Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-27 Exchange

Argent and Alfa are now in the duty car they were given for this mission, and there are two large ransom cases in the boot. The driver was an Alfa, who was the only one of the two who had the ability to drive a car, even though he did not personally have a driving licence, as a TransMagica agent he got a work driving licence.

Of course, the fact that they were alone in the car does not mean that they would be at the meeting point without any cover, because there were a lot of agents all over the park and its surroundings who hid in the crowd eyeing all the suspicious people to see the Witch if she arrived on foot or before the transformation. Although they wanted to know the true identity of the Witch, everyone on the team knows that this is just a fantasy, because she was too clever to make such a simple mistake.

There was no talks in the car because all strategies were discussed before the mission to infinity, thus there was no need to repeat them because they both knew them by heart and they did not want to have other conversations, so silence was the only option for them. Luckily, there was not much left to go on and the exchange will finally begin, although both of them know that it will not be so easy, because the Witch they are dealing with is too sly.

When Alfa parked in the nearest car park next to the park, he left the car to open the boot and pull out two large black suitcases in which there were a hundred demonic cores that the Witch demanded for the Magical Girl she kidnapped. However, those who were at the scene of this 'kidnapping' would have said that she packed herself into it because of too much self-confidence and anger, because she was accidentally caught in a pretty funny way.

Command was also quite sure that Witches of Lust could create magical mana crystals from mana of lust, they learned about it with the help of their plush companions Metermi, so the Witch in the purple probably used Aqua to create them, thus there is also a medical squad with psychiatrists on board who will examine her to make sure that there is no trauma acquired in the Witch's lair, and Argent wants to help with that too, knowing a little bit about what could have happened to her.

Thanks to her ability to obstruct perception, Argent was able to make the civilians ignore the extraordinary outfits that she and Alpha wore, which was possible when she was very focused on this ability, so when she is fighting she is not able to do it. She also knew that Witches had a similar skill, but to a lesser extent that they did not use it, but they would still not use it anyway to increase terror in civilians.

"It is still ten minutes away from the scheduled time." When they entered the park, at first they did not see anything, so Alpha looked at his watch, telling Argent about the time, and then picked up the suitcase he had put on the ground to look at the time. Not wanting to stand like pegs in the middle of the park, they decided to sit on a bench waiting for the exchange to start, still not talking to each other.

At the exact moment when the time came, Argent sensed the approaching mana signature, which was definitely from the negative spectrum, so she turned her attention to the direction from which the signature was coming from and Alpha, seeing Argent, also turned his attention to the approaching Witch, who was in no rush.

The Witch they noticed was fortunately the one they were expecting, it would not be nice if suddenly there was a new player who could mess up the whole exchange, which was a delicate operation and where cannot be any mistakes that could in turn harm Aqua, whose only hope is this operation, so the sight of the expected opponent was reassuring for them.

However the Witch's outfit surprised them a little bit, especially Argent who expected her to appear in her usual scandalous outfit, now she wore a more modest outfit, but only compared to what she usually wears. While her gloves and tights with heels were left on, this time she wore a black miniskirt that covered up something at least, not being transparent at all and a light purple sleeveless shirt that lay tightly on her having large cleavage, displaying her sizeable breasts, that ended up above her navel.

While Alpha was able to hide his surprise combined with a slight blush due to the fact that he was ultimately a man, Argent was not able to hide the slight blush at least not from the Witch, her face to Alpha's side should be covered by her hair. The Witch smiled sweetly towards them when she noticed that they had spotted her and was slowly approaching them. Only now did Argent and Alpha notice that she had a plastic bag in her hand from one of the clothing shops in the area.

"Hello," The Witch calmly said when Argent and Alpha stood up, she directed these words towards the Magical Girl, roughly ignoring her companion because she wasn't interested in him in the slightest, fully giving her the attention of the determined Argent, who still had a slight blush. "I hope I did not keep you waiting." 

"No, we came a little bit earlier," Argent reassured the Witch, not letting her feelings appear in her tone of voice, saying in a self-confident tone that demanded respect. The Witch who brought this Magical Girl into a shameful state though, she could only see a sweet girl trying to be brave. However, Argent did not notice this and continued. "So we should start the exchange, right?"

"Yes, yes. But this is no place for such dealings, is it?" The Witch just waved her hands a little bit freely, speaking in a nonchalant way. "So let us go to a more secluded place where civilians and agents cannot be terrified by the Witch's magic. We don't want to cause unnecessary panic in a public place, do we?"

