Magical Girl of Chaos: Magical Rampage

Chapter 110

“Get off, you brat.”

“Just a little longer~…”

As usual, the evening training ended, and today, Pretty Heart is clinging to me like crazy.

I have business with the Fairy Queen regarding the Black Crystal Stone, but if she clings this much, it’s a bit troublesome.

“Why are you acting like this today?”

“Because I like you, unnie!”

“You weren’t this clingy until yesterday.”

“I just feel like it today!”

“Ah, is that so…?”

It’s definitely the usual affectionate behavior, but today it feels a bit different.

I don’t know what that feeling is, but does she just feel like clinging more today?

Still, I wish she wouldn’t interfere with my work like this.

“…Unnie. I’ll go ahead.”

“Alright. Get home safe.”

“Have a good love today!”

“You, shut up and go home on your own.”

Typhoon and Crazy Heart must have already left.

Diamond Dust went off to play with Max as soon as it ended.

So, only this one is left…

…What a pain.

“I have business with the Fairy Queen, so stop it.”


“…There will be other chances. It’s not like today is the end.”

Anyway, ever since then, she’s been clinging to me non-stop.

She was always clingy, but lately, it’s been oddly persistent…

Is she going to keep clinging to me like this even when she grows up?

“Then come back after your business is done!”

“Go home, you brat. I don’t know how long it’ll take.”

It’ll probably just be a quick chat, but I can’t let her wait.

And I want to go home and have a beer, so I don’t want to waste my precious evening relaxation time.

Usually, this is the most important time for me.

…By the way, is tomorrow Saturday?

If so, those guys will come barging in first thing in the morning.

The alcohol is ready, and Chubby will make all the side dishes and rice, so no need to order delivery…

It’s gotten quite luxurious compared to before.

Of course, just drinking beer and chatting endlessly was fun in its own way, but I prefer it now.

It was just the mood and atmosphere of that time that was enjoyable, but no one would want to go back to those days.

“I’m here, Fairy Queen.”

“Oh my~ Welcome~.”

This girl, she’s playing the console game I gave her.

Don’t tell me she’s spending all her free time gaming?

“Playing games while munching on chips and drinking cola, aren’t you the typical NEET?”

“I’m not a NEET~.”

“Anyway, this. The Black Crystal Stone.”

“……Right. We need to talk about that.”

She always needs to see the real thing first to get serious.

If that’s the case, she should be prepared from the start.

Why does she always act like this… Sigh, whatever.

She’s always been like this, so I should understand.

“So, do you know what this is?”

“Well… Since Rampage brought this first, it’s hard to answer right away. We need to examine it first, but this…”

“It looks like a witch’s crystal, doesn’t it?”

“…That’s right. It’s definitely related to Pandora, but it’s a bit concerning that they just left it like this.”

“Well, examine it first, and let me know when you figure it out.”


Sigh, another thing we can’t figure out right away.

Then I guess I’ll just have to wait until then.

There’s nothing more I can do.

“Ah, by the way… Rampage~?”


“I’m asking this now, but~ How’s life as a woman~?”

“…Are you asking this now because you think it’s the right time to ask and it’ll pass?”

“Caught me~.”

“Sigh~… Whatever. I’m satisfied with my life now. As a woman, I honestly don’t know, but having a lot of money is nice.”

“Even though the money you give is too little~ But with that much, you can live comfortably for life, so it’s good~.”

“Yeah, really good.”

Suddenly, the Fairy Queen asked something strange, so I quickly changed the subject.

If I just brush it off and bring up another topic, they usually get caught up in it and forget, so it’s a tactic I often use.

I haven’t had much use for it lately, but it’s definitely a useful method.

“So~… How’s life as a ‘woman’~?”

“…Stop asking.”

“From what I’ve heard~ You’ve tried everything alone~?”

“Shut up, will you.”

…But this girl isn’t buying it at all.

Stop asking so persistently.

Who would openly talk about masturbating or something like that?

“Hmm~? Your face is all red~?”

“…Hey, Melphis. Should we just destroy everything and think about it?”

“…Ahem. I went too far. Go ahead. Pretty Heart is waiting, right?”

“You… Sigh, whatever. I’m leaving.”


Fairy Queen… Lately, it feels like she’s trying to tease me.

Am I the only one getting unnecessarily serious in this situation…

It’s true, even though I was so relaxed, I’ve been oddly tense the whole time.

It’s not like anything’s going to happen, so maybe I should just relax and let loose.



“You came back so quickly!”

“…Why didn’t you go home and waited?”

“Of course, I had to wait!”

“I told you to go home…”

“I don’t want to!”


This is going to take a few days to calm down.

Besides, her face is buried in my chest, so I can’t breathe. Can you get off?

