Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-48 End of Fighting and…

Alpha, after the Witch of Lust came to their rescue, dealt with the defence of his men leaving the fight against the demons of the Witch of Hate to his comrades and the demons clad in amethyst, although he still provided them with support with accurate shots to their heads or the killing of those they missed. Thanks to this that support arrived fortunately none of his people got seriously injured and the worst injuries were scratches from stone shards, so they were not in danger of anything serious.

He was able to take down a few more demons before the soldiers of the Witch of Lust took care of the rest so that now on the battlefield the Etativi forces numbered less than forty, who gathered in a group, fighting alongside the giant demon and because of that the demons of the Witch who came to their aid didn't finish them off right away, letting the Magical Girls take care of them. Thus, knowing that the fight was already coming to an end, the demons that had helped the TransMagica began to gather in their group on the side and only a few remained in the field to attack any braver shadow demons.

The Magical Girls despite being tired, were able to fight off the large shadow demons without much trouble and it didn't look like the demons would be able to do anything to the Magical Girls either. Argent and Feeu were the most active in this fight because their elements were working very effectively, making the rest of the Magical Girls delegated to a support role. Because of that they were more occupied with fighting the rest of the demons that were circling around their bigger brother and because of that the number of demons started to decrease quickly.

Argent with her light attacks caused the most damage to the giant demon and because she was also the strongest in the group, she dealt only with the attack, leaving the defence to Feeu, who with her fire was able to easily block the demon's attacks. In this she was assisted by Aqua, who, however, was mainly occupied with defence against smaller demons, which constantly attacked from their sides, and similarly, Eisst was mainly occupied with destroying smaller demons, which, weakened by the light of her companions, were easy to defeat.

Taking all this into account it was obvious that this fight would not last much longer and the Witches knew it too, becoming more and more nervous, knowing that once the giant demon died it would be the end for them. The concern was most evident in the brown-haired Witch, as this coupled with the fact that Miyu was toying with her made her have a very concerned look on her face, and combined with the fact that her only ally wasn't winning either was just the final nail in the coffin, making the Witch think for a moment about giving up.

Miyu, however, paid no attention to her surroundings, wanting to cause as much fear as possible to the Witch in front of her because she wanted revenge for what happened to Yui during the last fight with the Witch and because of Yui's dibs on the Witch of Hate, Miyu had no choice but to unload her stress on this girl in front of her. That stress would show on her face because it would be like a stone mask and her eyes were so dead that the Witch in front of her refused to look her in the eye because every time she did, she would start shaking with fear.

The Witch of Hate wasn't in the best position either because Yui still hadn't even gone all the way and yet she was able to toy with her despite their difference in rank, but the Witch knew she had to endure no matter what. However, it wouldn't be that easy in practice, as Yui was very persistent in her attacks, not allowing even a minute of rest if she didn't allow it herself, and because of that the Witch knew that Yui for some reson didn't have to worry about mana, still having plenty of it in reserve, which in itself was pretty scary. 

However, Yui didn't care what the Witch thought, having now only the urge to do a little tormenting and thus began to ignore everything else. She attacked the Witch from behind with two artifacts in sword mode, to which the Witch had to respond by turning around to block them with her blades and at the same moment Yui transformed her sword back into a whip to whip the Witch on the back with one swipe. This caused a small groan from the Witch, who now noticed that Yui's whip was faster than her sword or magic attacks, and to make matters worse it was physical and thus the Witch was unable to sense it, therefore unable to block it in time. 

The Witch did not want to do this but it looks like she will have no choice, she used a large pith of mana from her leftovers to create an armor-like barrier on the most visceral parts of her body and thus was prepared for attacks on those exposed parts. She couldn't afford to do more because, she was running out of mana to expend it mindlessly, if it wasn't useful she would rather pay for it with pain and have more mana for the rest of the fight. Yui noticed this and thought for a moment if by chance her opponent was M but dismissed that to the back of her mind for now. She would have enough time to check it out later.

In their fight Yui whipped her handily with her whip, which the Witch took without even letting out a moan, causing Yui to want to whip her harder and every time the Witch moaned, Yui didn't forget to reward the moan with an even bigger hail of projectiles. Those who had the time to watch this couldn't help but raise their eyebrows, but when they saw Yui expression, they were instantly horrified and reared their heads forgetting that anyone was being whipped. There was no mercy in those eyes, that smile could only belong to a demon and they didn't want to interrupt its fun as it would direct his attention to them.

