Loss A Love And Gain Three






It's been days, and Bree has been trying to control her gift while feeding on animals whenever she is hungry. It was hard at first; the animals had bad taste, but it was better than hunting humans. Since she’s trying to travel without being noticed, she’s in Canada. The pull is bringing her closer to whatever she’s feeling. She can only hope it’s not dangerous. How could it be when the pull she’s following feels warm and safe?

She’s running now, feeling both excitement and fear. She doesn’t know what is at the end of the pull but whatever is at the end of this journey, she knows her gift will keep her safe. Now in Alaska, it’s snowing—the weather she hated the most when she was homeless. She used to feel the biting cold constantly, but now she doesn’t feel it, for which she’s grateful. Denali Forest is beautiful, with snow covering the trees.

She stopped at a cabin-like house as she emerged from the forest, surprised to see so many vampires coming out of the house. She makes eye contact with each of them, but only one stands out—the one who makes her feel love and protection, a caramel-haired female. "Who are you?" a blonde woman asked.

I’m Bree, and I mean you no harm. I was following a feeling that led me here... to her," Bree pointed at Esme, who was looking at her in awe. Everyone turned to Esme in confusion.

"Oh my God, this is hilarious," Kate laughed.

"What’s so funny, Kate?" Irina asked.

"All of this! Esme was on our team all this time, and that prude Carlisle didn’t know it?" Kate snickered. “I hope I’ll be there to see his face when he finds out.”

Esme sauntered toward Bree. "Esme, be careful," Alice warned. "She’s a newborn."

"It’s alright," Esme said and continued to walk as everyone watched her closely.

"My name is Esme, although I know you’ve already figured that out," she said as she looked into Bree’s orange eyes and held her right cheek. Bree leaned into Esme’s touch, feeling safe.

"Where are you from, Bree?" Esme asked softly.

"I’m from Seattle."

"Oh, interesting. I used to live not far from there." Esme turned to Tanya. "Can we invite her in? She’s not a threat."

Tanya looked at Bree for a moment, then said, "Yes."

Esme held Bree’s hand and led her inside.

 "Do you know why I’m feeling this pull towards you?" Bree asked.

"Yes, it’s because I’m your mate," Esme said softly.

Bree stopped and looked at her. "Mate?"

"Yes, that is, if you will accept me. I’ll love and cherish you for as long as I live." Esme smiled in happiness.

"Yes, of course, I’ll accept you. I’d be a fool not to, considering the emotions I feel towards you. Edward has a mate, but he refused to explain it to me," Bree added.

Everyone froze at that.

"What? Edward, with the copper hair, that mind-reading asshole?" Kate asked.

"Yes, that’s him—a controlling asshole, I’d say," Bree replied.

"Okay, we need to talk. Let’s go inside," Tanya said with a serious demeanor.




Three newborns were fighting over a human they had found near the warehouse where they were staying. The human was dead, too fragile to survive the newborns' scuffle.

"What the hell is going on here?" Carlisle shouted as he approached the newborns, punching and kicking them apart.

"The human was mine!" one female newborn hissed.

"I don’t care. Behave!" Carlisle roared, tired of the newborns' outbursts. He had already lost five of them—they had killed each other over a remote, each wanting to watch something different on the television.

"Carlisle, this can’t go on," Edward said. "We’re losing newborns, and the war hasn’t even started yet. When will it be time to attack?"

Carlisle ran his fingers through his messy hair. His light blue dress shirt was wrinkled, and he wore torn brown pants with no shoes. "Don’t you think I know that?" Carlisle snapped. "I can’t just set them loose in Forks and trust they’ll only kill those who betrayed us. They’ll attack the whole town, and then the Volturi will get involved, which I’m trying to avoid."

Carlisle threw himself onto the couch beside Edward, who was reading a book. Edward’s clothes were well put together—pressed white dress shirt, black pants, and shiny black shoes—which Carlisle envied. He had no time for himself, dealing with his family’s betrayal and the newborns, while Edward strutted around arrogantly as if he were in command.

"We have twenty newborns. That should be enough. Let’s guide them through the forest, where we can manage them better," Edward suggested.

No. There’s still a chance some would stray." Carlisle said in annoyance.

"Well, let me know when you think of something," Edward said, leaning back into the couch to continue reading his book.

Carlisle wished he could take that book and shove it down Edward's throat. He knew he was under stress, but he kept replaying past events in his head. He had to focus on the newborns and not let Edward know what he was truly thinking. One thing always stood out to him: it was Edward’s selfishness that had made him lose his family. His precious Esme, his mate—he truly loved her. He was their coven leader, they should stand by his side no matter what, shouldn’t they?




Everyone was gathered in the living room with Tanya standing in the middle, taking control as a leader should. Bree was sitting on Esme’s lap, wanting to be as close as possible to her mate. All the other mates sat close to each other. Tanya moved to stand in front of Bree and Esme.

"Okay, Bree, tell me everything from the beginning," Tanya said.

Bree sighed. "I was living on the streets when a handsome blonde man approached me, offering food and a safe place to live. I was wary at first—I’d never met anyone with gold eyes."

"Shit, that’s Carlisle," Kate cursed.


"Don’t interrupt, Kate," Tanya said softly. "Let’s hear her story first." She turned back to Bree. "Please, continue."

He seemed sincere, and I was hungry, so I decided to take a chance. I know it’s dangerous to trust strangers, but he was so kind. I followed him into a car, and he took me to a warehouse. That’s when I started to get worried. He told me food and a bed were inside, along with others like me. Despite the warning signs, I followed him in. There were five other people—four with red eyes who hissed at me and another with gold eyes who looked at me with disdain. Suddenly, I felt pain in my neck and realized Carlisle was biting me. I woke up hungry; my throat burned and I felt this pull towards something. I was in a corner with five others, screaming in pain. Carlisle threw a bag at me with red liquid. I didn’t know what it was at first, but I didn’t care. I drank every drop. Once I finished, Carlisle told me I was chosen to join his new family and fight those who betrayed him and threatened his new family."

"I told him I didn’t want to fight—that it was his problem, not mine. He became angry and said that since he gave me immortal life, I should be grateful and obey him. If I didn’t, he would end me as easily as he created me. I was scared. The look on his face when he threatened me... I’ve met men like him before, they are dangerous. I knew I had to do what he said, for now anyway. I decided to bide my time until I could escape."

Bree paused before continuing. "After I agreed to join him, he introduced me to Riley, his general, who made all the decisions for the newborns. Riley explained what we were and what was expected of us to be part of Carlisle’s new family. But I didn’t buy it. Five days later, I saw my chance to escape. Edward had gone to visit his mate, and Carlisle was out finding more people to turn. Riley caught me, but my gift helped me escape. I followed the pull I had been feeling since I woke up, and it led me here... to you." Bree turned to Esme, gazing into her eyes lovingly.

"I can’t believe Carlisle is building a newborn army," Emmett said, breaking the tender moment.

"To kill us," Alice added. "And why haven’t I seen what they’ve been up to?"

"Because Carlisle put a newborn in charge of decisions—a person you don’t know," Tanya replied, running her fingers through her hair. She turned to Bree. "How many newborns were there before you left?"

"Ten," Bree answered.

"There will likely be more after you leave," Rosalie said seriously. "We need to come up with a plan."

"A plan?" Kate repeated, still angry at the Cullens for what they did to her mate. "Carlisle only wants to kill you all. I say let him."






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