Chapter 122: Chapter 121 Different meaning
"Damien, tell me what happened after i fainted,"
Damien let out a frustrated sigh, they have gotten themselves to sit on the bed, but she kept asking him what happened after, and he leaned back a bit, regretting it in pain. It felt like he's getting stabbed in his side. He held onto the bed frame his gaze went to Avalon, whose gaze met his, she's genuinely curious about it. Fine i guess it wouldn't be bad would it, Damien through when he envisioned Liz glaring at him as if she would find someone to kill him for her, and give his body as an experiment for her, Damien shiver from the memory and looked away from Avalon muttering,
"I don't think Liz would want that,"
"When did you care about what others tell you to do, Damien,"
"When it came to your heath, Avalon,"
"So, you're not going to tell me?"
Avalon huffed, turning away from him when a yawn came from the other side of the bed. They turned their heads to a freshly waken up Luke staring at them tirelessly. His gaze was at Damien before it went to Avalon. He glanced between the two before muttering,
"You two quiet down, Avalon's trying to rest,"
Luke went back down to sleep, turning his back to them, and Avalon looked back at Damien flabbergasted, Damien turned to her holding back a chuckle, but it hurt him more than if he would,
"He thought i was someone else then,"
Avalon let out and Luke laying on his side trying to fall back asleep, he heard her soft voice flutter around his ears, he eyes shot open and he got up frantically, he stood up looking at the two relived,
"Yes, Luke,"
His eyes widen before rushing to her side, Luke pulled her into a huge and Avalon let out a stifled giggle, her chest hurt yes but him hugging her matter more, she placed an arm around her smiling fondly while Damien watched on, Luke pulled away but held her arms softly, he stared at her relived, her breathing better she still looked pale and the bags under her eyes are worse,
"Are you ok?"
"Im fine, only a little pain, but its manage able,"
Luke let go and looked to his brother beside him, glaring almost. He walked closer to his brother, asking with a stressed smile,
"When did you wake up?"
"A few minutes before she woke up,"
Luke grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer, yelling,
"Why didn't you tell me!"
Damien, all so calm, placed his hand on Luke, hoping that he would calm down
"Because I was talking with her!"
"Didn't stop to wake me up telling me she was fine,"
"I didn't know you would want that Luke, but next time you go rest, i will wake you up,"
They glared at each other, Avalon swore that there was lightning between them, Luke huffed, turning back to her not without mutter,
"Stupid marimo,"
Damien glared daggers at him while Luke smiled at a worried Avalon. She felt if she's in an old rivals, the same as before. Luke let go of his grip on her, letting out a soft mumble,
"Thank god, I thought you went up again,"
Luke thought she wouldn't hear what he said, but she did, Avalon stared at him confused when she remembered that Beam took her up with Blake, She nuged closer to him and said,
"You mean what happened before?"
"Yes, you heard what I said, hu,"
"I did,"
He muffed taking the chair Damien was sitting in for himself, he sat down noting the curious stares of the two, Damien didn't think of it hasn't he, Luke has his gaze on Damien asking,
"You didn't think to connect that together?"
"It's not the same as what happened before,"
Avalon tried to say something, but Luke caught her off,
"From what I saw, it's similar in nature,"
"That doesn't make it the same. It had a different meaning, something that we can explain,"
"Can we ask Avalon to explain,"
They turned their attention on her, and Avalon wanted there. She's in her head, trying to remember what Luke meant from a line of light like before. Why did it happen again, it could be because of her distress, she was in that situation in both circumstances, Luke and Damien at this pointed notice her absents, she's think on it possibly a little too much. Liz said not to stress her out, and they were doing it anyway.
"Avalon, you don't have to answer that if you're that emphasize,"
He touched her arm, and Avalon stared at him, she's stunned but calmed down, looking at him grabbing onto his arm, Avalon felt how crushed she was at both moments in her life. She remembers the bruises the pain out on her body, but inward, she felt the agony, the betrayal, the bitterness of the fall, how it all haunted her in a way.
She turned her gaze to Damien's, and he stared at her, worried, but saw that she wasn't to think of it.
"Don't dread upon it if it's too much, Avalon, you just woke up from that. You're still recovering,"
"And Liz would have been asses handed back to us if you stressed yourself out,"
Damien gave him a glancing glare before his gaze set on her, shes still out of it looking at the wall behind him, Damien went to say something to her, but she interrupted him,
"It was similar in its nature, but it had different effects,"
Her voice is shallow, filled with great meaning, she knew even when she didn't before. Her shallow gaze went to Damien. She had her hand on her lap, but they're glowing just from the thought,
"What do you mean, Avalon?"
"The first beam sent me to the isles for two years, and the second one... I'm not sure yet,"
"The isles?"
"Yes, there i was talking with Sandel. She helped me understand why this is happening and what she is doing with me,"
"Sandel told you why she's beside you,"
"Yes, she gave me all that i wanted to know about her about this. It was overwhelming, at least,"
"What did she say,"
Luke asked, Avalon looked at him hesitant. She didn't know if she could tell them, much less try to explain it verbally. It was hard for her to understand, and for that, she had to use what Sandel explained. Avalon found it hard to believe until she showed what she could do in front of her, scaring her, but it made her understand what she meant.
"You are my chosen, to watch over and to protect, but as we've gotten closer, you have absorbed my virtue, or as some humans say my powers, you became something other wordly."
"You've gotten closer to her and absorbed her virtue?"
"Yes, it was confusing,"
"What did she do to help you understand?"
Avalon froze when Luke asked that, she can find herself in that situation again as if she transported there, she was covering her eyes from Sandel, she felt her vision blear with a blistering heat coming from her with a soft voice calling for her,
"Avalon, you're just seeing a glimpse of what you can do now,"
Avalon shivered at the memory. She wouldn't want to forget it, but she's contemplated it. In the end, she has to recognize her and what has happened, Damien and Luke glanced at each other, noticing Avalon staring away from the shivering. Damien looked back at Avalon, reaching out to her by saying,
"It must have been difficult for you there,"
Avalon turned to him, her gaze softened drifting to him, a soft smile appeared on her face with her nodding her head, letting out an exasperated sigh,
"It was Damien. More than I let on,"
Avalon closed her eyes, bringing herself back to that place, which made Luke and Damien think she was spacing out again, Avalon started to tell them,
"I appear there frazzled, that too soft, frightened. Sat on the ground looking around me laying in a bunch of clovers blossoming, when I heard a male voice say my name, it was an old king named Antony, he talked to me about what happened to me and what it would do, when she appeared behind him, angelic, beautiful, all things would believe she would look like it's true."
Avalon looked at them to see if they were listening, and they were, Luke was intrigued at the edge of his seat, and Damien waited for her to continue patiently.
"She explained why I was there to watch and control my body and mind, for what I turned into, at first I didn't know what she meant by that so she showed me, blinding me with her light which Antony didn't agree with that, trying to stop her but Sandel convinced him that I needed to experience what I would come to,"
"I did it was a great heat, a brilliant fire, it blinded me but didn't burn me and lifted me up from the ground, and standing on my feet, Sandel stopped the light while telling me, it was only a glimpse of what i can now do."