Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 71: If I Could Change Myself


Aurum - Year 3 


I can't tell if I'm incredibly unlucky or if I somehow won the lottery of destiny. This "forced" evolution isn't so bad—it gave me some cool skills and a more "familiar" appearance. After so long i was finally getting used to my new bee body, so having a more "human" aparecnce, with two fewer arms, more hair, and no wings is still a bit bothersome. So now i need to retrain my brain all over again.

My field of vision has decreased as well. Before, I could see almost 360°, but now it's down to around 240°. This new blind spot is irritating, but my new antennas help with that. They're much thinner and more delicate than my previous ones, almost like small balls of light attached to nylon threads. But the most fascinating thing about them isn’t how they look—it's their sensitivity to the environment. I can... feel everything, absolutely everything.

I can sense the breathing of a guard far from me, the subtle air currents in the room, the smells and where they're coming from. And I can feel magic in a new way. Before, it felt like a bunch of colored smoke made of energy drifting through the world, swirling around like "magic clouds" with distinct smells and colors depending on the type. But now... it's as if the magic is part of the very air. I see the world like it's filtered through a lens—full of colors and energy currents behaving in different ways—and my antennas can detect the slightest changes in those currents.

For instance, I can tell the rotten energy of this forest originates from its center. I had already suspected this long ago, but now I'm sure. It's like a spring of energy spreading in waves. The forest didn’t corrupt the surrounding mana; something else's magic corrupted the forest. Whatever it was has been here so long that it took deep root's in this place, forcing life around it to adapt to this toxic environment to survive.

At first, I thought the corrupted spirits were the one to blame for this. They consumed all the "healthy" energy and released small waves of rotten energy. But now, I’m not so sure about this theory. The spirits may have adapted to this corrupted environment, transforming into versions of themselves that could survive the harsh surroding. Still, these spirits might have been the reason the mysterious being in the depths of the forest "noticed" me through the... spiritual plane, I guess?

But that's beside the point. Just because the spirits contribute to the forest's corruption doesn’t mean they caused it. It’s like blaming a lumberjack for deforesting while ignoring the logging corporation that's truly responsible. Whatever is corrupting the forest is much more powerful than a few balls of light spewing rotten energy.

"Huff... Maybe is time to pack up everything and run away, this look's like the best option... I don't want to fight for a piece of worthless land."

Not that this place is truly "worthless." Its fauna and flora are astonishing, and there are likely unknown underground riches and a high concentration of energy here. But you can't ignore the mysterious creature deep in the forest, the source of the corruption, the humans who are way out of my league, the kobolds, and the constant stench of contaminated mana.

'I need to figure out where we should escape to. It might be smart to send Trevis and a large delegation south to start mapping the area.'

I used to live in the south. I was born there, and it was a nice place, though not well explored. When Hans was born, we packed up and ran north, so we never had a chance to really explore the region or the more extreme southern parts.

'Emi, please arrange a meeting with Trevis. It doesn’t have to be immediate, but schedule it as soon as possible.'

'Understood, Queen Mother. Should I request a hearing room, or will the meeting be held in the throne room?' Emi asked promptly.

'Hmm... Plan it for the royal garden, and prepare some snacks for Trevis, along with [Black Jasmint] tea for the two of us.'

'Understood, Queen Mother!'

'Thank you, Emi. Keep up the good work, dear.'

'T-Thank you?' Emi responded shyly.

After talking with Emi, I turned my attention to my new skill list. I needed to figure out how to use these abilities.

'Alright... let's start with... Oh? [Twinkling Energy Wings]? I actually have wings?'

Looking at the skill, I feel a bit... cheated. My wings are gone, but the skill claims I have some kind of "fake" wings made of energy?

'How do I activate this thing?'

I tried activating the skill but quickly realized I had no idea how it worked. I know how to fly—I've done it instinctively for years—but without physical wings, it's incredibly difficult.

'Alright... think about the feeling of flying... You can do it... Try again... One step at a time.'