The Witch of Hate was much more calm even though she was on the defensive, because even though Yui was having fun with her, it didn't change the fact that she couldn't just end the fight and blow everything away, the Witch of Hate was still strong which made her not an opponent she could afford to ignore. Therefore, even though it looked like the Witch was at Yui's mercy, Yui didn't forget to keep her guard up even for a second, because even though she was having fun and could do whatever she wanted, she knew that the Witch would take advantage of any situation to turn things around, and Yui didn't want to let that happen.

During the fight, the Witch tried not to take too much damage, opting to dodge attacks rather than fend them off, but it still didn't change the fact that she was already all beat up and her clothes were in tatters. To make matters worse, through Yui's attacks, lust mana began to seep into the Witch's system and compared to the swords that made her unable to feel her body, the whip attacks did the opposite. Her body was now terribly sensitive, making it terribly difficult for her to stop screaming when the whip hit her and apparently the effect was spreading as she was now clearly able to feel her clothes, which was quickly becoming dangerous.

However, the Witch had no intention of collapsing due to such a small injury and was already putting in place her counterattack, which would buy her the moment of breath she desperately needed. So she used all the mana she had discreetly accumulated during the fight for that very moment and launched a sudden attack of dozens of swords that Yui had to defend against. Even she was not able to simply ignore the dozens of levitating swords rushing at her, as they were fired scattered and thus she was unable to avoid them. Having no choice, she summoned her magical crosses to create a strong shield that could hardly defend her from this attack.

Unfortunately it wasn't a perfect defense and Yui was almost seriously injured as her shield was shredded to pieces from the sheer amount of strong projectiles that hit her. Yui also had to give a lot of mana to the barrier she had reinforced her shield with as it began to crack after the first few rushing blades which themselves disintegrated upon hitting the shields and now her breath was somewhat out of breath as suddenly releasing that much mana was no easy feat. Our Witch of Lust, however, wasn't worried about that right now, because even though she wasn't in the pack to stop the Witch of Hate's plan, she was easily able to see it and that raised her blood pressure, which began to boil at the sight of the Witch's actions.

The Witch of Hate quickly retreated towards her companion, attacking Miyu from behind, who was barely able to defend herself using her artifact, only to then have her companion use her marble to create a portal. Miyu at the same time was sent to the ground by another salvo of magical swords, but she was able to defend herself against it, having had experience from the last fight and thus suffered no injuries, but she had to face the Hate Witch alone for now. The Magical Girls and TransMagica were unable to stop her, as they were busy fighting a large demon, and besides, the Witch of Hate was simply too fast.

Everything went according to the Witch's plan, and this whole plan came to her mind moments before, when the Witch had a moment's rest and was thinking with all her might how to get out of this awful situation. During the fight, the Witch did not forget, even for a moment, to observe the surroundings, or more precisely the magic interference which prevents the creation of portals, and she was able to notice that all the mana interfering with the space was being sucked in somewhere, so that in a moments it would not have enough strength to prevent the creation of a portal.

This fact, although unknown to the Witch, was caused by Yui's artifact and she didn't notice it either, too engrossed in humiliating the Witch in front of her, by using as little force as possible to deflect her attacks or by flogging her with her whip whenever she created an opening. Well the Witch saw that she only had to endure this for a little while longer, as there were still some demons on the other side of the portal that she had to use as living shields to avoid being caught by the TransMagic and still hope to get her wish.

And so just by finding her perfect moment she was able to escape from Yui, which she took very poorly and could be seen by her increasingly dark eyes, not to mention that "sweet" smile. So sweet was that smile that everyone who saw it began to shake from being "charmed" and couldn't move, not wanting to ruin the moment. They were even so afraid to spoil the moment that they started to sweat, and those who were on the side started to retreat, with quiet steps and were quiet because they did not want to draw attention to themselves, sure that when Yui looked at them they would die of "happiness". The Witches were no different either as, they stopped moving momentarily without even taking a breath and so the moment seemed to last forever.

"You don't even think you're going to run away do you?" Asked Yui, sweetly tilting her head, her voice even and clear, being to gather everyone's attention, making them all tense with how 'sweet' it looked. With a panicked expression on her face, the Witch of Hate forced the portal open using the remnants of her power to forcibly clear the magic space, which could only work because the mana of the obelisk was almost gone and even still the portal was small, not to mention it was completely unstable. Not caring for dangers, the Witch of Hate launched herself towards the portal, sensing Yui rushing at her. 

