Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter 15 – To Each Her Own Trouble (1)

Minor Error: (chapter 13) Hikari does not have night patrol after school

Chapter 15 – To Each Her Own Troubles (1)


Aqua sat on the edge of a tall building breathing in the chill morning air. The quietness of night slowly gave way to morning. While there was still no one about on the roads, she could see movement in the windows of houses. Housewives prepared breakfast, husbands dressed for work, and children readied for school. The city will spring to life once the sun crests over the horizon,

Above all that, she sat, practising her magic. Her destructive capabilities were lacking, she knew water possess the potential, she just needed to harness it. Summoning a water ball, she forcefully ejected it through a small opening she made with magic, like the water cutter. But the jet of water lost most of its momentum once it travelled some distance, causing her to sigh.

Suddenly, a source of mana approached her, erring on caution, Aqua formed a water drill. Only when the mana signature grew strong did she dispel her water magic. The person who radiated all that mana landed behind her. Aqua still facing the waking city, call out. “You’re early, school doesn’t start for at least another hour.”

“… Can’t sleep…” A hoarse voice replied.

“That’s the same excuse as yesterday. My caretaker would give you a good scolding about the importance of nine hours of sleep.” Aqua chuckled at her little joke and turned to face Argent, only to exclaim, “Woah, you look terrible.”

Argent swayed where she stood, her bloodshot eyes and eyebags even more prominent than the day before. “Don't go there, mom already nags my ear off.”

Aqua faltered a second before rising to check up on her friend. “You look worse than me, and I had an entire night’s shift.”

“It’s nothing.” Argent waved it off.

“You sure don’t look the part. Are you even able to handle the next shift?”

“… I’ll be fine. Besides, today’s the last day. Feeu and Eisst will lighten out load tomorrow.”

“They better. I need to readjust my sleep cycle and catch up in school.” Aqua raised her arms over her head and gave a good stretch.

“Did anything happen during the shift?”

“Two demons nests in the shield but they’re minor inconveniences, eliminated them easily. What about school? Two days of absence must have generated something interesting.”

Argent blushed, forced to recall her foolishness in the student council room. In a fake cheery voice, “Nothing happened. Yup. Everything’s normal.”

“Suspicious,” Aqua observed the flushed Argent, wanting to probe deeper.

But Argent smartly placed her school bag and a brown paper bag down on the ledge and took off. “I’m going to report in.”

“Very suspicious.”

Up in the air, Argent said when she remembered something. “And don’t disappear like yesterday. It’s always a pain to find you, can’t you sit in normal places?”

“Nope,” Aqua call back as watched Argent head for the TransMagica teleportation station. She liked up her, it made her feel closer to the open sky.

Since there was time to kill, she summoned her water again. This time she was practising her concentration. The water split into two fishes swimming around her. With each complete orbit, Aqua added more details to the fishes, mouths, eyes, fins, gills, and even scales.

It took many rounds, but the fishes looked indistinguishable from normal fishes besides their transparent bluish bodies. The fishes wavered for a moment before they each split into two, now four smaller fishes swam around her. She added a diverse range of motions to the fishes, letting them dive and float, gliding through the air.

Gritting her teeth, the fishes underwent mitosis again, splitting into eight. The fishes’ well-formed details reverted back to the crude general shape. And as they swam, some stuttered like a poorly rendered video, but she managed to catch her mistake before she lost a fish. Shutting her eyes, she poured all her concentration into the fishes. Details gradually returned, she was getting the hang of it, soon, the fishes were once more diving and swimming around her.

A smile stretched across her face, she had finally managed to control eight fishes, after so long, her training paid off. But this is not enough, she schooled her smile, she needed to achieve more. Summoning all of her willpower, she clapped her hands together and pulled them apart. The eight fishes halved again, forming sixteen. Her creation barely formed when she lost control and was sent splattering to the floor.

She had failed. Aqua sighed and rubbed her temples to ease her strained brain. She just needed to work harder like always. That was when she caught something out of the corner of her eye, a paper bag falling off the building. Her water must have accidentally knocked it when she lost control.

