Madness of the Heart

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 For good (17)

The monastery is empty, and the musty smell of soil should not appear in a place where people live.

Yifei immediately asked the team members to hit the searchlights in, and saw dust floating in the air under the strong light. The ground, the table, and the bed were covered with an even layer of dust. There was no Peeping Master dust anywhere, but from the dust. From the perspective of the situation, it is not like someone has come in recently.

Wu Shi ran, very angry, “How can you…”

“Where’s Master Yuchen?” Yi Fei interrupted, “Didn’t you say that he was in a retreat in the backyard? Where did he close? It looks like someone lives here?”

Wu Shi was startled, and he was about to rush into the Buddhist room, but was blocked by Yi Fei at the door.

However, even if you just stand at the door, you can see what’s inside under the light of the searchlight.

“Master, Master?” Wu Shi’s eyes, which were always closed, stared immediately, as if he couldn’t believe that Master Yuchen was not inside.

The absence of a person who was supposed to be somewhere, and judging from the scene, this person has been absent for a long time, this was originally a strange thing, not to mention that it happened on Qiyue Mountain where three corpses had been found.

The trace inspectors entered the backyard temple to investigate, and the five monks of Haijing Temple were inquired one by one.

Wu Shi is 52 years old and is the oldest among the monks still in Haijing Temple. I don’t know if he lived in isolation for too long. He knew nothing about the rules of the outside world and was very resistant. He believed that the police came to investigate the case to disturb the peace of the Buddhist Holy Land. He insisted that he did not know who did the case on Qiyue Mountain. I don’t know why and when Master Yuchen disappeared.

“But when did Master Yuchen start practicing in retreat? You should know this?” Yi Fei said, “No matter how you say, you are also the monk who has stayed in Haijing Temple for the longest time.”

Wu Shi said: “In June this year.”

Yi Fei asked: “After June, have you never seen Master Yuchen again?”

Wu Shi shook his head.

Yi Fei asked again: “Where is Master Guchen from? What is the name of the layman, do you know?”

Wu Shi put his hands together, “I don’t have the right to ask Master what happened before his practice.”

Yi Fei stared at Wu Shi for a while, “What about the others? You are living together in Haijing Temple. I don’t believe that you don’t know each other.”

Wu Shi was silent for a few minutes, and then suddenly said, “If you want to check, go and learn about Wu Hu’s past.”

Yi Fei said, “Wuhu?”

Wu Hou, whose real name is Fang Pingxu, is 24 years old. He was the one who gave Lu Chen and Zhao Siyan the way on October 13. Fang Yuanhang has always suspected that he has a problem. He has found out that he has no parents. He grew up in a welfare institute called “Da Ai” in Los Angeles. The university was enrolled in Los Angeles Teachers College. Graduate students applied for Dongye University, but eventually failed. Disheartened, he didn’t even receive his diploma or degree certificate, so he became a monk at Haijing Temple nearby.

“There are also Wu Nian and Wu Desire.” Wu Shi shook his head, “They are all weird young people. They are not really worshipping Buddha when they come here.”

“What about you?” Yi Fei asked, “None of your brothers really worshipped Buddha. Your master said he was practicing in retreat, but he was no longer in Haijing Temple. Are you the only one who truly worships Buddha in this temple?”

Goose’s drooping eyes opened again, “Don’t be unreasonable!”

Yi Fei insisted: “What is unreasonable when the police investigate the case according to the regulations?”

The police from the Shouquan Town Police Station reconciled, “Yi team, Yi team, they are monks, you can calm down. If they don’t tell me, you can ask me at any time.”

Yi Fei has obtained the registration information of the five monks in Haijing Temple from the police station, but the information lacks Master Jingchen.

The police explained: “This Haijing Temple has existed for a long time. There were a group of monks several decades ago. Some families gave birth to children, but later they couldn’t afford them, so they threw their children at the gate of the temple, and some homeless people walked along. When I walked, I went to the temple and became a monk. The household registration verification has only been done in the past few years. Fang Pingxu and the others have serious ID cards, so they all registered, but that master Jingchen, I heard that I read a few in this temple It’s been ten years since the Buddha, and he himself didn’t know who he was. As an old monk, we can’t force others to do anything. It is too troublesome to deal with.”

