Chapter 18: Chapter 17 A little Visit
"Well if it isn't....," Snake eyes is cut off by, Avalon kicked him in the face
Ally laughed and she shot her laser at Avalon,
Avalon ducked behind some rubble,
Marcello throws his knife at the laser,
causing it to smoke,
"What! Snake eyes! get your butt up and help me," Ally said watching their security knocked down one by one,
"Why do you need help? why don't you just roll over and let us through," Avalon said takes down the last of their security,
Ally didn't move an inch, Snake's eyes got back up,
"Have it your way then. guy... go ahead, I will catch up with you," Avalon said brought out
iridescent daggers, the brothers ran,
"Hey. get back here," Snake eyes said, trying to stop them, Avalon throws one of her daggers at him, which sent him pinned to the wall by his left shoulder,
"You will not leave," Avalon said bitterly
"Then it will be my pleasure to take you down permanently," Ally said she ran at her with harpoon knives that shine of gold and silver, with a rose inside a skull,
Avalon continually tries to dodge Allys advances,
the boys were walking through the deep part of the lab, to see weird cages,
"Marcello, do you know where we are going," Luciaro said looking at his phone looking at the lab blueprint,
"No. but it looks like you got that under control," Marcello said encouraging
"I think we are not alone in this room," Domenico said point at a male, more people showed up behind him, most of them look, feral,
"Blood~ blood~," they all chanted
"Umm... hi," Renato said he got out his handguns, one of them lunged at him,
suddenly a hurlbat axes went straight into its skull,
the axe had a leaf and rose design on the blade,
"You ok Re...," Luciaro said but stopped middle of the sentence, by the other creature, the got him from behind, throws him off of his back,
"Let's get this over with,' Marcello said
pulled out his machine gun, but seems like the front of the gun is crushed,
"~You will not make it out of here alive~,"
one of the creatures said
"It seems to be the leader of the assortment of beasts," Marcello said
"What makes you assume that?" Renato said apprehensively
"~Cause the only sweet way out of this hell hole is death~," the creature said
"Ok.... you first," Domenico said shot an arrow in one of the creatures heads, they killed all twenty-four of them,
Avalon has a hard time containing Ally and Snake eyes,
"How does she have that much stamina?" Snake's eyes said
"She has trained with me of course, but no one is better than me. obviously," Ally said used snake eyes as a shield,
Avalon throws her daggers at Ally. aiming for her forehead,
Snake's eyes moved his neck, the dagger went into Ally's shoulder, she yelled in pain,
"You never change did you?" Avalon said stopped a moment, proceeding to talk to her,
"You always have used your partner's as a buffer or even shield," Avalon said advancing towards her, with the other dagger in hand,
Avalon is now in front of her, quickly put her feet on Ally's chest, grabbed her dagger, and yanked it out of her shoulder,
Ally flys back from the unusual strength,
"How in the world does she have that kind of strength?" Snake eyes said
Avalon turned her attention to him,
but looked at her hands to see,
shining silver blades appearing out of her hands, Avalon throws them at him,
which attaches him to the wall,
Ally got up to see Avalon above her, Avalon knocked her out,
"So your abilities getting more powerful,"
Snake eyes said sarcastically,
Avalon looked at him, strolls to where he is,
"Yes, it did. it's sad to see both of you like this," Avalon said with a grim smile,
"I wanted out of my old man's shadow,"
Snake eyes said bitterly,
"That old man misses you, and if you are so profound to be better than are doing a piss poor job," Avalon said paused before proceeding to talk,
"Get out of your selfish desires," Avalon said
"My selfish desires...all I wanted was out of his organization. out of his shadow. so I can be bigger than him! all he ever wanted was someone to take over the company when he falls over And die," Snake eyes said viciously with tears starting to come out,
Avalon with a small smile wiped away his tears,
"I am sorry he was never there for you. but you need to leave that bitterness that resentment behind," Avalon said puts a hand on his cheek,
shockingly he snuggled into her hand,
until she heard shouting from the lab,
she was about to pull her hand away, but Snake eyes got one of his arms free of the blade,
"Don't leave!" Snake eyes said feeling a comforting sensation in his stomach,
"Blake I... have to a good night," Avalon said
"What..," Blake said
Avalon left him there and ran to the lab,
"Marcello. we are getting overrun," Renato said, killing another of the lab experiment,
Marcello splits one of the monsters in half,
that gave rise to a doppelganger,
the monsters charge at them,
Marcello looks at his brother to see them exhausted, depleted, weary,
but they got up looked at them, with fire and passion,
right, when they were about to clash,
a rainbow daggers fly through
killing three of them out of twenty,
pain screeching was heard,
"Looks like you need a hand," Avalon said picked up a dismembered hand from the ground, she laughed at the dark joke,
the boys just looked at her concern, they all killed the monsters one by one,
"You guys ok? that must have taken a lot out of you," Avalon said worriedly,
"Yeah, we are ok, but how did you get past Snake's eyes?" Domenico said
"It was easy compared to Ally, let's go grab some lasers and blow this place," Avalon said
"Fair enough, come on," Marcello said
they went into the laser room to behold a room full to the brim with the lasers,
in the middle of it, all was a nebula looking laser, with the boss on it,
"I will grab that one, you guy bring some with you, then we blow up this place," Avalon said
they all nodded in agreement, did exactly that,
"Luciaro do you have the explosives?" Renato said
"Yeah, I do," Luciaro said hooked it up to blow,
"Let's get out of here," Domenico said
they got out of there to see the building combust,
"Is she gone? is he gone? I should have done something," Avalon thought looks at what used to be the lab, Marcello snapped her out of her thoughts,
"The mission is complete, let go back to head orders," Marcello said tiredly,
they head back to the van unaware of the enemy still alive and kicking,
Blake pulled Ally out of the ruble,
looked at Avalon's silhouette fading away with a dreamy look on his face,
"Are you seriously doing that when she tried to kill both of us!" Ally screamed at him,
"Yeah, she did. but wouldn't we do the same if we were in her position," Blake said still a bit out of it,
"Yeah, whatever, how are we going back to Tigers eye?" Ally said concerned
"I bet she will be here shortly, while you were out cold I got free, and told the boss that the mission went south," Blake said
"She's not pleased isn't she?" Ally said
"Of course, she's not. what do you expect a pat on the back," Blake said
"Great. just great, if it is the last thing I do I will kill Avalon Clover," Ally said
Blake just rolled his eyes,
"You have said that for a year's worth now,
get over it, you can't kill her. she knocked you out with one punch, what are you going to do?" Blake said
Ally was about to lecture him,
but they heard vehicles moving toward them,
they circled them with a black limousine behind them,
it stopped in front of the pare,
the window of the limousine slowly went down to show an irritated Tigers eye,
none of them said a word,
she got out of the limousine, turned her head to look at the remains of the lab,
"So, the plan went south indeed," Tigers eye said not angry but intrigued,