I got up from my bed and walked to an open space in my room under the curious gazes of my royal guards. Sitting on the floor, I crossed my arms and closed my eyes, trying to focus on flying.

'Fly, fly, soar, soar, go wherever you want to...'

After several minutes of trying, it wasn’t working. So, I decided to change the concept I was working with.

'Flying... is basically floating. I need to factor in air resistance, weight, speed, and acceleration. But fundamentally, it’s just floating. If I can’t use wings to fly, I can use something else... I can use magic! Magic can make things float, so I can do that too!'

Focusing on the idea of floating rather than flying, I soon felt myself lift off the ground. When I opened my eyes, I saw myself clumsily floating, like an object lost in space.

'Wow! This is amazing!'

Looking around excitedly, I noticed the worried faces of the guards. I waved to reassure them, but that distracted me, and I promptly fell to the ground like a ripe jackfruit.

"Queen Mother! Are you alright?" The guards quickly rushed over, concern etched on their faces.

"Ouch... I'm fine, boys. I just didn’t expect it to be this hard to fly again."

This new way of flying feels... incomplete. I miss my wings. They were so simple—just flap them and adjust as needed. But now... it's like I have to make every part of my body float. The skill clearly says "wings," but... where are they?

Dispersing the boys, I head to my lab for some privacy. The lab feels smaller—not by much, but enough that I definitely need to upgrade the infrastructure for better accommodations. Sitting down in what’s now an uncomfortably small chair, I start analyzing another skill.

'So... [Faust’s Pact]? Wow... This seems like a more "cowardly" version of [Last Chance] from Trouble. I don’t have a way to test this, but it’s nice to have something like this in my arsenal. Next skill... [Life Sewing]? That’s... interesting?'

Curious about the new skill, I get up from my chair and walk to the doors of my lab. Upon opening them, I find two [Royal Knights] standing guard. They hold large spears made of bone and wood with great seriousness. As soon as they see me, they kneel down, placing their spears upright and pointing toward the ceiling. Two of their hands grip the spears while the other two are respectfully held behind their backs, and they never stop looking down during this "salute."

"Oh boys! Don’t mind me~ No need to be so tense around me. Please, stand up."

"Yes, Queen Mother!" they respond in unison, immediately rising to their feet.

They look so imposing and cool in their golden chitin armor, holding those strange weapons. It’s like they stepped right out of a fairy tale. But the effect is completely lost on me because of the height difference. The soldiers are taller than the workers, so even someone like Steve, a veteran worker, can’t reach the shoulders of a newborn soldier.

Compared to me, though... they’re so small. Even Hans, who is the "biggest of them all," looks like a teddy bear I could hug and carry around with ease. These knights look more like super detailed action figures.

'Ku ku ku... How cute. They act so serious and still look adorable.'

At least, "cute" in my eyes. I doubt anyone else would find humanoid bees covered in chitin plates from head to toe cute. Most would probably find them quite threatening.

"Boys, can you help me for a moment?"

"Of course, Queen Mother! We are here to fulfill all your requests!" one of the knights says, bowing.

"It’s nothing big... Come on in! I just need help testing some healing skills... Oh! Since I don’t have full control over these new abilities, I might accidentally heal scars or marks. If you’d rather keep those "medals," I’ll understand if you can’t help."

The knights stop abruptly as they enter the lab, glancing down at their bodies. One of them suddenly freezes, his gaze dropping to the ground like he wants to say something.

"...Queen Mother! I... I request permission to ask other members to volunteer for this experiment! I have scars from the 'Day of the Boulder Ants' that I am very proud of, and I’d prefer not to lose them!" the knight says, meeting my eyes.

"Oh? Alright, no problem dear. And what about you..."

I realize I don’t know the other knight’s name, so I quickly send a message to Emi, who informs me it's Hop.

"...Hop, if I’m not mistaken? Do you also wish to abstain?"

"N-No, Queen Mother! I have no scars or marks I wish to keep! I am available for any experiment you wish to conduct on me!" Hop replies, loud and clear.

