Marigold – A LitRPG

Chapter 17: A luck kid

"Is that enough Hans?"

"Yes mother, I am already satisfied"

"Great! I will tidy up our house and lay some workers. In the meantime try to level up as much you can!"

When we woke up that morning Hans was already hungry again, I needed to create about 30 crystals with random flowers to be able to satiate Hans. And now that Hans was completely satiated I could start the arduous task of creating some workers...

"Of course mom! I'll go right away!"

As Hans left for his noble mission I began to gather as much nectar as I could and then returned to my strange looking home, upon inspecting my wax creation all I could see were its design and architectural flaw. The wax bent in unexpected ways as it dried, so the whole structure was very irregular and poorly made. The entrance to the large hole was barely big enough for Hans and the hole was facing up so if it rained my house would end up flooded, so I decided that the whole job was very poorly done and urgently needed to be redone to perfection.

But it turns out that I ran into a big problem when I tried to destroy all of this mess. The Hard Wax was really very hard! It looked nothing like ordinary beeswax from my world. This hard wax seemed to have stiffened like concrete and when I tried to break it all I could do was look like an idiot trying to push through a wall!

"Oh come on, Really?!?"

After a while I realized that this thing was not going anywhere. Despite being ugly and irregular the whole structure had already stiffened completely. Defeated by a wall I decided that I should go in and start cleaning the entire interior to create my works.


After cleaning a corner of my new house, I started creating small basins fixed to the floor, this time different from the irregular and poorly made basins I created before I managed to create a small basin that reached up to my waist, it was made with ordinary wax they where sturdy but could still be easily removed different from things created with hard wax, after redoing the process of going out and collecting nectar, going back and creating wax, building a basin and going out for about 5 times, I finally endend having 6 small jars stuck to each other how had a decent appearance! After looking at the jars I knew that now was the time when I should raise my workers, I was still very nervous at the idea of being a mother of so many sentient beings but me and Hans really needed help, and I couldn't keep burdening the poor Hans, and to be honest if these workers could feed Hans alone every day this would already be a spectacular help!

While focusing on the idea of creating a worker egg I was soon struck by the familiar feeling of creating an egg, but different from when I created Hans egg this feeling was much lighter and less uncomfortable, so much that after a few seconds a small Pure White Bee egg apears on the ground, by the way creating worker eggs is much faster than creating a soldier, I don't know how this whole issue of eggs worked but after creating a worker egg I created 5 more, after gathering the 6 small eggs and distributing them through the jars I tried to analyze a single egg to know how long it would take to hatch.


Name:N/A Species: Solitary honeybee
Level: 0 Class: Worker Mana: N/D



Incubating - 2 days

This individual is still in incubation, at the end

of the timer will emerge.

"Uhm?? Only 2 day? Hans took 5 days to be born!"

It seems that the workers needed a less time to mature, looks like I really should have started raising the workers first, they needed much less time to hatch and probably need much less time to mature.

"All right, while you babies are getting ready to be born, I'm going to clean up this messy house..."

After leaving the small eggs aside I started to clean the leaves and dry grass that was all over the place, I thought about covering the entire interior of this place with common wax to get a thermal insulation, last night this place got really cold and would be nice to have a little comfort in my own house, I also thought about the problem that affected me the most, the light, in the morning the sun came through the door and could light up the whole place, but when got dark my house got darker and darker until it was plunged into darkness, I should have brought one of those shiny nuts, but I hadn't even remembered them until now! If I don't find a bush how have these nuts or a substitute for them I would end up in the dark or sending Hans all the way back to get some of those nuts, which was very dangerous, since Hans might never come back and I would end up with a guilty conscience and with the mission of protecting 6 workers.



Your soldier killed a [Dirth worm], you gained 1 Xp


You are now at Level 2!


Your soldier killed a [Berry larva], you gained 3 Xp


Your soldier killed a [Earth mantis], you gained 6 Xp


Hans has leveled up to Lv3


Damn it! I was just finishing removing most of the dirt when I was bombarded by a lot of information, and i finally reached Level 2 and Hans had reached Level 3! I didn't even do anything, absolutely nothing and I still managed to level up! I hadn't fought any creatures until today but I was able to collect what seemed to be a "tax" from Hans slaughters, it seemed kind of unfair that while Hans was fighting and risking his life for these levels I was just at home doing some housework, but I don't think I was really designed for conflict like Hans, my specialties were in... the breeding area.

I tried to analyze my statuses to see if there was any difference but I think I ended up getting too excited for only 1 Lvl


Name:N/A Species: Solitary honeybee
Level: 2 Class: Queen Mana: N/D
Life: 3.1 Str: 0.2 Def: 3
Spr: 1.4 Int: 15 Wis: 5


"But what a disappointment, I think this is what should be expected from just a 1lv, but I will gain a new ability as I level up? Or will the levels just increase my status points until I can evolve? When can I evolve? Level 10? 20? 30? That system doesn't tell me anything! It can take months to get that many levels!

Unless you create dozens of soldiers...

"Ah shut up at once Bee instinct! My life is already too complicated without you trying to influence me!"

I would create more soldiers, I had already decided, but first I needed to know what the capabilities of the workers were, if only one can handle the mission of feeding Hans, then I could create 5 more soldiers, 1 for each worker, but if only one worker bee is not enough to feed Hans I would need to focus on trying to increase the number of workers before creating more soldiers, if the 6 workers I was creating couldn't produce enough food for Hans, yes I would be lost! I alone can feed Hans with a bit of trouble of course, but I could still produce enough food for him, and as [Create honey] went up in Level I needed less and less nectar to feed Hans, but the question was whether the workers would have a capacity to produce food inferior, or superior to my own capacities, in theory the workers should be the real experts in producing food, while I should be an expert in laying eggs...

