Lord of the World: I Became a Zombie

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Full Suppression

Let me ask, what did Jiang Si sprinkle on his body?

Then you need to ask?

It is high-purity mineral salt!

This thing, all human players do not lack.

Mineral salt is also a very common material in the mines made in their territory.

Jiang Si is also a player.

Although there is no territory, you can still use the system, and you can also trade with other players.

Just on the way to march, he bought some from the system market.

The price is cheap and sufficient.

1 Doomsday coin can buy 10 kilograms of high-purity mineral salt.

How many frogs can’t be killed by pickling?

How about more?

Anyway, besides drawing cards, Jiang Si has no other use now.

So he bought 200 kilograms in one go, and bought all the mineral salt that all players had on the market.

To this end, the value of mineral salt on the market once rose.

Some little-known profiteers thought they could make a small fortune for this.

But Jiang Si’s original intention was to prepare something to meet unexpected needs, not to spread the frogs with salt.

It pays to do that.

Because once the frog carcasses are dehydrated, the cost of making assembled zombies will greatly increase.

And once the high-level giant frog is killed by this method, the cured meat will also become stale.

So, even for skills, for experience.

Jiang Si also had to kill the frog king himself.

As for salt, at best, it can be used as a means of self-defense.

Don’t you devour powerfully?

Then I’ll seal your skill away.

Good this time.

Poison doesn’t work on zombies.

Devouring it doesn’t work for Jiang Si either.

When the frog king saw this, although he was angry, there was nothing he could do.

How can it be unfair?

This is a life-and-death fight.

Whoever loses will die.

So even if you are unwilling, you have to bite the bullet.

clap clap.

The frog king stretched out his claws and scratched a few times in the poison pool.

Soak the front paws to reduce the reverse osmosis of some salt particles on body fluids.

Taking two steps forward, the huge frog palm was eliminated.

The mountains are overwhelming, covering in front of Jiang Si, like a mountain.

It’s a pity that Frog King doesn’t have skills like claw attack.

Although the huge body also brings it huge strength, the speed is really too slow!

Jiang Si concentrated his attention and calculated the landing point of the frog’s palm.

The body threw out to the side, and a tumbling dodged a blow.


The frog’s paw slapped the ground, splashing a lot of poisonous water and wet mud.

These things fell on Jiang Si and had no effect.

With a slight smile, Jiang Si couldn’t help but sigh.

The three skills of Swiftness Lv6, Sprinting Lv7, and Sprinting Lv3 are too powerful to gain physical flexibility.

Now he can not only make various complex movements.

Moreover, with the support of two zombie characteristics, the removal of the maximum limit of muscle use efficiency and the immunity to pain, his current physical quality has surpassed that of humans by a lot.

As soon as the Frog King hit the air, he fell into a brief freeze, but Jiang Si quickly regained his balance.

Take two rabbit horns from the item bar and wrap a thick layer of corpse poison on them.

The legs slammed into force and rushed forward with all their strength.


A dark shadow flashed.

Death entwined and flew out.

The distance has been shortened to such a position, and the frog king can’t avoid it at all.

In the blink of an eye, the front legs were hit by death energy, and the black energy penetrated into the epidermis, and soon a large wound was corroded like concentrated acid.


Jiang Si shouted loudly and inserted the rabbit’s horn into the frog’s leg with the utmost strength.

With two puffs, the sharp rabbit horns pierced the epidermis, and nearly half of it was deeply submerged.

The frog king groaned and retracted his front legs in pain.

Jiang Si is different from other zombies, the two rabbit horns in his hand are not twisted in his arms.

Seeing the frog king raising his claws, he released his hands in relief.

Anyway, the corpse poison has already entered the body and began to torture its body.

Even if you are huge, you won’t be dead for a while.

But once it is corroded by corpse poison, and there is no poison attribute immunity.

What awaits you is the same fate as the Horned Scale Python!

Pray now.

Pray that the system can give you a corpse poison resistance skill while the corpse poison is tormenting you.

Ha ha.

However, time seems to be running out.

The situation over there has become more and more clear.

Jiang Si smiled slightly and turned to look at the situation on the main battlefield.

At this point, nearly half of the giant frog clan had been killed.

During the fight, Jiang Si did not forget to turn the accumulated frog corpses into zombies again.

The number of enemies is constantly decreasing, and the number of undead is increasing instead of decreasing.