The naming system here is an "Organized Mess." It’s a simple, yet inefficient or... sensible? process. New members are named by the leaders of their respective workgroups, and those leaders use their own names to create "new" ones. This leads to all the members of the same branch having similar names. The older the member, the more their name resembles those of the "Firstborns."

Hans named the first soldiers with names like "Hamp," "Hane," "Huhs," "Hins," and later, those same soldiers named new members with even more derivative names like "Zamp," "Kane," "Muhk," and "Gins." In special cases, like Trouble, some members become known for a specific factor, item, or event, so they are named after that occurrence. However, most end up stuck in the unfortunate "standard naming system."

And you can imagine what happens down the line—more and more strange and unusual names appear. Their only salvation is to become "important enough" for me to notice them. When I do, I give them "real" names, just like I did with Max, Radyo, and Jasper. Once I name someone, it’s essentially a decree that new derivative names will start to pop up in short order.

'I think I need to dedicate an entire branch to naming new members. This system they created is terrible. Who would be happy with a name like "Hop"? They didn’t even bother to name him something better, like "Hope."'

"Very well, Hop. Sit over there," I said, pointing to a table in the center of the lab. Then, I turned to the other knight, who was unfortunately named "Ganf" by a squad leader ages ago.

"...Ganf, thank you for your honesty. I don’t need many people for this experiment, so there’s no need to call anyone else. Please, take the rest of the day off~."

"M-Queen Mother! This is unavoidable! We can’t leave Your Majesty unprotected!" Ganf said nervously.

"But Hop is here, isn’t he? I understand your caution, though~. Take the day off, but first notify one of the LifeGuardians about the situation and let them take the lead."

"Understood!" Ganf saluted me and quickly flew off through the wax and wood corridors.

After closing the lab doors, I found myself alone with Hop. I walked over to him, feeling a bit tense as I searched for a topic to break the ice.

"So... Hop, how’s life as a knight going? Have you... been training a lot?" I asked awkwardly, rubbing one of my arms.

"Yes, Queen Mother! I train every day to keep my body and mind in the best condition to serve you!" Hop responded, standing at attention.

"W-Well, that’s good, Hop. Good job?" I muttered, staring at him as the uncomfortable silence set in.

'What the hell... I never thought it’d be this embarrassing to talk to my own children. I’ve never been great at socializing, but I’m not usually tongue-tied. The problem is, I don’t know anything about him!'

'Would it be too embarrassing to ask Emi for his life biography? No... That’s cheating. I should be able to use my racial advantages for this.'

"Queen Mother?" Hop called out.

"Oops! Sorry, Hop... I... well, the thing is... ugh... I wanted to talk to you a bit, but I don’t know you, even though you’ve been here for years. I’m sorry about that," I admitted, apologizing.

"There’s no need to apologize, Queen Mother! It’s completely understandable that someone of my level wouldn’t catch your attention! My role in the hive isn’t important enough to deserve notice!" Hop said, almost proud of his self-deprecation.

"That’s not true, Hop! From the smallest worker to the Lifeguardians, everyone has an important role! Don’t put yourself down like that! You’re not insignificant! I just wasn’t paying enough attention!" I said, gently holding Hop’s small hands.

"T-Thank you, Queen Mother! But I don’t think someone of my level deserves so much attention!" Hop replied nervously.

"Nonsense! I’ve been too focused on the inner circle. I should be responsible for you, not the other way around. Things will change, Hop, I promise!"

"T-But what about the rules of the inner circle? They exist to maximize efficiency and regulate the classes according to their functions..."

'Rules? What rules are those? I know about security protocols, restricted areas, and emergency codes, but rules? How oblivious am I to my own hive?'

"What rules are those, Hop?"

"What do you mean?" Hop asked, genuinely confused.

"I-I don't know the rules..." I muttered, almost blushing with embarrassment as I looked down, trying to avert my eyes.

