Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter 18 – To Each Her Own Trouble (4)

I’m back! Sorry for the late chapter, didn’t have much time to write this week, recovering from covid and stuff. Promise the next chapter will be more XXX.

Experiment: Feeu is a tomboyish girl, I’m changing her speech style slightly to suit her rougher personality

Chapter 18 – To Each Her Own Trouble (4)


The school bell rang, marking the end of homeroom. The class teacher gave his final reminders before dismissing the class. The students, after saying goodbye to the teacher, separated into their respective cliques.

While it has only been a month since school started, the class had already formed their little groups, the popular group, the sports group, the nerd group, and random other groups. Despite their distinct differences, the topic of all their talks converged upon the upcoming weekend and how they would enjoy the freedom of their first year. Perhaps, they will catch the newest movie, those were rare these days, or they would go shopping in the few unclosed malls. The brutal reality of exams had not factored into most of their consciousness.

Amidst this joyous symphony of ordered chaos, the class president, Chiyo, steeled her resolved. She was about to meet the most terrifying student in the class, no, the whole highschool.

Three weeks ago, one week after school began, that student had not so much as spoken to her fellow classmates. That student was pretty much a doll, as adorable as she was expressionless, and boy was she adorable. Her red hair cut in a bob style complimented her petiteness. Yet because of her expressionlessness and non-communication, she made a prime target for a group of upper-classman delinquents. 

None of her classmates stood up for the loner. Chiyo wanted to, but she was scared. In the end, she decided to tail them, hoping to somehow intervene and save that girl. But the next thing Chiyo knew, the whole delinquent group was groaning on the floor and the girl stood over them expressionless as always.

Present, at the back of the class, Chiyo adjusted her glasses. The classroom noise seemed to dampen under the pounding of her heart. Her target sat, alone, reading, oblivious to her plight.

“M-Miyu-san,” Chiyo addressed, ready to run at the slightest danger.

Miyu placed down her book and turned to Chiyo. Chiyo caught a glimpse of the contents of the book, a cookbook for pastries? Chiyo shook it out of her mind, she had more important things to worry about. Putting on a cheerful smile, Chiyo stuttered, “f-form f-fill absent-t y-you.”

Miyu tilted her head in confusion, red sparkles shimmered off her hair.

Oh my GAWD!!!1Insert Jojo Meme here Chiyo wanted to clutch her head in despair, her smile twitched, but she managed to keep it straight in the face of absolute terror. She quickly corrected herself, tentatively holding out a sheet of paper, “Erm, I mean, t-this handout was given when you were a-absent, p-please fill it out.”

Miyu looked at the paper and back to Chiyo, then back to the paper again. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to Chiyo, Miyu took it with a nod. Chiyo heaved a sigh of relief and scampered off before this terror had anything for her.

A cursory glance through the handout stumped Miyu. It was regarding the upcoming parent-teacher meeting.




Because you’ll regret it.’ Argent could only gawk at the Witch of Lust who said such a thing.

The Witch hooked a finger under Argent’s chin to close her gaping mouth. Their lips were dangerously close to each other. “Argent-chan~ if you stare at me so much, I’ll get jealous of that lucky girl. I would very much like to meet the amazing woman who managed to snare the heart of Magica Argent."

“I—” A fiery meteor streaked into their detection range, interrupting Argent. Lust was forced to dodge by jumping backwards when the meteor slammed into the space between the two. The impact spewed flames and rocks in all directions, but only cooled rocks fell on the forest floor. The heat, instead, coalesced into a blazing whirlwind and from inside it, emerged Feeu.

Feeu stood beside Argent, the blazing whirlwind condensed around her drawn claymore, shrinking until it barely exceed the boundary of the blade, its heat distorted the air in its vicinity. “Ya ‘kay, Argent?”

“Of course not, she’s been having fun with me. How about joining us?” Lust asked, her cross artefacts floated around her, ready for any situation.

“You, stop spouting nonsense,” Argent commanded, and in a gentler tone, “Stand down, Feeu. I’m fine, she hasn’t done anything. By the way, what are you doing here?”

Feeu lowered her sword by only a fraction, her eyes never left Lust, she would pounce the moment Lust showed the slightest movement. “Was chasing her, but she's a slippery one, gave me a hard time picking up her trail.”

“I see, it's good you're here but you’re supposed to be on break. You shouldn't be here,” Argent scolded. “I can handle her, and if something did happen, I’ll send a distress call.”

“Ara~ Feeu-chan, you missed Onee-san so much that you gave up your precious break just to meet Onee-san. Come to Onee-san~” Lust had her arms open for Feeu to jump in.

That ticked the strung-up Feeu off. With veins popping from her temple, she swung her greatsword, discharging its accumulated fire in a single flame lance. The surrounding spring grass did not even have time to burn before they were charred black by the heat as the lance shot past, streaking towards Lust. But before the attack reached the halfway mark, it was struck down by a silver bolt. In place of the flame lance sat a silver spear, pierced into the ground, smoke radiating off its hot shaft.

“Argent-chan~ You’re the best~” Lust blew a kiss to Argent.

“You, shut up,” Argent snapped and addressed the confused Feeu. “TransMagica decided that we should maintain a cordial relation with her. As long as she doesn’t show any hostile intentions, we’re to do the same.”

This news knocked the fire out of Feeu, literally, the fire that ran down her claymore fizzled away. “… Since when?”

“Since this morning, you’ll be briefed when you return.” Argent sighed, “I know this isn’t the order you want to hear, Aqua didn’t like it too.”

