Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 73 – The Ripples of Butterfly Effect!

While Leo was contemplating his decisions that caused the entire timeline of Frozen to go haywire, he swiftly dodged the ice blast thanks to his fast speed.

Seeing that almost half of the room was frozen to ice, Leo's eyes widened in surprise, gulping his saliva in fear.

If he was slow enough and got hit by that blast....

At the same time, Elsa was eyeing Leo cautiously. This is the first time someone has dodged her ice blast.

'He managed to dodge it. Why does he feel familiar though? And what's with this suit?' Elsa spoke in her mind.

"Who are you?" She asked, her hand resting on the Duke, ready to rescue him just in case Leo turns out to be a threat.

"I don't like to introduce myself but for the Princess of Arendelle, I might as well. You can call me Daredevil." As soon as Leo finished his first sentence, Elsa was already shocked by his words.

Her hands unconsciously found itself on her face and after feeling the ice mask that she always wore whenever she went out as Sentinel, she sighed in relief.

'But how did he know? Was it a coincidence?' Elsa furrowed her eyebrows and decided to pretend as if she didn't know what he was saying.

"What do you mean Princess of Arendelle? Did you perhaps mistake me for someone else?" She voiced out.

"I wouldn't be mistaken, Princess Elsa. You're the only one I know who has ice powers." Leo smiled more and tilted his head, quite liking the reaction of the ice princess.

As if a thunder had struck behind her, Elsa shivered out of fear.

How can someone know who she is behind the mask? What did he mean by she's the only one who has ice powers? 

Elsa's blood ran cold and she stared at Leo in his eyes.

"W-What do you want." For the first time since she went first out as the Sentinel, she felt fear again.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, Princess. If you think you're doing the right thing by untying that filthy duke, you might want to search around his room." While speaking, Leo stepped aside and spread his arms, gesturing towards the stacks of documents and files all around the Duke's room, though almost half of the room was frozen.

"What do you mean?" Elsa casted a confused look towards the Daredevil.

"The evidence is around you, Princess. I'm sure you've heard of my name considering how I got a personal shout-out from your father himself." Leo chuckled, this morning he was surprised when people started whispering about his deeds last night.

Leo thought Agnarr would've kept him confidential and pushed the glory to his knight army. Looks like Agnarr isn't that incompetent like the Kings written in history.

'Or maybe he has an agenda for me. Giving me the glory in exchange for something.' Shaking his head from these thoughts, Leo shifted his focus on the matter at hand.

"Perhaps I can help you, Princess. I'm an expert in these things." Leo stretched and offered his hand for a handshake.

The first step in gaining Elsa's trust.

"How so?" Elsa crossed her arms and inquired.

"Just because." Leo smirked and started rummaging through the papers and folders on the shelf and table.

However, he found none that would serve as evidence against the Duke.

'A cautious person I see.' Leo muttered under his breath, if he can't find the files in the open, then that means the Duke keeps all of his confidential files in a certain place or more specifically, a Safe.

Spreading his senses all across the room, Leo gained a 'visual' of every nook and cranny of the room, giving him the information that he needed.

"Gotha!" Leo smirked as his legs slowly brought him towards the Safe behind a painting.

Meanwhile, Elsa got confused when she saw Leo closing his eyes and just when she was about to ask him about it, she heard him mutter under his breath before approaching a certain painting.

'Hm? The painting of Lady Leonora, the wife of Arendelle's first King.' Obviously, Elsa took her education lessons seriously, especially since she's supposed to be the heir of Arendelle. She must have the necessary knowledge about the Kingdom she's going to rule.


Much to her shock, Leo casually grabbed the frame of the painting before throwing it away like it's some kind of garbage.

She became even more shocked when a safe was revealed behind the painting.

She's not oblivious towards such things, in fact she even knows a few secret safes that her father told her about, hidden both in his office and her parent's room.

"So what's this?" Standing beside Leo, Elsa asked a question.

"This, my dear Princess is a secret safe."

