Lord Savage of House Deveros

Chapter 8. Fast Food Fights Back.

{Lady Luhea Deveros}


Luhea had just watched Alex break his slave collar, kill two people only to fall into a pit of sand he had somehow created. Now she was kneeling in the street with her tits like a common whore out while Yen leaned over their lover. The strong tiger woman removed his robe and took it to her. “Alex is alive and wanted to make sure you were decent. She just sat there numb and cold. She was almost raped, almost forced to have someone else’s babies. He had saved her and now her only thought was wondering if she had just lost the love of her life. Yen knelt down to look her in the eye. “Luhea?” Yen asked, but Luhea just sat there crying. “He’s alive.” Luhea was too numb to hear her lover. A slap across the face forced Luhea to her senses and she looked up angrily at Yen. “He’s alive, but we need to get him to a healer.” This lit a fire in Luhea’s soul, and she stood, wrapping herself in his robe that felt like armor holding her up. He was protecting her like the hero she knew him to be.

“Let’s get our man to a healer.” She said, each step building on the last one as she came to herself.

"We should loot first. They might have something for us." Yen broke out before they could move. She was right, if they had thought to use her like this, they might have something to tell her what house she would have to burn to the ground or at least something to make tonight worth it. Yen picked up Alex as Luhea pawed over the man who wanted to turn her into a baby farm. He had some interesting things on him. A linked slave coin, but her fingers stopped as she saw her own coin on the ground.

“Yen, I need you to pick that coin up. If I touch it, I’ll die.” Yen nodded at her words and pocketed the small coin, Alex held in her arms like a child. He looked pale and his right hand was badly injured. They ran through the streets, Constable Declos joining them on the way.

“What happened?” He asked as he looked them over.

“Alex and I were attacked.” Luhea replied as the three ran. The man seemed to double in speed as he let out a war cry. He opened the door to the healing house and Yen bolted in. Declos stood guard and Luhea came to a stop near him. “Two men attacked and enslaved Alex and me. He was able to break free of the collar, kill them and save me.” Luhea said as she fought for air. Declos nodded and waved her inside.

“Go tend to him. If he is stable, we’ll hunt them down.” The look in his eyes told her that he had spent time in the war and tonight many might die for their misstep. She stood in the healer’s house and waited to hear what would happen to the love of her life. She had lost him once and was worried that she was going to lose him again. By all rights he should be dead, but somehow, he broke his collar and saved her. Everything sunk in and she knelt on the ground, tears flowing freely. She had almost lost everything and was useless. She was a noble and the second in line to a house. She shouldn’t have allowed herself to become captured, enslaved and used like a plaything. Someone wrapped around her, and she sniffled as she blinked through the tears to see her lover, Yen holding her. The big woman made her feel like such a small child and right now she felt like one.

“It’s okay, he’s going to be alright.” Yen comforted her as she cried. “It’s okay. I know you must have been so scared.” Yen was being so nice to her that it helped clam her. Yen gave her the strength she needed. Luhea kissed her lover hard and stood, pulling his robe around her like armor that would protect her again. She had been trained to be brave when she needed, but always broke down when she was in private.

“Thank you, Yen.” She kissed her lover again, allowing the other woman’s emotions to strengthen her. Luhea cleared her eyes on his robe and took a deep breath. “I needed you, but now I need you to keep him safe.” She moved to the door, but Yen stopped her. The much larger and stronger woman pulled Luhea into a hug.

“I’m sorry. I should have been there.” It was Yen’s turn. Luhea laughed and pawed at the sweater dress that her lover wore.

“Yen, you have nothing to apologize for.” She reached up to rub those soft ears. “I love you.” Her lover pulled her hand down and kissed the back.

“Where are you going?” And this time it was Yen who sounded like a child.

“I’m going to do my part to ensure our family is safe.” Luhea the Knight Commander said. Her voice held the same Manasteel that her Knight was made of. She stormed out to find an army waiting for her. “I need my Knight, and we are going to deal with these swine.” Luhea said to the gathered town, a cold sneer on her face.

Sooner than she could ever had thought she was in her Knight and moved out of the building. Her love had transformed her Knight into a work of art, and she felt like she could take on the world in this creation. What would his Elk look and feel like? Unable to help herself she pulled the robe up to her nose as her and her army moved to the camp.  It smelled like him. He had been working hard that day and she delighted in his scent. If she had been born on earth, she would have stolen his hoodie, but she didn’t know that was a thing. It didn't stop her from wanting to hide this robe. It felt like his arms were around her, holding her close. It gave her strength, and she knew what she had to do. Some of the men in her army were tied up and it was clear they were with the caravan and were more than likely staying at the inn. The camp came into view, and she pointed the Shot Spear at the gathering peasants. The glow seemed to light the area as she was sorely tempted to end them all here and now, but she needed to know who was coming after her.

