued his conversation with Helen.

"So, if you don't mind me intruding but why do you seem insecure about your name? For me personally, I don't think name matters that much, and even if it indeed matters, why should it be compared to a grandmother's name?" Pretending to not know about her, Leo asked.

"R-Really? You think Helen doesn't remind you of your grandmother?" Helen leaned forward and asked, curiosity brimming in her eyes.

"Helen? That's your name? You know what your name reminds me of?"

"W-What?" Helen stuttered, already imagining Leo to laugh at her name and insult it like what happened back in the ladies bathroom.

"Helen reminds me of a beautiful, strong and caring woman. Do you know where your name originated?" The more Leo spoke, the more Helen leans forward to the point that she's now practically staring at Leo's face while her chin rests on both of her hands as her elbows stand from her legs.

"You really think so? Where does my name originated then?" If someone were to see this moment, one would definitely think of Helen being smitten by the man in front of her.

Unfortunately, they were alone in the park, no one to witness how the love blooms between two super powered people.

"If my memory serves me right, Helen originated from Greek, that means "Torch" or "Light". It can also mean "Shining" and "Warming". As a matter of fact, Helen is actually a royal name, many Roman Princesses and Queens share the name Helen. So yes, your name doesn't remind me of a grandmother." 

The moment Leo finished his words, he realized that Helen's face was now a few inches away from him, her eyes looked very cloudy and misty.

"Helen?" Leo called out to her, retracting his face back while using his hand to wave in front of her eyes. 

"It's so beautiful."


"My name. I didn't expect it to be this beautiful. Thank you...." Waking up from her stupor, Helen calmly remarked while leaning away, her face rising up to the sky, watching the sun that slowly goes down.

"....You're welcome." Seeing her being like this, contrary to what he watched about her in the film, Leo felt how wonderful a human can change in due time.

From the looks of it, right now, Helen doesn't have the same confidence and bravery that she had in the first film.

"How about you?" After a few minutes of silence, Helen finally raised a question.

"Hmm? I'm sorry, what?" Leo confusedly asked for clarification.

"I mean your name, what's your name? I bet it also has its own origin like mine, right?" Facing Leo, Helen made herself comfortable on the bench, as if she had known Leo for years.

"M-My name...." Leo started sweating heavily. His name isn't exactly that great.

Since when did the name Skinwalker become a great name?

Whoever his non-existent parents has the surname of Skinwalker should definitely file a name change to the Government!

"My name is Leonard. Just call me Leo." Gulping nervously, Leo answered, in his heart he was praying Helen would not ask about his last name.

"So, what's the origin of Leo? Is it the name of a royal king from the past? Or-or, maybe it's the name of a great warrior or knight." Helen enthusiastically continued, seemingly as if she was more excited at the thought of his name hailing from a great background.

"Well....the latin meaning of the name Leo, is Lion. In German, it has its own translation, it means "Brave People". As a matter of fact, Leo is actually the fifth sign in the Zodiac constellation. That's....all, I think?" Leo awkwardly chuckled, however, he underestimated the enthusiasm of Helen, as she just became more smitten towards him.

"So that means you're a very brave man, right? I feel jealous." Helen pouted.

"Huh? Why?" Leo raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Because! Leo is a suitable name for a Superhero! Have you heard of them?" Noticing a flash of glitter in her eyes that soon vanished, Leo thought he was just hallucinating. After all, there's no way eyes can flash with glitter, right?

"Superheroes? Yeah, I've heard of them, why do you ask?"

"I'm-." Before Helen could finish her sentence, she suddenly came to an abrupt halt.

"-Just curious. Anyways, what do you think of people with Superpowers?" Helen nervously looked at Leo's eyes while speaking, as if she was trying to find any hint of deception within them.

As for why she was asking. It may not be that common, but there are some people, especially a community that advocates being against to those with Superpowers, deeming them as a separate race from humans.

As someone who is passionate in the topic of superpowers and superheroes, Helen obviously knows about this issue. So she wanted to know Leo's stance about them.

"Superpowers?" Leo's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting her to initiate this kind of conversation.

But still, he answered based on what he really thinks.

"I think they're necessary." Leo answered in a short manner.

"Necessary? How so?" Helen tilted her head sidewards.

"Think about this for a second. Before their existence, who holds the ultimate power in this world?"

"The rich?"


"The government?"

"Exactly, those who are not associated with those two, could only hold the short end of the stick. No resistance, vulnerable and unable to fight for what they really want. However, this system of power changed the moment superpowers emerged. What do you think the government and the wealthy did after the emergence of Superpowers?"

"....I-I don't know." Helen embarrassingly scratched the back of her head.

Not minding this, Leo continued.

"The importance of those who are not in power ascended! Organizations and programs were made specifically to those who might awaken a superpower. And thanks to this, the vulnerable gained a sliver of chance to fight against those who abuse their power."

"Hence, why I think Superpowers are necessary." Finishing his sentence, Leo leaned back to the bench.

Meanwhile, Helen was deep in thoughts.

'His words do make sense.' Recalling the certain events and the background of some famous superheroes, she realized that Superpowers didn't just give cool abilities to people, but gave them authority over their own rights.

"Wow. That....was mind boggling? If you didn't tell me about them, I would probably not realize it until the end of my life." Helen chuckled, soon silence ensued once again.

'Should I tell him that I have superpowers? His answer is too vague. I don't know if he's favourable to it or not.' During the silence, Helen was having dilemma in her mind.

Just as she finally came to a decision to tell Leo, she was interrupted by him.

"It's already night time, won't your parents be worried about you being out so late at night?" Seeing that the sun has already gone down, Leo showed concern to Helen, who responded in kind.

"O-Oh, don't worry about it. I actually don't live with my parents anymore. I live in a dorm near my University, it's actually just a few minutes of walking away from here. So I'll be fine."

"I see. How about I walk you back to your dorm? I don't think it would be manly of me to let a beauty like you walk home alone in the middle of the night." Leo proposed, already standing on his feet followed by Helen.

'What a gentleman.' Helen mentally smiled to herself, casting a short glance towards Leo from time to time, as if she wanted to print his face to her mind.

"T-Thank you."

Receiving the sign, Leo nodded and started walking with Helen on his side.


The walk back to her dorm was shorter than Helen expected. Or maybe it is because she was too engrossed with their conversation? Who knows?

".....And I was like, running for my life. I still blame my friend for disturbing those eagles even now." Leo narrated and laughed, along with Helen who seemed to enjoy their short conversation.

"I'm here." Helen looked at the huge building in front of them and stood in front of the gates, behind her was Leo.

"I guess, this is where we part ways?" Leo curled his lip.

"Maybe not? How about we exchange numbers?"

"Oh that....I....actually don't have one, but you can just give me your number and input it later once I buy one on my way home." Leo suggested, also liking that they can continue their conversation in text or calls.

"Are you sure?"


"Then, I'll just grab a paper and a pen, I'll wri-." Just as Helen was about to fumble on her bag in search for the two aforementioned items, Leo interrupted her.

"There's no need for that. My memory is quite good. Just dictate it to me and I'll engrave it in the deepest darkest core of my mind." Leo smiled while watching Helen chuckled at his small joke.

"Alright then. It's xx-xxx-xxx-xxx."

"Got it." Leo winked at her as he walked backwards, maintaining eye contact with her until he disappeared from her vision.

"Hah~...I think I'm in love~"


[Just a chapter for their interaction. You know, just to build up relations between the two.]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 99 - Should I become a Superhero?]

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