Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 77 – The Coronation is Nearing!

With a quick mental call, Leo established his metal connection with Luna.

[Papa? Is that you?] On the other side, Luna, who has been quite busy playing with Ann, immediately felt the connection between her and Leo and quickly responded.

'Get ready Luna, I have someone new who will play with you!' Leo immediately dropped the news on her.

[Really Papa? You got me another friend?] Luna seems to be enthusiastic by the news, if Leo had to guess, he could almost see her jumping up and down out of excitement.

'Yes, Luna. Now go and turn into your black panther form and wait for my portal.' After giving her the instruction, Leo closed the connection between him and Luna.

"Why do you look so dazed all of the sudden?" Anna, the most attentive one of them, noticed the weird look on Leo's face.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking what her reaction will be once she sees you two." Leo said while Anna just shivered from excitement.

"Ohh~, I can't wait to meet your cat! I always love cats but they're quite rare compared to dogs." Anna complained while pouting.

"Maybe because cats are....better? You know how the value works, the rarer it is, the higher its value." Leo expressed, while secretly praising the cats to Anna, who loves dogs. Obviously he'd be a cat person since he literally has a daughter that takes the form of a cat, not to mention, he himself is also a cat, albeit an enhanced one.

"Touche." Anna simply nodded her head at Leo, not finding any words to argue with his point.

"How about you, Elsa?" Suddenly, Anna remembered that her sister was with them.

"I-...." Suddenly being put in a heavy situation, Elsa quickly used her brain to weigh the options of her answer.

If she answers the dog, she'll be favouring her sister over Leo but if she answers the cat, that means she prefers Leo over her own sister, Anna.

"C-cats. Sorry Anna." Muttering the last sentence which she hopes that Anna didn't hear which fortunately she didn't, however the person with very sharp senses was the only one who hears her mutter.

"Heh, already choosing me over your sister? How cruel of you, Elsa." Leo couldn't help but mutter Elsa, teasing her successfully considering how beet red she is right now.

"S-shut up!" Elsa retorted and glared at Leo, who simply grinned at her.

"Hmm.....Are you sure you two aren't dating?"

"We're not!" Both suddenly answered in unison, though Elsa was more aggressive in retorting her words while Leo sounds like he doesn't even mean his words.

"Heheh~" Without furthering the topic, Anna just cast a teasing smile at them before straightening up and shifting her attention back on the road.


"Well I wasn't that." Leo muttered to himself while watching the bizarre scene that is happening in front of him.

A few minutes earlier, Leo and the two princesses arrived at his humble abode while Luna was secretly brought in with the help of his Golden portal.

However the moment the two met, as if a spark was formed between them and before Elsa and Leo knew it, Anna was already riding on Luna's back while the latter was running all over the house with a happy smile on her face.

"Is it just me or your pet cat is stronger than she looks." Elsa remarked with her eyes still glued on her sister and the small black panther.

"You're wrong. Your sister is just lighter than she looks." Leo rebutted without taking his eyes off the duo also.

It didn't take long before Elsa shifted her attention to Leo and stared at his face with a pouting gaze.

"What?" Leo raised an eyebrow and asked. Did he do something wrong?

"I thought you said Luna was your adopted daughter, I didn't expect her to be a cat instead." Elsa said.

"Well, she's technically indeed my adopted daughter, it's quite complicated so maybe someday you'll understand, not now though but someday." Leo smiled at her and mysteriously said. He's not going to tell her that Luna can turn into a human and he can turn into a black panther, its still too early for such to reveal.

Perhaps he'll reveal it at the start of the second film's canon.

"You're so full of secrets, you know that?" Elsa complained with a sigh.

"What can I say? I'm a very mysterious and complicated person, but perhaps you might find me interesting." Leo stared at Elsa's eyes and gave her a small wink, which made her roll of eyes. 

"Maybe. Or maybe not."


After playing with Luna for almost 4 hours, Anna was finally dead tired and almost wanted to go to bed even though it's still quite early for bed.

"I'll leave you guys for now. Yawn! I'm already tired. Leo, take care of my sister for me, yeah?" Yawning and stretching her limbs, Anna pretended to be tired and winked at Leo after finishing her sentence.