Realising her mistake, she dived after the bag. With her boosted speed, she easily caught it, but the water had soaked the bag, causing it to rip. Luckily, her reflexes were fast, her hand shot out to grasp the spilling contents.

Only when Aqua returned to her perch, did she get a closer look at the items in her hand. A set of freshly washed purple-black lace undergarments.

“Ehh?” Aqua did not know what to do with it, panicking a little before curiosity overcame her. She measured the bra, it was slightly bigger than hers but it would be the perfect fit for Argent.

Argent could not have picked a better time to return, catching Aqua holding up the bra. Argent must have unlocked a new power when she travelled at light speed to snatch the underwear from Aqua, hiding the items behind her back.

But the damage had been done. Argent saw the growing grin on Aqua’s face. “Those were some mature underwear, Shirokana-senpai.”

“D-Don’t u-use real names here, Aqua.” Argent could replace the sun with the redness she was radiating.

“Of course, Argent. I’m merely wondering when we’ll meet the lucky guy.”

Argent back-pedalled from the approaching Aqua. “Ahaha, w-what d-do y-y-you mean?”

“Oh? Attractive underwear. No sleep. Looking exhausted. Blushing when I ask about school. It’s ok to tell me, I’ll keep it a secret.” Aqua’s eyes were sparkling for gossip.

Argent could not even explain herself, the truth was more problematic than Aqua’s fiction. “T-T-They’re a friend’s.”

“Of course they are. So who’s the lucky guy? Is it X-san from 3-2? The ace of the basketball club, tall, tan, muscular. Or Y-san from 3-1? The top scorer, sleek, glasses. How far have you gone? How long has it been? How was your first-time lik–”

“I said it’s a friend’s.” Argent cut off Aqua’s interrogation, though she could not shake away the feeling of those a certain pair of soft lips against hers and those black eyes that peered into her soul.

“Hmpf… Fine, since you want to keep it such a secret.” Aqua’s words provided Argent with some relief before it was brutally ripped away from her. “But, don’t think I won’t go digging. Don’t worry I’ll be discrete.”

“P-Please don’t.” Argent’s mind raced, trying to think of something to divert Aqua’s attention. Then it hit her like the hardest brick. Giving a silent apology to Lust, she said, “When I reported in, I received our official stance on Lust.”

Aqua instantly stopped her harassment, clinging to Argent’s every word.

“We’re to remain cordial with her, if possible. But we won’t ally with her.”

“Really? Really?! We won’t need to team up with that pervy bitch? Hurray! Now, we can kill her. I’ll show her my new powers. I’ll show her. With my training, I won’t be defeated again.” Aqua’s bloodlust affected her water magic. Water tendrils formed around her and smashed the rooftop they were on.

“Aqua! Stop! I said that we’ll still be friendly with her!” Argent produced a barrier on the roof to prevent it from being destroyed, immediately regretting her choice. “I know that it’s hard but—”

Aqua took off, speeding away with her magic, she did not want to hear the rest. Argent does not know, they all do not know how much she wanted to destroy lust. They just don’t understand.

She flew, and flew, and flew. The dawn air rushed past her, the sun peeked over the horizon breathing life to the city below and illuminating the dark gaps between street lights. Even then, she flew, paying no attention to the buses rolling along the mostly empty roads.

Only when she reached the distant mountains that surrounded the city did she finally calm down, the cool mountain air helped. Some birds squawked at the sudden intruder and took to the sky. An urge to chase after them came over her, normally she would squash it, but today the urge overcame her.

Deciding to entertain her literal flight of fancy, she sped after the birds, doing loops and performing aerial manoeuvrers. She laughed as she never had in a long time. She felt as free as the birds she flew with, unshackled by anything. But eventually, all birds must land…


Aqua hovered over a large Japanese mansion. It encompassed an enormous right in the centre of the city. It was large enough to have a pond with a Japanese garden on one side and a bamboo forest on the other.

The sun passed the horizon long ago, shining its full glory across the land. Aqua had spent the majority of the time cleaning the leaves and twigs that were caught in her hair when she was playing.