“What is this about?” The caravan leader asked. He was just another fat failed lord. Someone who lost his lands, title and people. She could see the fear in his eyes and delighted in it. Taking a deep breath, she triggered the magical speakers.

“Who attacked me?” Her voice seemed to roar over the camp, shaking the pots. The fat leader looked around and started sweating despite the cold evening air. “WHO?!!” She almost screamed.

“My Lady Luhea Deveros, Knight Commander of this town is demanding to know who attacked her and Lord Alex Savage.” Constable Declos demanded, and she could see a cold smile that seemed to promise death on his face. She was growing to like this man more and more. Wait, he had called Alex Lord and Savage? Was Savage his surname? Luhea Savage, Yen Savage both seemed to fit, but she would have to deal with those thoughts later. Her heart fluttered at the idea of being Luhea Savage. Pulling out the twin control coins she whispered into them

“Forget any orders anyone has given you and come to me.” The coins glowed and she briefly thought about what monsters they had enslaved. She was expecting murders, family killers, or Glade dealers. Instead of that, she saw a small, far too thin boy and a young woman who looked like they were about to die from starvation. Those weren’t monsters, these men were. She would make sure they paid. Enslaving children was just so uncouth. She knew it was done, but that was just to keep them safe when the parents were unable to care for them or, so she had been told. “Go to the healer’s house and tell him that your care is on House Deveros and Savage.” The coins and collars glowed, and she watched the children walk away. “Grunt three go with them. Make sure they are safe. They are a part of House Savage now.” Luhea said through her speakers. The man nodded and picked them both up. The tiny boy watched her Knight, wonder in his sunken eyes. Her heart went out to him, and she knew those children would be safe. The fat leader was blustering, but not really saying anything.

“Speak swine or DIE!” Luhea said echoing the powerful word of her love just an hour ago.

“Umm, Lady Deveros,” He started, bowing and waving all his men to grovel on the ground like the worms they were. “It was not our fault.”

“Who was the man who attacked Lady Deveros and Lord Savage? Constable Declos demanded. “Better yet, Contract Magic. All members of this caravan will be unable to lie for the time of our meeting. If we are pleased with your responses, we will let you live and leave.” Mayor Tolance held a fencing blade, and it was obvious he knew how to use it as he moved slightly closer. Her army pushed the tied-up men to join their fellows as she waited for their response.

“I speak for my men, and I agree. Let their punishment fall to my head.” The fat man said, bowing to her. So, the porker had some honor left. This was a good sign and something she could use.

“Who attacked me and my love?” Luhea asked. She had lowered the volume to something more reasonable, but still wanted them to know that she was more than willing to kill them all.

“He was a bastard from House Hintergolt. That is all we knew. He said he was traveling and joined up with us for the extra gold. We are missing one of our men so he might have joined in. Gos Ven Usavos is a lazy worthless fool.” The fat man was muttering, but he made sense. If someone had learned of her being here, they might try this trap thinking that she was unguarded. That being said, House Hintergolt would pay.

“What house do you belong to?” She asked the porker.

“House Bleasant, but I am the last one. We fell when I was a child, and I never had the chance to build my house back up.” She rubbed her chin inside her Knight and thought of what would be a suitable punishment.

“Mayor Tolance, will you allow me to pass judgment on these fools?” Luhea asked. The mayor nodded at her, but his sword was still at the ready. Her mind drifted to those children. Any lord who couldn’t provide for his people didn’t deserve those people.

“I order all of you to give up your slaves, leave tonight and know that your debt is paid with House Deveros and Savage.” She said, sagging in her seat slightly. It would be done either way soon and the slaves they were abusing would be safe. Something clinked as she lay her head back. She was a slave now too. She was Alex’s slave. Reaching a hand up, she touched the links and the collar. She belonged to him just like Yen. It was one more way they were sisters now.

The fat leader nodded and waved to one of his men. “Get all the control coins we have and offer them to Lady Deveros. I mean all of them. We are men of honor.” The fat man said, his face in the ground.

“Raise Lord Bleasant. Know that you are not enemies of House Deveros and Savage.” She said, pride filling her voice. She was a slave of House Savage. She was Alex’s. It was settling in, and she almost squealed at the thought. The man rose as a bag of coins was placed in front of her Knight. There had to be twenty-seven coins there. She nodded her Knight's head at Constable Delcos who moved forward to get the bag. It was clear he didn’t trust them and Luhea didn’t blame them.

“I order all slaves to disregard any orders given to you before this point. You will be unable to harm anyone in this town until further notice. Come with me.” A group moved forward as the caravan packed up. Two of the men moved forward.

