Madam Han, Your Vest Has Fallen Off

Chapter 98 - Godsend

“Then my sister-in-law is really a woman who hides a dragon and a tiger. If such a powerful woman is chased by Brother Heng, how can I feel like a good cabbage is being arched by a pig?” Jiang Chao sighed.

After Chu Ming single-handedly knocked down all his brothers before, he knew that this little girl was no ordinary person.

Now I suddenly regretted that I didn’t chase Chu Ning with a sullen face back then.

Such a powerful woman, even if a tigress marries home, she has a face.

“That’s the only thing I can do. Are you jealous?” Even if it is cabbage, it can only belong to his family.

The other two people in the car sighed for a while.

They didn’t expect to hear Han Hengchuan say such things one day.

By saying this, isn’t he admitting that Chu Ning is the cabbage in a disguised form, and that he is the pig that hogs the cabbage?

I can’t show it, I can’t show it.

“How is the situation on Jiang Sheng’s side? Has anyone caught it?” Han Hengchuan asked suddenly.

“That guy is very cunning. When our people got there, they were already empty, leaving only an empty house.”

Jiang Chao stretched his waist, and there was some anger between his eyebrows that hadn’t caught anyone.

“However, although we didn’t catch the big head, we caught a few small ones.

I don’t know if those people are stupid, they have already left, and a few of them stayed there to watch the wind, and they happened to be caught by us. “

Jiang Chao bought and shook his red hair, with a flamboyant personality and a little disdain.

At that time, after receiving the notification from Brother Heng, he immediately took his little brothers to block people, but who knew that they had rushed to death in the past, they were still a step slower.

“Since someone has been caught, there will always be a breakthrough. These few days you have been staring at the places I said, don’t care about the others.” A dark light flashed in Han Hengchuan’s eyes.

“Hey, I said that Brother Heng, your seriousness is really different. Think about the girlfriends you used to have. How can you manage other people’s affairs like you do now, and still care about it sneakily.” Jiang Chao sighed.

This is already the case now, and when the time comes to chase the younger sister-in-law, it will not be more important to look down on friends.

“Brother, just know it.” Chu Yao said.

Chu Yao suddenly thought: “By the way, Brother Heng. The group of people who assassinated you in the suburbs of Licheng that day was pretty impressive. They belonged to the Heishui Group. People who listened to me said that they were still buying murder to kill the sister-in-law. “

“No, you can meet the same group of people when you are hunted down” Jiang Chao sighed, “It really is a godsend!”

“It is indeed a god-given evil fate, and there is one thing you never expected. The little sister-in-law was there on the day that Heng Ge almost died in Licheng, but the same group of people was not encountered.” Chu Yao said with surprise and pride.

This was only found after several weeks of investigation.

Han Hengchuan became interested: “Talk about it.”

“How should I put it? Anyway, I think the sister-in-law is quite mysterious. It seems to be investigating something, but the people who calculated the sister-in-law transferred a batch of tobacco after that.

This doesn’t seem to be a big deal. Tobacco is valuable now, and it is not surprising that there is such a factory.

The strange thing is that my sister-in-law cut her wrist because of this incident, and was calculated by her stepmother and sent to a mental hospital.

Although I don’t think that my sister-in-law’s ingenuity can be calculated by my stepmother, I still find it strange. “

Chu Yao finished speaking in one breath, and turned on the phone, and handed it to Han Hengchuan.

“Did you see it? This picture is clear. It’s that place. Didn’t you meet your sister-in-law the day you met the killer?”

After Chu Yao finished speaking, he winked at Han Hengchuan, the ridicule was very obvious.

The page of the phone was quickly swiped at Han Hengchuan’s fingertips. Three minutes later, the phone was returned to Chu Yao.

“It seems that my daughter-in-law is going to do big things, how can this be without me?”

Han Hengchuan started the engine again and his eyes fell far away.

The two sitting behind cast a blank glance at each other, and they were called a daughter-in-law before the horoscope was written. Do you want to nod?

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