Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter 1 – Welcome to the Garden

Chapter 1 – Welcome to the Garden

A midday amethyst sun hung across a dark purple starlit sky, in the distance, a gigantic tree glowed lilac. A gust of wind blew through the unending fields of flowers, causing each magical luminescent flower to releases a sparkle of colour as they bent and ripple along with the wind.

In a stone clearing amongst the flower fields, from the moment she was teleported, Feeu stood mind-blown gazing at the overwhelming beauty before her.

“Do you like my home?” A voice blew into her ear. Submerged in sensory overload, she simply nodded her head.

“I’m glad you do, you’re always welcomed here. Forever. And. Ever.” The voice continued to whisper, from behind, a hand snaked around her waist. Only now, did she finally break out of the mesmerization and recalled where she was, Feeu hastily jumped away and drew her weapons to face her enemy.

She noticed, with her peripheral vision, Eisst similarily readied beside her. Her eyes never left her enemy. The Witch of Lust, who favoured shades of purple, was an exceptionally beautiful woman, beautiful enough to rival the scenery. Her perfect body clad in scanty clothes, at best, seduced them with promises of pleasure, promises they could fully remember. Her crystal white skin on theirs as her skilful hands roamed their bodies, her long amethyst hair enveloping them as they enjo–


(Yui’s non-magical form, had to add colour to her eyes)

“Feeu-san! Don’t focus on her breast!” Eisst's shout snapped Feeu out of her stupor. Lust had a salacious grin squeezing her modest breast together with her arms, Lust leaned forward to give them a better view of her cleavage and the tattoo that laid there.

Feeu recalled that the tattoo had hypnotic properties, and forced her gaze away from them. Trying to hid her embarrassment, Feeu asked, “Y-You witch, why did you bring us here?”

“Don’t be shy. Onee-san1Lust sometimes playfully refers to herself as Big sister, (srsly you are asking this?) won’t bite… too much.” Lust attempted to approach, but for every step she took, they retreated two.

Feeu knew both she and Eisst, especially after the previous intense fight, had little mana reserves. They could not win against Lust, the observing Wrath and Lust’s demon horde that were standing by. But if they didn't win, who knows what twisted things Lust would make them do. They're in a hopeless situation.

“Lust-san, please release us.” Eisst negotiated as they moved back. “We just fought together, we know you’re good person. Please, we don’t want to fight you too.”

“Ehhh, Eisst-chan thinks I’m a good girl. I guess I’ll have to double the naughtiness in store to change your mind.” Lust tried to sound sad but her growing smile said otherwise. “Without further ado, welcome to my–”

“Damn horny bitch, let us go.” Feeu raised her claymore, in the vain hope of intimidating the witch.

Lust eyes narrowed and her smile disappeared when she heard Feeu’s cursing. “Feeu-chan, I’ve told you before that a Magical Girl shouldn’t be so crass. I promised Argent-chan that I’ll return you by evening, but if you keep this up, you’ll have to stay longer for some proper education. What do you say Feeu-chan?”

Feeu retreated even further, only to trip over and land on something soft. That soft thing let out a muffled grunt. “What the fuck?!” Feeu looked under her, to find a bound and gagged blonde witch staring daggers back at her.

“Extra training it is.” Lust muttered to herself. Using the opportunity, she closed the distance and offer a hand up to Feeu.

“Murv uur phaatt ahhss oof eee.” The blonde witch squirmed under Feeu trying to buck her off.

Feeu ignored the hand and stood by herself. She glared at Lust as if Lust had intentionally orchestrated her fall, much to Lust’s amusement.

Lust clapped to draw the Magical Girls’ attention, “as I’ve just said, I’ve promised to release the two of you in the evening. And before someone else interrupts again.” Lust said looking at Feeu.

“Welcome to my Garden.” Lust performed a grandiose bow to the Magical Girls, the demons around them similarly bent their heads. “I’ve brought it upon myself to invite my two ladies as guests for afternoon tea and enjoyment.”

