Lunar Marked

Chapter 23

[Content Warning: Smut]

The sounds of water poured all around us, rain drizzling down onto the mansion. Camilla, the dark sorceress, stood in front of me, her shadow cast ominously over my form as she looked me up and down. 

“Come, we need to get you ready to see the Praevus. He’s inviting you to dinner. But first, I need a bath, and this time you’re helping.”

My mouth opened and closed, too stunned to respond. In a stupor, I followed her to the large metal tub standing in the room, where she stopped with her back to me. I was a bundle of nerves, but I didn’t protest. The opportunity to see her naked once more wasn't something I wanted to complain about. At the thought that I would have to actually touch and wash her bare skin, however, my mind began to melt. 

“Help me get out of this, would you please?” 

Camilla wore a dress made of cloth rather than the strange shadows that normally covered her form. My hands shook ever so slightly as I reached forward and touched the fabric along her back. Despite being real, it seemed to want to shift and flow around my fingers, confusing me and making undoing it all the more difficult. Pulling at the strings, I clumsily untied her dress from behind and slowly loosened it. She slipped it from her left shoulder, and I froze up, my eyes wide. Her fingers brushed underneath the right and then slid the dress slowly down, exposing her back to me, until finally, it simply slipped past her butt and to the floor, leaving her dark naked skin entirely on display. 

She turned toward me, and my face steamed as I caught a glimpse of her breasts before pointedly averting my eyes. She hummed, and I did a tiny startled jump as she took a step closer. The seductive sorceress bent just slightly forward until her face was aligned with my own. Fingers grazed lightly against my cheek, and I looked into her eyes, inches away from my own. Her lips were spread into a sly smile. 

“So flustered at my nudity. You’ve seen my bare skin a few times now, haven’t you? Surely you should be almost used to the sight by now.”

I shook my head, as though denying that I’d ever peeked at her naked body, despite both of us knowing it to be a lie. In a moment of weakness, my eyes darted downward, glancing at the generous swell of her breasts and below, where a hand hid away her lower privates. Or was it possible that she was touching herself? … I stared for a moment longer than anticipated at the hand-covered crotch, and with a blink of my eyes, looked back up to her face. Red as a beet, I turned fully away from her and faced the other side of the room. Words began to splutter out from my mouth.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t — I wasn’t — I —“

Arms wrapped around my chest and her head leaned atop my right shoulder, as she pulled me into a hug. I could feel the touch of her naked breasts as they pressed against my back.

“Shhhh,” she shushed, “You haven’t seen anything I didn’t intend for. Are you ready to give me my bath?”

She waited as I took several moments to put my mind back together enough to understand her question. Slowly, I nodded, finding it a bit too difficult to speak. 

“Good,” she purred. “Then let us get started.”

She released me, and I took a breath of air to steady myself, adjusting my footing beneath me. To my back, I heard the turn of a knob and the splash of water as it gurgled slowly from the faucet and into the tub. 

As it began to fill, Camilla’s voice spoke once more from behind. “You can turn around, you know.”

With another deep shaky breath and gulp, I turned. Camilla was leaning down next to the edge of the tub, feeling the temperature of the water. My eyes trailed up her long legs to her shapely bottom, only slightly covered by her lizard-like tail. 

“The water here doesn’t get nearly as warm as it would at the Capital. But it’s still quite nice.” 

I absently nodded, as though I knew anything at all about what she was talking about. All the baths I’d ever had were cold and drawn from a well. A warm bath seemed like a magical dream to me. 

This trail of thought was an acceptable one, however. Anything to keep myself from taking in her naked dark skin; the curve of her hips, smooth stomach, and naked breasts; the way her long hair flowed out past her shoulders and down her back and sides; and the clearly strong muscles of her arms and legs as she stood bent forward and swirling the water between her fingers. 

I released a breath, looking off to the side once again as I tried to steady myself, worried that I might fall to the floor. 

The squeak of a knob stopped the flow of water, and I glanced back over to find the tub filled and Camilla looking my way. 

“Are you ready?” she asked in a low voice. Something in her tone made me shudder, and a sly grin spread across her face.

My face heated, and I did my best to keep my eyes from trailing elsewhere. Why was she phrasing it like that, I couldn’t help but wonder? Something about the words made things seem erotic. This was just a bath, wasn’t it?

