Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 18. Dueling Jinzo

We were all silent, while processing what was happening. Jayden ran up to me with fire in his eyes. “You have to duel to get the souls that Ghost Jinzo stole back!!” I was stunned why he would pick me, he seemed to be fine with any soul, and Jayden offered first. Jinzo then spoke to me in that creepy voice of his. “The terms were met by those who summoned me, but I need more to materialize. You seem to already have enough power to materialize me for years.” Jayden then brought my attention back to me. “You need to help the people he already drained!!” I frowned while looking back and forth between Jayden and Jinzo.


I then nodded slowly and walked in front of the group. “Alright Duel Spirit… I have my own terms…” This seemed to perk up everyone, especially that part where I said this was a Duel Spirit. Jinzo breathed through his apparatus for a bit before talking. “State your terms…” ‘This is my bet… You all can back out before I begin.’ I thought to my Duel Spirits. My head started ringing from the resounding ‘No’ that I heard from all of them in one way or another. I smiled and nodded. ‘Thanks guys…’ “We’re with you to the end.” Copycat said to me in a calmer tone. 


I was ready to state my terms then. “You win… You get my soul to power yourself up just like we agreed… But if I win… You release all the souls you took, and join my legion.” I smiled at my deal, but I then thought why I was saying it in that terminology. I then heard a low chuckling. “Boy… You have formed a connection with me, and a few of my servants… You are bound to take a few characteristics from us… A King must always be excited to face a strong adversary, and a way to gain for himself and his people.”


I heard Jinzo make a raspy laugh for a bit while Alexis started yelling at me. “Rakki!! Don’t overestimate yourself!! Just save the Obelisks!! But don’t try to bargain with that thing more than you have to!! You don’t know what that thing is capable of!!” Jinzo also stopped laughing and began to speak as well. “The deal has been set… Just know that even if you do win, I shall just take you over myself…” I began to chuckle quietly, and as I continued, I broke into a laugh myself. Causing everyone to quiet down to understand what I found funny. “My companion and I can break his will easily… You did a good job bringing him to us, for our kingdom…” I heard the gravelly voice say to me. I smiled and laughed at how I might get a really strong card to help my deck out. 


I looked back at Alexis and the rest with a calm smile. “I’m willing to take my chances…” I finished with a grin before looking back at Jinzo. “Duel!!” 

4,000 Rakki ---- 4,000 Jinzo


I yelled as we each took out cards. Jinzo spoke in his raspy voice “I Draw!! First I summon Malice Doll of Demise in attack mode!!”


Malice Doll of Demise/Fiend/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:1600 Def:1700 Malice Doll


“Next! I play the spell card Ectoplasmer!! This allows each player to sacrifice one monster on the field, at the end of their turn! Then half of that monster’s attack points are dealt to the opposing player as damage!!” Just then I saw the chucky look alike doll get destroyed by the spell card Jinzo just put up, and after it was done, a white ghost came out of the spell card and rushed through me. I felt the cold aura of death in my chest as I felt the chills, and my life points diminished. “Rakki!! Your body!!” I heard Syrus yell at me as I looked down to see that I was starting to turn transparent. I sighed and nodded as Jinzo laughed. “You shall soon be mine…”


3,200 Rakki ---- 4,000 Jinzo


I sighed to shake off the chills, and drew a card. “I Draw!!” I then looked at my cards. I smiled when I saw my hand. ‘Good to see you girls.’ I could feel happiness coming from them as I began to play. “First I play the card Summon Dice!! This allows me to pay 1,000 Life points to summon different kinds of monsters to the field!!” I was in pain as I felt my life slipping away.


2,200 Rakki ---- 4,000 Jinzo


The card then shot out a die that tumbled around until it landed on 5. “Alright!!” I yelled before I kept my turn going. “That means I can special summon Dark Witch from my hand to the field, in attack mode!!” I put Dark Witch on the Duel Disk, and watched in awe of her beauty being shown in front of me. She smiled and gave me a small wink before looking back towards Jinzo with a scowl. “Then I play Dreamsprite in attack mode as well!!” Just after I explained who I played, I saw Dreamsprite appear on the field with a teasing smile, while only strands of hair were blocking her blue breasts. 


Dark Witch/Fairy/Normal/Level 5/ Atk:1800 Def:1700 Dark Witch


Dreamsprite/Plant/Effect/Level 2/ Atk:300 Def:200 Dreamsprite


I smiled as I began my battle phase. “Now!! Dark Witch! Dreamsprite!! Attack his life points directly!!” Dark Witch and Dreamsprite both smiled at each other and nodded before flying over to Jinzo at full speed and hitting him with a spear, and with her blue hands respectively. “Now I lay two cards face down and end my turn!” I yelled in a cheery tone. “Why didn’t you destroy her!? She’s too weak to stand up against his monsters!” I heard Alexis yell behind me. I smiled, but wanted to wait for the big reveal.