"Wait for me!!!" Shouted the other Witch who flew after her companion, terror on her face, but because she was slower and stupefied with fear it was still a long way to the portal once her companion entered it. "AAAHHH!!!" But to make matters worse she looked towards the Witch of Lust, who was already at full speed flying towards the portal and without realizing it the Witch made the biggest mistake of her life. She shot at the portal, destroying it as it was terribly fragile, and in doing so, she brought Yui's gaze down on her, causing her to freeze, unable to even move a finger.

"Bad girl," Yui said calmly then threw herself at her, thus pinning her to the ground and settling on her stomach herself. Yui's ribbons took on the job from the spot, quickly tying up all of the Witch's limbs before she could even react, and she herself decided not to resist, as seeing Yui's furious gaze, she knew it wasn't worth digging herself a deeper grave. "Really bad."

Yui gagged her after a moment, then stood up to see the fight was already over and obviously the winners were TransMagica, whose commanders were moving towards her, apparently wanting to discuss something. The Magical Girls and Alpha left everything to the TransMagica agents to be able talk, with the Witch of Lust, around whom her demons were already gathering, as well as her companion. They were all tense, as the Witch of Lust's displeasure caused by the Witch of Hate's escape, was evident and talking might prove ineffective at this point.

"First I would like to thank you for your help in the fight." Alpha began, with a slight bow, which the Magical Girls quickly repeated, though some of them with a disgruntled expression on their faces and Yui, seeing this, just nodded her head slightly, and roughly ignored what Alpha said, about trivial things. Roughly speaking, they were unimportant, boring talk of pleasantries anyway, which was probably taught to every agent, that dealt with matters of human mood. Yui, however, was too annoyed to care.

Slowly, though, she began to calm herself down, using this to think about how to deal with the displeasure she was now feeling. By feeling this way for the first time, Yui didn't know how to deal with this new type of feeling and she struggled to break free of it, which thankfully was not to hard as the answer revealed itself to her. Every time the face of the Witch lying at her feet twisted in pain, her mood improved slightly, so it was obvious for her what to do next. However, she didn't know if one would be enough to completely calm her down.

"... that's why we would like to return the favor." Those words then caught Yui's attention.

"Return the favor?" So Yui interrupted the Alpha's chatter, making sure she heard clearly, a calm smile reappeared on her face and it put her conversation partners in an cautious mood.

"Yes?" Alpha replied, unsure if she was going to be cheerful or scared, with this quick change in mood and the Magic Girls were also in a similar situation, and it got worse when she started circling around them. She watched them like a predator, and they followed her with their eyes, only being pulled away from her for a moment when Miyu opened a portal that her demons began to enter. Yui used that moment to get closer and hug Eisst from behind, which caused her to squeal, which brought Yui to attention again.

"Well there are a few things that I would like." Yui said in a soft voice into the ear of Eisst who instantly turned all red and the other Magical Girls were no better. Alpha, however, remained serious and watched Yui carefully.

"And what could it be, for I don't think I can come to terms with what I think you want." Speaking he didn't take his eyes off Yui, and Argent along with the rest just watched as they couldn't say anything, remembering what Yui meant every time they saw her smile. 

"Ahh!" Therefore, no one expected Miyu to secretly approach Feeu and snatch her just like that, quickly dragging the tired Magic Girl to the portal. The Witch was also dragged by one of the demons. This made the rest of the Magic Girls and Alpha want to rush to her aid, but a similar shout from behind stopped them.

"Well I'll return them for the evening. Thank you for the reward, you are very generous." With those words Yui, still holding the already incapacitated Eisst, jumped into the portal she herself had created a moment ago, behind her. Alpha, Argent and Aqua wanted to stop them but a magic circle appeared on the portals to stop them and by feeding on the portal itself, these made them quickly disappeared. 

"Fuck!" Cursed an annoyed Alpha, seeing how he had been played and not knowing how to explain himself. He hadn't expected something like this, but who could have guessed that the Witch of Lust was so quick to jump sides, from enemy to friend and back to enemy.

All that was left of Yui was a small note that read "Next time I'll take you two, so don't be jealous." And that message sent a chill down their backs.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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