Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-42 There is no Privacy at School

I am sorry for such a long silence but I have had some serious problems in my family related to health and hospital stay. If anyone is concerned about my situation then everything has worked out fine. That's why I completely forgot about this story I'm writing here for a while, but I know that even if I had remembered earlier, I wouldn't have felt like writing, especially because of this being smut. But now I am back and I have no intention of stopping writing. 

Anyway now I invite you to the chapter below.


 *Knock*, *Knock*

"Is anyone there?" More knocks and a voice from outside the door that undoubtedly belonged to Kobayashi snapped Hikari out of her thoughts so that she was finally able to get of Yui and fix her clothes back into their proper state. For a moment she spun in place not knowing what to do now, not even thinking of answering her teacher and thus it was only after a while that she decided to approach the door, but not before she moved the curtain to cover Yui. All the while, she was thankful to her past self that she had closed the door after entering this room, as she didn't know how she could explain herself out of this situation.

Yui at the same time with all her might was holding back from giggling at the ridiculous behavior of the confused Hikari, who had apparently temporarily forgotten about her and only with the last of her mental strength was able to remember to hide Yui's state. At the same time, Yui herself began to take care of her clothes as well, as she was not keen on showing her belongings to anyone and thus somewhat regretted that her bra was left with Keiko but there was nothing she could do about it now. For now, she waited for events to unfold while sitting patiently on the bed.

"What is it?" Hikari finally asked Kobayashi from behind the closed door, because all the courage she had gathered, after she had calmed down to a certain extent, was still not enough to look someone straight in the face and of course she didn't want to show her red face she had, which would quickly narrate what could have happened here, which could only cause unnecessary misunderstandings that could quickly grow too big for Hikari's delicate sense of shame.

"Everything is alright? I met Nakano-san and Imai-san who roughly explained to me what was going on. They also told me that you're here with Misaki-san so I decided to check if she's okay." Apparently Kobayashi's words had calmed Hikari down because she had stopped breathing so heavily and now refocused she could finally show her face, which already looked calm, at least to some extent. Finally serious, and freed from unnecessary thoughts, Hikari decided to open the door and face Kobayashi, with whom she kept talking through the closed door.

"I understand, come in for now. It's better if no one hears our conversation." Becoming serious Hikari hid her embarrassment completely at the same time opening the door letting Kobayashi into the room where she entered with a quick step closing the door behind her and looked at Hikari with puffed up cheeks visibly angry that she had to talk through the door, she thought Hikari had behaved quite unkindly towards her teacher. However, she quickly returned to her serious expression as she knew that now was not the time for unnecessary offenses and in a quiet voice she began to question Hikari. "So how is Misaki-san? She hasn't fallen into some strange state, has she?"

"Nothing important to note has happened," Hikari replied from the spot already knowing what Kobayashi would ask, while mentally preparing herself for an attack of embarrassment, thus not showing even a hint of blush on her face and thereby not gaining any suspicion from Kobayashi, who was watching her with attentive eyes different from the one she usually carried. "She's just more frivolous with physical contact and doesn't care about showing her body."

"Okay, this now needs to be explained -"Wait a minute."- in a gentle way." Kobayashi, who was trying to take control of the situation was interrupted by Yui, who emerged from behind the cloth that surrounded the bed she was lying on and with a quick step approached them with a visibly annoyed expression on her face. Kobayashi and Hikari on the other hand were slightly startled and were unable to say anything before Yui was already at their side.

"It's quite unkind if you talk about me as if I'm not here you know." Yui said in a sad voice that sounded genuine despite the fact that she herself wasn't sad at all, just annoyed that Hikari had forgotten about her and thus decided to get back at them slightly, playing the victim of the whole situation knowing that Hikrai would take her side. So Yui quickly walked up to Hikari and hugged her from behind, much to the surprise of Hikari who tried with all her might to keep a serious face.

"Well sorry about that Misaki-san, but more importantly I heard that you're not feeling well so you should get some more rest." Kobayashi, who kept her composure perfectly, spoke to Yui seeing that Hikair had dropped out of conversation even though she looked fine and decided to take care of Yui herself. This behavior was much more competent compared to what she normally showed as a teacher, which made Yui guess that this was the true face of the woman in front of her. However, this did not mean that Yui would give in to a small unknown just because of a small hesitation.

"There is nothing wrong with me. We should worry more about Keiko, I think she's the one who needs our attention more," Kobayashi let out a quick questioning look at Hikari, which lasted less than a second, but it was enough to convey that she wanted an explanation. However, Yui noticing this continued. "Hikari explained everything perfectly to me about what was going on with Keiko and I myself agreed to help her with predicament she was in." 

Kobayashi could only guess what Hikari had told Yui and she was slightly confused as she didn't know how to quickly fix this little problem. So she quickly built herself a small plan of action based on guesses on how Hikari could lead the conversation with Yui and with everything arranged in a satisfying way she decided to continue the conversation with Yui. Luckily with her training she was able to think very quickly and her stop lasted only a few seconds where her face didn't change its outward look.

