Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-20 Witch Yui Attack

 Monday has come and Yui, who came to the school in a good mood, started the plan. The aim of her plan is to confirm her predictions about Hikari and to determine if the members of the student council really are all Magical Girls. Even now she was not 100% sure about them, which only showed the strength of perception disruption effect.

So Yui went through the lessons not very focused, waiting for the time when the action starts and she will finally play with the Magical Girls who are completely unaware of her attack. She was going to attack close to the school to force Hikari and the girls to immediately respond to her offensive, to see how the girls will behave and how quickly the Magical Girls will arrive. 

The attack itself is supposed to start during the lunch break so that Yui can observe the student council more easily and at the same time get a good reason why her eyes suddenly change colour. After all, when a person is attacked by a demon there is a good chance that the victim will be soaked in the demon's mana and stimulate a change in the colour of eyes or hair. The very idea that the Magical Girl will try to save her from the demon with thiers lovely faces in desperation painted a smile on Yui's face.

Yui's demons were taken care of by Vili, to whom she left behind a watch and a phone for better communication, and set a time when she was to start the mission. For the last two days, she has forced her to make a dozen or so teleporting balls because she needs a pair of them: one for the person teleporting and the other in the coordinates where the portal is to appear. Vili was so tired because of this that she slept for several hours.

Miyu is to stay in the Magic Garden during this time, where she is to wait for the demons to return and, if some Magical Girl goes through the portal, then she is supposed to push her back into the it. Should that not work, then she is expected to catch and overpower her. If the Magical Girl was caught in the Yui's domain, she would have to make sure that girl wouldn't remember anything about it, she would replace those memories with others, more pleasant, ones for the stronger effect of course.

It was with such thoughts that Yui sat through all the lessons, with a minimum of commitment, until finally the bell rang, at last, freeing her from the great boredom that was the class. On leaving the classroom she decided to go for a walk, or rather to look for student council, so she circulated on the third floor and around the teachers room. 

To her delight she met Hikari in the corridor, with a great deal of documents in her hands, likely bound for teachers room. When she noticed Yui she blushed slightly, turning her eyes away, apparently she was surprised as she immediately returned to her natural facial expression and then looked Yui straight in the eyes.

"Good morning, Misaki-san."

"Hello," Yui said with a smile when she heard the insensitive voice of Hikari, who wanted to silence her emotions with all her might, but did not know that this only made Yui like her more and more. "Help?"

"No need, I'll manage. There is no reason for you to shorten your break." Yui's smile only got bigger when Hikari refused her offer of help.. Hikari turned her eyes from it because she wasn't able to look Yui in the face with calm, she decided to finish the short conversation in this moment and started to go again by passing her.

Yui said nothing for goodbye and just looked slightly at her watch, where she noticed that it was time to start, so she looked one last time at the leaving Hikari who suddenly stopped walking and looked out the window in a sudden motion. That was enough for Yui to clear the last doubt in her mind, now she was certain that a Magical Girl is standing in front of her.

"It's time to play with you." A voice whispered unheard by anyone.


Hilarii suddenly sensed many demons coming out of nowhere and, what is even worse, they are not far from the school. When she cast her gaze through the window of the corridor towards them she was able to see the form of a great black wolf and other demons accompanying it in the distance, however, she could not sense any Witch, which meant that she sent demons on her own or hiding to attack by surprise, but judging by the power of the demons only a second option seemed possible.

Now, being serious, she forgot about Yui and quickly went to the student council room where other members, who also had serious facial expressions, determined and ready for anything, were already waiting. Hikari put the papers on the table and said.

"Demons are in front of the school, there is no time for any preparations."

"Do we even know how many there are and how strong they are?" Keiko asked when they all started gathering to go to the roof.

"We don't know how many, but they are all powerful, to the extent that you can't handle some one-on-one. Hikary explained, beacuse as the third rank she had the best magic perception and could best judge the strength of the opponent.

"It will be difficult, but I am worried that I didn't feel any Witch." Aya said when they were coming out of the room and headed for the stairs.

[Attention, a demon attack has begun near the school! All students are asked to stay calm and stay in the classrooms.] 

Suddenly, Kobayashi's voice came out of the speakers and informed the school about the threat according to procedures. She knew about the demons because she had a communication from the city headquarters which had mana detecting artefacts but, due to the time and cost to produce, only in the main area of the city.

