Mad God

Chapter 235 – Feyn and Rayner

"Not good, Commander!" the guard captain hurried into the main chamber of the Spire of Malevick.

"I felt it." Malevick nodded, not opening his eyes, meditating at the top of the stairs leading to his throne. "It was Keina and our prey."

"Yes." the armored figure knelt down before the steps, "They had a sudden meeting in their new building, and after hours later, the top of it was blown apart, the two emerging, exchanging multiple blows across the city before they separated. The whole city is in an uproar, and multiple families are getting ready to battle."

"She held back. By the estimates of our Lord, she is a powerhouse at the same level as Aerthus. At least we know she does not have knowledge about the trap. She is still trying to go for the throne and keep the casualties and collateral damage to a minimum. A naive take, an attempt to rope in support from the people. The word 'leader' has its clear meaning, the one who leads! The rest should just follow it. What she does is time-wasting, but it is the best outcome for us." Malevick cracked a faint smile.

"We have to step in, even if it backsets our progress a little!" his soldier spoke up after a brief silence. "The risk they pose is far greater than what we stand to lose, Commander!"

"We are close… the formation is 86% ready…" he opened his eyes slowly, not looking at his soldier, but towards the Spire of Keina.


"Activating the formation right now would not kill her… we need it to be at least at 95% strength." he stood up, walking down from the throne room, holding his hand behind his back.

"Should we ignore their fights and focus on fueling it? I could double the number of our brothers to fuel it. On rotation, we could reach the required threshold in a week." His man asked respectfully.

"I thought of that, but it would leave us weakened. There is a possibility that it won't kill her when activated. Even if it's at 100%. We need to be ready for that outcome." Malevick explained with a stoic voice. "I'll need to remain here and guide the formation. I already memorized the girl's energy signature; I'll be the chains that lock her up. If she survives, she will be greatly weakened; that is when we will strike out and kill her, removing a deadly threat to our King."

"Yes, Commander!" the soldier slapped his chest, bowing towards him, watching his commander's back.

"One more thing."

"Yes!" he straightened up with a firm shout.

"I'll perish with the activation of the formation. After me, you are going to be the next Malevick." His words, even though nobody could see his soldier's expression, clearly shook him in body and spirit before he went down on both knees, kowtowing towards him three times. "I decided." Malevick continued, "Choose volunteers from our brothers, who are willing to supply their life to the activation of the formation! I want it ready in three days! Until then, go out in force and if any important places are in danger of any kind of attack, deal with it accordingly!"

"Glory to the one true King!" He shouted while Malevick repeated his words calmly, watching him walk out of the Spire.

"..." he slowly opened his palm, holding an amethyst crystal inside, and when activated with his energy, a recording of Zelig's voice echoed out from it.

"Kill her. No matter the cost. Everything is to be sacrificed if necessary. The people. The city. The plateau. The bloodline."

"It is going to be done, my Lord," Malevick whispered, crushing it, walking back to the throne, sitting down, and continuing meditating, fueling the formation under the Spire with his own life force. "As the last of my kin, I'll fulfill the duty that was bestowed upon me. Glory to the one true King!"


"How's the preparation?" Ren asked while Daryan cupped his hands towards her.

"My family is ready. The most vulnerable people have already been transported here, like mom."

"Good! Don't worry, Ariana is going to be there; she is going to make sure you sell it perfectly~" Ren grinned, patting his shoulder. "Take it as an exercise! Fight with all of your might and give out every frustration you have inside! You won't have any other chances like this! A fun event where you can smash things willy-nilly! Geez… I even envy you a little!"

"Haaah… okay!" Daryan nodded with a deep breath as he was really nervous about the upcoming battle. "I'll do my best!"

"That's the spirit! Just look at Balbeer. He is already out and has gone through two battles. He even improved greatly; the best exercise is a live exercise!" she slapped his back, sending him out, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'll keep them safe, Master." Ariana walked next to her, "Are you going to visit Veponia?"

"Yes. Her courtyard is also near a point of interest we have to blow up. We are going to make something up to do it. I don't know what yet, but I'll improvise."