The inclination speed of the combat power of both sides is getting faster and faster, making the defeat of the frog clan more irreversible.

Soldiers on the spot.

This is really unfair.

But for the undead, whose attributes are at the bottom, the advantage in quantity and the ability to infect the deadly epidemic is an innate advantage.


But, of course, toxicity immunity and putting salt on the frog king’s tongue are very special cases.

It was also the reason why Jiang Si preferred to attack the swamp.

And the other two Lv5, Zerg Crypt and Elemental Wolf Nest.

With just this little undead at hand, it would be impossible to conquer them.

Even before hitting the core, it will be consumed by more than half, not to mention the wolf king and the zerg king of the same level as the frog king.

While thinking about it, more giant frogs have also fallen to the ground.

More than 170 corpses, and a total of more than 60 zombies were generated.

Zombie halo has been upgraded to Lv3, and two types of zombies can be selected to be generated.

Jiang Si now has enough meat shields, so this time, he made 50 corpses with fast thin limbs in one breath.

This is a zombie with a particularly enhanced agility. It runs very fast, and its hands are also mutated into long claws.

The sharpness is comparable to the horn of a killer rabbit, with strong output capability and high flexibility.

The moment the slender-limbed corpse appeared, the battle quickly turned into a slaughter.

The remaining spear-tongue giant frogs can’t resist at all, and the venom frog can’t form a combat force at all.

Only the poison sac giant frog in the front row was still struggling to support it, but it was about to collapse completely.


Seeing his fellow clan being brutally slaughtered, the Frog King’s anger also rose to a peak.

Ignoring the severe pain in its forelimbs, it rushed towards Jiang Si with all its might.

Have you fallen into madness?

Even if I die, will you still hold me on your back?


On the battlefield, you are not afraid of the old-fashioned, but of the desperate!

But it’s a pity, you retard, do you really think killing me is that easy?

Jiang Si complained, and at this moment, dozens of black shadows crossed the sky again.

Chi Chi Chi!

It was a salvo from the Skeleton Archers led by Neva.

The Frog King had seen this attack at the very beginning, and had also successfully resisted it.

Jiang Si is afraid of the salt grains on his body.

But arrows are not afraid.

Just when the six pupils caught the flying object in the sky, the big mouth opened subconsciously.

A huge tongue was thrown out, and it was thrown towards the arrow like lightning.

But this time, he suffered a loss.


Just when Jiang Si sprinkled salt on his body for the first time, he threw the remaining half a bag of salt on the archers’ position.

Surrounded by swamps, it is easy to find some water.

With water, it’s easier to wet the arrows and dip them in salt!

This time, the salvo was already covered with white flowers above the arrow.

As long as this frog king can calm down a bit and take one more look, he won’t suffer such a big loss!

quack quack!

A hysterical wailing roared out. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The Frog King’s tongue suddenly turned into a thorn.

Painfully retracting his tongue into his mouth, the frog king kept twisting and rolling on the ground.

Jiang Si seized the opportunity and waved to the main battlefield.

Immediately, a few assembled zombies agreed, left the team, and ran towards the frog king.

Frog king, huge in size.

Even in the face of combined zombies, it will never suffer.

But that’s also in normal conflict situations, it doesn’t mean it’s okay to turn its belly now.

Eight assembled zombies came and surrounded the frog king.

Four of them hugged its legs, while the others held its head and body.

The frog king had his feet in the sky, and was restrained by so many assembled zombies, and he was completely unable to move.

Jiang Si jumped onto its body and looked at its fair and tender belly.

Murderous, he took the sharp dagger from Neva’s hand and stabbed the frog king’s neck with force.


There was a cracking sound.

Then there was a tearing sound.

The skin on the back of the frog king’s back is rough, but this belly is unusually soft.

The dagger was sharpened very quickly, cutting down like a broken bamboo.

How the Internet Red Shop of Spicy Leaping Frogs killed the bullfrog, how Jiang Si killed the frog king today.

A continuous wound appeared from the neck to the tip of the tail, and immediately, the Frog King’s internal organs were sprayed to the ground.

What a mess! What a mess!

The frog king struggled in pain, and when he saw the zombies assembled around him, he pressed even more deadly.

quack quack!

The screams continued.

quack quack.

Howling appeared.

quack quack…

The sound is reduced.

In the end, the frog king was completely dead.

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