Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 23: Secrets of the profession

Looks like a potion is not immutable, I can turn a potion with an effect like [Poison] in a potion with the efect of [Sleep], so it means I could keep adding ingredients until I get new things, but maybe the fact that the potion has changed is because the effect of [Sleep] is a kind of poison, I think is not possible to turn a fire potion into a ice potion, or maybe it is? But should it be anti-economic?

Thinking of the endless possibilities, I start throwing more stuff into the cauldron, crushed leaves, honey, honey crystals, and chopped mushrooms to try to figure out what I can create.



[Bad potion]

A potion that went wrong, can give the effect [Headache], [Motion sickness], [Tummy ache], and [Mana depletion].

Quality: Horrible


Alright, I guess there is a limit to how far my madness can go, just throwing a bunch of stuff in the cauldron and waiting for the best is not a good choice.

After throwing the failure away, I start making a new mixture, this time I want to try to find out if there is any use for wax besides being a building material, I know that in my old world there were ointments, medicines, moisturizer and even soaps that used wax, I don't think any of this has use here, but who knows? I might as well use a shampoo to wash my mane.

With a new plan in mind I throw whole pieces of ordinary wax into the cauldron and wait until it melts, then throw in some honey and flower nectar, after mixing everything I see that it doesn't look right, the wax didn't mix with the honey and nectar, just like oil doesn't mix with water, and everything was just floating in a bubble of mess.




A strange liquid


Big ideas, big failures, I think I need a special substance to put the 2 together, like an emulsifier, but where would I find that? Would an egg do? But I think trying to steal an egg from a bird being a bee isn't exactly a genius idea...

So how could I create an emulsifier? There were industrial versions, but I never cared how it was made.

What if I use clay? The clay was also emulsifying, it's just not edible, but you could still use it to bind oil and water in these liquids.

With this new idea I took some of the clay stones I had at my disposal and broke it between my hands before throwing everything into the cauldron, after a while stirring and adding a little more Earth the liquid began to finally become homogeneous, and soon it turned red like clay, the liquid looked like mud and I don't think it's a potion.



[Bee mud]

Created by a low-level bee, this mud has a pleasant smell and becomes highly resistant after drying.

Quality: Good


This is something interesting! Could I use this as a building material? But wouldn't it be much easier to just use clay? Even more so because there is wax in the middle of this mud, probably the entire structure made with this material would be unstable in hot places, so I think it is not worth all this work just to get a slightly more resistant mud.

But it still helped me realize how I could use clay and things like flour, eggs, milk and things like that as emulsifiers.

Would I be able to use other special ingredients then? Like fungus of cheeses and iorgutes, and the bacteria of wine? If I could create these unique compounds I would get incredible ingredients!

But I think I'm putting the cart in front of the oxen... I haven't even been able to create a potion that is really useful with the ingredients I already have!

Now focused with the desire to create something that is really useful I throw all the crap that was inside the cauldron and try to create something else, this time I use water and stamint powder with a yellow paste and drops of sap, and nectar.

I wanted to try to create a light potion!

These ingredients were made with plants that glowed at night, if I could get a glowing potion I could finally get my new bulbs! That way we can all stay awake longer without having to stay in total darkness at night!

As I mixed the potion I could see the liquid turning a dull yellow color, and then it started to glow for a while, when I finally thought I had a hit, the potion started to stop glowing and in place of the dull yellow was a vibrant yellow potion.



[Blindness potion] - Minor

Created by a low-level bee, this potion can grant the [Blind] effect for 3 seconds to those who consume it.

Quality: Bad


What the hell! I wanted a potion that made me see in the dark, and I ended up with one that makes me see everything dark!

What went wrong? The potion glowed for a moment before it was like this, does that mean it was a failure?

Throwing everything away again, I went back to the firts step and tried to create something new, this time I was going to leave the potions aside and try to create new ingredients.

After kneading a small nut that grows on a Bush with bright leaves I threw all the nut "paste" into the cauldron and waited until it began to heat up, soon I could see that from the nut paste a small amount of oil was being formed, and after stirring everything for a while I poured all the contents into a nut shell and tried to analyze only the part of the oil.