Feeu cast a sidelong glance at her partner, only to find a look of bewilderment that would no doubt be on her face as well. Their enemy and her demons were bowing to them like gracious hosts. That Witch of Lust! That Lust, who would try to get her lewd hand on them whenever she could! Bowing and welcoming them! Confused did not come close to describing their mental state.

“WAAH IZZ ISS SIIT!?” The cocooned witch exclaimed when she saw the situation. The shout brought the Magical Girls back to the present.

“ You kidnapped us to have tea? Is that it?” Eisst asked in a timid whisper, conveniently forgetting the second activity.

Straightening back up, Lust answered, “I’ve asked Argent-chan several times, but, unfortunately, she declined every time.” Wiping away fake tears, Lust continued. “I know you two would be less inclined to come, and I missed your company. So I was forced to take drastic measures.”

“We didn’t miss you.” Feeu retorted under her breath.

“If we have tea together, you’ll release us in the evening?” Eisst remained focused on the objective.

Lust smiled, “tea and enjoyment, Eisst-chan. If we have them, of course, I’ll release the two of you, I’m a witch of my word.”

“If we refuse?” Feeu asked.

“Then, I’ll have less tea and more enjoyment.” Lust smile widened. She gestured to the mansion in the distance, “my dears, would you have tea with me?”

Unable to reject, the Magical Girls stowed their weapons. The blonde witch, watching the absurdity unfolding before her, couldn’t help but struggle. “Wong wong wong. Whi aar oouu oot fiting!?”

The ribbon that gagged the witch unravelled with a snap of Lust’s fingers, allowing her to finally speak properly. “What are you doing!? You’re a Witch! They’re Magical Girls!” The witch scolded with her regained speech.

“So?" Lust merely stood over her with an eyebrow raised.

“So! They’re our enemies! Why are you tying me up and they’re roaming free?”

Feeu watched as Lust casually straddled the witch and sat on the witch’s belly. Lust's lustful hands grab the irresistible pair of ginormous breasts before her, fondling and moulding them into various shapes. “They may be your enemies, but they’re my lovelies. I love playing with them, just like your beauties here.”

“Ahh n-nnoo! Get off me! Mhhh– Stop touching me!” The witch could only writhe in pleasure and disgust. Feeu found herself sympathising with the unfortunate witch that landed herself in Lust’s hands.

“Amazing! This soft but firm feeling. How fascinating! What did you do for them to grow so big?” Lust asked curiously, closing her eyes to enjoy the tactile wonder between her hands. Feeu leaned in slightly closer to catch some tips, Wrath, who was content on observing, seemed interested too. They may be mortal enemies, but some things transcend petty squabbles like the fate of humanity.

“Haaa- You want to know my secret? Come closer. Oi! Don't pinch me there...” The witch whispered. She baited Feeu closer before giving a triumphant smirk. “I’m not telling. Stupid AA-cup. AHAHAHA”

“Y-You!” Feeu was at a loss of words, blurting out the only thing that came to mind, “I’m still growing! I reached A last year!”

Everything fell silent.

The sound of a snickering blonde witch broke the silence, clearly deriving great joy from her prank. Lust got off the witch and hugged the pouting Feeu from behind, Feeu was too devastated to resist. “It alright Feeu-chan, I love your A breast. But if it worries you, I heard massaging them stimulates their growth, I’ll help you do it everyday.”

“That’s a lie, I’ve already tri-SLAP-” Before Feeu could leak any more embarrassing secrets, a resounding slap shook the clearing they were in. Followed by another and another. Feeu looked up to see Wrath standing over the blonde witch. Her hand was covered in the red glow of wrath mana, as she brought it down on the helpless witch’s massive breast, left… right… left… each blow caused them to jiggle like water balloons.