“Lady Deveros, I am Gabson from House Nelton. May I be allowed to fetch my Knight?” He asked, bowing at her. She nodded.

“Commander Hervot will fetch your Knight.” She said as Meathead ran for the shop. The big man was smiling as he ran. Her lover had named him, and everyone loved the names he came up with.

“Lady Deveros, may I be permitted to stay? I’m not sure I can live without Ginger.” the other man asked, his eyes lingering on a squirrel woman who was looking back at him sadly. It was clear the two were lovers and he didn’t want to be apart from him. Luhea could tell the woman was a squirrel because of the round ears and bushy soft tail. 

“You may.” She replied. A heartwarming moment after a rough day was something she needed. The way they clung to each other made her want to be by Alex's side. He ran to her side and Luhea was a little shocked how no one in her town seemed to react. Some in fact either looked in jealousy or admired the couple. This town had grown to see Beast-Kin as people. She blinked for a moment. In her own mind she didn’t refer to Beast-Kin as animals. When did this happen? Before, Yen was just an animal to her. It was the way she was raised, but now she saw them not just as pets, playthings or tools to be used. They had thoughts, feelings and needs just like her. They were so much more than she had ever thought. When did this happen? What caused this? It had to be Alex. He must have changed her and opened her mind to the love this world had to offer. It was one more way that she was grateful to her new master.

Her mind full of new thoughts, she made her way back to the bay. Meathead said he would stand watch with some of the town’s guard just in case, but she knew the leader and his caravan wouldn’t go against their word. Honor was all some people had. Once her Knight was in place, she went to move from the seat when the chain from her collar clinked. She sat back and touched it again. She was Alex’s slave. He owned her. The thought rolled over and over in her mind. Her stomach twisted in a fun way as she sat there for a moment, her hand sliding inside his robe to play with one of her nipples. Would he spank her for being a bad girl? Would he make her do humiliating things like eat Yen out while he watched and played with himself like she had done when watching Yen? She shook as she thought of all the things he could demand of her. She was his and forced to follow every command he had. More so than that, it was a binding contract that her mother could try to buy off him, but she knew he would never sell her. Because of that, she was his in every way. If they had a child now, he would be the rightful heir to House Deveros. Her belly twisted and her hand moved lower as she bit her lip and drooled. She was going to drain his balls the next chance she had.

He never knew she was taking a potion to prevent children, but now that she was owned by him, she would never take it again. She wanted his children, needed them and knew he would be the perfect father. What about Yen though? She would have to write to her mother the next chance she had to see if there was something that could be done. Her mind went to the image of her and Yen holding his babies as he held them. The thought was appealing, and she felt closer to both Yen and Alex who were waiting on her. Steeling herself, she got out of her cockpit and became more relaxed and confident then she had ever felt before.

Her people, Alex’s people, seemed to have split, half taking care of the new slaves, some standing guard and some standing guard around her. She felt like a true noble woman, and it was because of her love. Walking to the healer’s house someone ran ahead to hold the door open for her. She bowed and thanked the man as she stepped inside. The room was bright, warm and she looked around. Yen was sitting on a couch, feeding a fox or coyote boy who was between two or three winters old. (2.6-3.9 earth years. Their years are 480 days long.) The young girl was laying on a couch. She looked rough, far too thin and was in a deep troubled sleep. She was too young to be a broken slave, maybe twelve winters (15.7 earth years.) if Luhea had to guess, but it was hard to tell with how poorly they had treated her. She walked over to the child and brushed her hair. Luhea felt a motherly instinct take over as she warmed to these children. They were his children, so they were also Luhea and Yens. The child’s eyes flickered, and Luhea hummed softly, helping the child sleep. Grunt 3 lay sprawled out on the floor and looked like he had been drained. Luhea pulled the blanket over the child’s shoulder and turned to Yen and the boy. The big woman held the small boy was looked at Luhea with wonder in his small eyes. Luhea knelt to be eye to eye with him and smiled.

“Hello there, little one. What is your name?” She asked as Yen rocked slightly, a warm smile on the tiger’s face.

“Gen, Master.” He said but she could tell he was a little worried about it.

“No, I’m Mama Luhea. This is Mama Yen.” Luhea replied. Yen hugged him tighter and Luhea let a tear out. Luhea now knew they both wanted to be mothers and Luhea would make that happen if she was able.

“Mama Lu?” Gen asked as he held the spoon up to Yen to refill. Yen kissed the top of his head and swayed, a soft purr filling the air. Luhea felt love filling her heart as she knew their house was full. She would have to beg Alex the moment he was awake. Luhea held out her arms and hugged the small boy.