Nervous as I was, I couldn’t help but shake my head no. In response, she lifted her leg, stepping up over the lip of the tub and into the bath. Her fingers pressed delicately against the side as her other leg lifted in, causing the water to sway. She sunk down into the tub, facing away from me, and I stared as the water splashed up around her, a dribble making it over the edge and down the tub’s side. 

“Well, I suppose I could just wash myself. Though it’s always terribly difficult to properly reach my back. I’ll just have to manage, I suppose.”

The tips of her fingers slid lazily back and forth along the edge of the tub, and I bit my lip.

I took several deep and deliberate breaths, and with shaky legs, took a small step toward her. Then another. My legs felt as though they were made of hardened lead, unwilling to bend, yet threatened to wobble and tumble at the same time. They couldn’t make up their mind if they were heavy steel or jelly. Either way, it took great effort to move forward. 

I could do this, right? Right? 

I managed to blubber out a barely-coherent sentence as I made my way toward the tub. “I-i-i-it’s m-my dut-ty as y-your m-m-m-maid to help-p.” 

Camilla turned her head toward me and lifted a toe up out of the water. 

“Well, if you’re coming around, why don’t you start with my legs?” Her genuine smile could make grown men faint. I stood no chance against such a devastating assault on my heart. 

Nodding with vigor, I made my way around the tub, grabbing the sponge already full of soap. The large tub was full of bubbly suds, making it difficult to see into the water. Yet it made the rare glimpse all the more tantalizing. 

I tried to build my determination as I leaned over the edge, getting down onto my knees. Her leg eased up out of the water once more, and with shaky hands, I reached out. Fingers and then palm met her wet skin, delicately holding her ankle. Glancing up to her face, she gave me a warm smile that caught my breath.

“I'm surprised at how well your horns are growing in. Before long, they'll be bigger than mine.”

I couldn't help but reach a hand up to feel along the long shaft of the footlong horn rising from my head. The image of it brought lewder thoughts to mind. 

Redder than apples, I began to brush the sponge gently across the top of Camilla's foot as she wiggled her toes at me. With soapy fingers, I massaged her, pressing into the soles and rubbing her toes. She leaned back into the tub and closed her eyes, letting out the occasional appreciative moan. Her hair pooled up around her floating outward in the large tub. 

Gradually, I made my way slowly up her foot to her leg, both rubbing with the soft sponge and massaging her tired muscles. When I reached her knee, I became hesitant once more. An eye peeked open with a glint of mirth shining within. Slowly, Camilla lifted her other leg out of the water as the first sunk back down, and I got back to work on her massaging wash, starting once more with her foot and moving forward. 

It wasn’t long before I was back up to her knee once more. I clutched the sponge in my hand, uncertainty washing over me. If I was to go further, I would have to get into the tub. Not to mention…

Looking at my face, Camilla made a decision. “Wash my back, would you?”

Her command given, she sat up. Slightly panicked by the sight of her bare breasts, I scurried around the tub to her back, clutching the sponge to my dress and getting it needlessly wet. Camilla pulled her hair over her shoulder, exposing her back to me. Once more, I went down to my knees. My fingers moved out to touch wet skin, causing her to let out a small relaxed sigh. Slowly, I washed her back for her, doing my best to be slow about it and using my hands to massage her neck and shoulders before easing my way down. 

When I got down to her lower back, where the water of the tub met her skin, she turned to face me. Red eyes met my own, mere inches away. Our lips touched and my eyes closed. 

Stars flew around me, as I floated through space. 

When she pulled away, I opened my eyes to find her giving me a smirk. 

“Now do my front.”

My eyes widened like saucers as she turned her body, her breasts becoming the center of my attention. My eyes flicked between her face and them, somewhat uncertain of where I should be looking. 

After several seconds she said, “Well?”

I gulped and hesitantly reached out. My hands shook as I began to wash her shoulders, and slowly I made my way down. As I touched her breasts for the first time, Camilla groaned in pleasure. Slowly, I soaped them up.

“You can do better than that.”

As I met her eyes, Camilla peeled the sponge from my hand and tossed it in the tub. Grabbing my wrists, she placed my fingers up against her soapy breasts, and I stared down once more. A long moment of hesitation went by until I began to gently feel and rub her soft skin. As my confidence rose, my gentle ministrations became more firm. I began to properly message her. She gave me another happy moan, letting me know she was enjoying it, and further boosting my confidence. My fingers found her nipples, and I began to gently tease them as my fingers kneaded and danced. She groaned and shivered as I occasionally caught her by surprise, rubbing her in just the right way. Eventually, I began to make my way lower, down to her upper belly. 

