Lost in Melilem Grove

Chapter One

Chapter One




The sun gleamed down on this Monday morning – illuminating the single road to Melilem Grove. The trees stretched over miles, and there was nobody around. The birds were flying in the air, chirping their songs joyfully as if to greet this brand new day. There was even a light wind in the air, and it was expected to be sunny for the entire day.

Juniper Kale was on her way to the Melilem Grove for three days to take a few photos of the flowers. She had bragged to her friends and family – which had made them green with envy – and the best part of Juniper’s business trip was that all expenses were paid.

Being a 22-year-old photographer was such an astonishing feat for Juniper. She had graduated top of her class at the University of Layton, and was scouted by Botany Tomorrow Magazine. They were amazed that such a young person is so talented. Juniper’s professor even vouched for her amazing camera technique and helped direct her.

Ever since she was a little girl, Juniper had been obsessed with photography. For years, she told her parents that taking photos for a living was all she wanted. Her parents even bought her toy cameras initially, and ended up buying her some real ones.

Junior’s friends and family were truly proud of her. Juniper had crawled to fame, while all the newspapers knew who she was, as did everybody on social media. Hell, many people on YouTube did videos singing her praises and saying they aspired to be her.

Juniper’s burgundy buttoned shirt rippled from the wind, as did her silky honey roast hair. Her maroon shorts clung to her body, and her feet were in her burgundy boots.

Juniper’s sunshades had protected her Teak Wood coloured eyes from the rays of Mr Sun.

Her little sister, Maple, offered to come with her on her work trip, but she told her sister she’d be all right on her own. She promised to text her when she’d be heading back home.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are looking at sunny skies, during our scorching British Summer,” said the radio DJ. “And for those who are out on the open road, look out for any wildlife that may be crossing. And now, back to our rock and roll Thursday, folks!”

The radio returned to playing rock music from the eighties, which made Juniper grin.





Finally, Juniper arrived right outside the Melilem Grove: Boasted of being 15 acres and it had existed for over hundreds of years, but was only a tourist spot for thirty years.

The people who visited the place had stated there was a magical power to this mystical grove. There’s a video game online that drew a lot of inspiration from this magical grove: it’s a psychological horror, and a throwback to survival horror games from the late nineties.

Juniper carefully parked her little Ford Fiesta in the perfect place. She shut down the engine and took her phone out of the glove compartment and quickly dialled.

Juniper spoke, “Hey, it’s me, Junie! Listen, I’m just calling you to say that I’ve reached Melilem Grove! Yeah, it looks really nice. Yes! I’ll be fine, please, don’t worry about me...

“... Before you go, there’s something weird, I need to tell you: When I was at the rest stop, the locals told me about this weird urban legend about the guardians... If you go past them, you get lost in the woods. ... Oh, you have to go? Okay, sis, love you, bye!”

Juniper got off the phone. She grabbed her wine-red handbag, as well as her car keys.

Subsequently, she unbuckled her seat belt and exited her car before locking the door.

After securing the car, she put her car keys and phone in her purse.

Junior looked around, and saw several cars in their own parking spaces. She wondered if she would meet new friends while exploring the Melilem Grove.

But the strange thing was that there were no cars in front of her. Either they had arrived here hours before her, or they were a number of days before her.

Juniper made her way to the boot of her car, and her boots crunched the gravel ground.

She took out her camera bag and tripod bag out of her car boot and locked the boot.

Juniper walked out of the parking lot and she headed straight to the front gate.

The iron gates to the Melilem Grove stood high and had dwarfed Juniper.

With a beaming smile on her face, Juniper stepped inside the grove.





Melilem Grove felt like it’d come out of a fairy tale. The trees were the size of giants and looked as old as time. The birds tweeted in their nests and glanced everywhere. Many adorable rabbits skipped about and scampered across the forest. Squirrels jumped from tree tops to tree tops – like little ninjas – grabbing as many acorns as possible.

Juniper marvelled at the delights of the wooded region with a shining smile. She was like Alice, who had eventually found her Wonderland, and she hopped along the grove’s path.

After admiring the sights, Juniper finally came to the right place.

There seemed to be a bunch of Sapphire Scorches blossoming.

Juniper set up her own gear and started taking pictures.

She ensured that all possible angles of the flowers were obtained.

Juniper didn’t wanna quit. She desired to capture every flower.

She packed up to find someplace else.

Soon, Juniper came across the fabled guardians, as was in awe.

The guards resembled a gate guarded by redwoods. Their branches looked like the arms of old men and their roots resembled sprawling tentacles.

Juniper noticed that the scampering animals avoided this place. She blinked and knitted her brow. She didn’t understand how dangerous it was.

She was about to turn away when a breeze wrapped her in its cool embrace.

Juniper faced the gate, with an intense stare, and she was suddenly fascinated.

She smelt pine and fruit, and her head felt woozy – as if under a fantastic drug.

Juniper’s arms fell next to her, her eyelids were heavy, and she exhaled.

The fresh air enveloped her like a lover, which tickled her bare legs.

Without thinking twice, Juniper abandoned her belongings.

Juniper moved like a puppet, and waltzed past the guards.

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