"Well that's great but the other teachers have already taken care of her today, which means she's already being accompanied to her house now. So you should get going too." Kobayashi came up with a good excuse which Yui had to give credit, as it didn't contain any important information that Yui could point out. However, even though trail to Keiko was lost to her it didn't mean that Yui wasn't able to play on her teacher's nerves. At the same time, Kobayashi and Hikari were hoping for some peace and quiet. Well their hopes were torn to pieces like Yui's bra.

"I understand, but how am I supposed to leave school dressed like this? I'm afraid someone might bother me because of my appearance." Yui began to play the innocent girl, drawing the attention of those gathered to her breasts where her nipples were visible through the white shirt she wore. This embarrassed the two girls, who only now paid more attention to the state of the girl in front of them. Kobayashi again increased the speed of the gears in her head and even Hikari froze for a moment staring at Yui's breasts. Yui herself decided to slowly decrease her obsessive behavior towards Keiko and began to slowly return to her old behavior to emulate sobering up from the lust mana.

Kobayashi had already started thinking again on the best solution to this situation because as Yui had pointed out she could not let a girl dressed like this out on the street. However, she was more annoyed with herself for thinking to let a girl who was under the influence of mana lust out on the road alone, where she would be defenseless to any attacks. So deciding on a plan for her action she began to brainstorm choosing the right words she needed to let out of her mouth.

At the same time, Hiakri was also wondering what to say to Yui, but she couldn't concentrate on choosing the right words, as the recent events kept weighing on her thoughts, constantly interfering with her focus with their constant returns. Firstly, she wanted to apologise to Yui for her behaviour, but the memories of the event and Yui's smile told her that she would only be teazed by this Yui who was still under the influence of lust mana. Meanwhile she couldn't imagine what a normal Yui would have done, though for some reason she thought it wouldn't have been any better.

"Well I can always call a friend." Said Yui, robing them from whatever words they wanted to say, but the same time they had priceless expressions on their faces when they noticed they were being played by Yui and because of that Kobayashi sent Yui a hard stare for a second but just as quickly changed it to her usual one that was softer. Hikari looked like she wanted to say something but Yui ignored her this time. Well Yui was sure she wasn't going to have much fun anymore today so she decided to slowly get going. She knew Kobayashi wouldn't let her do too much, well at least what Yui wanted to do.

"Who are you going to call for?" Kobayashi asked worriedly because she knew that Yui didn't have any family to live with or care for her, by which it would have to be someone she met and as a teacher she couldn't let her go with anyone. And if it was some boy then Kobayashi would definitely not let Yui go with him. How Kobayashi regretted that it was just today that the teachers went drinking after school leaving only her at school. Especially since she couldn't leave Keiko alone with the girls either, it was her responsibility.

"Nothing to worry about, she's a girl my age, a family friend." Yui replied while already writing a message to Miyu, ignoring the eyes directed towards her by Kobayashi and Hikari, as she was no longer interested in them. In the end she lightly played on Kobayashi's nerves though she could playing this game for much longer, but Yui knew she would have more opportunities like this and thus decided that she didn't need to try too hard for now. She knew that if things were rushed too much then there was the possibility of making bigger mistakes.

"Alright." Said Kobayashi, though she still wanted to at least see this family friend of hers. Yui was able to see it in Kobayashi's eyes but she didn't mind because it wasn't like it mattered at all. 

"Well I'd should be going now so I'll start getting too it." Yui said slowly walking towards the door where Kobayashi and Hikari followed her still focusing their gaze on her and she felt it. And even though she was glad that Hikari was focusing her attention on her, Kobayashi's sharp gaze quickly extinguished any enthusiasm she had.  That's how their path went until they stepped outside, where they saw the red-haired girl waiting outside the school gates with a black blouse in her hands. 

Miyu noticing Yui quickly ran up to her without even noticing Hikari and Kobayashi beside her, too fixated on Yui to consider the rest of the world. Before anything was said Miyu slipped her blouse over Yui's head, then giving her a light kiss followed by hugging her and making rest of those present stunned, as they were not expecting such a flow of events. Yui meanwhile was just stroking Miyu's lovely head, visibly pleased that her favourite Witch was so worried about her and knew that she would have to reward her greatly in apology for worrying her.

"So we'll be going." Said Yui grabbing Miyu's hand then walking away waving her free hand lightly at the still stunned pair. Only after a while could they return to themselves giving their quick goodbyes and deciding that they would return to Keiko who was still in the student council room. All this time Miyu still hadn't even registered their existence.


On the drive home Yui and Miyu had a little chat where Yui explained everything that had happened to her school today, Miyu listened to her with great attention not wanting to miss a word her friend said. She was glad that Yui was having a good time but was slightly jealous that she wasn't able to attend, which Yui noticed and made amends by giving her a small apology in the form of a long kiss with tongue.

However, despite all of this Miyu had to say what was on her mind now because she noticed, something that was now occupying her mind.

"Hey Yui, didn't you by any chance forget your bag and jacket from your school uniform?"

Yui however only smiled at that while saying.

"Of course not. I used them as excuses for an unannounced visit."

Well Yui knew she couldn't use it as an excuse to let go to Keiko so she used it the second best way she could, a excuse for sudden intrusion on the next day.

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