[Odrin Chestnut oil]

An oil made from processed odrin chestnuts. It can be used in several ways

Quality: Good


At least I got a hit! Oil was a very important ingredient! I may need an emulsifier to mix it with water, but I could try using the clay again in smaller amounts.

After getting the oil, I chop some pieces of mushrooms and throw them into the cauldron already clean, and start kneading them until it turns into a paste and then I leave them drying on the fire until they are brittle, after that I use another empty shell and some stones to transform the stiffened paste into a dark powder.



[Boggles cap powder]

Boggles cap powder, a lethal poison capable of causing liver failure if ingested for too long

Quality: Good


WOW! That shit is dangerous! The mushroom I used was black with gray details, but when I analyzed it I never said it could be so dangerous! And that description... There are poisons that can actually attack specific parts of the body, but could I use this poisonous powder as an ingredient? After all, every poison can be a medicine, just as every medicine can become a poison.

I decide to put the poisonous powder in a walnut shell and cover it with one of the wax bowls, after finishing the work I used a little water to wash my hands to make sure I wouldn't rub this shit in my eyes or mix it in the food.

But this mushroom showed me that by processing unique ingredients I could get new, even rarer and more unique ingredients.

This time I wanted to try to create a kind of essence or leaf tea, that way I could create blended liquids that could serve as unique essences.

After a well washing in the cauldron i start throwing a large amount of water and the mint-smelling leaves with small white flowers that grew on the grass, I let the water boil until it began to get a slight greenish color



[Merlin leaf tea]

Made by a low-level bee, this tea is made with herbs from the forest.

Quality: Good


It's just a tea, no special effects, I think it should only serve as something you would offer to a guest.

Not satisfied with the tea I add all the herbs and flowers of the same kind that had in the tea and let it brew for a long time until the liquid began to turn from a light shade of green to a dark green while the leaves and flowers were opaque and lifeless.



[Herbal essence]

Created by a low-level bee, this herbal essence is able to cause the effect [Belly ache] if consumed.

Quality: Bad


Is it a success I think? It's not exactly useful right now, but it can be used as an ingredient for other potions.

After using a small walnut shell to carefully remove the boiling water and pour into another larger shell I throw in the cooked leaves and move on to my next plan, create a potion with unique ingredients!

after throwing a lot of water, bone powder, Chestnut oil, boggles powder, some herbal essence, yellow paste, tree sap, some clay and root paste, into the cauldron and start mixing everything like a crazy witch soon the liguid started emitting a vibrant orange witchy glow, and a horrible smelling vapor started rising before the whole potion started bubbling rapidly and then suddenly changed from dull orange to an olive color with a extrme dull color



[Potion of Vigor] - minor

Created by a low-level bee, this potion is able to increase [Defense] and [Speed] by 10% for 5 minutes.

Quality: Bad


Success! The first success I have achieved in a long time! This can be really useful! Hans can use this to get an advantage against his enemies! Maybe I can enhance its effects with other ingredients?!

Before ruining all the potion I pour all the contents inside one of the nuts that was previously filled with water and take small quantities of the potion to do my experiments.

In the first try i mix a little nectar from a common flower of the region and try to see the results



[Potion of Vigor] - minor

Created by a low-level bee, this potion is able to increase [Defense] and [Speed] by 9% for 4 minutes.

Quality: Bad


Okay, so nectar is out of the question.

After throwing the contents away I take some more of the potion to do another experiment, and this time I mix it with some charcoal powder.



[Potion of Vigor] - minor

Created by a low-level bee, this potion is able to increase [Defense] and [Speed] by 14% for 4 minutes.

Quality: Bad


Okay, so charcoal is good for this kind of potion, but the time decreases, if I use more sap would I be able to increase the effect time?



[Potion of Vigor] - minor

Created by a low-level bee, this potion is able to increase [Defense] and [Speed] by 12% for 7 minutes.

