Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 7: Search for Light

When I wake up in the morning, i decided that today will be the day of reforms, I will make this hole become much more habitable! And to begin with I'm going after the delicious nectar to create more wax for my little hole, but when i was on the way to the [Grand Boungain] I thought of one thing... Did I really need nectar to make wax?

The skill [making wax] has never limited me to using only nectar to make wax... But for me It has always been so natural to make wax with nectar, it may be the instincts of a bees trying to convince me that this was the best option, but I won't know for sure until I try!

When I arrive at the [Grand Boungain] instead of taking the sweet nectar I start to swallow the flower's pollen, it has a strange taste and texture of sand, very uncomfortable to swallow, so much that after adding just a little to my chest i stopped, what seemed to be enough material, I thinked again of the wax, in the intention of making it, and again the pressure on my chest, but this time it was heavier than before, and instead of mud stuck to my throat it seemed that I had a stone stuck in my throat, I try to spit out this weird piece of wax, and what comes out of it was a little ball of wax, that when falling to the ground remained firm and consistent, unlike the wax ball that falls like a mud ball, when I take the small wax ball in my arms, I soon realize that despite the color similar to ordinary wax, this one is much harder! It is still malleable, rather more difficult to work with, and although it is hard it is not brittle, I can think of many ultities for this, just like ordinary wax, it hardens even more after it dries, I could essentially create wax bricks with it! I could build a wax house using hard wax as bricks and ordinary wax as glue! Now that I notice the differences in wax depending on the material used, I realize that I haven't analyzed the wax until now!



[Hard Bee Wax]

This bee wax is more concentrated than ordinary wax and is therefore much harder.

Quality: Low


This discovery of wax left me very intrigued, if I used other materials they would have other properties! if I used those shiny leaves I could create shiny wax!? it would certainly be very useful.

Excited by the idea and the potential of [Wax making] I fly to the moss that grows everywhere, the [Fairy Moss]!
I was wondering if using a material that has mana would generate a wax with magical properties! when I get on the big carpet of Moss I start eating it, and it's hard and not easy to chew, and tastes bitter, but the anticipation for the results make me ignore the bad taste. When I eat a great amount of the Moss, I focus again on creating wax, and again the feeling of pressure in my chest hits me this time the feeling in my throat was itchy, even more so with the feeling that I had a stone in my throat, it was a mixture! it felt like I had a ball of sand in my throat then I remembered that I had not emptied the hard wax that I still had in my chest before! When I tryed to spit out the wax ball, what comes out of it is a hard ball of wax, with a yellow wax coloration, but it has deep green coloration marks all over the small wax ball! Without wasting time I try to analyze it!



[Strong Bee Wax]

This bee wax is harder and rougher than ordinary wax.

Quality: Low


OH! so I can mix materials to create waxes with unique abilities, well I feel sad that even using moss I didn't get a wax with magical abilities, but that's still something.

Now for the next level! wax made with the shiny plants, and made with flower petals. can I also try using the tree bark to see what happens? if wax made with pollen already gives me a harder wax, what would happen to wax made from tree bark?

I fly up to a small flower that looks like a daisy, only its petals glowing like neon posters! shining with a pale blue and it was very beautiful! after guzzling what was left of wax on my chest I start eating the petals of this bright flower and realize how horrible it tastes! Seriously this sucks! it must be some kind of defense system for no one wanting to eats them, but sorry Mrs. flower, I have a goals and your horrible taste can't stop me!

After eating a little more than 2 petals, I could not put anything more inside my chest, I rest on top of the leaves of the bright flower, and again I try to create wax, I have many expectations for this wax! if it's a glowing wax I can have a bright House!

While the already familiar pressure tightened my chest, soon a different feeling from the previous ones came to my throat, this time it felt like I had swallowed a paper ball! it scraped in my throat and made me very uncomfortable, quickly spitting the small mysterious wax ball, I discover that its special feature was that unlike the typical yellow wax balls, this one is pale blue like the petals of the flower I ate! and she glows! But compared to the neon glow of the blue flower, this wax looked more like an half-dead led light...