2,200 Rakki ---- 1,900 Jinzo


Jinzo continued his raspy breathing, but I could feel his malice for me from here. “Enjoy your little victory while it lasts, mortal. For soon I’ll have possession of your soul… I Draw! And because Malice Doll of Demise was sent to the graveyard from the effect of a spell card, he automatically resurrects.” I then saw that creepy doll claw its way back out of the ground staring at me. ‘Thanks for the nightmares on that one…’ “Don’t worry! I can hold you through the night!” I heard Dreamsprite yell in my head. I sighed but had a small smile on from the offer I would probably take.


Malice Doll of Demise/Fiend/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:1600 Def:1700


“Then I summon Emissary of the Afterlife in attack mode!!” I almost forgot it was Jinzo’s turn still, so I focused back up. 


Emissary of the Afterlife/Fiend/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:1600 Def:600 Emissary of Afterlife


“Now I have Emissary of the Afterlife attack your Dreamsprite!!” Jinzo pointed at my Dreamsprite, and the dark reaper looking monster came flying towards her. “Not so fast!! I activate Dreamsprite’s effect!! Whenever a monster attacks her, she can allow me to choose a new target for your monster to attack instead!! And I choose my Dark Witch!!” Just as I finished explaining I saw Dreamsprite blow out some pink dust, before disappearing, and the Emissary of the Afterlife attacked my Dark Witch instead. She had a higher attack so she grabbed his scythe with her bare hand, and stabbed him with her spear. Both girls smiled, and I felt so proud of them. 


Jinzo did not seem that happy though. “When Emissary of the Afterlife is destroyed then both of us get to pick a Level 3 or lower normal monster from our decks to be added to our hands! I choose Thousand Eyes Idol!!” He held up this disgusting looking monster card that made me want to claw out my eyes to not be added to that thing, but I had to focus on what card I would get. “And I choose Baby Dragon!!” 


Jinzo stopped battling and decided to close his turn. “Hmmm… I place two cards face down…” He groaned a bit more as I moved to my turn. “I Draw!!” I yelled as I looked at another Duel Spirit I hadn’t used yet. I smiled at him and nodded. “I summon Sasuke Samurai #4!!”


Sasuke Samurai #4/Warrior/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:1200 Def:1200 Sasuke Samurai #4


“Now Dark Witch! Attack his Malice Doll of Demise!!” Just as Dark Witch began to attack, Jinzo yelled. “I reveal my trap card! Spirit Barrier!! This allows me to take no battle damage as long as I have a monster on the field!” Dark Witch continued her attack, and destroyed Malice Doll of Demise, but Jinzo took no damage. I shrugged at this and continued my assault. “Sasuke Samurai #4!! Attack his life points directly!” Sasuke nodded at me and began to charge forward with his spear. Until Jinzo did it again. “I reveal my other trap card! Call of the haunted!! This allows me to bring a monster from my grave and summon him to the field!! And I choose my Malice Doll of Demise!!”


The doll began crawling out of the ground again. ‘If I can get rid of that card then he can’t bring it back, but I don’t have anything to do that… I could try my luck at that coin flip for Sasuke to kill it outright again…’ I wanted to, but I felt like my luck had shifted, and I would get a bad result if I tried it. I clicked my tongue. “I end my turn then…” I heard the others behind me now. I had been mostly in the zone, and tuned them out, but I could hear Syrus asking questions while Alexis, Jasmine, and Mindy were answering them. “This is great! Rakki has him on the ropes!” Syrus cheered. However Alexis noticed my expression of self doubt. “Rakki…” Was all she could say right now.


“I Draw!” Jinzo yelled through his mask. “ I summon a monster face down, and attack your Sasuke Samurai #4 with my Malice Doll of Demise!!” I felt like it wouldn’t work, but I had to try anyway. “I activate Sasuke Samurai's effect! This allows me to flip a coin during the battle, and if I call it right then your monster loses all of his attack points during the battle!! And I call Tails!!” It was then that both monsters froze before they clashed, and a coin was tossed above them. I held my breath, hoping for it to be correct, but it landed on heads. “Shit…” I uttered under my breath while my Sasuke Samurai #4 was being destroyed. “Ugh…” I felt my life slipping further away from me.


1,800 Rakki ---- 1,900 Jinzo


“Rakki!!” I could hear the fear from Alexis while the rest were just as scared. “Now I activate my Ectoplasmer’s effect! And I choose my Malice Doll of Demise to deal another 800 damage to your life points!!” I saw as the ghost came flying at me and stole more of my life as he passed through me. “Ahh!!” I screamed as I felt like I was slipping further away from the mortal coil.


1,000 Rakki ---- 1,900 Jinzo

I heard Jinzo laugh at me through his mechanical mask. “Your soul will be mine…”

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