Quality: Bad


So there really is some kind of balance here, can just keep throwing a lot of charcoal powder and sap until I get a potion with a powerful effect? No... I would end up with another [Bad potion], so I needed better and more powerful ingredients to achieve better effects? And how can I tell what use the ingredient has? Do I need to test each one of them? The sap seems to always increase the time and decrease the effect, but did the sap always do this in all potions or was it only in some cases? In the poison potion the sap increased the effect but did nothing with the time, so this mean each ingredient acted differently in a potion.

Taking advantage of the success I add or little more boggles powder and try to see the result.



[Potion of Vigor] - minor

Created by a low-level bee, this potion is able to increase [Defense] and [Speed] by 21% for 1 minutes.

Quality: Bad


This is promising! 1 minute is very little, but a 21% bonus can make all the difference in a life or death situation.

I try to add a little more of the black powder to see if I can get a more "explosive" effect and when I see the result I realize how dangerous it is the art of making potions.



[Boggles cap Venom] - minor

Created by a low-level bee, this poison is capable of causing the malfunction of vital organs such as the heart, stomach and kidneys if ingested for a long time

Quality: Good


Boggles poison was very useful, but very dangerous, if not used carefully it could cause irreparable damage to the body, but this shows me that even dangerous poisons if used in small quantities can become very useful potions.

After throwing the liquid away and washing the cauldron I took some more of the potion and tried to mix it with some more herbal essence.



[Potion of Vigor] - minor

Created by a low-level bee, this potion is able to increase [Defense] and [Speed] by 7% for 13 minutes.

Quality: Bad


It seems that the herbal essence can increase the time by sacrificing the bonus granted by the potion, so this shows me that there must be a correct balance between the ingredients to achieve maximum bonus and effect time.

After mixing a little green essence into the potion I try to put just a pinch of boggles powder to try to find a balance between the time and the bonus granted.



[Potion of Vigor] - minor

Created by a low-level bee, this potion is able to increase [Defense] and [Speed] by 18% for 4 minutes.

Quality: Bad


I try to add a little more of each ingredient until I find a better balance but soon I discovered what happens when you try too much



[Bad potion]

A potion that went wrong, can give the effect [Headache], [Motion sickness], [Tummy ache], and [Mana depletion].

Quality: Horrible


So it seems that creating potions is not just throwing a lot of things into a cauldron and hoping for the best, to be able to find a perfect balance between the ingredients is necessary to spend a lot of materials and time, my ingredients were abundant and easy to find, but if I found super rare ingredients it would be very difficult to create a potion with a hight balance between cost and benefit.

After throwing the failing potion away I try again to find a balance with other samples of potion until I get to one that seems satisfactory.



[Potion of Vigor] - minor

Created by a low-level bee, this potion is able to increase [Defense] and [Speed] by 15% for 8 minutes.

Quality: Fine


I had to expend a lot of ingredients and use almost half of the original vigor potion to achieve this single dose, but after much experimentation I achieved a satisfactory effect.

I wanted to turn all the potion that was left into this new version, but when I thought about doing this I ran into a big problem.

What would be the conversion rate?

The amount of original vigor potion was much larger than this small dose I prepared, so the amount of ingredients would also increase, but I didn't know the exact amount, I didn't remember to score while experimenting, now I would need to kick everything again until I could figure out the exact amount!

"OH! More than great!"

Me and my luck, I got so focused on creating a single dose that I didn't remember that i would need to know the exact amount of each ingredient i used to get the perfect dose. Now my ingredients were running out and I couldn't afford to try everything again.

"I should have tried to mark it with [Memorial Memory]! So I would know if the skill really works and wouldn't have forgotten the measurements!"

Now I understood why it was so easy to create potions, there was a clear difference between making potions, and making potions, any amateur could throw a lot of things in a cauldron and achieve something, but only professionals would be able to use each ingredient to the maximum and with the best efficiency at cost benefit.

And unfortunately I was a 5th category amateur.

"I think I'll at least save this dose for Hans, and let the worker use the original potion as an "energetic."...


So guys, my stock of "ready-made chapters for edition" is coming to an end, soon I'll have to greatly reduce the frequency of the story

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