Madman’s Retirement

Chapter 24: Farewell For Now

"...And so that's how I got this nifty hat!"

After Grant had left with his newfound artifact, the artificial dungeon had shortly collapsed, and the next day he'd presented the new hat to the two students.

The new mesh between the two masks was essentially a black plague doctor's mask, with all the fancy embroidery a plague doctor's mask could have, those little contours, lines and the occasional screw like object.

The mask contained the healing capabilities of the raven sages mask and increased thought processing, while containing the plague doctor's ability to cause death and control plagues wherever it went. Truly both sides of the spectrum.

There were cracks running through the masks, from which the divergent colors of red and blue escaped through.

Of course the real question was...

"Why are there horns on your mask?"

"They're so cool! You look like a real monster!"

The horns.

"Well, I haven't removed the other mask. And since it has a phasing ability, I just decided to wear two masks at once. "

Dain's brow furrowed.

"Then how are you going to eat? The relic isn't capable of phasing through objects, unless you know how to enchant relics too, which I find highly unlikely."

"Two words: Watch Me."

And they were treated to the sight of a honorable raven sage... passing food through the mask in the most possibly ridiculous way.

"You don't have to use your hands you know." He didn't bother being amazed.

"That's disgusting! Wash your hands or something!"

"Enough about me! Lets talk about you two! You're leaving tomorrow, right?"

Dain sighed, becoming despondent as he gives up on the man in question.

"Yes, we're leaving tomorrow. Are you sure you don't want to come with us? This place isn't exactly the most exciting."

Grant chuckled. "Don't worry about me. There's enough here to keep me entertained for a good decade or so. Now quiet down, I have things to give you."

Natalie noticeably straightened her back in excitement causing Grant to be bemused. Truly, she becomes interested once rewards are involved. Dain may have the potential, but Natalie has the mentality.

Rummaging his pockets, Grant drops a bag in front of each.

"Enough cultivation boosters in here to last you for the next year or two."

He pulled out a necklace next, with a simple pendant resembling a bestial eye of sorts. It was simple, and yet had a demanding presence. It demanded attention.

"An old friend of mine." He indicated.

Dain's eyebrow raised but ultimately chose not to comment.

Natalie on the other hand, pushed.

"Do you put all your friends into items?" she asked innocently.

"No, not quite." Chuckled Grant. "Unlike the ones in your possession, this one isn't incomplete by any means, nor is he human by any means."

"Well, teacher, may I inquire as to what reason you would give me such an item?"

"To save your life of course. As a cultivator and as your teacher, it's only natural I hand you some life saving items for your times of need. And this is item number one." He lifted the item, indicating for one of them to wear it, with Dain eventually deciding to grab it and to place it upon her neck, fiddling a little as he did so with some difficulty.

After deciding the result satisfactory, he sat down, a little embarrassed by the time it took him.

"Thank you Dain. It looks beautiful!" She gave Dain a hug and a big wet kiss before sitting down.

What was it his eastern friends called it? Making others eat dog food? Hmm, yes, this feels about right. He didn't expect a kiss, but that was just cold. Eh, whatever.

"Anyway, if you're in any actual danger than my friend will be woken up and will emerge to defend you two. My marks all over you, so he'll know to protect you. He's a king level spirit, so there's not much in this world that can really stop it."

Natalie looked genuinely surprised, looking at the necklace with a renewed view.

Dain looked a bit more worried. "Are you sure that's safe then?"

Grant snorted. "You're cultivators. There's no such thing as truly safe.

You're also adventurers. There's nothing safe about that.

In that equation, the safest thing there is is the king level spirit settled in the necklace."

"So he's not unstable in any way right? King level spirits aren't exactly known for being quiet." Dain asked worriedly.

Grant waived it off. "Trust me, he's one of the most stable spirits in existence. And one of the least combative too. The only thing he considers a real enemy is taxes."


"Yeah, he's a spirit that used to serve a dragon I know, and often calculated the dragon's money and taxes for him. We made a deal, and I made off with one of the best tax calculators in existence. And a king level spirit I suppose."

Dain just nodded a bit lightheaded. To claim a spirit for... tax purposes.

"We all good? Great. I also have these for you." As he pulls out two rings, one for each of them.

As they slip them on, Grant explains their purpose.

"Those are spacial storage rings. You won't need them once you develop a divine realm, but for now it's best to store your valuable stuff in this ring. Besides, most cultivators don't leave their stuff in their divine realm since its a mode of combat. It also has the ability to teleport you away from a fatal blow, back to my location."

He paused. "What do you say?"

Dain eyed him. "Thanks?" He said uncertainly, while Natalie said nothing, merely putting the ring on her ring finger humming happily.

Seeing nothing more was said, and feeling a bit awkward, he said thanks again, a bit more genuinely while sheepishly looking at Natalie, who was a bit lost in dream land.

Grant rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Go have some fun before you leave tomorrow. In fact," he tosses them a few gold coins, and Natalie reacts happily, grabbing the coins, giving Grant a great big hug, and running off, dragging an unfortunate Dain with her.

"Seriously, who does she get that from." Muttered Grant.

The next day Grant went to their caravan to see them off. While Dain and Natalie had a simple see-off, Leon was more worried.

"Are you sure you want to stay? I'm sure you can feel it."

He looks around, but thankfully they're outside the town, so no one is there to hear.

"Don't worry, I'm aware. I'm sticking around for it."

Leon studied his non existent face. "Are you going to take a side?"

"Nope. But there will be chaos. And I tell you this, some of the best fun is to be had in chaos."

Leon looked unsure still, so Grant decided to just hand him the formula.

"Can you really just give me this?" Leon says astonished. "This is extremely valuable, to just give it to me... what if I decide not to come back to you anymore."

Grant shrugged. "Don't worry about me. I'm not a one trick pony. I've got plenty of other formulas to sell if I'm low on money. Besides, you'll rarely find someone on my level for so cheap."

Feeling satisfied with this, Leon said bye.

"If you ever come by the capital, feel free to stop by and see me at the adventurer's guild. I'm going to be there for the next year or so."

Grant nodded. "Sure. Send your wife my regards. And if you guys ever need something alchemically inclined, give me a call."

A few more farewells and handing out honeybeers and the caravan was off, heading to the royal capital. Hopefully in a years' time when his students returned, they'd have formed their divine realms and Grant would hopefully have thought of something to give them weapon wise.

As the caravan left, Grant stood there for a little before heading back into the outpost.

He got a few funny looks from soldiers, but that was probably because he upgraded from demon mask to horny bird.

What should he do next...

Sorry yall. Chapter may seem a bit rough, and honestly this was a bit harder of a chapter to write, seemingly not rolling off the mind as well. Really, it was just meant to close up so I could move to the next part of the story.

And for people wondering why Dain and Natalie aren't worried about the stress building up in town, why would they? All Grant's shown them is proof he can take care of himself well enough.

Poor Leon thinks Grant is some random raven sage who makes dick potions, who's decided to stick inside a place about to burst.



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