[Colored Wax]

This beeswax has the same colors as the materia used to make it

Quality: Low


Well, at least it glows? but it won't serve to illuminate my little hole, it would serve only to create emergency exit signals! and maybe to create colored candles... That's it! candles!, I'm a bee that can create wax, I don't exactly need a campfire, I could just create a bunch of candles to light my hole, plus what would I use as the candle rope? and where would i find fire!?

Returning to my hole I leave what was left of colored wax on my chest in a ball hidden in the corner, I go to the Little Egg and analyze it.


Name:N/A Species: Solitary honeybee
Level: 0 Class: Soldier Mana:N/A
+ Information

Incubating - 3 days and 13 hours

This individual is still in incubation, at the end of the timer will emerge.


I still have a long time until this little guy is born, and when he is born, will he be a larvae or a soldier? the egg has not yet given a sign of growth, it just got a little grayer, so either it would go through an explosive growth in these 3 days, or I would have to take care of a larva!

Bothered by the idea I get out of my small hole and go after finding a light source for my base, I thought of using the petals of the bright flower itself, picking pieces and sticking to the ceiling with wax, I soon discovered that once disconnected from the flower, the petals soon lost their shine and wither, i keep moving near my base, trying to find something that would serve as a lamp, but only found leaves and bright plants, which became useless once plucked, I believe that moving the whole flower could keep her glowing, but was an impossible task for me now, as I wandered through the forest I soon smelled something delicious! the kind of thing that i had never smelled before, going in the direction of the smell, I find what seems to be an orchid, had the shape of a cauldron with a tube just above where the delicious smell came from...

And it looked like an extremely high-quality type of nectar! I even drooled at the thought of eating just a little! that orchid had a suspicious look, and the cauldron that was suspended on her seemed to be filled with some kind of liquid, but I didn't care much...

Wait a minute!

Delicious smell, suspicious plant, and with a bag full of liguid?

That was a fucking carnivorous plant! and to think I was almost charmed by the smell of nectar! if I drank some of it, I'd probably pass out or something like that, and fall into her purse!

Getting closer and trying as much as possible to ignore the smell that tempted me, I try to see what is inside the cauldron and soon my suspicions were realized! Bodies of insects of strange shapes, dozens of them! Some already half-digested and others that seemed fresh, and I could had ended up in the middle of them if I had simply succumbed to the desire to drink this nectar...

But I'm not a dumb insect, if I eat without leaning on the cauldron can I have a taste of this delicious-looking nectar?...


I have no idea what kind of effect this nectar can give me, but for one thing i know for sure! These insects didn't throw themselves inside the carnivorous flower after a good meal.

Leaving it quickly so i won't be any longer tempted by the smell of the nectar, I return to my goal of finding a lamp.

In my journey in search of light I didn't find anything that I could use, I could try to create fire, but when I thought about it... I felt afraid, very afraid, and it didn't seem to be rational, fire could be essential to me, and even though I had burned to death I could still understand the importance of fire, but I still felt afraid of ideia of burning in fire... and the obvious culprit was the [Trait], [Fear of burning]


{Fear of burning}

You have suffered a great trauma related to fire, so much so that it has engraved itself on your soul, and has become something you cannot tolerate

Life -25% Defense -85% [against fire]


Before I thought that the traits would only interfere with my [Status], but after I realized what was happening with [Conserned player] I discovered that they are affecting not only my [Status], they affected my very own way of thinking and acting, they had more power over me than I thought they had...

With the idea of fire out of the game, I kept looking for something that glowed and that I could take to the base, when the sun was already almost going away and was about to give up, I spotted from afar, a large bush, and in that Bush had what looked like nuts, but they had a strange shape, like a cat toy that had a small ball inside and a carcass with holes, getting close I saw that inside the nut there was a small golden ball that seemed to be made of metal, it did not shine and nothing, but it was interesting, I fly down to the ground to try to catch one of these nuts that have already fallen to the ground, and there I find many of these fallen nuts, and to my surprise... Some of them glowed!, a golden and beautiful glow like a small ball of light, some shined brighter than the others and i didn't know why.

Picking up the little odd-looking nut I feel like it was heavy, but light enough for me to lift relatively easily, the nut I picked up isn't glowing like the others, and I don't understand why, I try to rattle the ball to get some reaction and, Bingo!

The little nut starts to shiny brighter, to the point of making my eyes hurt, and finally after my long search I found it! a lamp for my little hole in the wall.

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