Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-2 Bad Girl

A Magical Girl was looking at Yui with a judgmental eye. The Witch was facing away from her, so only her long amethyst-black hair was visible. Through it, the magic girl could not see what her outfit looked like, apart from the end of her long skirt.

Hearing her shout, Yui slowly turned her head behind her shoulder to take a better look at the new visitor, in the process giving said visitor a side-on viev of her outfit.

Seeing this, the magical girl was stuck in place. Her eyesight was concentrated constantly on this shameless outfit without a word or a change of facial expression. She focused mainly on the breast area to be accurate.

She herself had a typical beginner's Magic Girl's stripe. A corset under her breasts from which her skirt came out to her knees. Also accompanied by a sleeveless shirt.  A small ribbon around her neck for decoration.

On the hands gloves to the elbow, and on the legs knees socks and modest low heels. The colour range of the whole outfit was mainly light blue where the shirt and the knee socks remained white.

The light blue colour was also consistent with her long, waist-length hair and her shining eyes. These characteristics must have changed after the transformation. When Magical Girls gain more power, their outfits and even physical appearances can change to complement their fighting style. Or at least, so said Yui's sources on the internet.

"The Magia Eisst, I presume?"


Yui nodded as the newcomer confirmed her identity. The question seemed to rouse her slightly from her trance, but her eyes were still glued to her breasts. Deciding to have a little fun, she asked another.

"So. How long are you going to look at my breasts?"

"Ee? Uh...! Excuse me!"

The Magical Girl snapped out of her trance at Yui's question, and started freaking out and apologizing, covering her face.

Yui smiled in little satisfaction as she watched the spectacle and turned to face the girl, who turned even more redder after scanning Yui's practically naked body.

"You can look as much as your eyes desire."


The girl gasped at Yui's words.

Yui had forgotten her anger towards Vili for her tricks. She even forgot her embarrassment at her own appearance or the shame in showing it to others. What was more important for her now was the pleasure she gained from having fun and teasing the Magical Girl.

'How far I can take it?' Yui asked herself before she slowly started to walk to Magical Girl.

"You know. Since you like them so much, do you want to touch them as well? Feel them?" Yui slowly ran her finger from her bellybutton to her right breast. She embraced it slightly from underneath, emphasizing it and squeezed it, visibly deforming it to show its softness.

"Ehh? What? No! Noooooo! You can't fool me, you know!"

Looking at Yui's breasts with the eye of a hawk, the Magical Girl made a stupid sound and waved her head sideways as a sign of opposition, but also to get a grip.

She took a combat stance against Yui and manifested her wand in her right hand, sticking her left out to stop Yui. The wand was white with golden accents and a light blue star in a circle, 35 centimetres long.  

Yui stopped a metre away from the Magical Girl, looked her straight in the eyes, and said, "The truth is that I was pulled into this by a trick and this is my first transformation." She put one hand behind her head with a wry smile and started to scratch herself in embarrassment.

"...I haven't seen you before in fact so... if thast's true, give yourself up."

The MagicalGirl said Hesitantly. But at the same time, an ice blade flew out of her scepter making a sword, and was put on Yui's left shoulder.

"That's dangerous. Bad girl."


With those words, Yui flicked the hand she had been hiding behind her head, revealing a whip that she used to knock the sword off.

Yui knew how to use it and how to summon it from the moment of her transformation. It was imprinted onto her. 

And why didn't she just give up and instead chose to attack the Magical Girl? She wasn't sure herself. She became a Witch with this action. An enemy of the Magical Girls she adores, but the feeling of their gaze on her, the delight of teasing them, and their sweet facial expressions that girl reveal to her. More. She want to see more of them.

Yui threw herself forward and knocked her opponent over. Eisst, not expecting it, let go of her sword and pushed her hands forward as a form of defence. Both fell to the ground, with Yui landing on top of the Magical Girl and making a sound.



That's was the only way the Magical Girl could reacted to Yui moaning. Yes, moaning. he had thrown her arms out to keep Yui at bay, but when the Witch fell on her, her hands landed on Yui's breasts and in fit of the moment unconsciously started squeezing them. 

"After all, I said you can touch them if you want, but you must be gentle. If not, your big sister may misunderstand. Okay?

"E? I don't. I..."

The Magical Girl hesitated at Yui's words. She didn't know what to do. After a moment, she tried to get away but...

"You're a bad girl. Using dangerous tools, giving me negative thoughts. You should be punished."