I’m like a fairy, so not breathing isn’t a problem, but it’s a bit suffocating, you know?

“And, I got permission from my mother!”


“Why not?!”

“You need to learn some self-control.”


And tomorrow, my friends are coming over, so there’s no place for you.

I need time to chat and drink with my friends too.

“Then I’ll come over on Sunday!”

“Alright, do that.”


Well, my friends are coming to drink on Saturday, so Sunday should be fine.

I’ll just wake up the drunk friends in the morning, cure their hangovers, and send them off.

Pretty Heart will at least have breakfast before coming, so it should work out.

“Alright, we made a promise, so go home now.”


Now I can finally go home comfortably.

Anyway, even though she’s so annoying, I can’t hate her.

And why does she like me so much…

…Does a demon like me deserve to be loved?


…Let’s not think too hard.

If she likes me, she likes me; if she hates me, she hates me.

Arguing about whether I deserve it is already a mistake.

Even if I really don’t deserve it… I’m an extremely selfish person, so I’ll ignore that and take everything I can.

“…By the way, White Day is coming up.”

The kids’ vacation ends in March, and March means White Day.

Is White Day next Thursday?

Then I should buy some candy to give as gifts.

Luckily, school has started, so she can’t spend the whole day feeding me like last time.

Being fed by a middle schooler is just too embarrassing.

I’ve let go of my feelings as a man, but I’m not planning to let go of my dignity as an adult.


“What now?”

“There’s good news from the recent information we received!”

“What is it?”

“Some retired magical girls are returning under the condition that their transformation specifications are changed to girls!”

“…Really? Wasn’t there a resource shortage?”

“Lately, there haven’t been many men becoming magical girls, and back then, we exhausted resources by contracting with so many magical girls! But now, with only maintenance costs, we’ve somehow managed to create some leeway!”

“I see. That’s good. There were quite a few strong magical girls among the retired ones. Most of them had at least ten years of experience, right?”

“That’s right!”

Then, for a while, our worries will decrease.

Most of the returning magical girls can probably handle Earl-Class monsters, and about half of them can handle Marquis-Class or higher.

By the way, looking at the list, there are many from overseas, but Korea still has the most.

Well, they were so stingy about paying, but when the knife was at their throat, they finally started paying…

Anyway, it’s good news.

…But I should hurry home.

I need to drink beer, eat snacks, and play with Max.


“Yeah, Max. Did you miss me?”


“Sorry. You always run to me as soon as you see me.”


As soon as I got home, Max came to me, but before that, Diamond Dust must have been holding him.

Seeing Max’s expression drop when he snuggles into my arms… I feel a bit sorry.

But he had plenty of fun before I got back.

Don’t tell me you were planning to hold him all day until he fell asleep?


“Eek, why do you keep touching my cheeks…”

“Because, unnie, your cheeks are soft and squishy like a child’s.”

“Shut up.”

Max poked my cheeks a bit and then quickly turned and went back down.

For a lazy cat, he’s quite nimble.

Watching him spin and land safely.

Is it because I’ve been exercising him with toys?

Definitely, when you touch him, you can feel more muscle than fat.

Ah, rejected.

Guess he doesn’t like being poked like this.

“Ah, Max~.”


Max headed towards Diamond Dust this time.

Then, as Diamond Dust tried to kiss him, he put his paw on her face.

He’s struggling to push her away, but Diamond Dust is quite strong even without transforming, so he’s not making any progress.

But Diamond Dust isn’t completely oblivious, so she stops before putting too much pressure on Max’s paw.

If she had just charged forward, Max’s leg would have broken and it would have been a disaster.

“Levan cookies, they’re all baked!”

“What, you baked them in advance?”


“Wow… There’s a lot of almonds and walnuts.”

“…Ah, with the chocolate chips, it’s a nut bomb, but it surprisingly works well.”

“Yeah. It’s unexpectedly well-balanced as a cookie.”

These cookies are delicious.

The chocolate chips slightly balance out the overwhelming nutty flavor, blending well together.

The combination of chocolate and nuts is already a cheat code, but emphasizing the nutty flavor in the cookie…

Chubby, you’ve brought a really good cookie recipe.

But where did this come from?

“Chubby. These are really delicious, where did they come from? It’s not your creation, right?”

“They were made at a bakery in New York, USA!”

“Really? I see… Surprisingly, the US can bake well too.”

Hmm… By the way, these are so addictive, I might end up eating more than ten in one sitting.

I should set a limit on how many to take when I bring them, or it could be dangerous.

“…If Nari or Ame come, they’ll probably eat 200 in one sitting.”


“That’s right! That’s why I’m making a ton!”

“Is that so? Make just enough.”

“Got it!”

…By the way, would these go well with whiskey?

I’ve never properly tasted whiskey, so…

Well, I’ll find out tomorrow.

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