Lord Savage of House Deveros

Chapter 11. It puts the lotion on its skin.


She had a ball made from the fur of a deer she had hunted and was passing it back and forth with kids. She loved the small child and watching him laugh warmed her heart. Tailor was nice enough to make the ball for free, but Yen had paid the woman back in furs. She felt like life was perfect and things couldn’t fail. The ball rolled across the floor to a set of three shoes lined up. Her heeled boots made her smile as she looked at the long heels. She felt so tall in them. Her lovers did everything they could to make sure she felt like a real woman. Gen ran after the ball, his bushy tail waving behind him and Uta giggled. “You know you can join us, and I will watch Gen.” Yen said with a smile to Uta. The younger woman blushed and pulled her tail to her. The coyote woman loved tight fitting pants and an almost manly style. 

“I know.” She said toying with a button on her shirt.

“You know Luhea likes women and men too?” Yen added with a poke at the smaller woman.

“I know that too. I just want to,” She trailed off, her face truing beet red. Yen knew she wanted to look more like Alex. Luhea was obsessed with him and Uta wanted to be viewed in the same light. It was a little strange, but the smaller woman had a lovely ass that had filled out as she healed up from her struggles.

“Alex and Luhea like you.” Yen said with a friendly pat to the younger woman’s arm. Uta nodded and watched her little brother run back to toss the ball. The game went on like this until the door opened and Gorloth, the huge orc man walked in with Alex in his arms. Much to Yen’s shock, Gorloth’s collar was gone, and he was looking at Alex in awe. It wasn’t the look of a lover, but rather the look of someone who viewed someone as a god. Yen followed after seeing the hurt look in Luhea’s eyes. Something clearly had happened between them. Luhea clung to his dangling hand as the big orc helped him to his bed. Yen was worried, but he looked healthy, if not slightly tired. If Yen understood things properly, Alex and Luhea had a fight and Alex broke Groloth’s slave collar. Yen wasn’t sure how she felt about all this. Alex had recovered before, but this time he looked stronger. Yes, it had taken a lot out of him, but in a few hours he would be fine. It was a far cry from the way he looked after he set himself free.

Yen stood quickly and took her man from the big orc. Alex was awake and reached up to stroke her face. “Hey there beautiful.” He said almost drunkenly. She smiled down at him as they walked through the house. Gen was clinging to his sister who was shooting daggers at Alex. Gorloth left without a word, his eyes locked on Alex. Luhea followed Yen, her hands clasped in front of her, head lowered. She had been crying and smelled sad. Yen and Luhea helped him undress and Luhea stood there, unsure what to do. Yen kissed her and pushed the small woman to their bed.

“I’m not sure he wants me around.” Luhea tried to protest. Yen gave her a sad laugh and looked over at Alex who looked hurt.

“He loves you. The two of you need to be close. I’ll take the kids for a walk.” Yen said as she pushed Luhea to bed with their lover. As she knew he would, his arms wrapped around the blonde woman. Alex struggled with talking, but she knew that Alex would make things right between them.

Once he was settled, Yen took the children out for a walk. The days were growing cold, but the air was fresh and crisp. Gen was attentive as Yen pointed out the tracks of animals, but Uta was distracted as her eyes kept wandering back to their home. “Do you think he is a bad man?” Yen asked as Gen swung a stick like a sword. “Do you think he hurt her?” Uta asked, the anger flowing off of her.

“No. I think they had a fight, but Alex would never hurt anyone he loves.” Yen replied proudly.

“How can you know?” Uta asked.

“Papa is a good man.” Gen said, scowling up at his big sister.

"What is really bothering you?" Yen asked as she smirked down at Uta. From this angle, she could see down Uta's top. She had a chest that was nearly as large as Luhea's now.

“I, I, I just feel like I don’t have a place here. You handle hunting, Alex and Luhea bring in money. What role do I play?” Uta asked.

“The loving daughter. I think though you are more worried about having your spot filled over filling one.” Yen added with a playful swat of her tail at Gen’s head. The little boy was actually paying attention to them and burst out in laughter. Yen knew the little boy didn't really understand them, but wanted to join in.

“Big sis Uta loves Papa.” He said, as the ears of the other woman went back.

“Fuzzball.” Uta shouted as she made a swipe at him. Her face was bright red. Laughing, Yen picked Gen up out of her range. He clung to her shaking as he held his tail, the fear beginning to roll off him.

