Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-32 New Problems

Miyu came back to her flat after Yui had created the artifacts for her, unfortunately, because it was quite late and Vili suggested that she should go home, which Yui agreed to, she wanted to practice with her new artifacts, but she did not want to keep Miyu with her when their food supplies ran out, because they did not think they would spend so much time here, their plans slightly changed direction.

So Yui took Miyu out of the Magic Garden through a magic gate on its border, then put her under the city borders with the forest so that Miyu wouldn't need to go far and could transform back without arousing suspicion. Now Miyu is in her room, dressed in loose clothes that will be much more comfortable, certainly not because they look like those Yui has and are preparing to have a modest dinner to fill her demanding stomach.

When Miyu was in the kitchen she prepared a modest meal and sighed, she preferred to eat anything that Yui made because it tasted much better for her than anything she made herself. Without wanting to bother preparing anything big, she simply poured water over the instant soup and went to her small living room to turn on the TV.

Waiting for her meal to be ready Miyu checked the messages on her phone where she saw that she had received a message from Yui asking if everything was all right at home and asking if she could come because she had finished testing her new artifacts earlier than she expected, apparently they were easier to use than they appeared to be, so she now has more free time to spend together.

Miyu immediately responded positively, happy to spend more time with Yui, she certainly preferred it than spending another evening alone without a soul to talk with and so expecting a guest who was about to arrive, she quickly began to clean her house without wanting to put herself in the bad light before the only person she could call a friend.

However her smiling face quickly turned into a stone mask when she sensed the magical power in her room coming from a magical portal in her living room that was a very familiar to her and Miyu knew that it heralded the arrival of the Etativi who turned her into a Witch, which meant that he wanted something from her, he never came for another purpose.

She quickly transformed into her Witch form without fear of a magical impulse because there was a barrier in her flat that drowned it out, not that the absence of this barrier would change anything in Miyu's intentions and she quickly flew out of the house flying high into the sky away from her flat to avoid giving away the area to the Magic Girls because she wanted to make up for the possibility of her tracing no matter how small it might be.

She only stopped a few minutes later at a safe distance from her home and waited for the arrival of the Etativi, who never gave her his name or asked for her name, which from what Vili told her was quite normal with proud Etativi, who considered themselves a higher race than humans, even those turned into Witches, but even they usually asked for the name of the Witch after she reached second rank, for practical reasons if noting else.

However, he never asked Miyu about it, which from what Vili told her meant only one thing, from the very beginning they considered Miyu to be something that could be thrown away at any time and unfortunately Miyu found herself with the worst sort of Etativi, who were narcissists considering Witches to be tools that could be thrown away like worn-out gloves, which now that Miyu knew about it, pissed her off filling her with hatred as well as anger towards her old allies.

It wasn't long before little Etativi, who was black with grey stripes, flew up towards Miyu, a visible dissatisfaction in his eyes, which was amber in colour and he visibly didn't like his welcome greeting, along with Miyu's aggressive attitude, which made him fly so far into the air with her action, having the audacity to turn into a combat stance.

"What are you doing girl, I don't have time for your ideas, there is a job for you to do." The Etativi said in a low tone which contained rage, that demanded obedience from Miyu, who did not even was moved by it away and watched carefully even the slightest movement of the Etativi, ready to fight at any moment when she decided that he would attack or was aggressive ass well as did something suspicious.

"I am not interested, I will no longer fight for you." Miyu said in even tone without showing any emotion, which Etativi got pretty pissed off at as if he had been slapped and someone spat in his face. He wouldn't allow himself to be treated like that, as he signalled with his eyes shining in anger.

"What did you say girl, who do you think you are!" Etativi yelled in anger, the black mana next to him started spinning with him in the centre, which Miyu knew was very dangerous and she attacked him right away by sending a magical bullet made of magical fire that had a black hint to it, and that fire was blocked by a black barrier made of fog that surrounded Etativi.

"You will pay for this!" Etativi roared, shooting black bullets that Miyu easily avoided, but managed to increase the distance between them, it was Etativi who used it to create a portal from which a character dressed in black flew out, and many demons that were created from moving shadows that changed their form all the time, but mostly had a humanoid form that had horns and bat wings. Their eyes simply had red shadows in which there were red crystals that shone with diabolical light and their claws which were also made of similar crystal looked alike as well.

The girl in black had a militaristic outfit as if taken out of the Second World War worn by some officer, was all black with red lines as well as buttons and a few medals on her chest, she also had a black school skirt in a similar style, over her knees, which disturbed her look just a little. She also had black knee boots and gloves which completely covered her hand, to complete the look she was wearing an officer's hat which held her black hair that were tied in a ponytail.