"Those who are not in the know are going to be frightened… Maybe the reputation you have built up so far will be wasted completely now. There were already rumors you are just like Rudrick, who only played nice until all obstacles were gone, and now you are fighting for the throne with tooth and nail." Ariana sighed.

"Doesn't matter." she crossed her arms with an honest smile. "My reputation is unimportant when this many lives are on the line. Go! We have no time to waste!" she patted her head before leaving, heading straight to the Brightseeds' courtyard.

Inside Veponia's chamber, such a scene was playing out that not many at all expected. She was lying in bed, naked, gasping for air, hugging two men from both sides. They were 01 and 02, who rested their heads on each of her breasts, enjoying the softness to its fullest extent. It was clear what they had done, and for the first time in her life, Veponia had a satisfied and happy expression on her face, caressing the two's heads. But before they could enjoy the aftertaste of what just happened, a shout reverberated throughout the city of Rozex.

"What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing?" rumbled the deep thunder as the sky darkened very quickly. It was not just them who flinched, but even Malevick's eyes sprung open, sitting on his throne, trembling a little, feeling Ren's real strength washing over the city.

"The 95% won't kill her…." He murmured before going back to meditation, determined to see to her death one way or another.

“Oh damn… those two now did it…” Ariana clicked her tongue, also looking up at the sky, standing next to Daryan in the courtyard of the Nelvis family.

"Those two?" He tilted his head, but Ariana just waved her hand.

"Never mind. Master will take care of things. You just focus on what goes on here! While every eye is on her now, we can do it even more quickly!"


Back at the courtyard of the Brightseed family, up in the air, Ren was looking down at 01 and 02, who hurried out into the garden with only a bathrobe on, meeting the cold eyes of their Master.

"This is not what it looks like!" 01 tried to speak with a weak voice.

"The fuck it is, then? Professional gymnastics? Are you two going to participate in some event? Maybe I can help with it."

"N-no…" 02 shook his head, but he was quickly struck down, almost literally, as a bolt of lightning blasted a small hole into the ground in front of him.

"Shut it, Rayner," Ren said with a flat tone.

"Hauh!" 02 jumped backward, already crying and panicked, as their Master had never called their names since the day they became her servants.


"Feyn. I told you what life she had. Yet you two…." Ren turned her eyes towards 01, who would fall to his knees if not for Ren's aura preventing them from doing so.

"Wait!" Veponia rushed out, dressed only in a towel, but Ren waved her hand, enclosing her in an energy bubble, separating her from the rest.

"We'll talk after. Stay out of it for now." Ren replied with a quieter, kinder tone, but it soon turned back to a forceful and commanding voice, "You two! I give you a chance for an honorable death. Fight! Fight with all your might, so you don't die as dogs."

01 and 02 only looked at each other, and they knew there was no option to say anything, and they could only do as their Master said so. Their disappointment was not in themselves or in Ren or in Veponia, only in the fact it seemed the road had ended, and they wouldn't be able to follow their Master anymore.

"We had a good run…" said both of them simultaneously before flying up and attacking Ren with perfect coordination. Both of them utilized fire-based spells, lashing out with swords formed from pure energy, heating up the air around them until white smoke started rising towards the sky.

"Good!" Ren nodded, pointing out with one finger as a purple bolt of electricity jumped out, hitting 02's sword and shattering it in the process. It sent him flying away, crashing into the courtyard's wall, blasting a hole into it, and going through the nearby building. 01's swing, in the meanwhile, landed, but it only broke into pieces the moment it hit Ren's figure. It was like smashing a glass rod against an iron statue. "You are not focusing enough!" Ren reprimanded him as she flicked her finger, hitting him in the middle of his chest, blasting 01 away, and smashing him into another building nearby.