“Ha Didn’t like it’, now that’s da biggest undersell I’ve heard in a while.” Feeu snorted. Aqua had, in their many group meetings, expressed her loathing for Lust multiple times, especially after her stint in Lust’s dungeons.

Argent chuckled, “You could say that.”

“Aqua-chan doesn't want to be friendly with me?” Lust sounded as sad as she could, which was not sad at all. “Looks like I need to give that naughty girl more training~”

Feeu gave a stink eye to Lust. “Oh, ya ‘re still here, need me to throw a stick for ya to leave?”

“Come come now Feeu-chan, your boss just gave us the go-ahead to know each other better,” Lust said.

“Yeah right, the last time ya said that we had that dastardly tea party.” Feeu glared at Lust, if only looks could kill.

“And what a fun party it was. Argent-chan, you missed out on a banger. We learnt so much about Feeu-chan," Lust smiled. "Want to know when she first touched herself?”

“You!” Feeu shouted, lunging forward. Despite wielding a large sword, she moved with surprising speed, bringing it down in a giant cleave.

Two cross artefacts of Lust moved to intercept the strike, mana arced between their vertices, forming two mini-shields. When they clashed against the colossal attack of Feeu, the shields almost shattered. It was only with the timely injection of mana from Lust did the two shields hold.

“Argent-chan, Feeu-chan’s bullying me~” Lust cried for help, yet her smile did not falter, in spite of the shields draining her mana rapidly. Sparkes kept flying as the claymore pressed against the shields.

“You brought it upon yourself.” Argent crossed her arms, indicating she would not interfere,

“Argent-chan~” Lust stretched out her hand in an exaggerated manner.

Feeu dug deep, drawing upon her mana reserves to overpower the artefacts. Feeu was disheartened when she peeked at Lust, Lust appeared unperturbed by their conflict, it was as if she could keep this up all day. Eventually, Feeu stepped back, chest heaving. Unbeknownst to her, Lust had expended a good portion of her mana blocking. The inefficiency of her cross artefacts reared its ugly head.

Since physical attacks did not work, Feeu devised another way to get back at Lust. “That’s how ya wanna play it, eh. I happen to ‘ave a secret of yours too. It's definitely more interesting than touching oneself.”

What secret did she have? The only thing that came to mind was Miyu’s Incarnation. This was a cold shower for Lust. Could Feeu have thought of a way to bypass the contract she swore and tell Argent? She must stop it at all cost, who knows what crazy thing TransMagica would do to Miyu if they found out. But how?

Lust cracked her head long and hard to come up with a way to seal Feeu’s mouth, and when she finally did, it was a long shot. She would distract Argent with her crush, then somehow separate the two, bringing Feeu away to have a proper talk. Yes, that is what she would do.

But as Lust prepared to put her plan into action, Feeu struck first. “ya a student of XYZ highschool, aren’t ya.”





“Wait, Feeu, isn’t that our sc—” Argent exclaimed but she caught herself. Dropping her voice to a whisper, she erected a soundproof barrier around herself and Feeu. “Isn’t that our school?”

"Yup," Feeu nodded, "Colour me surprised too when I found out."

Lust ran through her memory, scanning for where she slipped up. “Ah, you sensed me taking off and concluded such.”

“So you’re a student there?” Argent asked, dropping the barrier.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Lust wiggled her finger, “Where’s the fun in just telling? Let’s play a game, win or lose, I’ll reveal the truth.”

“No point twisting da facts,” Feeu said. “We already know ya ‘re from there.”

“Do you? Or did I just sense a naughty Magical Girl flying overhead and found a secluded corner to transform,” Lust grinned, “What’s the harm of playing?”

“That ya ‘ill get all touchy-feely with us and that ya ‘ill not say da truth.”

“Have I ever lied to you before?” Lust countered.

Argent and Feeu glanced at each other. Argent shrugged, “Can’t hurt to hear her out.”

Lust waved her hands like she was performing a great reveal, even though she created this plan on the spot. “I call it the Dating game. The participants will be me and Feeu-chan. Argent-chan, I’m sorry but you won’t be playing, I don’t want to steal you away.” Lust winked, “it’s a simple game, we go on a date and act like lovers, and I promise not to get all ‘touchy feely’ as Feeu-chan puts it. The objective of the game is to get Feeu-chan to kiss me by the end of the date. I’ll answer a question truthfully regardless of the result. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?”

“It’s da most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.” Flame reignited along Feeu’s claymore once more.

“Wait, you said ‘a question’ does that mean any question?” Argent noticed.

“Of course. I’ll answer as many questions as dates that Feeu-chan has the guts to go on.” Lust taunted.

Argent erected another soundproof barrier, huddling with Feeu. “This might be a good opportunity, we can ask her anything.”

“Ya ‘re just saying that ‘cause ya ‘re not the one going.”

“Think about it, she already said she would not do anything lewd to you. If she does anything you have my backing to hit her. Besides, it’s not like you have to kiss her in the end.”

“Ya trust her too much, Argent.”

“Perhaps, but it doesn’t take away from the fact this is a chance to learn more about her. If you go on several dates, think of what w—”

“Several? Several?! Argent, if ya wanna play with her, be my guest. But don’t drag me into this. I’ll do it once and that’s it.”

Feeu emerged from the barrier, seething with fire. “We ‘ill play ya stupid game.”

“Excellent, I’ll wait for you on Wednesday, after school at XYZ highschool. Make sure to dress up, Feeu-chan~” Lust blew a kiss in Feeu’s direction.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Lust waved to Argent before taking off, “Don’t take too long deciding or somebody might get interested in someone else.”


It’s Miyu and Yui time to have trouble.

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