"W-Well... Rule number 1: All for one - The hive must always focus solely on the integrity and survival of the queen mother;

Rule number 2: Higher Classes - Individuals who have undergone evolution or reached high levels are objectively more valuable than those who haven’t;

Rule number 3: Distribution and Maintenance - Higher-level classes get priority in medical care, housing, food, and recreation;

Rule number 4: Hierarchical Responsibility - Decisions made by higher classes carry more weight than those made by lower classes;

Rule number 5: Sacrifice for the Greater Good - In life-or-death situations, lower classes must prioritize the survival of higher classes;

Rule number 6: Improvement and Adaptation - Research must show conclusive results or undeniable progress within a month to continue;

Rule number 7: Maximum Efficiency - The hive operates 24/7 without fail, with everyone working a minimum of 10 hours and up to 16 hours a day;

Rule nu—"

"Okay, you can stop there!"

"U-Uh? Okay..."

'What the hell are these rules?! What is this, a military dictatorship?! I really need to deal with this...'

I always knew these guys had a screw loose, but I didn’t think they were crazy enough to create a bunch of rules like this, let alone accept them so easily!

"Hop... You don’t... see anything wrong with these rules?"

"Uh? Absolutely not! They were all created through meticulous analysis by the information club, with input from the inner circle! They exist to maintain the hive's integrity as a whole!" Hop said, almost proudly.

'So... Everyone’s involved in this, huh? Those crazy kids—I thought I’d finally gotten them to value themselves, but it seems I fell way short.'

'Another item for the to-do list: Connect with the hive members, fix the rules, move out ASAP, deal with the kobolds, avoid humans, send explorers south, research the [Manaheart Node], be a better person, learn to fly... Why does the list keep growing?!'

'Humph... Calm down. You can’t let something like this affect the link’s stability.'

I crouched down to meet Hop's eyes and took his small hands, studying him for a moment. He looked tense and nervous, but he didn’t pull away. I could see the scars on his body, the wear and tear on his chitin armor, the scratches and cracks—clear evidence of his effort and dedication. But no matter how much I told him he was important, he wouldn’t believe it.

'I am... definitely... the worst person ever. I didn't even know what was going on in my own home, with my own children... I'm useless.'

As regret simmered inside me, I wished I could undo it all, rewind time and changeevery thing. If I could start all over again, I would do everything differently. I’d be better, I’d try harder. I’d get involved and notice every little detail. I wanted them to feel as safe as I should have made them. I wanted them to value themselves the way I valued them. I wished... I could change who I am.

Oblivious to my surroundings, my black eyes suddenly shifted to a vibrant shade of gold, my short brown hair rapidly grow while turning silky white. My black, chitinous skin began to gleam with gold as a red glow emerged from the cracks in my body.

Then, as if the very magic around me started to change it's own nature, golden energy lines began to form while swirling in the air. Slowly, they flowed toward Hop, whose wide, trembling black eyes looked at me in awe. The shimmering lines of magic wrapped around his small frame, weaving into a delicate fabric that covered his entire body. The magical "cloak" glowed softly before it peeled away like old skin and vanished, revealing Hop beneath it, completely restored— From every defect or injury. His chitin armor, once worn down by training, now gleamed as if brand new. His muscles, fur, and limbs radiated with vitality, and a faint but unmistakable golden aura seemed to emanate from his body.

"M-Mom?" Hop whispered, his voice full of wonder as his big black eyes locked onto mine.

Still dazed, I reached out and gently caressed his face. For reasons I couldn’t explain, I felt a deep urge to cry. Whether it was regret, guilt, or relief, I wasn’t sure, but the need to let the tears fall was overwhelming. Golden tears began to trace down my cheeks, and as they hit the wooden floor beneath us, branches and leaves sprouted from the ground. Only then did I snap back to reality, realizing what was happening.

"T-That's... it!..."

The moment I regained control, the golden lines of magic dissolved into the air. My long, white hair retracted, reversing back into its calm, familiar brown. My skin returned to its normal shade, and the tears that continued to fall lost their magical glow.

"W-What... How? What did I just do? I-I..."

Glancing to the side, I saw Hop staring at me with a blend of admiration and confusion. He seemed just as stunned by what had happened, though perhaps not as much as I was—I had no idea how I had triggered this strange "ability."