And now that I think of the workers I have a serious doubt about them, how the hell would they level up?! Would I need to share the low Xp Hans gives me with them? Or did the workers have to fight for this Xp? I honestly don't know which option is worse! If I needed to share all of Hans low XP it would end up taking years to reach a maximum level before evolution, but if the workers had to fight with their frail little bodies to get that Xp they would end up becoming food quickly! Even Hans who was a killing machine couldn't get these levels easily, imagine a small worker that creates food what she gona do to kill someone?,just what?! They going to offer some poisoned honey to they enemy and hope it works out?

When I finished rambling about the power of the workers, I realized that the house was clean, it seems that I had worked on autopilot and cleaned all this while thinking, but on the floor there were still several dirt chips that bothered me seriously, after leaving and returning with a decent amount of honey on my chest I started creating small balls of ordinary wax and scrubbing them on the floor, using the wax to gather the dirt into a wax ball that I could then just throw away, when I finished everything the place was so clean that we could eat on the floor and only then I was satisfied, while gathering the balls of dirt and wax I tried to analyze one of them to see if there was something special in this ball of dirt



[Trash ball]

A small ball of dirt mixed with wax

Quality: Poor


Yeah, really is what looks like, I thought maybe there could be some ultility to it, but it really should be just garbage.

After gathering all the balls and "gently" throwing them away through the door I could see that the sun was already setting, I received no further notification of Hans kills, and I began to get worried, accessing our mental link I was relieved to see that the link was still there intact, which meant that Hans was alive and well, after being relieved for a moment I decided to give a little pull on our link, and after a while waiting I see Hans appearing in front of me.

"Mom! Something happened!?"

"Uhm.. No Hans, nothing happened, I just called you back, the daylight was already running out and I thought that hold be better to come back."

"Ah.. Okay Mom, I thought something had happened because I just felt a sudden pull on our link"

"And how else should I have called you then?"

"The link of course, but sending a complete request by the link would be much more reassuring for me..."

Full order? I knew that Hans could share feelings, memories and even sensations through our link but I didn't really know how the hell he did it, our link was like a rope that connected us 2 but only that, a rope, I could pull it or swing it to get Hans attention, but I don't know how the hell Hans send words and memories through that link.

"Hans I... I don't know how to do that... I can't use our link as well as you can, to me it just seems like a string that connects us, I don't know how you manage to use it so masterfully..."

"Huh?? How you cannot use the link?"

"I just don't know Hans!"

"Sorry mom.. It's just that, all the knowledge I have on how to use our link came from you... so I don't understand why you can't use it better than me..."


Wasn't Hans born with the knowledge to use this link? He learn while analyzing my memories?! So where the hell did he get that from?! Because I don't have idea how to use this!

That's so unfair! Hans was able to use that link with an impressive mastery after just flipping through my memoirs, but I couldn't do anything but a few cheap tricks!

I've never had any links like this in my past life, so where did Hans get this knowledge?


He didn't exactly figure out how to use the link with my memories, but rather the concept to use the link, I had cell phones and computers in my old life that could connect with infinite other machines of the same type, and send complex and fast messages through an invisible connection.

That must be it! Hans must have interpreted all my knowledge about "information technology" as "knowledge to use the link", but how exactly did he manage to do this? The similarity between the 2 types of distance communication was evident, but fundamentally too different for Hans to simply apply the knowledge of one on the other and simply work!

"Hans, how exactly do you use our link? Explain in detail please"

"Um... Well, I just send stuff through?..."

It's like asking a person how to use the internet when they have no idea how the internet works.

"But how do you send stuff through our link? How Hans?! You just think and things happen, do you need to do something specific? What is it?"

"I... Uhm... I just think about what I want to send to you and then it happens..."

That doesn't help me at all Hans.

I even tried to do what Hans said, but sending complete subjects through our link seems to be not as simple as it seems and this Hans talk of "just go with the flow" doesn't help me.

"Can you feel anything from your link Hans? I tried to send you a message..."

"No, I couldn't feel anything Mom... I'm sorry"

"Okay Hans, it's not your fault, I just need to figure out a way to use this link with the same mastery as you, but until i make it, only one pull means that I want to talk to you, while 2 pulls means that I really need to talk to you, and 3 pulls is that I need help"

"All right, Mom, this can help me a lot to know the urgency of the situation."

"Now Hans, why don't you come in and take a look at the new drone eggs I created!"

"OH! Of course mom! I would be very happy!"

When I finished speaking, Hans quickly entered our new house, first he analyzed the environment and seemed happy with the sudden disappearance of the dirt that was everywhere, perhaps because of my influence Hans liked cleaning as much as I did, and after shaking his head in approval of my excellent cleaning work he ran to the small jars that contained 6 eggs of workers.

"Yes! Grow fast little ones!, our mother needs your help."

"Don't get too excited, they still have some time and I need to gather as much food as I can in the meantime, I don't think they should eat as much as you but it's always good to be prepared."

"Yes ma'am! I will dedicate myself even more on leveling up to ensure the safety of these little ones when they hatch!"

"Of course Hans, you will definitely be a super protective big brother"

Hans so excited about these eggs that it seems that it was he who laid them...

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