Even without her trying, Leo could already sense her lying. Anna isn't truly tired at all! It's almost impossible to extinguish her bundle of energy just by playing with Luna.

'What a great wingman-woman? Whatever.' Unlike Leo, Elsa can't see through Anna's lie at all! Instead, she truly thought her words held the truth, so she expressed her concern to her.

"Are you sure you can go back by yourself, Anna? We can accompany you." She offered while taking Anna's hands with hers.

"Oh please sister, I'm not a kid anymore you know? I can handle myself just fine!" Anna smiled and felt warm after seeing her sister's care and concern towards her. Oh how she wished Elsa never locked herself in a room for years for some unknown reason that she didn't know.

"Okay...." Although reluctant, Elsa finally sighed and let go of Anna's hand.


Hearing the black 'cat's' whimpering, Anna's child instincts kicked in and she immediately crouched in front of Luna and hugged her face.

"Oh don't you worry, Aunt Anna will come back and play with you again, okay?" Suddenly much to Anna and Elsa's shock, Luna licked her face and nodded her head profusely.

"Oh uh, I wasn't expecting that. Haha~" Anna laughed awkwardly after seeing a cat nod her head at her words as if she understands the words she said.

"Anyways, I'll go now. Take care you guys!" Waving her arm at them, Anna finally left Leo's home.

"Well, she's something, alright." Leo chuckled.

"....So what are we gonna do now?" Elsa looked down on the ground and asked while fiddling with her fingers.

"Do now? Well, what do you think?" Leo flashed a teasing smile at the ice princess and gave her a wink.

"W-what?" Elsa slightly blushed and soon, her mind went through many dangerous thoughts and before her mind could fully fall into the pits of the abyss, Leo's words snapped her back to reality.

"I'll let you have a taste of my cooking! I'm quite a great cook you know. I learned from the best of the best." Leo smiled widely while his figure was already walking towards the kitchen.


Meanwhile, Elsa was just stunned to reply to him. Why does she feel disappointed all of the sudden?

Unbeknownst to her, something unknown and foreign to a princess like her was slowly forming in her icy heart, melting it and snuggling itself inside.


While Leo was cooking for both Elsa and Luna. Anna can be seen walking with unhurried steps on the streets of Arendelle, greeting back to everyone who greets her.

At the same time, she was also multitasking as her mind was venturing towards a certain event that will take place on Arendelle.

'Her coronation day is nearing. I should find her a gift. What else is a better gift to Elsa other than love! Leo himself is already a good gift! Now I just have it package him and deliver him to Elsa not as his 'personal bodyguard' or something but as Leo himself!' As if she just had a good plan, Anna smiled victoriously and started skipping her steps like a child.

"Good morning, Princess Anna."

"Good morning to you too!"

"Good morning, Princess Anna. Just seeing you makes my day!"

"You too!"

Greeting everyone that comes her way, Anna is the same as usual, the kind and a bundle of energy princess, which made her liked by the entire population of Arendelle.

Sure people also liked Princess Elsa, but she's the heir to the throne and as such, Elsa must maintain seriousness, which the people of Arendelle figured out without much hassle.

If Princess Anna is the joyous princess that brings them joy, then Princess Elsa is the princess that reeks of real nobility and someone that will refine their Kingdom and bring it to greater heights!

Unbeknownst to Anna who was still skipping on her steps, a man in a black robe revealed itself from the alleyway that she just passed by.

"So that's the princess Anna. She's gullible, easy and perhaps naive. She'll be a good piece." Suddenly, a wind picked up and blew away the hood on his face, revealing them to be the youngest Prince of Southern Isles, Prince Hans.

With plans in his mind and the look in his eyes that he gives to Anna's back, one could already put the pieces together and guess that the Prince has bad intention for the energetic Princess.

As for what his plan is, nobody knows.

With so many factors that like to involve itself in the matters of Arendelle, it looks like the coronation of Princess Elsa will be dangerous and deadly!





[Next Chapter: Ch. 78 - A deadly duo!]

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