“Relax Gen, she’s not upset at you, just embarrassed. Embarrassed by the truth.” Yen shot back as she kissed the small boy’s cheek. He calmed down and Uta covered her face in her hands. “I can smell it too, little one.” Yen added as her tail lashed the air.

“I know.” Uta mewed. “Don’t tell him, please don’t tell him.” She begged as they walked.

“I won’t and he is an idiot when it comes to feelings. He won’t know until you tell him.” Yen bumped the smaller woman with her hip. The blow came nearly at shoulder level given the height difference. This seemed to calm her down as Uta leaned against Yen. The tall tiger woman's mind went back to Alex and Luhea. Something had to be done to help the two. An idea started to form, and Yen smiled to herself. She should have enough to make things happen. Turning with Gen in her arms, she headed for the Inn.

“What are we doing?” Uta asked.

“You two are going to relax at the inn for the next few hours. Enjoy yourselves and watch the games. When the sun sets, come home and get a good night’s sleep.” Yen said happily.

Walking into the inn was a little shock to Yen as the Innkeeper and others openly bowed to her. “Lady Yen, how may we help you?” Innkeeper asked. She had been told that Alex was now a Lord so that made her a proper lady, but hearing it was a shock. She bowed her head slightly back as they walked up to him.

“Master Innkeeper, I was hoping to take home three meals and if these two could stay here until dark.” At her words someone stood at one of the tables and walked up to her.

“I shall watch them as though they were my own children.” If Yen remembered, his name was Es. The man was a good fighter and handled himself respectfully.

“Lady Yen, these two will be well cared for. Rest easy and take care of Alex and Luhea.” Innkeeper said with a wink. Lily was bouncing around the room, but on hearing everything she ran up to Yen and held out her arms to take Gen.

“I know a good table where he can watch the matches.” She said warmly. Innkeeper went to the back to cook them dinner as Yen watched the room. Yen smiled as Gen’s face lit up. He loved watching the games and Yen knew he would try it if he were able.

Soon she was walking home with a bundle of food that should make her lovers happy. Everyone seemed to be bowing to her, and it made her feel a little self-conscious about everything. It made her feel like she was home. This place had become her home, and it was all thanks to the people she loved. Would Uta ever work up the nerve to join them? Yen hoped so. Those two needed as much love as they could get. She new Alex and Luhea viewed Gen as their child, but as for Uta, she was a woman and wanted more.

On the walk up the path to their house, she saw Alex sitting outside looking mildly upset. He hugged his knees like a child and Yen put the food inside before going back out to join him. He was the perfect size so she could lean on him and lay her head on top of his. “Tell me what’s wrong.” She said as her tail snaked its way around his back.

“I fucked things up with Luhea.” Alex said with a sigh. Yen fought a slight laugh knowing that he could never screw things up between them. “Luhea said something,” He grunted. “Bad and we had a fight about it.” his hand went up to rub her ears and she hummed slightly at his touch.

“Tell me what happened.” She said warmly.

“She called you,” He took a breath, “An animal. I know she didn’t mean it, but Yen you and the others aren’t animals.” Yen nodded. She didn’t fully understand the problem, but it was clear it upset him.

“What do you plan to do now?” Yen asked, kissing the top of his head.

“I don’t know.” He answered with a sigh. His eyes looked so lost and she fought the urge to pull him to her lap. Would he view that poorly?

“I have an idea and we have the house to ourselves to pull it off.” She replied with a coy smile. She stood and helped her lover to his feet. He hugged her tightly and she rubbed the back of his head.

“Thank you, Yen.” He said as her tail lashed the air with joy. She kissed the top of his head and pulled him inside. He had a coy smile as he followed her tail. She loved to wave it in front of his face as his eyes always locked on it like a small child. He didn’t care that she was a runt, he loved her as a woman and now they were both needed to make sure that their lover felt loved too. She pulled him to their bedroom and moved to his hidden spot. Inside was one of his treasures. He raised an eyebrow as she pointed at the bottle and then at the sleeping Luhea. He nodded slowly and she handed him the oil before moving to Luhea. She carefully undressed the sleeping woman. It was lucky the woman had never slept openly in the wild as she would have woken. Much to her joy Luhea stayed asleep and soon the blonde was sleeping happily on her belly, fully unclothed and visible to the world. Alex gave Yen a worried look before looking at the bottle. Yen nodded and let her fingers move slowly over Luhea. She moaned in her sleep and Alex took a deep breath before oiling up his hands. He gave her a questioning look as he moved to Luhea’s feet. Yen nodded and licked her lips. He took another breath and started. It was careful at first, but Luhea’s moans built as she slowly woke. “Alex, what are you,” Her question was cut off as Yen held her. “That feels,” She let out a loud low moan. “So good.” She whimpered. Yen couldn’t help herself and let out a low purr as she undressed and moved to place Luhea's head to her lap. She loved brushing the blonde woman’s hair and Luhea delighted in it too. Today was about bonding between them.