She looked with her black eyes straight into Miyu's crimson eyes. She was thus able to see her alabaster complexion and long fringes especially on the sides of her head, the newcomer Witch had hate in her eyes but her face kept a soft expression and a gentle smile, but Miyu knew that despite this warm smile she was completely cold inside.

Miyu never talked to her, because it is not easy for her to get too close to the point where Miyu sometimes heard other Witches talk behind her back, but they quickly stopped when they got her attention and quickly got dispersed, because she was a Level Three Witch who is on the edge of Level Four, or what is wors, she achieved it very quickly, which made other Witches jealous.

As for the weapon, she held two black obsidian blades that looked like short ones made in a precise way with many gold and red ornament, except that one was slightly shorter than the other with silver ornaments rather than gold, their guard was short finished with dark red crystals, where part of it went to the p0mmel with was connected to protect her hand from attack. She had two scabbards attached to her belt at the back.

Witch did not wait for Miyu's response, attacking her immediately with her blades from which Miyu defended herself with her big sword, almost being wounded in the shoulder, because she could barely cope with the advanced fencing of the Witch, who did not allow Miyu to breathe even for a second, and in this case Miyu decided to increase her distance, which turned out to be irrelevant when the Witch fired at high speed a white-black mana slash that struck the magic Miyu shield, which she was barely able to create, destroying it.

The dangers however only began to start to appear when the demons attacked Miyu from behind, moving there when the Witch atacked her and through her carelessness managed to stick their red claws into her back... Or it would have happened if it had not been for the fact that the amethyst crimson magic shield had not appeared on her back, a few centimetres above Miyu's body. It was made up of small hexagonal shields that together formed one more massive shield.

The artifact that Yui created for Miyu created the shields that surrounded Miyu's entire body to protect it and were usually invisible only appearing when attacked or specifically activated by Miyu itself. Miyu was also able to focus the smaller shields in a smaller area to increase their strength, but this would leave the exposed areas unprotected and that is why Yui told her not to do this except when there were no other options. The artifact itself is in the form of a crimson necklace with amethyst crystal, because Yui used Miyu mana to create it.

Miyu, after the demons attacked, fired fire streams backwards without even looking back, which unfortunately was only able to destroy one, and the other two escaped with only slight damage that looked as if the shadow of which they were composed had become lighter at the point of injury and Miyu could only clench her fist when she counted that there were thirty of these demons here.

"You have an artifact?! A girl like you?! Take it away from her, she doesn't deserve to have it!" The Etativi shouted, commanding the Witch when he himself was at a safe distance. He could not believe that such a useless girl was able to get the artifact and his pride did not allow something so valuable to remain in her hands. He would find a better use for this artifact than defending a tool that stopped working.

The Witch on his orders only grumbled and then attacked Miyu, who at that moment was was lost in thought, thinking about murdering that mongrel who wants to steal present she got from Yui. The Witch has fired on Miyu with black blades full of ornaments, the inside of which turned white and then fired with great force. Miyu was lucky to notice this, as it took a while to charge the blades as she created a barrier in front of her just in time to defend herself.

However the black blades easily broke through the Miyu's barrier and then only slightly lossing their strength hit the shield of the artifact, where they were able to break through with their tips, driving a little over a centimetre into Miyu's body and then melted into the shadows, leaving behind cracked shields, as well as injured Miyu whose wounds were bleeding even though these slight injuries should only hurt her magic body.

Looking closer, Miyu noticed that most of the wounds were black, emitting magical particles outside her body and only the deepest part was able to reach her real body causing her to bleed. However, this does not change the fact that her left thigh and abdomen were hardly injured and Miyu herself was given a cold sweat when he thought what would have happened if it had not been for the artifact she had received from Yui.

However Miyu did not have time to think about it because she saw that the Witch was preparing another salvo of her black swords that were too fast for Miyu to avoid, so she did the only thing that could have saved her and reduced the shields by focusing it on defending herself against the swords, while revealing her back, making the little shields that overlapped one another to become darker.

This time the shields were able to defend Miyu from the magical swords of the Witch, which caused only small cracks on the shield, not being able to penetrate it, never mind breaking through hurting Miyu and reflected the swords that scattered into hundreds of black particles dissolving in the air. 

However, the demons did not allow such an opportunity to escape and attacked Miyu's exposed back, but they did not expect her to foresee this by preparing a magical barrier that stopped their attack, and then this shield exploded outside in flames consuming the demons attacking her, thereby getting rid of another three opponents.

