Mafia Deadline

Chapter 50: Chapter 49 Knowing guilt

"Avalon I need you to come back it's urgent," Jane said

Avalon sighed, this started when she took a nap to be awakened by Jane calling her,

she turns to her clock to find the time to be late,

"Jane, you called the cause of the mission, right?" Avalon asked

"Yes, I did, but it seems like they completed it… Avalon do you have any idea how they made these things," Jane inquired

Avalon went quiet having a pained heat knowing what it could be, she followed some of her spit and tells her,

"There are many ways he could have done this, he could have asked the government for blood from the people, he got it from captured agent's blood,"

"I can see that," Jane whispers

The phone line went quiet which scared Avalon, she hoped that Jane wouldn't know but… how did she? That information is only with her and...

A person she doesn't want to think about, she could know, and I can't lie. Not to her, she might have known her for a little time, but the truth will come out no matter how they cover it,

"Avalon," Jane said

She didn't respond, only just a grunt comes out of her, she's having those memories going through her vision, her eyes. Whatever he did, it messed her up,

"I don't want to admit it, I can't."


It stopped that agonizing voice. It stopped. Mocking her, she keeps it a secret hoping it would go away and leave her alone, but it never did, it kept telling her to give in to give up on her life, no… not anymore.

"Avalon. Dear?" Jane asked

She has been on the phone with her for some time, but she's been quiet for the remainder of it. Jane takes her phone and texts, Marcello, asking him to go check on her,

"Hey, I'm talking with Avalon. But something seems off about her, do you mind checking on her for me?" She texted

Marcello just got out of the shower hours after the mission and walked over to his phone to find the text, he read the text out loud he then starts to contemplate if he should,

"I don't know if I should go... I haven't seen her in a while." Marcello thought

He leaves his phone on the bed and goes into his closet searching for some clothes, he pulled out a shirt before feeling as if his gut got punched in, he tries to hold onto the closet, but he tumbles to the floor shocked by the sudden telling in his stomach,

hold onto his head moaning in pain staring up at the ceiling, he set one of his hands on his stomach trying to lightly touch it to see how bad the pain is,

"How?" he whispers

He didn't feel anything, no discomfort or pain but normal, nothing hurt. he cussed under his breath before getting up slowly not wanting to make the pain, and walking over to his bed to sit down laying on his back, he starts to fall to sleep before hearing his phone go off again, he struggles to move but grabs his phone looking at the notification,

"The phone line got cut, you are needed,"

He shot up, not feeling anything but disarray. He got up and got his gear and walked out of his bedroom door,

"Hey Marcel... you need to put on some pants," Lucario said

"Yep," Marcello said

With Avalon,

"It seems to have been a fire in a lab in Washington County in the countryside, there were no fatalities but two injured,"

"Well, l hope that everyone is safe there see you soon Ted," she said

Avalon watches the news while making her dinner and taking a well-needed break, she puts the tomato sauce with meat on top of some lasagna noodles, then the cheese mixture on top of it starts to hum a song she used to know,

"We go back to Ted on the scene of a car chase, but it wasn't what you expect, Ted?" she said

Avalon looked up at the television seeing the carnage of the scene of multiple bodies covered by a plastic white blanket, Ted staring at the camera shaken up, started to say,

"Well, Kristen the street sadly enough there have been dead people on it, some associated with the mafia, the chief of police has some information for us in the next segment,"

Avalon sighed knowing she might have to hear about it. she closes the oven door not noticing the television turned off, Avalon moves over to the chair in the dining room sits down closed her eyes, and enjoyed the quietness before hearing her phone go off in her bedroom,

"Well I do have some time to kill," Avalon said

She walks upstairs to her room opened the door and falls onto her bed, grabs her phone in the process, she looks at the phone contacts to see that Jane is calling her, Avalon answered the phone and says.

"Greetings fellow human,"

"Hello, Avalon what are you up to today?" Jane said

Avalon hears the seriousness in Jane's voice and immediately asks,

"Jane you called the cause of the mission. right,"

Jane chuckled and asks her,

"Yes, I did but It seems like they completed it... Avalon, do you have any idea how these things are made?"

Avalon froze, holding her breath, Jane tells her something that she can't hear. Her heart is pounding so much that she can't hear Jane talk to her,

"Avalon. Dear?" Jane said

A loud bang comes from the house's first floor, Avalon hearing this puts her phone down,

going to her trunk and grabbing put her daggers walking to the door, hearing footsteps coming her way, She stays by the door not noticing her phone notifications going off, and the doorknob starts to move to cause Avalon to go behind it waiting for whatever it is to walk through,

"What?" she thought

Avalon in shock stares at the clone, the one who attacked her before, it looks around the room and seems to be looking for her, it was about to turn the other but her phone rings it takes a look at the phone and looks at it with displeasure, Avalon sneaks around the door waiting for it to move, but it never did, she then turns around to get out of there but a hand lands on her shoulder,

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