“Good girl, tell me what you need.” Alex said, his voice distant and distracted. Yen could see in his eyes that he was fully focused on her body. It made Yen a little jealous, but she had been through this before and hoped he would do it again. It seemed to be something from his world and was one more wonder that she was happy he had brought to their world. Oiling up hands with scented oils and rubbing their partner down was an amazing experience.

“Relax my love and enjoy our lover’s fingers.” Yen said with a low purr. Luhea tried to protest, but it was clear she loved his touch.

“But, but, but I was in the in the in the wrong.” She panted. Yen licked her lips as she fought the urge to kiss Luhea.

“This is my way of saying I’m sorry.” Alex grunted as he rubbed her harder. Luhea was puddy in his hands as he pressed into her calves. Yen knew that feeling and the pressure that would soon be released. He moved to Luhea’s plump ass and the way his hands pressed into her made Yen bite her lip willing it was her own ass in his hands. Yen knew he would waste the precious oil on her if she asked, but it was a treasure from his world. That being said she wished her own body was being pampered by his touch if she was allowing herself to dream. Luhea distracted Yen by clawing at her bare legs as Alex’s hands moved to her lower back. That must be a sore spot. Given the size of Luhea’s breast, Yen knew that her lower back must hurt all the time or that was a common complaint from women with larger breasts. Yen didn't feel jealous of Luhea's size because she knew Alex loved her ears and tail. 

A long moan made Yen smile as she brushed Luhea's hair. Alex must have hit a good spot, his focus solely on his work. It was a little frightening how focused he could get at times, like a storm building that would topple the world if he wasn't careful.

When he was done, Luhea pulled Yen down to the bed and gave Alex an evil smile. “I'll help you with her.” Her hands were already shifting Yen into place on the bed.

“Is it okay?’ Yen asked. She was worried the small man might be running out of energy. 

“Try to stop me.” Alex replied, licking his chops. That always sent a shiver up Yen’s spine. As she lay on her back, Luhea and Alex talked. Luhea wasn't as skilled as Alex, but the small blonde was learning as they worked.

“Alex, I'm sorry.” She said and Yen could smell the sadness beginning to drift.

“It's okay.” He replied as he moved to Yen’s calves.

“You were right though.” Luhea continued. “I'll start training Gen in the morning.” Yen didn't fully hear or care what Luhea was saying as her mind had gone a little blank. The two worked together until every part of Yen was relaxed and felt loved. She turned to Luhea and gave her a wink and a nod at Alex. The blonde returned her wink and the two advanced on him. He put up his hands in protest, but they knew he would never turn down their touch.


Soon all three were lying in bed wrapped around Luhea. Alex was snoring softly as he clung to her middle. “Yen, thank you for tonight.” Luhea said quietly in the dark room.

“How did you know this was my idea?” Yen asked as she held her lover's hand.

“I know I hurt him and you. He isn't the type to think straight when he's mad.” Yen laughed at her words thinking of him turning a back alley into sand. Yen knew he would do anything to protect them, just as Luhea and Yen would. It was just one more thing she loved about the pair.

“He told me and know that you are forgiven.” Yen said as she rested her head on top of Luhea’s.

“How did I get so blessed?” Luhea asked. Yen kissed her cheek and held her tightly.

“Get some rest. You have a lot of work to do tomorrow.” Yen replied with a slight purr that turned into a yawn.



She and Gen were being escorted home by the big human called Meathead. He was holding Gen who was happily sleeping in his arms. Her mind kept drifting back on her conversation with Yen. She had feelings for Alex that she would never admit to. He wasn't unappealing, too harsh or even acted like a human most times. Her biggest issue with him was that he had Luhea’s attention and heart. It was the thing she wanted more than anything in this world and he had it.

She had an idea when they were at the inn and had worked things out with the Innkeeper so she could learn to cook. It was the one area that she knew she could excel at. Her mother used to tell her that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach and the saying should ring true for Luhea as well. “You, okay?” The big human asked.