Without giving her time to answer, Yui grabbed Eisst's hands and pinned them down over her head. She sat on her stomach so she could do nothing with her legs and reached for her ribbon around her neck with her free hand. She unfolded and kissed it slightly in front of the shocked Magical Girl.

The piece of fabric turned purple with black edges separated by a silver line. It turned into a lengthening ribbon which started to entangle the Magic Girl.

Her ankles and knees were quickly tied by the ribbon. Yui pulled her hands behind her back , and they too were tied together, but even this apparently wasn't enough. The ribbon only stopped moving after it had circled around her bound arms and body several times, paying special mind to the areas above and below her bust to show them off.

"What are you doing?!" The Magical Girl screamed in protest but could not do anything in Yui's arms. On the other hand, Yui smiled a little bit and brought her face close to the Magical Girl. As a result, she was practically lying on her and their breasts were crushed together. This caused Eisst great embarrassment, which only deepened Yui's smile.

"What am I doing? Well, I'm making sure you don't run away."

Yui raised the Magical Girl in her arms like a princess, and the ribbon stretched even further and attached itself to the bridge over them.

The girl was now hanging at Yui's mercy. Literally and figuratively. She tried to use magic, but was unable to do so; the ribbon glowed as it devoured her power before she could use it. So she started complaining and demanded that she should be released least she would have done it unless Yui hadn't stopped her. She put her finger on the Magical Gril's lips and level the eyesight with her, locking their eyes together.

In those amethyst eyes that resembled a cat's, the girl saw the sight of a predator that wanted to devour its captured prey. No. Play with her like a cat with a captured mouse. The Magical Girl felt as if someone had driven a lump of ice over her back. She fell silent without being able to say anything, and Yui continued to have fun.

"Shhhhh... Bad girls have no right to complain. But if you won'be quiet, I guess I'll just have to keep you quiet myself."

Yui brought her face closer to the Magical Girl until their noses touched and the girl could feel Yui breathing. The girl couldn't do anything but stare into her eyes as Yui approached her lips like as if for a kiss. But before she could kiss her, Yui heard Vili, which had been here whole time.

"Sorry, but the fun is over. I sense two Magical Girls approaching quickly. We must get going."

"Now you're gonna regret what.... Mmmph!"

"Shhhh! Quiet now, the adults are talking. Okay, how much time do we have?"

Yui interrupted the Magic Girl and pushed her face into her breasts, crushing it between them. She couldn't breathe, and Yui held her head in a hug so she couldn't escape. She scolded her and continued her conversation with Vili as if nothing ever happened.

"Two minutes. Don't be scared, I'm teleporting us. So give her a kiss for goodbye and let's go."

Yui blew out her cheeks in discontentedly and let go of the Magical Girl,  who took a deep breath and coughed several times. She had no strength to complain about this treatment, and tears appeared at on the edges of her eyes. This immediately improved Yui's mood.

Yui undid the ribbon which shortened quickly and tied it around her waist. The Magical Girl was sitting on the ground in a girlish pose and looking towards her wand, but before she could do anything, the whip shot out and knocked the wand out of her reach. She glared at Yui angrily.

She was standing next to an already open portal and before she entered, she turned around and drove her finger in the middle of her bust. This place was shining slightly, which surprised the Magical Girl. However, her face quickly turned red from embarrassment. Yui's cleavage was wet with saliva from when she had smothered Eisst between her breasts. Yui licked her finger slightly, damp as it was with some of the Magical Girl's saliva, which made the girl's embarrassment worse and scolded with a sweet smile.

"You are a really bad girl. If you wanted to try them so hard, you should have asked first, not demanded them by force. I'd have let you, you know."

"Nooooooo! I didn't want it at all! I didn't..."

Eisst couldn't stand the embarrassment and screamed, but the scream quickly turned into a whisper of a girl who started crying without knowing how to deal with this teasing.

At this sight, Yui gave a happy smile and entered the portal. However, before the portal closed, the magical girl clearly heard Yui's voice.

"Until the next time, Magic Eisst. Then we will finish your punishment in private."


Eisst swallowed her saliva at the thought of what Yui would do to her next time.

Soon other magical girls met with her and Eisst had to report on what had happened. She had a terribly red face the whole time.

Many thanks to Senken, for pointing out the mistakes (to the extent that this can already be called an Edit from his side) and ideas on how to diversify by giving ideas for better descriptions and phrases.

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