The witch was apparently losing patience as her attacks became more and more powerful, attacking her from several sides at once, in front of her with her powerful flying blades from the sides with black magic bullets that flew in an arch to hit her from the sides, and even a few were able to circle her to attack her back directly, which meant that Miyu had nowhere to run to avoid so she could only defend herself.

Miyu curled up to reduce the surface of her body, which strengthened the shields of the artifact, which did not have to defend such a large area, so that they became thicker mainly at the front to fend off the swords, but had enough excess to slightly protect her back, and all the places that Miyu was not able to protect with artefact was complemented by a thick layer of magic barrier.

All the bullets hit such Miyu, creating a black smoke of magical energy that covered her for a moment, but the Witch did not have it and using a blast of magical energy she threw away all the smoke to see a terrible cracked shield, but Miyu was more or less intact, which apparently surprised the Etativi who watched from the side without expecting Miyu to defend herself so fiercely. 

The Witch however did not allow Miyu to recover using her two swords, which flashed in white to hit the shield with great force, causing more cracks to form on it and being able to even tear off a few small pieces after several attacks, which were quickly replaced by the rest of the shield. With each piece torn off, the shield became weaker as it needed Miyu's magic energy and time to regenerate to full strength.

Miyu tried to distance herself by attacking the Witch with her magical bulets or her big sword, which unfortunately was not very effective because the difference in their strength was too great and the Witch was able to block or simply ignore Miyu's attacks with her magical barrier, which barely started to break from Miyu's attacks.

The Witch's attack meant that Miyu was on the defensive and she was unable to escape from it, something Miyu has been aware of from the very beginning when the Witch appeared, so Miyu only tried to defend herself without wasting mana on attacks that she knows will not work, but now there is no choice but to attack the Witch to slow down her attack even a little.

However the Witch was finally able to break through the defence and using all her power she wanted to end this fight with one powerful strike, but something else happened. The Witch was injured in her belly so strong that the bullet penetrated through her body spilled her blood and caused the Witch to quickly escape creating a powerful magic barrier that cracket defending her from amethyst-crimson small crystals the size of a bullet that can be found in a handgun.

Miyu waited for the moment when the Witch would be so confident in defeating Miyu that she focused only on the attack, abandoning her defence, to use her second artifact that Yui created for her, it was a gun that looked like a fantasy version of a flintlock that was black with red crystal ornaments and bullets made of crystal using her mana that is concentrated in one powerful bullet.

Even with this artifact she would not be able to break through the barrier of the Witch who is much more powerful than her, so she needed a moment when she would leave her guard down and what better moment than when someone uses their full power to make the final attack to defeat their opponent.

However, the surprise attack will not work anymore, Miyu knew that the fight will not be so easy but she just has to hold out until Yui comes to her aid, which should happen soon and until then she has to fight defensively saving her strength as much as she can. The Witch unfortunately did not share her idea and started to fight much more aggressively, fuelled by her anger as well as hatred for the opponent who injured her.

Their fight was more fierce than before and the Witch, together with the demons, was able to break through Miyu's defenses time and time again, inflicting more wounds on her, which slowed her down and gave Witch more chance for attacks, which she used every time, driving Miyu into an corner where she was clearly tired, her body covered in wounds.

"Not so fast." The Witch was about to finish Miyu off when she heard a stranger's voice followed by a mass of amethyst-coloured crystal spikes that suddenly attacked her and a large number of demons attacked the remains of her army. The Witch, after having defended herself without any problems, looked towards that cold voice she had heard earlier.

She saw another Witch who had the terrifying smile of a person who imagined many possibilities of how she would torture you, her eyes were blank coloured in dark amethyst, which would seem black if it wasn't for the fact that they were shining with a light that gave shivers to the body. The Witch felt for a moment as if someone had run over her back with a lump of ice when she looked into her eyes but quickly came back to her senses and returned to her fighting stance.

"Now you will fight me." She commanded in a calm voice that was terribly clear and easy to hear, as if the wind was afraid to drown it out in fear of not bringing the Witch's anger to itself, the Witch in black knew that even though the new visitor was lower rank than her, she could not be ignored or taken lightly because it would end badly for her.

Saying nothing more, the newly arrived Witch attacked with another salvo of crystal spikes as she herself flew at high speed towards the Black Witch, in her hand black sword with ametyst balde, which had already begun to shine brightly in unholy light. That is how the fight started afresh.

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