Chapter 22: Chapter 21 Unexpected Convention
"Sal, it's been two days I will be fine," Avalon said
"Are you sure? you were shaken up by what happened," Salvatore explained
"Yeah, I am sure. I just need to get some fresh air," Avalon said
Salvatore nodded at her reassuring him,
"Ok, go on then, if you need anything you know who to call," Salvatore said
"Got it, see you later," Avalon said leaving his office,
Salvatore sighed and looked at the ceiling,
"Lord watch over her," Salvatore said
"Finally. Some space," Avalon said walking towards the mall,
"Need any help, Ma'am," A lady at the door said
"No, thank you though," Avalon said walking to the women's clothes section,
She looked at all the clothes in front of her, but the one that intrigued her,
there was a black jean jacket with iridescent knives designs on the back of the jacket,
"Nice!" Avalon said grabbed the jacket and went to the checkout,
someone was watching her from the shadows,
"Coffee for Avalon Clover," a voice from the speakers,
Avalon turned her head to look at the speaker,
"So, I guess that's you?" The cashier said
Avalon sighed,
"Yeah that would be me," Avalon said
She took the bag from the cashier and gave her a hundred dollar-tip,
"You don't." The cashier said but was stopped,
"Don't mention it," Avalon said walked away from them,
"Goodbye," The cashier said
"Are you, Avalon?" a guy said in a coffee joint
"Yes, I am," Avalon said
"Well, here's your coffee," the guy said handed her the coffee,
"Who paid for it?" Avalon said skeptically,
"The woman over there," The guy said points in the direction,
Avalon thanked the guy, walked over to the table and
saw a black-cloaked figure,
"Come sit. I have to talk to you anyway," the person said
Avalon looked at them anxiously, she sat down, and the person took off their hood, to show Mórrígan, Avalon was about to get up, but Mórrígan stopped her,
"I know that you are scared of me, but I just want to talk," Mórrígan said bragging a bit,
"I am not scared of you, if I am scared of anything it will be God almighty," Avalon said
Lilith mocked her by moving her hand when she talked,
"Yes God is good, I got that but you have gotten stronger, how did that happen?" Mórrígan said curiously about her adversary,
"Easy I train every day, I work almost every day, I do what I do for the great or good," Avalon said trying to get her off the subject,
"No! How did you get this strong, it can't be that you are just some nobody with a good work ethic," Mórrígan said angrily,
"Maybe I am, maybe I am not?" Avalon said cryptically,
Mórrígan was about to shout at her,
"Calm down Mórrígan, right now is not the time to yell at each other," Avalon said
Avalon pointed behind her to show that people staring at them,
looked shocked at her at first then glared at her with pure loathing,
"Do not say my name in public!" Morrigan said
Avalon looked at her and sniffed her coffee to see if it was poisoned,
"I didn't poison it you know? you are far too valuable," Morrigan said
Avalon sighed,
"I didn't think you cared," Avalon explained
Mórrígan sat there still,
"How much do you know," Mórrígan asked
They both looked at each other for a couple of minutes,
"I know that you robbed the bank with your best friend and went to the boss thinking that your debt was paid off, he killed her, then you killed both of his men than himself," Avalon said
Mórrígan stayed still with her hair covered in her eyes,
"You will tell no one," Lilith said menacingly,
Avalon just shook it off,
"You know how much it hurts, when you're enemy turned your best friend against you?" Avalon said
Mórrígan felt a deep pain in her chest.
"But you just had yours die, my...what used to be my friend, keeps trying to kill me," Avalon said
Morrigan laughed bitterly,
"You would rather have her dead? then change her mind?" Mórrígan asked
"No, I don't want her dead, but the path you put her on will lead to it," Avalon said finally taking a sip of coffee,
"How did I put.," Mórrígan said but was cut off by Avalon,
"Did you not make her ego bigger, did you not make her more prideful? Did you not belittle me in front of her," Avalon said fiercely.
Mórrígan looked at her and then smirked,
"You think you know everything, don't you?" Mórrígan said
"No, I don't know everything. Compared to God wisdom. I am a brick, I guess I am just humble," Avalon said got up was about to leave,
"By the way, I am sorry your Ally dead, strangely enough, I would still be devastated if she perishes," Avalon confessed,
Then left her alone, Mórrígan bowed her head and shed a tear,
"Avalon! Where have you been," Salvatore asked
She strolls up to him,
"I am fine Sal, I just had a chat with a woman," Avalon said
"If I can put that lightly," Avalon thought
"Ok, I was just worried, you still have to tell me what happened with the black mist," Salvatore said
Avalon's face turned pink remembering her kiss with Marcello,
"Ok fine, but I want some ramen," Avalon said
"Done, let's go," Salvatore said speed-walked to his office,
with Avalon lazily following him,
"What happened?" Salvatore said
He watched her eat the last of her ramen, Avalon nodded and tells him what happened between her and Marcello,
"She controlled him and made him kiss you?" Salvatore said confused
"Yes," Avalon said affirming,
"Is that all our are you done?" Salvatore said
"No, the mist, I think through her abilities, I went into her memories. how she became the boss," Avalon said with a blank expression on her face,
"Her memory's? how she became there boss," Salvatore said
Avalon told him what happened,
Morrigan, Ally, and Blake watched on from the shadows,
"Why are we watching her," Ally said,
"As you have said, she has gotten stronger,
maybe even stronger than me, she knows more than I would like, I can't kill her with what I have now," Mórrígan said
Blake looked at Salvatore. Not with hatred but guilt,
"Blake what are you looking at," Ally said looked in the direction,
"So, still hate the old man," Ally said sarcastically,
Blake looked at Ally, rolled his at her rudeness,
"Yes. I still do," Blake said lying,
Morrigan looked at him skeptically, Ally shakes her head,
"I have a plan to kill them," Ally said
Mórrígan sighed in frustration,
"Is this another, plot to poison their water supply," Mórrígan said shakes her head in disappointment,
Blake once again ignored them. he felt the warm feeling in his chest again,
"What are you doing to me!" Blake thought
"I never felt like this," Blake continues
He stared at her taking in her orange hair now with silver ends, her silver eyes, shining like a diamond, her plump pink lips, her large hips that matched her thin figure,
and her feminine hands,
"Blake, are you there idiot," Ally said
slapped him in the shoulder,
"You were out of it for a long time, what were you thinking?" Ally said
Blake's cheeks turned pink but hid it,
"That is none of your concern," Blake said embarrassed at getting caught in the act,
Ally started to bug him,
"That is enough Ally, let's go I have a long night ahead of me," Morrigan said
They all started to despair into the mist,
"Hey, did you hear that?" Avalon said a shiver went down her spine,
"No, why do you ask?" Salvatore asked
"I just felt someone or something wicked," Avalon said
Salvatore looked at her with concern,
"Avalon, if what you told me is true. then we have a bigger problem on our hands," Salvatore said
Avalon gave him a nod,
"I figured, Sal," Avalon said
"So, how was your first kiss," Salvatore said
Avalon's face turned red,
"That is none of your concern," Avalon said
"Does that mean I have to put the fear of God in him," Salvatore said
"No Sal, didn't I tell you that he was controlled,
I don't even think he remembers it," Avalon said
Remembering the black mist that surrounded them, and the pitch-black his eyes,
how soft his lips are,
"Well then, are you going to tell him,?" Salvatore said
Avalon looked down,
"I don't know," Avalon said