She slowly descended, touching down on the stone path in front of the main building. The stones were specially brought from a river and polished down to fit the required aesthetic and large potted bonsai lined the path. Not a leaf was out of place.

A blue light enveloped Aqua, when it dissipated the heiress of the Nakano clan, Nakano Mai, stood in her place.

Aqua and Mai looked extremely similar, only their hairstyle varied. Where Aqua’s slightly wavy hair was bundled over her shoulder. Mai's ran straight down to her shoulder blades, even her fringe was straight.

Mai quietly slide the door open and closed it behind her. Taking off her shoes, she placed them in the empty shoe rack. Her lone voice reached into the dark hallway. “I’m home.”



Noon, students walking along the 2nd floor hallway for their lunch break bore witness to a strange sight. A brown-haired bob-cut girl of average height whose significant features were her thick square glasses and thicc body, hid behind a cabinet, completely oblivious to her surroundings.

Hara Keiko prowled—in her mind—like an ancient hunter in the savanna, moving between shadows, stalking her prey. Her heart pounded, pumping adrenaline through her veins. Slaying demons as a Magical Girl is fun and all but it is not as cool as being a sleek superspy, busting open underground crime syndicates and bringing corrupt people to justice. With her super awesome spy skills, she will uncover why her target was avoiding her.

The Mission Impossible theme music playing in her head came to a screeching halt when someone tapped her shoulder. “Eep!”

“What are you doing?” Yui asked. She was on her usual route to the library when she chanced upon this.

Keiko patted her chest to calm her palpitating heart. “Misaki-san, please don’t sneak up on me like that.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

Reminded of her mission, Keiko tried to find her target again, deflating when she failed. The lunch crowd had swallowed it up.

Whispers began amongst the crowd, how could it not when a famous celebrity interacted with the common folk. They speculated about the relationship between the forever-alone Ice Queen and the clumsy student council secretary.

“Hara-san, let’s move to somewhere quieter.” Yui took Keiko’s hand and led the way, not wanting the attention, though it only served to incite more gossip.

Yui brought them to a library corner that she knew would be secluded. Surrounded on three sides by bookshelves, as long as no one shouted, it was the perfect place to hold a secret conversation. But when she wanted to continue their conversation, she noticed Keiko’s eyes spinning. Their close proximity reminded Keiko about the events in the council room, events she had sealed away in the darkest vaults of her mind.

“Misaki-san!” Keiko said, only to be shushed by Yui.

“Misaki-san.” Keiko lower her voice and bowed deeply. “I’m truly sorry about that day in the student council room. I know nothing I say will erase what I did but I’ll do anything to earn your forgiveness.”

The sudden apology surprised Yui. She expected Keiko to pretend the entire incident did not happen like Hikari but she was proven wrong by Keiko's straightforwardness. Yui wondered what should she do, should she brush it off or graciously accept? Studying the bowing Keiko, it struck her. Keiko was completely different from Hikari, so her methods should be different as well.

Placing a hand on top of Keiko’s head, Yui tilted it back, allowing Keiko to gaze straight into her black eyes where a faint amethyst lingered. “Anything, you said?”

“A-as long as it’s not too much,” Keiko, herself, was unsure why she added the disclaimer, it just felt right after she saw Yui's naughty smile.

“What’s too much?” Yui chuckled.

“Eep… L-like… y-you k-know…” Keiko fidgeted, wanting to shy away but stopped when the hand gently patted her head. It felt weird to Keiko but she enjoyed the comforting sensation that tingled down from the crown of her head to her toes. She even pressed her head against Yui's hand to keep it there just a little longer.

“Very well, I won’t go overboard,” Yui promised, not wanting to upset her cute fluffy rabbit.

A comfortable silence fell between them. If anyone stumbled upon them, that person would be greeted by a strange sight. Two girls standing together where the taller patted the other.

After some time, Yui finally broke the silence, asking the question that plagued her from the beginning. “So, why were you following Imai-san?” Yui recognised her tanned girl anywhere, especially after the in-depth study she conducted on Feeu when they were in her Garden. It was not hard for her to link Keiko’s strange stalking to Feeu.

