Chapter 16: Chapter 15 Reality
"We're back! what did we miss," Renato said as he walked into the kitchen, and saw both of his brothers talk to each other,
"Are they out of the system?" Marcello said carrying all the grocery bags, Renato giggled and helped Marcello,
place down some donuts and put away the rest of the groceries,
"Yes, I got them out of the system, but it looks like Shepherd got hacked too, and Avalon helped get the hacker out with her abilities,
"That's all I know of," Luciaro said
"Abilities you say?" Marcello said
"Yes. if you don't believe me look in my room," Luciaro said
Marcello got up with Renato to see that his room is still silver, they both looked stunned, Domenico got a phone call,
"Hello? Who is this," Domenico said
"It's Salvatore, we need you four at the headquarters, I believe you know why," Salvatore said over the phone,
"Yes sir, we will be there in a bit," Domenico said hangs up,
"After breakfast get ready, got it," Marcello said
"Got it," Luciaro and Domenico said
"That was a short to the point call," Domenico said they finished breakfast and got to shepherd headquarters,
"Hey, guys! Salvatore need you four I believe In his office," Jane said pointed in the direction,
"Thanks, Jane," Marcello said they walked to his office,
"Good, you're here, take a seat," Salvatore said Avalon sitting on his desk,
they sat down,
"You probably know by now, if they didn't hack your system, they did hack into shepherd system but Avalon helped get them out. did they hack you?" Salvatore said
"Yes, they did, but Avalon did you get them out of the system with an ability of yours?
if not I think I have been sprayed by my computer with silver mist," Luciaro said curiosity,
Salvatore was about to say something,
Avalon cut him off,
"It was me, I had no choice in that matter," Avalon said
"What do you mean by you had no choice?" Marcello said a bit angered.
"How I had no choice? the system team only had three computers working. so I decided to help with it and now they're out of the system," Avalon said staring him down,
"Calm down. we don't need to blame each other, we have bigger fish to fry," Salvatore said putting five pieces of paper on his desk,
they picked up the paper to see the lab that Avalon got into,
"That is where Avalon went, I want you five to go in there," Salvatore said
"Yes sir," The boy's said
"You got it, Sal," Avalon said walked out of the room with them,
"How it going," Renato said
"I have been doing well, would you guy's like to play some video games," Avalon said with a small smile,
"Yeah. that would be nice," Domenico said
"I agree," Renato said
"What do you think boss man," Luciaro said looking at Marcello,
"Why not," Marcello said they laughed and walked over to Avalon's house but something dark is plotting,
"You are telling me... that Avalon is getting more powerful," Tiger's eye said in a fit of rage,
"Yes, that ingrate stopped us from hacking their system! getting all of their secrets," Ally said
Tiger's eye sighs in frustration,
"What are we going to do about," Snake eyes said walked in on their conversation, a smug smirk on his face,
"Why are you here? she did not even call you in here," Ally said
Tiger's eye looks irritated,
"While you were messing around. I hacked into the traitor's system to find out they know where the secret lab is," Snake eyes said Ally looked shocked, then looked back at Tiger's eye,
for her to be in front of them,
"If.... they destroyed that lab, all of my equipment is gone. I want both of you to guard that lab! make sure that they can't get in,
do I make myself clear!" Tiger's eye said
"Yes, boss," Ally said
"Crystal," Snake eyes said
"Good, now leave my office, go warn them about that would you," Tiger's eye said
"Yes boss," Snake eyes and Ally said they left the room walked down the hallway, Ally pinned Snake eye to the wall,
"Blake. decided to one-up me," Ally said
"It's more like doing something without you knowing," Snake eyes said smiled at her mockingly,
"You think is so funny, making me look like a fool!" Ally said punch him in the stomach, Snake eyes crunching his stomach in pain,
"You're just mad at my good look's," Snake eyes said dramatically,
"Yeah. that's why I am mad, let's go you fool," Ally said she walked away from him,
" I wasn't the one who looked stupid in front of the boss," Snake eyes said mocking her,
"What was that!" Ally said
Snake eyes rolled his eyes, started to follow her, they both made it to the lab,
"Hello, what do you to need," Lizz said suspicious of them,
"We are here to protect the lab, under Tiger's eye orders," Ally said walked past her,
Snake eyes followed her, Lizz followed them,
"Why do we need protection from? we have the highest tech weapon on the market," Lizz said looking to find answers,
"You may have that on your side, but shepherd now knows about this lab. for now this place is under high alert," Snake eyes said looked at her,
"Look at the bright side, you have the best spy in your lab and the jerk, I spouse," Ally said to look around for the laser room,
"Are you looking for the laser," Lizz said unamused by her antics,
"Yes, do you mind showing us where it may be," Ally said looked around to find Snake eyes nowhere to be found,
"where did that idiot go! I guess I have to do this assignment myself," Ally thought Lizz showed her the room,
"This is the laser room," Lizz said dramatically,
"I will take this and this," Ally said grabbed two lasers looked back at her,
"How powerful are these lasers," Ally said walked up,
"l will make this short, it can if you aim for the head... explode the head," Lizz said disheveled by Ally imitating stare,
"Good. we are going to need it," Ally said walked out the door,
Lizz still in the room looked around for a self destruct button,
"Are you dead or just slow? come on," Ally said impatiently,
"Yes ma'am," Lizz said sighed she followed Ally,
"YEAH! I WIN LOSERS," Avalon said won the game,
"Yeah you win, we just can't win over your majestic way of playing the game," Marcello said sarcastically, Renato put his head on her shoulder,
"I am done, you guys can try to beat her, I am taking a little snooze," Renato said putting his controller done, put a blanket on himself and Avalon,
"Well, another round your highness," Marcello said
"I need her to look at the incident in my room," Luciaro said
"Is that your way of asking her out or?" Domenico said smirking
"What! no, you saw what was in there, so shut it," Luciaro said embarrassed,
Avalon giggled at their nonsense, she got up and Renato hit the floor,
Renato muttered in pain,
Luciaro showed Avalon his room,
"What," Avalon said looking around the room to see it all silver,
"I figured that somehow that was when you were dealing with the hacker your ability went through my system as well as....,".Luciaro said stopped at the end, debating whether to let her know about his dream, but luck was on his side Avalon was too shocked to bother him about it,
"Did any one of you got hurt?" Avalon said concerned
"Should I tell, I will tell her when I am ready," Luciaro thought
"No one got hurt, Avalon it just... wow. seems like silver your color," Luciaro said
"It seems so..... let's see if I can remove it," Avalon said touching the wall, all the silver in the started to dissipate,
"There better, well if that is all let's go eat some pizza," Avalon said
Luciaro opened the door for all of his brothers to fall into the room,
"Hey guys, how are you doing," Renato said smiling,
"We are fine, I want food so move or I run you over," Avalon said they moved out of her way,