“There’s one more place you need to get.” The smile she gave me was devilish. 

Her body turned once more and she leaned forward into the tub, pushing her ass up into the air in front of my face. Her tail swished happily in the air with a slow stride. My eyes trailed down between her cheeks, to where her lower lips resided. Despite having seen her naked, it was my first time actually seeing it. I held back the urge to touch and instead picked up the sponge from the tub. I had a job to do, after all. 

With care, I began to soap up her lower back and rear, before going into a more massaging scrub. My fingers slid their way up her tail, and she flicked the soap off of it, causing it to land on my face. My hand reached out to rub it, only to cause more to spread. With a huff, I got back to my vital task. 

Gradually, I worked my way down, until only one area remained. My hands once more shook as they moved forth, and I delicately sponged against her womanhood. It was slippery, and I told myself it might take quite a few passes to get it properly clean. Best that I be thorough about it, I reasoned. I wouldn’t want to shirk on my maidly duties. Thus up and down I went, as gentle as I could be. 

Camilla hummed. “I don’t think that will be enough. You’re gonna have to use your fingers.”

With a gulp, I moved the sponge, and my fingers gently pressed against her wet slit. Camilla sighed as I began to rub up and down, first just with one finger and then adding more. Eventually, I found my way to her hole, and my middle finger pierced smoothly into her. 


I gasped as my eyes shot open, my body shuddering in orgasmic bliss. The hand which had found its way into my panties gripped around my cock as it squirted into the thin fabric. I twitched, as I came, and a groan escaped my lips as I realized that I’d been dreaming. Sucking in a deep breath, I moaned once again, and the orgasmic high began to ease as my cock continued to pulse.

For several long breaths, I laid still, thinking back to the intense dream I’d been having as the high came down, unable to help but wish it were all real. With a sigh, I removed the hand from my panties, a trailing smear of cum following it. I grimaced as I realized the mess I’d just made of my underwear, and likely the nightgown and sheets as well. Pulling the quilt away, I made a face down at the wet spot below. I gripped the upper part of the nightgown, wiping my hands clean of the sticky wet stuff, before pulling it up over my head and to the floor. 

My eyes trailed over to the mirror, and I took in my mostly-nude form. Disheveled bed-hair stuck up from my head, and I resisted the urge to use my cum-stained hands to try and straighten it. My panties were messily soaked, and sheer enough to basically see through. The look of them brought a small flush to my cheeks. My eyes trailed up to my chest, and I squinted as I tried to decide if they were bigger or not, as I’d begun doing most mornings. Walking up to the mirror, I cupped my hands against them. Did they seem perhaps a bit perkier? 

My lips curved into a happy smile before I forced it down into a frown. What did it matter if they were bigger? I wasn’t a girl. If anything, I should have been ashamed of myself, and doing whatever I could to slow the progress of this curse. 

The sudden knock rapping along the door made me jump. I turned in surprise, staring dumbfounded at it. Shouldn’t Camilla be asleep? She’d never woken up prior to me before, and judging from the light in the window, it was still quite early in the morning. But if it wasn’t her, then who else?

“Pearl?” came the soft voice of the sorceress.

The handle turned and my eyes widened in outright panic. 

“Are you awake?” 

My foot shot forward as I moved to stop her from opening the door, and my lips parted. “Just a–”

The door eased open and I froze, an arm reaching out as though I could stop her. Camilla stood in front of me, once more cloaked in a low-cut shadowy dress. Her eyebrow rose, and she took a moment to eye me up and down. 

Well, fuck.

Back again! Hope everyone's had a good week. Mine's been not too bad, honestly. I've gotten to chapter 28 now, and am about halfway through writing it. Hoping to have it completed and posted on my Patreon tomorrow, which will put me back to five chapters ahead of scribble, halfway to 10!

I've been wondering what other sites I might can expand my writing to. I'm not sure if RoyalRoad will accept this story, as they tend to be a bit restrictive on sexual content in stories, but I've sent them a message to ask about it. AO3 is another that I'm thinking about, as it's a pretty big/popular site. They focus on fanfic, but they do seem to still have a lot of original works. Do you have any other sites you read stuff from? Let me know down in the comments; it might be helpful!

As always, consider joining my discord and/or patreon if you haven't yet! I'm hoping to write full-time at some point in the future, but I'm a fair way still from getting there. Every bit of support and feedback helps me to hone my craft and gradually become a better and more prolific writer!

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