“Eep! I… wasn’t…” Keiko’s eyes roamed all over the place. Yui only needed to stop stroking for Keiko to spill the truth. “… Because Aya-chan didn’t come to school the last two days and didn’t reply to my messages. I think she’s avoiding me…”

Yui had been so preoccupied dealing with a certain pent-up student council president that she did not notice Feeu’s absences until Keiko brought it up. She needed to pay more attention to her girls or there will be a repeat of Miyu, Yui scolded herself. But for now, she needed to soothe her sulking rabbit. “Maybe you’re overthinking it. She could’ve been busy, or perhaps her phone broke, there’s no need to jump to conclusions.”

“This morning, I called out when I saw her but she sped up and left me behind,” Keiko explained.

“I understand.” Yui could cure global depression with headpats as she watched Keiko's sadness disappear. “Is there a reason why she’s avoiding you?”

“I don’t think so… We were getting along fine back then but things got strange when we return from the Garde–” Keiko caught herself.

“Hmm… Did something happen?” Yui probed, even though she knew why Keiko stopped.

Keiko stuttered, unable to find the right words.

“Did the two of you have a fight?”

“Of course no—Ahh—maybe…”

“What was it about?” Yui asked, still stroking her rabbit’s fluffy hair.

“Eehh… I don’t know actually.” Keiko scrunched up her eyes in her attempt to recall details. “Everything’s hazy, I just remember being very angry.”

“It must have been something really big to anger Hara-san. Well at least, you now know the reason she’s avoiding you. The next question is what are you planning to do." Yui arranged the information that Keiko gave. “Don’t tell me you’re going to stalk her again.”

This got a small giggle from Keiko. “Of course not. I want to apologise to her.”

“Even though you don’t remember doing anything wrong?” Yui raised an eyebrow.


“Even though it could be all Imai-san’s fault?” Yui's eyebrow raised higher.

“Yes,” Keiko affirmed, laughing at Yui's weird face.

“Hara-san’s good heart is shining through.” Yui petted Keiko’s fluffy hair even more.

Keiko froze, she had heard something similar from Lust1Chapter 8. It's a coincidence. But they do share the same name... it's just a coincidence, right?

“My debt to Misaki-san seems to have grown bigger. Thank you for helping me sort out my thoughts.” Keiko tried to bow again but was stopped by the hand on her head.

“You’re welcome. And there's no need to bow, I did what I wanted.” Yui smiled gently as she stroked Keiko's hair.

"Even after everything I did, Misaki-san is still so kind to me. Thank you." Keiko felt extremely silly for actually considering this kind Yui as that lewd Lust. "What I said before stands, I'll do anything to make it up to you."

Yui sunk into thought for a while before the same naughty smile returned. “If we leave the debt alone for too long, it’ll balloon up. I'll be collecting the interest first.”

The hand that provided Keiko with a constant source of comfortable headpats, slid down her back until it rested on her round bottom. Her eyes swam with confusion when she was tugged forward. She had to place her hands on Yui's shoulders to steady herself. Keiko's overactive mind pictured them from a third-person view, of them locked in a lover's embrace with their breast and bodies pressed together.

Things were progressing way too fast for Keiko to keep up, her head was steaming when a finger tilted her head up. She gawked at the beautiful face that was drawing closer, and closer. Their breath mixed, as a tender sensation fell on her lips. It was unlike any kiss she received, though only two people kissed her before. Those kisses had the sense of overwhelming desire, but this kiss was so loving and protective, that she melted. 

But just as suddenly as the kiss happened, it was over. A sweet aftertaste lingered. She pursed her lips wanting those pillowy soft lips to grace hers again but they were not to be.

“Interest collected.” Yui licked her lips, making it a point to show her little rabbit, before stepping away and leaving. A kiss for today, these things must not be rushed.

Keiko stood there alone. Her head steaming and eyes swirling at everything that just happened.


Sorry it's late, had a writer’s block on what direction to take each girl

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