l♥️ve takes time

Chapter 1: chapter 2

what do I say now? -- I need to say something' I murmured in my head when she fell mute and just stood there staring at me, as if expecting me to speak. But I had nothing -- absolutely nothing to say.

The brief silence was awkward and biting -- making me rather uneasy than composed.

"So uh..." She broke the silence, pointing over her shoulder at her house as she slowly retreated a step back. "I guess I should get home... Probably help my mom -- she's alone in the kitchen. So you're coming right?"

"Yeah sure" I assured in a hearty voice. Then I raised the cake she brought halfway up my chest and added. "I just need to drop this inside and tell my parents before coming over."

"Okay" she nodded with a smile before turning around and walked back to her house.

I quickly retreated myself into the house and leaned my back to close our palour door; shutting my eyes closed with a broad blushing smile breaking through my lips.

"Who was that at the door?" My mom's voice suddenly filtered into my ears and brought my eyes back open.

"Uh.." I cleared my throat, quenching the smile on my face as I stood straight to look at her standing near the dining entrance. Then I answered, saying "It was one our new neighbour's kid.. she came to give us this." and raised the cake up for her visible eyes of my mom before moving towards her.

"So is it the cake, or was it the fact that the girl came that got you smiling?" She said in a jesting tone, giving me a teasing look before folding her arms; waiting for me to respond with a wide smile on her face.

"Mom!" I exclaimed in displeasure and paused my steps in front of her. Partly, I felt like giggling to her playful tease, but the other side of me just said 'No...hold it'

"What?... I stood here for about a minute or so watching you smiling to yourself -- isn't that strange?" My mom spread her arms apart with an amused laugh.

I didn't want to give her the pleasure of thinking that I was catching feelings someone, let alone Nora -- never! I knew my mom, she'd use that to taunt me for years to come. So I thought up something to say and parted my lips to speak.

"I was smiling because I uh... I remembered a joke one of my classmates told in class yesterday" I lied with a shrug, faking a grin to convince my mom whose eyebrows were raised in doubt.

"Hm-mm" She gave out a mocking hum and folding her arms again. Then she chuckled, "And you had to remember yesterday's joke today eh"

I clenched my jaw in embarrassment. Her response only revealed how foolish my lie was. But I cared less what my mom wanted to think, all I did know was that I had zero -- I mean, zero chance of being in any romantic moment with my neighbour Nora. And even if it happened, it would only be inside my head!

So I handed the cake to my mom and asked. "Mom, do you think is right I go to our neighbours house?... They invited me to come have dinner with them."

"Sure... Yes, sure you can" My mom blurted with an approving nod of her head. Then she studied my face and asked. "But do you want to go?"

I rubbed the back of my neck with my right hand and nodded at her in affirmation.

Then I noticed the edges of my mom's lips slowly curving in a somewhat mocking smile before her voice broke out. "What happened to the Henry of this morning that vowed never to be friends with those same neighbours?"

'Urrgh!' I groaned in my head and turned around; rolling my eyes in frustration as I walked for the door. I wasn't in the slightest of chance ready to give my mom a reply, else, she would have started giving me sermons on how she was right and why I shouldn't be quick to judge someone. Yeah, I got that now.

"Send our regards to them that we've received their cake and -- and that it was delicious. Oh and, don't stay past 8 o'clock" My mom shouted behind me as I opened our palour door.

"Okay mom" I answered in a loud voice; gently closing the door behind as I stepped out and crossed over to Brian's house.

I gave three light knocks on their entrance door and smelled my breath on my left palm before adjusting the collar of my shirt as I waited for someone to get the door.

"I almost thought you won't come around like you said this morning" Brian expressed his excitement when he pulled their palour door open to see that it was me.

'Pffff, don't get all rejoicing, i didn't come to actually see you' I heard a voice murmur these words in my head as I stood, looking at Brian with a pretentious grin on my face.

"Well, I guess I was feeling bored and decided to come over -- you know, play the Ps4 in your room like you suggested" I lied, giving Brian a false impression that he was the reason for my coming. And he bought it; Infact, my words got him even more cheerful.

"Come in... Please coming in" He chuckled, pulling me into the house before shutting the door. I turned my head from left to right, searching to see if I could spot Nora inside their palour. But she wasn't there.

"Come, I hope you don't mind joining us -- we are about to have dinner" Brian informed, placing his right hand behind my back as we walked forward.

We were just about reaching the dining room, but halted our steps when we saw Nora coming out of her room down the corridor.

"You made it" she paused her steps in front of us, giving me a welcoming smile. Then I turned my head to look at Brian who was now giving me a 'what's-she-saying' look. I could tell he was somehow confused and puzzled by the fact that his sister knew I was coming; unknown to him that she actually invited me over. Well, he'll just have to catch up because I wasn't going to explain myself to him; not now -- not tomorrow or forever!

"Yes" I returned my gaze back at Nora who smiled and walked into the dining room.

Then Brian clamped on my left shoulder and whispered to my ear. "How did she know you were coming over?"

"Maybe she must have listened into our conversation that morning when you said I should come over this evening so we could play the Ps4 together" I lied with all seriousness, turning to look at Brian who gave a 'i-guess-so' shrug of his shoulders before leading me into their dining room.


After a delicious dinner of white rice and chicken stew, I and Brian went to his room and played his Ps4 together for about 30 minutes.

"Wooh... Man am on fire" He gloried in triumph and raised both hands high in the air when he won the game.

"I must give it to you, you're very good" I confessed, dropping the game pad beside me on his bed when my eyes caught sight of the stew stain on my white shirt, close to my bre*st pocket.


"What's wrong?" asked Brian after hearing my low growl.

"Please do you have a napkin so I can clean this off" I asked immediately, turning to face him.

"Uh, no... But you can go to the kitchen. There are napkins there" he suggested, studying the stain on my shirt.

So I nodded and stood up from the bed to leave his room; walking hurriedly towards their kitchen when i brought my steps to a nervous stop on entering. Nora was inside, leaning her butt on the kitchen cabinet as she stood with her eyes buried on her phone screen. I was kind of relieved she didn't notice me and was slowly turning to leave when...

"You wanted something?" Her voice sounded behind me, bringing my steps to a quick halt.

So I turned around to face her. "No..uh, yes. Yes" I stammered awkwardly, swallowing hard as I took tentative steps into their kitchen. "Actually I came to get a napkin -- I have a stew stain on my shirt" I cleared my throat and halted my steps in the centre of the kitchen, staring straight at Nora who placed the phone behind her bum-short jean pocket as she pulled away from the cabinet to get a napkin.

I don't know why I always feel nervous around her; almost as though her beautiful charm was having a strong effect on me even as she approached, holding the napkin.

"Here you go" said Nora in a soft voice which sounded unusually romantic in my ears as she stopped in front of me; holding the napkin up. I couldn't help my heart from pounding hard as we stood so close to eachother.

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