Now civilians were rushing away, terrified of what was happening, only understanding that the Brightseeds did something. Again. They were clearing the streets around the courtyard, leaving everything behind, knowing that drawing the wrath of the descendant of Rudrick could only mean death… and they did not want to get caught up in any of this. As this was happening, Vepoina, at first, was scared and desperate to get out of the bubble she was placed in by Ren. She was the one who initiated it all. She was the one who was swayed by the care and kindness the two showed toward her. In the end, she was the one who asked them to let her experience what it means to be loved and not just used. It was the first time she understood how to enjoy herself, and she was shocked by the feelings she experienced and was deeply grateful for them. She wanted to scream it out toward Ren, but she realized something before she could do so. Watching Ren's eyes, she did not see wrath. Anger. Nor disappointment. All of it was missing, but 01 and 02 could not recognize this because of their state of mind, already accepting this was it for them.

"You are not going to kill them…." Veponia murmured, watching Ren, and then she heard her voice coming from the energy shield around her.

"Of course not. I already realized what was happening when I arrived!" Ren giggled. "Your happy expression was very telling! It is all good if you were the one wanting it and not them forcing you to do it."

"Yes! It was all me!" Veponia blurted out, still a bit panicked for their safety.

"Ahaha, relax~ They are going to be fine!" Ren raised her hand in the meantime as lighting came down, blasting the two who had just climbed out from the rubble. It coursed through their bodies and destroyed a few other properties around them as an aftereffect.

"But… they are hurting!" Veponia said with a trembling voice, watching from afar.

"Because they are lazy bastards!" Ren rolled her eyes, "Their cultivation is stagnating and filled with wishy-washy nonsense! I won't be satisfied leaving them here if they don't have the strength to defend themselves and you! Two idiots…" She pursed her lips with a slight pout. "Feyn and Rayner served me well. They are even helping me now, destroying some good places~" she looked down at the two screaming men who still did not realize that the 'punishment' traveling alongside their energy channels were expelling impurities and correcting the wrongs they committed while cultivating. "It is time they stand on their two feet and regain their names. You wouldn't want to call them by numbers, no?"

"I…" Veponia fell silent as the shield around her faded, and she could watch everything that was happening.

Just as Ren raised her hand and the sky trembled and rumbled, three armored figures appeared, blocking the still incoming lightning bolts with massive, towering shields, 'sparing' 01 and 02 from getting hit again. By then, even the two dense servants of Ren realized something was not right as their bodies did not suffer any injury. Completely the opposite, they felt stronger and healthier than ever before. It hurt like hell, but… it was clear their Master was not about to kill them.

"This is so like her…" 02 transmitted a weak voice to 01. "She did not tell us beforehand and used us to destroy the selected buildings… tsk…."

"I am not complaining…" 01 moaned, "We even gained a lot. I think we should thank her after this all!"

"Hey… who are these suited-up golems?" 02 looked at the golden armored figures towering before them, blocking the view towards the sky.

"Damn, if I know… are they talking to Master?" 01 answered.

"My ears are still ringing, so it is hard to hear them!" 02 replied as both of their hearing were still muffled, and every noise was drowned out by the electricity buzzing stuck into their ears. "They are saying… stop? And cease every… fuck, I can't hear… I hope it is not permanent!" he moaned, scratching his ears with a finger.

“Hey… 02…” 01 gulped.

"Huh? What?"

"Why is she still gathering energy…?"


Both of them gulped as soon as they realized Ren did not stop at all. She was only looking at the armored figures, still ordering her to stop this once and for all or face the consequences.

"Everyone is gone…" 01 stood up with weak knees, followed by his brother. "We should bounce… right… right now!"

They did not even look back, just disappeared from under her as fast as they could, and when only the golden soldiers remained, Ren flashed a smile, answering them for the first time since they appeared.

"Fuck off." she brought down her hand, and a thick, column-like lightning bolt crashed down from the sky, engulfing the trio from the Spire of Malevick.

When the rumbling of thunder and the blinding light show finally died down, only a giant crater remained inside the city, eradicating half a dozen houses in the meanwhile. Not even their armor remained, only a deep, massive, smoking hole.

"Hmf!" Ren clapped her hands before flying away, disappearing, leaving a stunned Veponia behind. When regaining her senses, she rushed into the house, dressed correctly and hurrying towards the Spire of Ren, almost falling multiple times in the process.

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