“OWW! STOP STOP! I’M SORRIIII! OOWWW!” The witch begged. It was only when Lust released Feeu and called Wrath to her embrace did the boob-slapping end. This entire time, Eisst stood on the side, trembling, she made a mental note to never mock Wrath’s size.

A few calming headpats later, Lust asked the whimpering witch. “What’s your name?”

“Are you stupi-” the Witch caught herself mid-retort when she saw mana gathering once more around Wrath’s hand. The Witch shakily replied, “T-There’re Magical Girls here, I don’t want to expose my identity.”

“Then, what type of witch are you?” Lust nodded and asked while giving more headpats to Wrath.

“Witch of Envy.” Envy instantly replied, watching Wrath warily.

“Envy-chan, we’ll have to teach you the beauty of all breast types.” Lust declared. “By the time we're done, you’ll be a true connoisseur.”

“Ehh, by the time… How long are you going to keep me here?!” Envy asked, her voice a pitch higher than before.

Lust licked her lips at the anticipation of her new toy, “Until you’re a good girl.”

Envy struggled to get out of her bind, but the Lust’s artefact ribbon did not budge. Seeing as her effort was in vain, she tried the next best thing. “Release me or you’ll suffer!” Envy intimidated as best she could while looking like a wriggling worm.

“You’ll make me suffer?” Lust asked crouched down to stroke Envy’s face.

“She will!” Envy replied.

“That partner who ditched you? Onee-san will show you she's a much better partner than her.” Lust’s thumb brushed Envy’s lips.

Envy tilted her head to get out of Lust’s caress and scornfully laughed, “Ha, that bitch? She’ll pay when I escape here. You don’t know who you’ve pissed off. Stopping our invasion, keeping me here. If she wanted to, her sneeze is enough to flatten that bitch like a pancake. Now, release me before you get steamrolled too.”

Lust held Envy’s chin to turn her face towards her. “I didn’t know Envy-chan was so worried for me.” Lust leaned in and gave Envy a long gentle kiss.

“MMPPF!” Envy’s eye flew wide open in surprise. Envy struggled hard against her bindings, but Lust had much experience with unwilling toys, some tussling was well accounted for. Envy did not even process the sensation of the kiss.

After what seemed like an eternity, she was finally released.

“T-T-T-That was my first kiss. My first kiss.” Envy looked as if her soul had been sucked out, before roaring. “I’LL KILL YOU WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE! I’LL KILL YOU!” The ribbons bit hard into her skin, restraining her violent outburst.

Licking her lips as if to savour the taste, Lust gleefully watched Envy’s attempts at threatening her. “Since I’ve already taken your first, I’ll take your second too.” Lust somehow reasoned.

“STO-” Envy’s protest cut short by Lust once more kissing her. This time the kiss was more aggressive, a tongue tried to enter, poking and prodding her closed mouth, but, she remained resolute, not surrendering to the soft lips against hers.

Lust, seeing that she could not break Envy’s defence, played a trick. With one hand holding Envy steady, the other reached up and pinched Envy’s nose, all the while, assaulting unrelentingly. Envy struggled and fought, but her grasp was firm. Her opportunity came the moment Envy ran out of breath and was forced to gasp, she shoved her tongue into Envy’s mouth, thoroughly ravaging it.

This time, Lust held Envy down even longer. Perhaps, because of her lack of oxygen, Envy’s tongue began to reciprocate Lust’s actions, she began to crave the act of swapping saliva and breath with her oppressive captor. By the time Lust freed her, she was left panting, barely conscious.

“Ara ara, what a cutie.” Lust caressed Envy’s cheeks once more. Lust whisper something to Wrath, who carried off Envy to the distant mansion.

Feeu and Eisst gave a silent prayer to Envy’s heroic battle against the lust devil.

After giving her instructions, Lust turned to the two Magical Girls, “I apologise for being a terrible host. I’ve left my guest waiting. Come let’s take a slow walk to my mansion.” Lust grabbed their waist, pulling them towards her, this time, Feeu and Eisst did not resist.

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