“What is your sister’s name?” Luhea asked as she kissed the boy’s cheek. He laughed and she saw his tail wag with joy.

“Big sis Uta.” He said happily. “Will I get to eat more?” he asked and Luhea’s heart broke. This little one had been through more than she thought any child should ever go through. What monster would ever enslave children only to abuse them?

They turned as Healer came out from a small room. The old man was washing his hands with a rag and seemed a little drained himself. “Well, he’s up, but I can’t do more for these two. I just don't have enough mana.” He said sadly.

“Take my mana.” Luhea stated with pride. She would do whatever she would to keep these two safe. Healer smiled as Grunt 3 came to slowly. Alex came out of the room, leaning heavily against the wall. He seemed weak, but he was alive. Healer shook his head and went to help him to the entryway.

“Hi you two.” Alex said slowly with a weak smile.

“Don’t mind him, his brain is a little slow. Given all he has been through, it’s understandable. Let him sleep it off and he should be fine by morning.” Healer answered as he led Alex to a seat7 next to Yen.

“What the, hi little guy. What’s your name?” He asked as he held a finger out to Gen.

“Gen, what’s your’s?” Gen asked as he took Alex’s finger with a smile.

“You are a smart one. I’m Alex.” He said as his eyes closed independently. He must be so exhausted. Luthea thought.

“No, this is Papa.” Luhea said warmly as she moved to Alex’s side. He blinked at the child and then back to her.

“Okay, I’m Papa.” He said with a slight shrug and a laugh. “What’s wrong with him?” He asked as Grunt 3 sat up.

“He gave Healer all his mana after running to get Gen and Uta food.” Yen answered as she fed Gen.

“Good man.” Alex said as he slumped against Yen.

“Does that mean I get a new nickname?” Grunt three asked.

“Hey Arnald.” Alex answered with a slight laugh. “I’ll be back.” It was like he was drunk or just spent mentally. Grunt three or now Arnald laughed and nodded.

“I like it.” He said as Healer helped him up. Arnald bowed to the room and left a little slower than normal. “Sorry, but I’m used up for the night.” He said as he left the room. Constable Declos entered and bowed to Luhea, Yen and Alex.

“Lord Savage, will you and your house require help getting home tonight?” He asked formally.

“How did you know my last name?” Alex asked.

“I asked you once when you had a little too much at the inn one night. Thought it might be a good thing to know if something like this or something else happened.” The constable answered.

“And what is with this lord business?” Alex was leaning a little more as he reached over to poke Gen’s nose. The child giggled and batted away his finger.

“You are a Lord now. Lady Luhea can explain it to you in the morning.” He said with another bow. The man was treating Alex with respect and deference. Luhea almost felt like she was back home with the captain of the house guard.

“Master Declos, we would welcome your assistance.” Luhea said standing up and ensuring Alex’s robe didn’t fly open. That view was only for her lovers. Constable Declos snapped his fingers, and two men entered. One picked up the sleeping girl and the other put Alex’s arm around his shoulders. Given the size difference, it ended up being easier for the big man to just carry Alex. Her lover didn’t seem to mind and drifted off to sleep as they left. “Yen may I hold our child?” Luhea asked as she held her arms out to Gen. Yen nodded, kissed the top of his head once more and passed him over. The boy looked around but was quiet as they walked. Yen didn’t say anything, and the night felt peaceful and right.

The helper put Uta in the spare bed and Alex was placed in their now marital bed. Luhea held Gen as Yen locked up. When they were alone, Yen bowed to Luhea. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there today.” She said again.

“No one could have foreseen this. Neither Alex nor I blame you. Now we have a bigger problem.” Yen looked at Luhea, a worried expression on her face. “This little one and his sister need to get cleaned up. What one do you want?” She asked with a laugh. Yen’s tail lashed the air, but she looked at the spare room. It was clear what she wanted. “Gen, do you want a bath with Mama Yen?” Luhea asked. The boy almost leapt out of Luhea’s arms. She smiled at the pair as she went for a washcloth and bucket.

The night had fully set in, and she was able to get her own bath before moving to their room. Inside, their lover slept, his arms around Yen who was holding Gen. The small boy was already asleep and dressed in one of Alex’s shirts that seemed to swallowed him up. Tomorrow they would have to go shopping for the pair.

“I hope this is, okay?” Yen asked. Luhea moved to her side and kissed them both on the forehead.

“He is our child and needs us tonight.” Luhea replied. Yen purred and snuggled tighter around Gen.

“Thank you.” She said in a small voice as Luhea blew out the candle and took her space behind Alex.



I hope you guys are liking this one. I'm working on the next part, but it might be a day or two before it's done. What do you think Luhea's mother will do? How do you think she'll handle Alex?

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