Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2


I do believe that before we proceed any further, we lay down some expectations of where I see the story is heading.

First, I do plan to expand on the world-building, but the story where Dragonriver left off did not leave much room before the sex scenes. I will talk more about it when the characters have some downtime.

Second, this story will have twisted and warped love. If you're here to see a villain redeemed and have sweet bubbly love, sorry, you're in the wrong neighbourhood. There might be some lovey-dovey, but that's the minority, mostly with Miyu and maybe late-game interactions. Right now and for the foreseeable future there will be a lot of unwilling participation.

Third, Yui is a sexually imaginative girl, she has many fantasies and fetishes (And so do I😇). I'll set up a poll to see what actions you're comfortable with Yui doing. I'm just getting the general feel, doesn't mean I'll act on the data.

Feel free to comment down below. I'll update you if there's another announcement.

Now onto the double chapter!


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