Yi Fei said, “So you just keep one eye open?”

“Hey, what you said!” The police almost got angry, but when they thought that the group of people in front of them were members of the city bureau, they were able to suppress the fire, and reluctantly said: “Anyway, all the information we have is here. Check it out, and if there is anything else you need to mention to our leader.”

Yi Fei frowned and didn’t care about it with the police.

From the registration information, Wu Shi’s real name is Liu Sui, a native of Shouquan Town, and the only monk who has not been named by him, Wu Han, whose real name is Tang Yuan, is also a native of Shouquan Town. Before he became a monk, both of them were natives of Shouquan Town. The teacher of the town’s second primary school, Liu Sui teaches Chinese, and Tang Yuan teaches physical education.

27 years ago, the two became monks one after another.

“Strange.” Yi Fei said: “Wu Shi and Wu Han are colleagues and became a monk in the same year. But if you ignore this relationship, it is as if they don’t know each other from the perspective of their living conditions in Haijing Temple.”

A team member said: “Do you need to thoroughly investigate the details of these two?”

Yi Fei thought for a while, but hesitated.

It is natural to investigate. This Haijing Temple is suspicious everywhere, and loopholes in law enforcement are likely to have made this so-called “Buddhist Clean Land” a place to hide dirt.

But at present, the serious crime team has too many cases, and there is really not enough manpower on his side, and Mingshu can’t tell anyone at all.

“Check.” Thinking about it, Yi Fei still decided not to let go of any doubts. At that time, he was really too busy, and he could still apply to Xiao Ju.

In the face of the police, Wu Han—that is, Tang Yuan—was unwilling to say more than Wu Shi. His eyelids are always hanging down, and his sitting posture is quite imposing, “After Master Jiechen retreats, I have never been to the backyard again. When did he leave Haijing Temple, I don’t know.”

Yi Fei asked: “How are you sure that Master Yu Chen left Haijing Temple by himself?”

The lines of Wu Han’s cheeks moved slightly, but he still didn’t lift his eyelids. “Do you mean Master Xiaochen was taken away? Or was he killed like those on the mountain?”

Yi Fei said: “I don’t know, I want to hear your opinion.”

Wu Han shook his head, “Master Yuchen is compassionate and generous, who will hurt him?”

“But Master Yuchen suddenly disappeared. You, and your brother Wu Shi, seem to be very calm?” Yi Fei deliberately re-read the words “senior brother Wu Shi”, and as expected, Wu Han’s eyelids moved lightly.

“Everything has a reason.” Wu Han said, “Since Master Yuchen is not in the temple, there is a reason for his absence. I don’t want to speculate too much.”

Yi Fei has been investigating the case for so many years in the Crime Squad. This is the first time he has dealt with a monk, and he feels like a punch on the cotton. If he was allowed to choose, he would rather chase ten perverted murderers than dig for clues about crimes on the monks.

But the task is the task, there is no possibility of carrying a burden halfway.

Yi Fei said: “I don’t want to speculate about others, so, let us speculate. Wu Shi has named three people worthy of our focus on investigating. Do you think any monk behaves strangely?”

Wu Han shook his head, “I don’t care about others.”

“Really?” After saying these simple and profound words, Yi Fei didn’t say anything. He neither left nor meant to let Wu Han leave.

The atmosphere became more and more stagnant, and Wu Han’s head that had not been lifted finally lifted, and a cluster of old eyes shot at Yi Fei.

Wu Han said: “You are actually right when you came to Cha Haijing Temple.”

Yi Fei said, “Huh?”

“Because none of the people who live here are kind-hearted people.” Wu Han’s lips suddenly evoked a trembling smile. This smile was helpless, sinister, and cramped, as if it shouldn’t have appeared on the face of a person wearing a monk’s robe. .

Yi Fei was startled.

Wu Han raised his hand and pointed to his own heart. “Here we all live with a demon.”

After saying this, Wu Han dropped his head again.

Yi Fei asked, “We include Master Yuchen?”

Wu Han remained silent.

“Easy Team! Easy Team!” Xiao Man came out of the meditation room in the backyard with a bag of evidence in his hand.

Yi Fei saw at a glance that there was a rusty nail in the evidence bag.