Upon hearing this message, the students in the corridors became anxious but they did not immediately panic since no one saw any demons. However it was only a matter of time before someone could see them from the window, therefore the Magical Girls hurried up the stairs to the roof without bothering the students who were now worried and thus did not see that a person in the crowd was looking at them.

"She is probably hiding." Mai commented while continuing the conversation, Hikari and Keiko nodded to her words, it seems they had similar assumptions.

"Okay, we have to be careful, so Keiko you stay back, Aya and Mai will cover the sides and I will attack in front," Hikari quickly gave a fighting strategy and the girls could only nod. "You will support me. Remember, this time we are not supposed to win but to hold out until the reinforcements arrive. Understood?"

"Yes" They all responded in the union, entering a magical circle where they changed unnoticed, and then went away towards the demons, who unfortunately, moved towards the school. The Magical Girls could already hear and see the panic of the students who noticed this and who started to close themselves in the classrooms at great speed, but they calmed down when Argent and the rest of them noticed.

In front of them there were 32 demons, which were divided into four groups and two unique ones. The first group consisted of 10 dummies in black cloaks that moved as if a light breeze blew them up from underneath, wearing a black and white theatrical mask on their face, which is half happy and half sad. The dummy has long hands to the knees ended with a sword instead of a hand, the blade itself was one metre long and could freely rotate on a ball joint. 

The second group also consisted of 10 demons, namely wooden dolls with three pairs of hands, in which they hold stone weapons, with one black stone on their head. The weapons they used were two stone tower shields held by the upper pair of hands, on which there were interesting patterns. The lower pairs of hands held two two two-handed swords, one on each side and all their weapons had a slightly amethyst aura around them.

The third group consisted of five wooden wolves with green grassy fur, but the thing that distinguished them from normal wolves was the fact that their tails were composed of many roots that whirled lively. They also had branches entangled around their torso, which were killing the effect of unity with nature.

Another group of five demons consisted of car-sized stone bears that had cracks the whole body over with violet light in them and focused in their eyes, which consisted of amethyst crystals and their fangs and claws looked terribly sharp enough to make cutting stone child's play.

The last two demons were unique, one of which was very powerful, suggesting that he was the leader of this group. The weaker of the demons had the form of a Human woman, consisting of stones held together by their roots and branches, which did not mean that she looked ugly, on the contrary she looked quite hot. Her body had good proportions and important places were slightly covered with bark, not that there was anything there. She had waist-length hair made up of thin, very long leaves and therefore looked very soft which emphasise her pretty face, overall she looked like a driad.

The last demon was a great black wolf with black fur interspersed with shades of violet and it was surrounded by a shadow-amethyst fog formed by magic. He was the only one who had a sign of intelligence in his eyes and said eyes were able to pierce the Magical Girls through when his eyes stopped on each of them for a few seconds, giving them a little bit of fear.

"It will be difficult." Aqua said quietly watching her enemies closely, so far neither side has made the first move.

"We just have to stop them from doing damage until the support arrives." Hikari repeated the orders quietly, so as not to alert the demons.

"Really, and when will this support come?" All the Magical Girls froze when they heard a familiar voice coming from behind them. When they carefully turned around they saw a Witch in purple there, nonchalantly levitating behind them and abandoning the element of surprise, all with a sadistic smile on her face.

"So you are the one behind this!" Feeu was angry, which only deepened the smile of the Witch who drove finger across her belly and kissed it reminding the girl of their last serious clash, which made Feeu blush, slightly looking away.

"Pervert" Said Eisst quietly which only the girls around her heard who also blushed slightly understanding what happened to Feeu, especially Argent, who needed a moment to calm down.

"So, girls, why don't you give yourself up and we'll get to know each other a little better?" The witch said in a seductive tone that conveyed her intentions to the girls well, making them shiver again, but the determination in their eyes didn't even shake, which she noted. "There is no point in fighting the inevitable, is there?"

With these words, the demons finally started to move around trying to surround the Magical Girls, but those unwilling to fight on all fronts decided to suppress the weakest point, the Witch, who stood alone. 

In response to this the Witch summoned hear armour and a sword before taking commbat stance.

"Come on." She said straight with an inviting smile.

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