"Yes," Argent said, expecting the event to progress in such a way, because it was most obvious and safe for the Witch, who was not stupid enough to cause panic during such an event, but the Magical Girl could not afford to be led to a place where it would be completely unfriendly to her. "I hope, however, that this place will not be too deserted."

"But of course," The Witch said, understanding what the Magical Girl meant, and having no objection because she has no intention of betraying the terms to which she has agreed, she has her honour, Witches are not barbarians for god's sake. "We'll go to a hotel which is a few minutes away from here, where no one will bother us."

With these words, she turned her back to them, going without waiting for their answer and giving a strange feeling of Déjà vu to Argent, who felt that she had been treated in this manner before by someone but could not remember who, but she did not bother with it, having more important things to wory about and went right to following the Witch who did not pay attention to them.

They walked for a good ten minutes without saying a single word with the Witch in front, Argnet in the middle and Alfa in the back carrying heavy suitcases without any complaints. When they finally reached a certain street, Argent's jaw fell and Alpha just cramped his eyebrows, they entered the Red Lantern Street Witch the Witch entered as if she were at home heading towards a Love Hotel.

"Where are we going?" Argent asked, feeling as if she was doing something wrong being here, because she did not expect to be taken to such a place, but she quickly recovered from her surprise, reminding herself of what the Witch who had brought her to this place had done to her and thought in her confusion that she must came here quite often.

"I said before, to the hotel." The Witch said as if it was the most logical thing in the world but, when she turned slightly towards Argent, she noticed that the Witch had a smile that spoke more than words could tell of how much pleasure she took from the Magical Girl's reaction. "We will not be disturbed here, and I do not think that the agents have thought of this place either."

Alpha squinted slightly at the words of the Witch, who was mostly right, because there were not a lot of agents here as they expected more deserted places and, because the Witch must be a young girl, this place is the last one they could think of. There were still a couple of agents in this area, not that this amount would help them in any way.

So they followed the Witch to the hotel where she quickly ran up to the counter and started ringing the bell, waiting for the receptionist to be able to rent a room. When the average-looking man came in he looked at the Witch and was a little surprised, first of all because of her high beauty as well as the fact that she looked too young for such a place, then he looked at Argent giving her similar look and finally Alpha to whom he sent a cold gaze, which said "What are you doing with them, you lucky bastard?"

"What can I do for you, missy?" He said, unable to not look at her terrifying cleavage, which was impossible to resist. Ignoring the clothes of Argent and Alpha, thanks to the effect that the Magical Girl kept maintaining for every second without allowing it to be released, even more entering this street, because she did not want the rumour that the Magical Girl Argent was in such a place at all begun to circulate, she could not get out of the house out of shame if it hapened.

"Room for us." The Witch representing them said calmly putting money on the counter, apparently familiar with the prices of this place, which surprised everyone present. The receptionist looked at them again and noticed two large suitcases that Alpha was holding, this sight was noticed by the Witch who now had a little sadistic smile. "My friend next to us is our boy toy, that would be enough for me, but my friend is terribly unsatisfied and needs much more to be content."

"He, he. I see." The man laughed awkwardly at the girl's comment, turning away from them to put his eyes back on the girl's bust in front of him and thus did not notice the damaged expression on Alpha's face, he did not know how to react, nor the red Argent's tomato face, who just opened and closed her mouth trying to say something in opposition but not being able to do so out of shock.

However Alfa quickly recovered and, ignoring the comment of the Witch, he stopped Argent with all his might before she started objecting, refusing to let her fall into the game of that bitch. Argent also recovered with the help of Alpha, but this did not change the fact that her face was terribly blushed, yet the man considered this to confirm the words of the Witch.

"It promises to be fun," The man said when he looked carefully at the 'unsatisfied' girl, checking her measurements exactly which was unpleasant for her, then he smiled and returned to the girl before him. "If you need help, you can always call me."

"That will not be necessary." The Witch said. Although she didn't show it, she was less amused but she started this joke and now she has to suffer the consequences of it, she also make him drop it before the receptionist upset her more than the joke was worth.

"You sure of that?" She was asked by a man who thought that there was a happy occasion consisting of horny girls and a toy boy who had nothing to say, even though he didn't notice that the boy was getting annoyed, intending to stop letting the Witch be their representative in this establishment after which just knocking out a man who was too self-confident.

"Yes." The Witch smile dropped a little bit as well as the tone when she had to repeat herself, now her voice was serious, but the man didn't notice too busy watching her body and now even Argent was getting a little annoyed at man who was to pushy when even the Witch finished using her cheerful tone, because he couldn't understand no, thinking he found an easy target.