“Look what I found!” Xiao Man handed the bag of evidence to Yi Fei’s eyes, “There are such nails in the Zen room!”

Yi Fei took it and took a closer look. The nails in the evidence bag were very similar to the ten on Lu Chen and Zhao Siyan!

In order to find similar nails, the crime team ran all over the construction sites and building materials market in the main urban area and Shouquan Town, and the feedback they received was all-this nail has long been eliminated.

Now he was found in the meditation room of Haijing Temple!

“Is it the same batch? I have to go back and check it.” Xiao Man said, “But looking at the rust, it’s almost impossible to leave. I just checked all the nails in the backyard temple. It’s this kind of nail, but the house in the front yard uses newer nails. The front yard has been repaired in recent years, but there are no signs of repairs in the back yard. There are still seven identical nails in the toolbox. For the entire Buddhist house , The seven spare nails are too few.”

Yi Fei said, “So there should be seventeen nails in the toolbox?”

Xiao Man nodded, “I think so!”

“But when you first entered the meditation room, didn’t you say that no one has been in it for at least three months?” Yi Fei asked, “What about the toolbox? Are there any traces of being moved recently?”

Xiao Man reacted, “No, the dust on it is level.”

“That’s weird.” Yi Fei said, “If the person who killed Lu Chen and Zhao Siyan took the nails from the toolbox, this person would either fly off the wall or take away ten nails a few months in advance. Logically It doesn’t make sense.”

Xiao Man said: “The murderer had a plan early in the morning? The nails were not prepared for Lu and Zhao, but they ended up being used on Lu and Zhao?”

Yi Fei said, “Who should have been nailed to these ten nails?”

Xiao Man shook his head fiercely, “Feizi, don’t stare at me with such a look. I thought I was going to be nailed!”

Yi Fei sighed, “Let’s appraise the nails and the toolbox first.”

Ming Shu didn’t rush to Qiyue Mountain again, but waited at the Criminal Investigation Bureau.

None of the serious crime squad and the criminal investigation team rested, and the lights were still on in the windows late at night.

It was identified that the ten iron nails on Lu Chen and Zhao Siyan belonged to the same batch as the iron nails used in the backyard of the Haijing Temple. There was no fingerprint inside or outside the toolbox containing the iron nails.

If the serious case team only suspected that Lu Chen and Zhao Siyan’s case was related to Haijing Temple, the current evidence has completely brought the two together.

“No one will deliberately erase the fingerprints on an ordinary toolbox.” Xiao Man said: “Unless this person understands, his fingerprints must not be left on the toolbox.”

“I’m still the same question before.” Yi Fei said: “If the toolbox has any traces of passiveness recently, it is that the murderer took away the nails after killing Lu Chen and Zhao Siyan. But the nails were taken away long ago, the murderer. How can this behavior be explained?”

Ming Shu lightly punched Yi Fei on the back, “It’s a bit of a horn.”

Yi Fei wiped his face, “I know, but…”

Mingshu knew what Yi Fei wanted to say.

Now that the Crime Squad has three cases in hand, there are so many clues that people don’t know where to start at first glance. You should check everywhere. Everyone is suspicious. Drilling any line may be a bit of a horn, but now any line can’t be placed.

“It is the five monks who are more suspicious.” Yi Fei was silent for a moment, “Wuhan said something very interesting to me, to the effect that the people who worship Buddha in Haijing Temple are not good people.”

Ming Shu’s pupils deepened, “He said that?”

“It’s strange, isn’t it?” Yi Fei said, “And I vaguely think that he still wants to express to me that Master Yuchen is not a good person. Xiao Ming and Wu Han are easy to check. Their household registration information is at the police station. There are all there, and my brothers are already investigating it. But if we can’t find him for a day, we don’t know how sacred he is.”

Ming Shu said: “Are you sure you find him, we can determine his identity?”

Yi Fei smiled bitterly, “His identity means that he has no identity. Even Wu Shi, who has been in Haijing Temple the longest, can’t tell the origin of this master. However, judging from his age, this is seventy years old. The old man actually doesn’t have the ability to commit crimes anymore.”

Ming Shu said, “Is this missing Jiechen the one who has lived in Haijing Temple for decades?”

