Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 3: Analyzing the situation

I feel miserable, I feel unjustified and I feel... complicated. It may be other people's desire to reincarnate in a fantasy world, but this clearly wasn't mine, I remember when i had died, the fire burning my skin, the Ashes burning my lungs and the smoke blinded me, my whole body agonized when I moved, or breathed, I felt fear, I felt desperate is a way I had never felt before.

I admit, I wans't a nice person, I didn't like other people, I didn't like to talk to them or interact, but I needed to, I may have been an insensitive person and unaware of the feelings of the people around me, I may even be judged and blamed for feeling superior to others, but I know that I didn't deserve such a slow and painful death, being consumed by fire, without being able to run away or scream, I wished, I prayed that someone would come and take me out of that hell...

But this help never came.

When I died at least i was at peace for a moment, when I was floating in that black sky without purpose I felt a little peace, but now... I'm a fucking bug, that's some kind of God joke or whatever?! Whatever it is, it's not funny, I wish it had all ended in that fire.

Standing, staring into my reflection, in conflict with myself and some kind of higher entity. But the question was: Should I end it all? if I threw myself in that lake would it solve my problems? No... Death by drowning must be so miserable as burning to death, so what should I do?? What?!?!

What is the problem with the system?! A Bee, and you want me to create a bee colony, because I can barely see many other options with this status and Skills.

Now that I've touched on it, what is the problem with these skills???!!! And these [Traits] are ridiculous!!!



{Fear of burning}

You have suffered a great trauma related to fire, so much that it has engraved itself on your soul and has become something that you cannot ignore

Health -25% Fire Defense -85%


'Seriously??! anyone who was burned alive like a witch on a stick would be afraid of fire, that's unfair!!!'



{Conserned player}

You think too much, and always think the worst, even the wise become useless in the face of indecision.

Wisdom -75%     Speed -25% 


'Are you going to tell me this isn't ridiculous??!?!? Now being a pessimistic person is a crime! And look at those debuffs! -75% isn't that too much?!'



{Wax making} lv 1

Use plant material to create wax that can be used for various purposes.


'Okay, that's what you'd expect from a bee I guess?'



{Egg laying} Lv 1

Make your offspring with our body from nutrients.

[Layout options] works Bee - Lv1 Soldier Bee - lv1


'That's what you expect from a queen bee. And this damn system wants me to just deal with it?!?!? should I only lay eggs non-stop??! I have options of course, but i'm weak as hell because you know, 1 point of strength?!!'



{Create Honey} Lv1

Create honey from the nectar of flowers


'Typical of bees, what else are they known for?'



{Memorial Memory} Lv1

You can create mental references to accurately remember events, information, and places.


'This seems to be useful, it's like having a mental agenda I guess? Being able to store important information, The only problem is that I have no idea how to use this shit!'



{Maternal connection} Lv1

Can command and impose your own will on his descendants


'This is another [skill] that tries to force me to create a hive!'



{Basic flight} Lv1

You have learned the art of flight, and now you have an easier time flying and stabilizing yourself

Speed: +2


'Oh, it's nice to know that [Skills] can give me skill points, it's not just the [Traits] that can interfere with that.'

This is conflicting, on one hand I have no idea if my stats are weak as hell, or if I'm even strong? Who knows, right?! But I wouldn't bet that a newly born queen would be good at anything other than creating a new colony...

As I debated with myself about what the hell I should do, a rustle in the leaves behind me suddenly came.

When I turned around, all I could saw was a big blur, I ended up losing my balance and falling to the ground, when I got up angry to see the image of the mysterious figure I was surprised to see, that was a big rabbit! He looked like an elephant for me, i'am so small that evem a rabbit looks big for me!, He didn't seem to notice me or care about me, he was so big and cute! He had white fur with purple spots all over his body! But his eyes... they were like goat eyes and looked strange on a fluffy rabbit. Thinking about it, could I analyze this little guy? it would be a good way to know the difference between us.

Thinking about analyzing the rabbit works? Or do I need a [Skill] to analyze it? Anyway I looked at the big Cutie and screamed in my mind!



Name: ----- Species: -------
Level: ---- Class: ----- Mana: N/D
Life: 43/50 Str: ---- Int: ----
Spr: ---- Def: ---- Wis: ----



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