".....Do I look like an idiot to you?" Elsa monotonously stated at Leo, she doesn't even mind being called Princess by him anymore.

The cat's already out of the bag, there's no use dwelling on it any longer.

She just gotta have to be more cautious in the future.

"Ehem. Lemme just open this and see for yourself." 

"And how are you going to do that? I can use my ice to destroy the hinges, maybe I ca-." Before Elsa could extend a hand and finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Leo's action of grabbing the door of the Safe and much to the ice princess's surprise, Leo's hand crumpled the metallic door of the Safe before pulling them out of its hinges.

"Sorry, were you saying something?" Leo smiled cheekily while looking at Elsa who rolled her eyes.

"How cocky." Elsa muttered which was loud enough to be heard by Leo but he just decided to ignore.

"Well, Princess. Here it is." Speaking, Leo was surprised to see tons of gold bars inside and made a note to himself to take the gold bar in his storage ring after taking the documents inside.

"Read it at your own pace, princess." After taking a short look at the contents of the documents, Leo proceeded to hand the paper to Elsa who wasted no time reading it.

Watching her head rotate side ways several times, Leo decided to use this opportunity to secretly take the gold bars inside his storage ring.

After that, Leo approached the tied up Duke and carried him on his shoulders, intending to deliver the Duke and also the evidence to the King himself.

"I can't believe Uncle Neil would do this...." Meanwhile, Elsa who finished reading the contents of the evidence can't help but take a sharp breath, as if she couldn't believe her eyes.

The uncle that used to play with her and Anna during important meetings would turn out to be such a vile person.

"Are you done now, Princess? If it is, then I'll have to go now and deliver the Duke and the papers to your father."

"Wait, my father? Why can't you just bring him to the Chief Knight? I'm sure even Lieutenant Mattias could handle this case?" Elsa raised her eyebrows and casually asked Leo, not knowing that she was slowly lowering her guard against Leo now that she had obtained the evidence.

"As much as I'd like to but I'd prefer to bring this to the King. I believe he can deliver justice against your uncle Neil more properly. Don't forget, this man is a Duke. Who knows how many connections he has in the army, we can't take such a risk." Answering her question, Leo shook his head, expressing a valid reason in which Elsa wouldn't be able to retort.

"Of course, if you want you can come with me to the King, I'm sure he'll reward you graciously for 'helping' me take down the Duke." Leo grinned in a teasing manner.

"What? No! I'm not going to face my father in this circumstance!" Obviously, the moment Elsa registered his words, she was quick to refuse.

"Well then. Unless you want me to accompany you back to your home, I'll be going first now."


In the castle of Arendelle, Agnarr can be seen seeping on his coffee while reading a few paperwork on his table.

As he expected, the entire Arendelle Kingdom went uproar when the corruption of 2 Barons and an Earl was announced this morning.

Now, he's here bearing the consequences of it.

However to him, the fact that his Kingdom was cleansed of such people weighs heavily more than the mere consequence.

"I see that you're quite busy." Suddenly, Agnarr heard a voice behind him and without hesitation, he grabbed the Colt handgun that he bought from the Fisk Industries.

As much as he hates the man behind the company, he can't deny that the weapons he produces are much more useful than bows and arrows.

"Woah. No need to resort to such violence, your highness. I'm just here to deliver something." Finally facing the source of the voice, Agnarr was surprised to see a familiar figure resting on the man in red tight's shoulders.

"What's going on here? What did you do to Neil?" Agnarr eyed the man cautiously.

"I'm sure you already know me as Daredevil as for this Duke right here. Well, I'm too lazy to explain so take a look at this." After stating his words, Leo dropped the body of the Duke on the ground and handed the evidence to Agnarr.

Slightly lowering his colt gun, Agnarr cautiously grabbed the papers and opened its contents.

"This is!?" After years of reading papers throughout his life, Agnarr is quite a quick reader, so it only took him 2 minutes to read the entire contents of the folder.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 74 - A babysitter?]

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