“What do you think…” Yi Fei blinked his eyes vigorously. “Keeping Chen is not really Keeping. Someone is playing a civet cat in Haijing Temple for the prince?”

Ming Shu rummaged in the drawer, found a bottle of eye drops and threw it to Yi Fei, “Xiao Ju said that I used idioms indiscriminately. Why do I think your language is not good?”

“Is there?” Yi Fei took the eye drops and took a look, “Fuck, you are all overdue!”

Ming Shu said: “Then don’t use it.”

Yi Fei’s eyes were really uncomfortable, so he didn’t care about it, so he just picked it up and fell into his eyes.

“The investigation of the three victims on Qiyue Mountain, Lu Chen and Zhao Siyan’s interpersonal network has been completed. The most likely that they will be killed is that they will run into the murderer of Qiu Min.” Ming Shu calmly said: “So investigating these two cases, The starting point should be on Qiu Min. And the nails on Lu and Zhao pointed to Haijing Temple. Are the people in Haijing Temple who want Qiu Min’s life? The details of the monks in Haijing Temple, and those The details of the pilgrim must be figured out. Yu Chen has no identity, but since so many people have seen him, we can make a portrait of him.”

Yi Fei’s eye drops dripping wet his face, he hurriedly searched for paper towels, “Those monks don’t seem to have anything to do with Qiu Min. Qiu Min, an internet celebrity blogger, is also attracting hatred from people like Hong Chuanfei. Right now. I really can’t think of any motives for them. By the way, Luo Ganfeng in our last case was also on the’Qiushan Sleeping’ video?”

After learning from Lan Qiao that “Li Feichang” had been favored by Qiu Min, Ming Shu personally contacted Luo Ganfeng.

It wasn’t that Luo Ganfeng was suspicious, but rather worried.

Luo Ganfeng was selected by the frenzied Tan Guosheng and almost ended his life in a trap like Wu Zhen and Sha Chun. Because of Xiaojun’s only concern, he struggled out of the quagmire and barely started a new life.

How long has it been, if for some reason, it is targeted by another vicious person again, it would be too embarrassing.

On the phone, Luo Ganfeng was very calm, saying that he had not encountered any suspicious things recently.

Mentioned that Hong Chuanfei was in competition with him, Luo Ganfeng’s answer surprised Ming Shu.

“The owner of’Hong Lu Cai’, right? I know him. After the video of’Qiu Shan Sleeping’ was broadcast, he came to me to observe a few times. I should have affected his business. But don’t worry about it. I will deal with it myself. Now his shop is closed, and if it opens in the future, I will close the shop for a period of time and return part of the customer source to him. By the way, I will also take Xiaojun out for a tour. He is so old and never I went out to see the scenery.”

Ming Shu said: “Others want to get more customers in business. Your intermediary worked day and night, but now you want to drive customers to competitors?”

“After what happened last time, I also figured it out.” Luo Ganfeng smiled open-mindedly, “You can’t make money. You can make as much money as you can. It’s not good to be too early. Everyone is a neighbor. , I don’t need to squeeze the’Hong Lu Cai’, and I don’t want to be too famous now, I just want to live my life peacefully.’Qiu Shan Sleepless’ recommended me, I thank him, but if I can choose by myself, I He would rather not recommend me.”

“Not everyone recommended by Qiu Min wants to be recommended by Qiu Min.” Ming Shu said naturally to himself.

Yi Fei did not hear clearly, and asked, “What were you reading just now?”

“The reason why Qiyue Mountain has become an Internet celebrity scenic spot is because of the recommendation of Qiu Min and a one-shot Internet celebrity.” Ming Shu said: “From the perspective of most people, it is a good thing to be recommended. Qiu Min’s recommendation is not known. How many unnamed restaurants and unnamed scenic spots in Dongye City have become popular. The beneficiaries of these restaurants and scenic spots are grateful to’Qiushan Sleeping’.”

Yi Fei said: “Yes. Popularity and passenger flow mean skyrocketing income.”

Ming Shu asked: “Who has enjoyed the benefits of Qiyue Mountain?”

