Madman’s Retirement

Chapter 2

When Grant came to, he found himself in a simple room, but elegant in its structure. A nice combo of white walls, blue accents, and nice furnishing.

Shame it was littered with bottles.


Before he could get any further in this observation he was hit with an intense headache. “Not again," sighed Grant. As the headache intensified, memories started flooding in. They weren’t his. At least, they weren’t originally. They belonged to his new body, empty of its original soul, but not its memories. Parents, upbringing, relationships, family, knowledge, all of it flowing through Grant’s mind. And he could only come to one conclusion. “Great I’m scum now”


Jonathan Leocartas was the third son of the count of Leocartas, on of the most powerful nobles in the Romana Empire, and as a result grew up with an inferiority complex. His older brothers loved him and treated him kindly but surrounded by the whispers of all the wrong people and his mediocre talent drove him down a path of debauchery.

Drinking and women had made him the talk of town and with a constant flow of these acts, eventually the Leocartas family had no choice but to drive out the shame of their family and he was placed in a guard post at the duchy of Rasta … whose duchess he was currently the lover of. The duchess, a widow for 5 years, had been entranced by Jonathan’s beauty, and was wooed. At least that’s what Jonathan believed.

As Grant looked through Jonathan’s memories, he concluded that Jonathan was naive, and merely a tool of pleasure for the duchess. He was summoned, not requested, and the eyes, those were the eyes of a predator. Grant took a look at the mirror that Jonathan had for some reason. How vain for such a small room. A mirror that large shouldn't even be made.

But Grant had to admit, as he looked in the mirror, that Jonathan had good reason to believe in his own beauty. A slender body, with soft luscious dark blue hair, he was the very definition of slender beauty. Those ruby red eyes were quite enticing to people too. He still missed his own blue eyes though.

“Well, I should probably grow my magic circles first,” muttered Grant. One glance at his body, he could tell this man had not cultivated his qi, nor grown his magic circles. Funny enough, this body had mediocre magic talent but high qi potential. ‘He was just born in the wrong part of the world.

'I know plenty of masters who would've died to take him in.’


A day later he had managed to construct his fourth mana circle. ‘It really helps that I’ve maintained everything from my life as Grant. Speaking of which.’ “System, Status” commanded Grant.




Name: Jonathan Leocartas (Grant)


Class:Alchemist/ Magician/ Martial artist


Level: 1


Skills: Imperial swordsmanship (intermediate), alcohol tolerance, endurance, flame(basic)


Mana Circles: Four


Qi cultivation: 0








“Umu” Grant noted that although he maintained his classes, his skills weren’t labeled. It’s likely because this body had only ever committed the skills that Jonathan had learned. Either that, or the system would just update those later. In a new world, the branch off of the system would need to do some restructuring.

Not that he'd care. Frankly, he was likely to never touch the system, because frankly, it wasn't for the experienced like him. It was for the up and comers, who needed access to materials and an easy way to get stronger. Most battles were over resources, and many were killed early on because of potential. Levels were there to boost their strength and hopefully give them an extra edge for survival.

‘He was at least an intermediate in regards to imperial swordsmanship’. His sword skills weren't amazing, but they were decent enough.

Grant noticed the smell and so casted the basic spell clean. As the room was cleaned Grant heard a familiar tingle and the familiar feminine yet robotic voice.

[Congratulations, you’ve learned the basic spell: clean!]

‘So it only counts as learned upon casting.’ It made sense, since the system had thousands of players currently being turned into monsters even as he breathed, and likely, system 0 didn't have the time to drill into his brain and list everything on his stat list.

“Well if that’s the case” Grant picked up Jonathan’s sword. It was a simple yet well crafted sword. One look and Grant could recognize the mithril used to create this sword, and the mana stone embedded in the hilt could not be cheap. He could feel the love the Leocartas family had for their son, no matter how far he went. A shame that ultimately, their actions did not reflect their love.

This would suffice for now in helping him to refill his skill list. To past the time.

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