"Are you sure? You'll get to know real men and you won't regret it." He said looking at her breasts and making a perverse smile without noticing that her smile already disappeared completely, replaced by a dissatisfied facial expression and sharp look. Alfa had already put down his suitcases to take care of a man who simply couldn't understand what was being said to him, but before he could do so, the man added more words that had tipped the scale. "I'm sure I can as well satisfy your friend without help..."

"Room! For! Three!" The Witch interrupted him with a cold voice, which made the man stop looking at her cleavage and look into her eyes slightly anxious, because of the strange atmosphere that circulated around the girl standing in front of him getting frightened by seeing her dark shiny eyes. Argent and Alpha were also surprised, stopping the actions they wanted to take, because of a sudden change in the behaviour of the Witch, who had been behaving quite cheerfully until now, her cold words cooled their blood. "If you say another word, you will lose the little one."

"Okay, wait a minute." The man went out of his way to get the key as fast as possible, forgetting everything out of fear, which for some reason he felt for a young girl who was too small to do anything to him, when she looked at him with a murderous gaze, and before he knew it, he had the money in front of him and the three were already going upstairs. Alpha was a little pale for some reason.

"What now?" Alpha asked, after they had already entered the room, because he did not see anything worthwhile in it, getting the Witch's stare instead, that was holding no warmth, it gave him goose bumps, but he did not look away not braking eye contact first. That improved her mood which was broken minutes ago and the Witch sent him a warm smile, which surprised him slightly, but he did not let himself be charmed by it.

"Wait here for a moment." That's all she said, using a black marble to create the portal she wanted to enter, but she stopped her step in the middle, remembering that she left her bag from the clothing shop on the bed from which she took the white short shorts and the grey short t-shirt, which surprised those present who didn't know why she went shopping before the exchange, so to buy only one pair that was a little too small for her...

Argent and even the Alpha blushed a little, where the boy turned his head quickly, the same could not be said of the Magical Girl, who could not stop her imagination showing her a great number of possibilities that have recently been greatly enriched by the teachings of her Witch teacher in purple.

After a long moment the Witch finally came back from the other side of the portal, where she was followed by a demonic driad with Aqua in her hands, who now wore a gray t-shirt which ended just below her breasts showing their underside while the shorts were practically a thicker version of panties so they did not cover much either. Aqua also had a gag and was tied with her hands at the back, an eye band and a ribbon on her legs, but that didn't change the fact that even now the Magical Girl was wriggling trying to free herself.

Alpha was constantly watching the driad that put Aqua on the bed, or more accurately throw her on her ass, which caused a little moan that startled Alpha and painted a little blush on the face of Argent who quickly caught her friend and then put her in a siting position which was inconvenient for Aqua, who for a moment was trembling and turned all red for some reason.

"So this deal end now." Alpha said, focusing on the Witch, putting the suitcases next to her and then withdrawing to his companions, standing between them and the demon next the Witch herself, who simply took the two suitcases, which she then threw through the portal without any problem and turned into the direction of Argent who was untying Aqua with difficulty.

"My proposal is still open." The Witch said, drawing the attention of Aqua and Argent who only remembered the content of the Witch's message after a while, not knowing how to answer now because she wanted to free Aqua from her ties as soon as possible, which did not give up as easily as if they were tying themselves when she was not looking.

"Next time maybe?" She said without thinking, which after a while she regretted, looking quickly at the Witch, who had a beautiful smile on her face, which blinded her slightly and she was unable to formulate her words well. "N-not I don... How to say it?"

"So this is a date, until the next time." The Witch was only able to hear "Ee" from Alpha, who was completely unable to understand what the Witch was trying to do and "What?" of Argent who understood that she had make mistake, throwing herself into the deep, where maybe a hungry shark will eat her. In shock she broke Aqua's gag.

"Mmm. You will regret what you did to me!" Finally Aqua, who could talk now, started screaming which caused the sadistic smile to form on the Witch, which paralyzed her, excited her and made her turn red, her body remembered too much what happened when she had this smile. "Re-remember, y-you'll regret it."

Argent and Alpha were surprised by the suddenly obedient girl who, if they had to describe with one word before would have said Pride, but now they could only see only pathetic little bits of it left and the Magical Girl now looked like a little girl who has to be protected even from small animals, so much so that the sight of Aqua crying pretending to be tough gave them an warm feling.

"I can't wait." These words of the Witch who was leaving were enough for Aqua to hide behind Argent, scared or at least that's how it seemed to her companions, where Aqua herself saw her words as a promise of another round of fun, while her body wanted it, she wantet to object, especially when she felt what was now put in her ass.

"Until the next time." The Witch disappeared in the closing portal.

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