“Yeah, just thinking about things.” Uta replied.

“Runt? That one seems to be a magnet for women.” He asked with a quiet laugh. Gen huffed in his sleep as he rolled over, holding his tail. 

“No, I wasn't thinking about him.” Uta shot back as she crossed her arms. Meathead shrugged and kept walking.

Soon their house came into view and Uta gave a sigh of relief. At least soon she would be able to smell Luhea. It hurt her to be this close and yet so far away from the one her heart longed for. She took her brother from the big blonde man and tried to give him a smile. “Thanks.” She said with what she hoped was a warm smile.

“No problem. Get some rest.” Meathead returned as he rubbed the back of his head. She closed and locked the door before taking her brother to their bed. He slept comfortably all the way, and she smiled at Fuzzball. He was just so cute when he was sleeping. Before she wanted, they were changed, and he was sleeping happily in her arms. Sleep didn’t take her though. The smells of the house were a little much for her. It smelled of lust, want and so much more. She could smell the need of Yen, Alex and most of all her. Her mind and heart was full of want and she got up slowly. The house was empty, and she moved through it aimlessly. Her heart was wanting, but she wasn’t sure she had the nerve to do what she wanted to do. She took a deep breath and headed for their room. Fuzzball should sleep for hours, and this would leave her free to follow her heart is she allowed herself to have the courage. She could hear soft snoring coming from that room and slowly creeped to the solid door. Her heart skipped a beat as the handle squeaked when she turned it. If they woke, she wouldn’t be able to at least see the ones she secretly turned for. Waiting with bated breath, she didn’t hear a change in the breathing of the three.

The door opened and she peeked in the see Alex sleeping as he held Luhea. The beautiful blonde woman was sleeping comfortably. Breasts exposed and filling Uta’s heart with want. All three were nude and a pair golden eyes that seemed to glow in the dark looked at her. Her heart froze as she looked into Yen’s eyes. The other woman blinked slowly and Uta started to close the door. A whisper came through the room, low enough so only they could hear. “Why not join us.” Yen said softly into the dark only their eyes could see. Uta gulped and her body moved on its own entering the room. “Come on, I know you want to.” Yen teased. Uta slowly moved, careful not to make a sound that the two humans could hear. She saw Yen lick her lips as she held Luhea. “Your nightgown.” Yen said as she shifted slowly. Uta looked at the door and bit her lip. She wanted to join them so badly that her lower half ached. A shiver ran up her spine as she reached a shaking hand up to slide down the shoulder of her gown. Normally she wore shirts and pants, but when she slept, she allowed herself to wear something more feminine. She wished she could wear more things like this, but she wanted to look more like Alex. Maybe if she looked more like him, Luhea would like her more.

With a subtle swoosh, the cloth slid over her body and fell to the wooden floor leaving her exposed to the room. The air was cool making her nipples stand on end. “Good girl, the oil would stain that lovely outfit.” Yen said as she shifted slowly making a space between herself and Luhea without waking Luhea. Uta’s tail spun slowly as she moved to the bed. Her fingernails traced the footboard as she took a deep sniff through her nose. It smelled so good. She could smell the need of each, the want for more and she felt it lift her as it drew her in. A hand moved out as Yen pulled her up the bed and between them. Her heart raced as she felt Luhea’s soft skin press into her as Yen wrapped around her. “No sex tonight. They need their sleep. In the morning things might be different.” Yen whispered into Uta’s pointed ear. She shook slightly at the tickling feeling. “I talked it over with Luhea, we welcome you into our family in any way you want.” Uta nodded at her words, not trusting her own voice. Uta’s hand moved slowly across Luhea’s belly to his hand. She bit her lip as her fingers slid over his rough hand to interlace with his. The man’s hands were so much larger and rougher than hers and they were so warm. She delighted in the feeling as they held the woman, they both loved. Yen let out a soft purr as she nuzzled Uta. It made her feel love, and she closed her eyes. A tear made its way out as she let herself drift away. She was happy in a way she never really dreamed of before.


Sorry for the delay on this one. Work has been kicking my ass lately. I hope to get another chapter out this weekend on this, but after that, I might back burner this book for a short while so I can start Book 3 of Savage Empire. You guys seem to be loving that book a lot more. Thank you to all those who bought the books on Amazon. Feel free to reach out with ideas or suggestions. I love your feedback. Stay amazing everyone.

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