"I think... That's enough for today, Hop..."


Many flowers, plants, and roots grew around me, while large bushes were meticulously shaped and pruned into unique and pleasing forms. Mushrooms and flowers glowed softly, casting light alongside the workers who illuminated the royal garden. The earth here was black and damp, rich with the finest soil available in the hive. At the garden's center stood a grand tree, surrounded by plants and buildings, heavily guarded and patrolled, while i waited in an area specially designed for me.

The space resembled a small square, with a floor of smooth stones bonded with wax and glue, creating an elegant surface. Ornamental plants adorned the area, and a table that changed based on the occasion was the focal point. Normally, this table was replaced by a massive "sofa" made of silk pillows, a piece of furniture I used to relax in the garden. However, for important or special events, it was replaced by a simple table or a large one that could accommodate the entire inner circle.

Currently, I was seated in a genuine wooden chair, crafted by the carpenters, with a cushion made by the tailors and assembled by Levi and his team. This "giant" chair had taken hours of work to complete quickly so that I could use it—thanks to my recent evolution.

In front of me was a "large" round table, which seemed perfectly suited for afternoon tea, though to the boys it could even serve as a dance floor. A large parasol adorned the table—even though we had no sunlight here—and a small chair sat atop the empty table, awaiting its guest.

'This seems so absurd... I feel like Alice in Wonderland. There's no way Trevis could fit in this tiny chair,' I mused, idly playing with it.

'The difference is glaring... How did such small beings come from someone like me? Sure, I’ve evolved, creating a bigger difference, but I’ve always been larger compared to the boys. And now I wonder... Will everyone eventually evolve into [FeyWeavers]? I hope so... I can’t be the only one like this forever...'

Lost in thought, a group of workers arrived, resembling fairies, carrying a basket of solid food and a large teapot with a couple of cups—one large and one tiny enough to serve as a helmet for my little finger.

"Thank you, dears~ Please also bring some clean napkins and some larger Bulgarian jelly."

"Immediately, Your Majesty!" the workers responded.

Examining the food, I saw what looked like small nut breads and meat dumplings from some unknown creature. Clearly, these weren’t for me, as I don’t eat solid food, let alone meat from some unfamiliar animal or insect.

'These must be Trevis's favorites...'

As if on cue, the royal guards approached in a group, with a familiar figure at their center: a black bee with large wings and a barely noticeable presence.

"Trevis! You’re finally here! Sit down, dear! I specially asked the cooking club to prepare your favorites! So don’t be shy—eat as much as you like!"

As soon as Trevis arrived, he greeted me briefly before flying to the table and settling into the small chair positioned in front of me, next to the plates and cups.

'This is odd... Isn’t there a shrinking spell? I feel out of place here...'

"Thank you for your consideration, Queen Mother! I came as quickly as I could once I received your summons. How do you feel after your recent evolution? I must say, it startled the hive quite a bit," Trevis said respectfully, though his expression remained cold and distant.

"Hehe... Sorry about that. Even for me, it was quite... unusual? I’m still adjusting to this new body and all these strange 'senses.'"

Sipping the black flower tea from a cup made of wax alloy and other durable materials, I savored the sweet, floral flavor before letting out a small sigh.


"Very well, Trevis. I called you here because I want you and your group to explore the extreme southern region. Given the recent events involving humans and mysterious creatures, it seems wiser to evacuate while we can."

Trevis, about to take a small meatloaf from the basket left by the workers, paused abruptly upon hearing my words. He looked at me thoughtfully, then sighed and picked up a large meatloaf, starting to eat.

"Are you sure about this, Queen Mother? My group is currently responsible for guarding the forest borders. I can assign some capable members to this... project of yours, but I don’t think it’s the best use of my people," Trevis said, chewing on his meatloaf.

"Why do you think that? Is it because we’ve been here for so long? Because we’re too 'rooted' in this place? Because our group is too large? Everything can be managed if handled properly. This place has never been ideal, and now it’s far worse. It’s too dangerous to stay."