“Of course it is the people of Shouquan Town. The Qiyue Mountain Autumn Tour is not yet a system. There is no charge on the mountain, and there is no corresponding travel bus. The local car owners will drive the car out to solicit customers in the fall and make a lot of money. And the farmers under Qiyue Mountain. Didn’t we see them last time? They put up a few plastic stools and a big umbrella. They just sit on the ground and collect money.” Yi Fei said, “These people We should all be grateful to a group of internet celebrities headed by “Qiu Shan Sleeping”.”

Ming Shu said: “Then no one has been hurt by the explosion of Qiyue Mountain?”

“Yes, yes,’Chengjiang Lake’ became popular, and’Baby Shrimp’ suffered heavy losses.” Yi Fei said, “Qiyue Mountain is popular, and other autumn tourist attractions in Dongye will definitely be affected…No!”

Yi Fei’s eyes changed suddenly, “There is also Haijing Temple!”

“Yes, there is also Haijing Temple.” Ming Shu said: “The arrival of a large number of tourists has added life to Qiyue Mountain and added incense to Haijing Temple. However, the peaceful life of the monks has been disrupted for a long time. The quality of tourists is uneven. Not all, most of them are people who do not believe in the Buddha, and even less respectful of the Buddha. As soon as they reach the middle of the mountain, they want to take pictures of the “Ginkgo Temple” in Haijing Temple like a big V. In the past two years, in autumn, Qiyue Mountain and Haijing Temple All are occupied by tourists.”

Yi Fei frowned, “Maybe it’s more than that. If Wu Han’s words are not alarmist, the monks in the temple have secrets. The more they pray for the moon and the fire, the more they are exposed to the public’s sight. Then, some of them will not Things that are willing to be known to the outside world will also be discovered by the outside world.”

“If we discuss motives, these are the motives of the monks for committing crimes.” Ming Shu pinched his eyebrows. “As for the evidence, the nail is counted as one, but that is not the decisive evidence. The dust is missing, and now I can only look at the five. The monk is looking for a breakthrough.”

Yi Fei said, “That enlightenment…”

Forgive me, “The last case dealt with people from the Chu family. In this case, you have to deal with people from the Chu family. You don’t have to inherit the family business, and you have to be a monk. Have you found out why Chu Xin became a monk? ”

“Chu Xin is a fool, running a train on his lips, and he doesn’t know which sentence is true or which is false.” Yi Fei said, “but we have learned one thing-Chu Xin is nominally the nephew of Chu Linxiong, the head of the Chu family. , But his status in the Chu family is actually equivalent to that of Chu Linxiong’s other four famous sons. Do you remember Chu Can?”

Ming Shu smiled, “In your mind, my memory is so bad? I can forget the case I just started.”

“I didn’t mean that.” Yi Fei said, “After all, you were not here with Chu Can at the time, and it is excusable that the impression was not deep.”

Ming Shu clicked on his temple, “No matter, every case handled by the Crime Squad is with me. Chu Can, Chu Linxiong’s illegitimate son, illegally detained Liu Mei and killed one Liu Meiwei. The girl he was looking for. The Chu family had given up on him a long time ago.”

“Yes, this is Chu Can.” Yi Fei said: “Compared with Chu Can’s own son, Chu Xin’s nephew is more concerned by Chu Linxiong. There has always been a saying within the Chu family that Chu Xin is actually Chu Lin. Xiong’s own flesh and blood. Now Chu Linxiong is about to retreat, and the next four sons are fighting for power. Chu Qing—the one implicated by Chu Can last time—has the strongest limelight, but before Chu Xin didn’t become a monk, Chu Qing Everywhere I was crushed by Chu Xin, it was not as beautiful as it is now.”

“It’s another giant infighting.” Ming Shu sighed.

Ordinary people are keen to understand the gossip of the rich, but most of the police do not like to handle the cases of the rich.

“Since I am so capable and I was spoiled in Chu Linxiong’s place, why did he suddenly become a monk?” Ming Shu said, “Is it true that as he told Fang Yuanhang, all handsome men and beautiful women have slept, and suddenly I saw Hong Chen?”

Yi Fei said, “He has a bad heart.”

Ming Shu raised his eyes, “Huh?”

“Seven years ago, Chu Xin had a medical experience abroad.” Yi Fei said, “What he did was probably a heart transplant.”

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