"More dangerous than relocating the entire hive? Have you considered the implications of such an act? Most of the information club members lack wings, so they would need to be transported by others. We’d have to convert all our food stores into portable rations, dismantle various machines, and transport high-security projects. And what about protecting the working classes when the ratio of trained soldiers to non-combatants is 7 to 1?" Trevis said, crossing his arms.

"I understand the risks, Trevis. I’ve considered them, but is staying here really worth it? We can always rebuild—better, bigger, and stronger. But if our location is discovered, we’ll be constantly harassed by humans and other dangerous species."

"And that’s not a good thing?" Trevis said coldly.

"How can that be a good thing, Trevis?"

"More fuel for the machine, I’d say. It’s hard to find worthwhile prey these days; most are either too weak or too dangerous for us. We’re at a standstill, but if humanoid creatures or beasts like the beast waves keep coming, we’ll have more sources of XP." Trevis said, taking a small sip of his tea, grimacing at the taste, and setting it aside.

"That’s—It’s dangerous, Trevis! And what about our troops? They’d get injured from such perilous encounters!"

"That’s what Ken said, and Hans also agree we shouldn’t risk our soldiers for 'quick XP.' But that’s not how I see it. I believe we should let the newbies level up under more precarious conditions to unlock new classes, enhance our units' combat experience, and earn more XP," Trevis said, firmly expressing his views.

"And what about those who get injured? What if they end up dying, Trevis?!"

"A small sacrifice for the development of the hive. We’re stuck in this endless 'dance' because we avoid risks. The world is moving around us, and we need to watch it move without participating. I’m not saying we aren’t progressing, but we’re certainly moving slower than we’re capable of," Trevis said.

"And what do you suggest, Trevis? That I send my own people to the meat grinder and be pleased about it, just because it’s for the 'greater good'? Nonsense! We are a family, and families should stick together! We should flee! Flee together!" I said, banging my fists on the table. Tea, cakes, and cookies fell to the floor, and the teapot tipped over, spilling its contents everywhere.

The cloths were stained with tea, and the royal guards around the garden tensed, averting their eyes from the scene. Trevis looked at me blankly while continuing to eat a meat dumpling.

"I think you don’t understand the need for sacrifices. Everything in life requires sacrifice—sometimes people, sometimes our morals, principles, time, or bodies. It’s all to move toward a better future," Trevis said, standing up from his small chair. I watched him with a mix of anger and frustration.

"I prepared for a serious discussion because Emi told me you were more 'sensible.' But it seems you need more time. I’ll return when you’re ready to address the real issues," Trevis said, flapping his large wings and taking off into the sky.

As I watched him leave, I felt foolish again. I wanted to engage with my people on an 'equal' footing, but when they aren't uncomfortable with my presence, I’m seen as 'too immature' for serious conversations.

'Ugh... Why can’t life ever be easy? Even when I try to improve, I end up making mistakes... I shouldn’t have thrown a fit. If only I had kept the civilized conversation with Trevis...'

Now is just water under the bridge, time already passed, and there’s no point in dwelling on it. Instead of regretting what I should have done, I need to move forward. Next item on the list: Find out what the inner circle has been putting into the hive heads while I’ve been running away from my responsibilities.

"Ughhhh.... I always thought the role of 'Queen in Name Only' would be glamorous, but it seems being a figurehead is quite frustrating... Alright, everyone, please clean up this mess and draw me a bath. Then call a meeting with the inner circle and schedule it for one hour from now. Let them know it can be a link-up, but all members must attend."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" the workers and servants responded.

'What a shitty day...'


Thank you to everyone who follows this story! I’m sorry to announce that I’ll be going on hiatus to work on accumulating more chapters of Marigold. Once the hiatus is over, Marigold will be primarily posted on Patreon, while updates on Scribble Hub will continue on a weekly basis.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support!

While you wait, give BeeSekai a try, a really cool and unique story, and also one of the main inspirations for Marigold! Thanks for reading, bye!

*Patreon will be announced along with the next chapter after the hiatus ends.*



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